Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 325: Fission

Whether it was a coincidence or a tacit agreement, Meihong's drunkenness of Emperor Xin provided great help for Yue Zhong's plan, not only involved enough time for Yue Zhong to take time to deter the two in the palace. A goblin, a drunken king who was drunk much better than when he was awake.

Di Xin took Su Daji and Mei Hong back to the palace before going to sleep. Wen Zhong put a heavy ban on Mei Hong to ensure that she was still not at ease after she was in control. The palace guards she just chased He suspected that an unidentified guy had sneaked into the palace to try to be unfavorable to the king. With this thought, he decided to send Dixin back to the palace in person. His decision, whether it was Su Daji or Mei Hong, was unable to object.

The emperor's ceremonial ceremonies were restarted. Dixin, who was already unconscious, was carefully supported by several servants and got on the carriage. It seemed that Su Daji, who was on the sister's red bar, invited the other to ride in the same car. In the past, she had seen the scene when countless people begged for her dead rival Huiye. Although the status of this man was extremely high, she was unwilling to lose to Huiye in this respect, unless Dixin could satisfy her. , Otherwise she will not agree to marry him, if you want to use strong, it is really the wrong person.

Even at the moment of being taken away forcibly, Meihong still thinks that she is higher than Huiye. As for what will happen to her marriage, Meihong said she doesn’t understand it at all. I was curious to know about this matter before. After being hit by Huiyin's head, he did it.

At this moment, Yue Zhong has completed all his arrangements, and he has harvested two more fairies that are quite afraid of him. Then this heavy rain that hides his eyes is not necessary to continue. Although the power of Saki is endless, it is always the case. It’s not very good to use. In fact, in his heart, he still has some helplessness and estrangement. It doesn’t matter who is right or who is wrong. It is just the most basic emotional response of a person.

After the rain, the streets of Chaoge were still wet, and the fresh and original taste of the nature was hearty. Rumors of the corpse of the tragic death. Although the people went out to visit friends and relatives, it gradually spread. The ratio of the people in Chaoge City The peasants who came from the sunrise and died at sunset came to have more gossip time. They all used their brain tonic ability to fabricate a variety of supernatural versions to infer the cause of death of the unlucky ghost because of the special method of death. Basically, it is believed that the monster did it. The residents near the alley have negotiated to raise money to hire a magic stick to get rid of the demon, otherwise they live in fear every day.

   "I heard that there is a profound Taoist priest on the Kunlun Mountain who went down the mountain to experience it. How about asking him to come to Chaoge City, we raised money to build a dojo to avoid worries for the future."

   "It's okay to raise money, but you can take the bulk, otherwise we small people will not be able to get so much money." Next to the house is the ordinary people in the place where Jiashi died.

The rich businessman enjoyed this superior sense of superiority, but he didn’t want to be the wrongdoer, and he wanted to say a few more words when a group of ferocious guards rushed over to disperse them, and not long after Di Xin’s reliance passed this alley mouth.

Wen Taishi first rode a dark-colored unicorn beast to open the way for Emperor Xin. When passing through this alley, he seemed to notice something wrong, but even if the power of solar terms was alienated, it was still a natural phenomenon, and he was good at distinguishing Wen Zhong finally found no hard evidence to prove where his unease came from.

The party finally arrived at the gate of the King's Palace. The cautious Wen Zhong summoned the guard of the palace gate and asked the guards why the guard was leaving the palace. The other party said that he did not see what the person looked like, even the guard was bizarre. One person was missing.

"Jiantai Master, I have ordered people to step up the search everywhere in the palace, but I found a body of the maid of the maid with the whole body's blood drained in the royal garden. There was no gain." The guard of the palace gate said with a scalp, He knew that the Taishi, who was holding the world's soldiers and horses in front of him, had a very strict management of the army, and such a big thing happened within his scope of defense. If he was held accountable, he might not be able to escape.

"So there is a demon mixed in in the palace?" Wen Zhong didn't have a voice that could suppress his speech. He looked back at Di Xin's chariot. He was hesitant to let the king return to the palace. It’s not good for the monster of Dianxin to hurt Dixin while he is not paying attention.

Speaking unintentionally, listening was intentional. Su Daji, who was across the curtain, saw Wen Zhong looking over and felt a little tight in her heart. Her sister’s affairs were very clear by herself. Was this terrifying Taishi found it, If it is not handled well, I am afraid I will be exposed.

   had to hurry back to the palace, otherwise he could not cover Xiaoyu. Thinking of here, Su Daji secretly shot her magic power to temporarily wake up the sleeping Emperor Xin.

   The sleepy Emperor Xin rubbed his bloodshot eyes, and asked in a dry voice, "Ai Fei, where are we?"

   "The king, has arrived in front of the palace gate, but Taishi seems to be dealing with something, and we are temporarily blocked out." Su Daji leaned towards Di Xin's arms, and the coquettish voice induced the other to say.

   "Why Taishi also followed, the lonely king was so tired that he quickly gave way to the channel." After Di Xin was drunk, he became a lot more courageous. He usually didn't dare to treat Wen Zhong like this.

  Only Mei Hong found the anomaly in the whole team. From the alley, she vaguely noticed a trace of a very familiar power system, and the fluctuation of this power behind the palace gate was more obvious. The sister Hong who once had a fight with Yue Zhong was stupid and knew that Yue Zhong must have set a trap to save himself. What he needs to do now is to let these people go in.

  Thinking about this, Meihong temporarily abandoned her prejudice to Su Daji and said in her own way: "This Master Wen Tai is really powerful. You are suppressed by him like a quail."

Di Xin can't stand the words of a woman anymore. Whether it is Su Daji's deliberate meeting or Mei Hong's contempt, he feels that if he doesn't enter this door today, he is not worthy of the day. The drunk was forcibly awakened and he had no strength. Thinking more about what happened, the emperor ordered Ming Wenzhong to make way.

No matter how strong Wen Zhong is, in the final analysis, he is just a courtier, otherwise he will not end in a foolish and loyal death in the battle of the gods, and facing the emperor of Emperor Xin will cause him even more concerns. It is impossible to violate it in a large crowd, not to mention that although he notices that something is not right, he can't find any evidence to prove what kind of dangers Di Xin will encounter after entering the palace.

  Even if the power is tilted, he is not a dissident power minister. After all, damaging the dignity of the emperor will not do him any good. It’s a big deal to send Emperor Xin into the palace and use his magic to find out the evil spirit and kill it.

Gong Wei gave way to the two sides of the road, and the emperor stepped into the palace gate with full of honor. Yue Zhong, who was re-disguised as a guard, stood beside and looked at it with cold eyes, when the chariot carrying Dixin passed the palace gate, Suddenly discovered that Wen Zhongbao, who had a powerful mana explosion, drove the ink-colored unicorn beast directly into the honour. However, the speed of the unicorn beast was a little late, and a thunderbolt in the sky brought Xuanyuan wrapped in the cloud. Xia Yujian plummeted straight down, demolished all the buildings above the palace gate, and broke through the car cover to penetrate the ground directly.

The light of the sacred road shone with all its strength, bathed in the golden yellow color, there were the wonders of the day and the spring and autumn of the trees and trees. The sword body pierced the earth and tore the land to open a huge canyon, a whole piece The palace wall suddenly collapsed and sank into the bottomless valley, the Tianzi car pulled by the four horses was extremely small under the fission of the earth, and it even fell into it with no sound. Bottom.

Xuanyuan Xia Yujian and Yue Zhong did not have a high degree of agreement. Naturally, such amazing power did not erupt in his hands. Yue Zhong only used it as a gimmick to attract the attention of others, and it was still Saki that really caused such a huge momentum. The power of solar the valley, there is a long flowing underground river. All of this water comes from the rainfall of Fangcai and Chaoge. All the rainfall penetrated the ground and did not mix with the soil, but instead Converged from the gaps in the soil to dissolve all the soil and rock layers under a large wall of the palace. When Yue Zhong released the control of them, the strength supporting the surface attachments disappeared instantly, and the fragility was like a piece of paper. The layer naturally cannot bear the weight of the roof and triggers the massive fission of the earth.

The holy light of Xuanyuan Xia Yujian is faint, and the display of this power is completely beyond Wen Zhong's cognitive scope. The seemingly mana fluctuations can't find the source at all. Is it all from the natural punishment, the majesty? The traces of surpassed the emperor, as if the breath from the ancients made all the existence of human beings unable to bear a trace of resistance.

But even so, even if he acted against the fate of the heavens, Wen Zhong, who had to protect the Yin and Shang dynasties, could not control so many. Emperor Xin was the symbol of this dynasty. If he really died from heaven's punishment, then the hearts of the people will necessarily be The chaos, those mischievous princes will inevitably take advantage of this opportunity to commit chaos on a large scale. Even if there is only a hint of possibility, he will rescue Emperor Xin, and then find a convincing reason to explain all this.

   "If the holy sword can be found, the king's mountains will be stabilized."

With this idea, Wen Zhong drove the ink-colored unicorn beast into the valley. This rare beast does not have the ability to ride the waves and can only step on the protruding stone cliff. At this moment, the frame of Dixin has been The suddenly formed underground river rushed to nowhere. Wen Zhong had no choice but to follow the flow of the river all the way.

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