Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 309: Exploration and strategy

The width of the cave can accommodate up to 4 people walking side by side, but considering that it is necessary to avoid nature and cannot be crowded together when attacked, the strategy adopted by the Son of God is to let the international criminal police, who are known for their perception and reaction, walk in the front of the team, she and Hui Ye etc. Centered in response, naturally behind the ranks is an Interpol member who has strong power defense capabilities.

Although the team of thousands of people is an insignificant number compared to the total number of Norwegian monsters, this number of teams has also dragged into a long and narrow cave, and it has advanced about 500 meters. The fork was placed in front of everyone.

Each Interpol carries a long-lasting searchlight, but they did not turn on, because there is Huiye in this team, the precious Shenbao five-color dragon dragon jade is used for lighting, and the light they emit It will not dim as the distance becomes longer. Moderate light is locked by the eternal concept to cover the long queue until the distance of about 20 meters before and after suddenly disappears, forming a border between light and darkness.

"The left channel is wider, but there are abandoned ropes and spider webs everywhere, and the right side is still narrow, I think the left side should be the road." Hui Ye was holding an umbrella in the cave, because there was no water droplets condensed with minerals above The solute drops down, and Hui Ye doesn't want her hair to become wet and stick together.

   Shenzi said strangely: "Is this clue too obvious? You just said that the underground monster already knows our arrival, maybe you will encounter traps and ambushes when you walk to the left."

"Road setting is indeed a common method, but some people will choose to ambush on the road, don't you? God Son, you have overlooked an important issue, that is, the number of monsters on the ground, they don't have to guess where we will go, This is not a multiple choice question at all. If there are ambushes and traps, they are on both sides." Hui Ye pointed to the ropes and spider webs on the road. "Since there are clear instructions here that it is barrel demon and spider demon. The range of activities, then it is better for some familiar monsters than to explore the unknown."

There is no way for Interpol’s actions to hide Yakumo’s eyes and eyes. The monster sage who inherited the spirit of the Dragon God will naturally not sit and watch them, thus blocking the road from Norway’s underground to other realms. The reason why he did not intervene, On the one hand, the reason is that she and the monster were seriously injured after Iceland’s attack by Xiao Meiyan. On the other hand, naturally, she held the mentality of dragging the Earth Palace and even the Devil Realm and the other shore, and used the Divine Son’s disgust to aliens. , Even if she will restrain herself, but it may still cause disputes.

The development of the Forever Pavilion’s forces is inseparable from the stable rule of mankind, so Hui Ye cannot let the neutral forces join the Yakumo’s monster army. There is no real counselor in the Interpol commanded by the Son of God, such as Huo Qing’e and Su Wotu. Although they are a little clever since ancient times, it is far from enough to compete with Yakumo Zi. In order not to let the Divine Son fall into Yakumo Zi's trap, Hui Ye temporarily left the house and came to their team.

In order to avoid misunderstandings, Hui Ye first gave God Son a preventive shot: "Son Son, I have one thing to remind you, if you encounter Kismi or the Black Valley woman after entering, it is best not to launch an attack first, the monster under the ground Before the attitude is truly clear, we better fight for them to remain neutral."

"Without the guidance of the monsters under the ground, how could the army of Yakumo Zi quickly attack the Iberian battlefield underground, I don't think it's necessary to negotiate with them." Son of God is more rational than the previous spiritual dream, no Indiscriminately killing all monsters, but the underground monsters have been identified as enemies by her, it is not so easy to change this concept.

Hui Ye showed a contemptuous smile in a timely manner and continued to sarcastically say: "The rumored Prince Saint Virtue is no more than that. This war is a continuation of politics. Do you not understand this truth? Even if the monsters under the ground are malicious to humans, but They are not always third-party forces under the command of Yakumo Zi. Is it really appropriate to push them to the opposite side without making any effort?"

   The taunted Son had not spoken yet, and her brain powder could not help jumping out of the face pointing at Hui Ye: "You woman is too presumptuous, so dare to talk to His Royal Highness like this."

"That being said, you can still bite me." Hui Ye's mouth has always been a bit poisonous, watching someone impulse to ridicule even more, "The Japanese royal family really has nothing to praise. The emperor who was obsessed with this princess was also stupid. Even the prestigious Prince Sunduk could not be stronger. Instead, the royal family often produced some talent."

Fabu Budu's small face was flushed. When he was about to rebuke Hui Ye, he was caught by the Son of God: "I agree with you, but I believe the facts will prove everything. Everyone is ready for defense. Don’t take action when the monsters appear to listen to Hui Ye temporarily, they will immediately fight back once they attack."

  After finishing the speech, he looked at Hui Ye and added: "Is this all right?"

   "Loyalty is conducive to good deeds, not bad." Hui Ye claps his hands and praises the gods casually.

After a brief exchange, the team continued to move forward. As the road became more spacious, the formation was adjusted appropriately. The length of the team was reduced by more than half. From two forward and backward displacements, it became a five-person fan defense, which not only reduced The **** sons who were at the center when they were attacked were only embarrassed by their heads but not their humiliation. The spacious space will also make it easier to cooperate with defense.

   The brilliance of the five colors continues to illuminate the passage, but the sense of depression in the enclosed space cannot be driven away by the light. It is difficult for people who have not entered the deep cave to feel the inner throbbing and irritability. Human beings are terrestrial creatures who have a natural fear of the closed space where they can’t see the sky. What’s more, they have exerted this fear to the extreme. They will imagine that they are trapped in the atmosphere by the atmosphere and even imprisoned by the marginal universe. In infinite space.

   But humans are also social creatures, but when there are a lot of companions around, what kind of terror will be suppressed to the greatest extent. A few people in the Interpol team have claustrophobia, but there are no major problems.

There are obvious artificial signs on the left and right of the widened road. It is said that it should be a sign of a monster worker. The reason why it is so sure is that the monster has widened it. Hui Ye explained to Shenzi that the texture of the chisel is from top to bottom. If it is excavated by humans, it is impossible to be so straight, and it is more like a parallel wave.

"No one can really tell the type of monsters under the ground. I can't judge what the monster widens this channel. However, the monster has a clear class. The powerful monster will not do this kind of hard work, so there is no need to care. What kind of monster is digging." Hui Ye said, stroking the cave wall.

   The verbal just now made Wubu cloth's impression of Huiye very bad. After hearing the other party's words, cloth immediately said: "No one asks you what monster you dig. Does NEET like to talk to herself?"

"Hey, you have to pay attention to details everywhere when you are in a hostile situation. Something that you have overlooked will become extremely fatal in the next moment. It's hard to explain to you with your IQ." Hui Ye will not let it go. The cloth department all satirized himself, and immediately said in color.

Between the corners of the mouth, a sound of knocking on the cave wall suddenly came from the front. Budu and Penglaishan Huiye quickly closed their mouths and turned their attention. When they saw a lone wooden barrel hanging in the center, it seemed What force is used to start the pendulum movement, and the sound is made by impact on the rock, but it just sounded twice, and then the amplitude became a little bit smaller.

   There is no monster in the barrel, and the characteristic of the barrel demon should be hidden at the top. When someone passes by, it suddenly hits his head and has reached the purpose of scaring. Strictly speaking, the barrel demon is not very threatening.

   Such a weird wooden barrel stopped the progress of the Interpol. The God Son looked at Hui Ye. As if the other party didn't mean anything, he wanted to step forward with his own strength.

   "His Royal Highness Prince is dangerous, let me go." Wu Bubu saw Feng Cong Er Shenzi walked forward and quickly grabbed her.

"It's okay, the barrel demon can't hurt me." The **** son waved his hand carelessly. She didn't pay attention to this kind of low-level monster. If she was just scared, she would send her men to take risks. Face-saving things.

  Here, Hui Ye covered her forehead and said: "A strange wooden barrel There is no magical reaction, just walk over and go."

At this time, the Son of God had come to a halfway. She already had some understanding of Hui Ye's temper. Now no matter how much she ridicule, she was not as angry as before. When she was really close, she discovered that there was really no threat in this barrel. There is nothing more than a dead body with no visible species.

  When Shenzi was about to destroy this troublesome barrel, Hui Ye suddenly thought of something like shouting and ran to the front.

"what happened?"

"This is the trap of Yakumo Zi. I intentionally put a dead barrel demon in the middle of the road. Although its demon power has dissipated, the ethnic atmosphere still exists. I think the barrel demon’s active range is in front. If we look at This thing is unpleasant to destroy it, and it will definitely cause the hostility of the barrel demon family." Hui Ye knows that her opponent is Yakumo Zi, so she has always been very vigilant, but she did not expect to be almost negligent. The wooden barrel that was obstructed was calculated.

"The only thing that can do such complicated things in these little things is Yakumo Zi. It seems that my previous guesses are not wrong. The monsters on the ground are not really attached to Yakumo Zi. The next step is to fight for the other party’s neutrality and even cooperate with us to block the underground passage. By the way, everyone present is always paying attention to your actions before leaving the ground, because it is likely that one of your actions will cause the team to go into unnecessary trouble." Hui Ye’s eyes appeared a faint starlight, as if suddenly I found something interesting in general. "It will definitely be interesting to confront Bayunzi."

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