Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 327: Ways to cultivate passers-by tyrants

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   Seeing that Wen Zhong would be persuaded by Yue Zhong, unwilling to appear another Emperor Xin who could suppress his character rushed to him anxiously and said: "This person commits disguise and acts as a god, and the master quickly kills him."

"...He was right. Someone on the Kunlun Mountain did go down, and went straight to Chaoge, presumably to investigate the situation." Wen Zhong closed his eyes for a while, and finally said when Di Xin was impatient. , "Hell the demon fox first, then make the decision, Xuanyuanjian, do you have an opinion?"

"You can do it, but you can kill it, the three souls and the seven souls, and they are taken away. After all, she is Nuwa's men. We can't do too much. Instead, the emperor desecrates Nuwa and wants him to fast for seven days. "Come on the altar to ask for guilt." Yue Zhong's statement cut off Su Daji's hopes. She had been shattered directly by a whiplash before asking for forgiveness. The first generation of demon died without any pain.

The soul drilled out of the body just wanted to run away, and I saw Wen Zhong's big hand gathered it in his hand. He was worried that there was nothing in custody. Yue Zhong threw the green cloth wrapped in the Xuanyuan sword in time. This strange piece Since Qingbu can trap the divine power of Xuanyuan Xia Yujian, it is natural to wrap Su Da's own soul.

Because it was Yue Zhong’s thing, Wen Zhong was also embarrassed to force it out, so he had to leave Qingbu and Su Daji’s soul to Yue Zhong for custody. Di Xin, who had completely ignored his speech, finally realized that he really didn’t have anything in front of them. No matter what status, even if his body is burly and capable of rivaling a hundred people, it will be no different from ordinary people in the face of the cultivator and Xuanyuan sword.

   "Wen Taishi, please also lift the ban on this phoenix girl."

Wen Zhong naturally agreed to Yue Zhong’s request. After knowing that someone intended to plot against the Yin and Shang dynasty, everything became a trivial matter in his eyes. The top priority was to reorganize the emperor Xin’s king, but to educate people. On the other hand, he didn't have any good solution. Normal soldiers can do high-pressure training, but Di Xin's identity as the Son of Heaven is there after all.

After regaining her freedom, Mei Hong glanced at Su Daji's body blankly. Compared with Su Daji's demon power, she was not much worse than herself, but because of Yue Zhong's simple sentence, she became the victim of this meeting. After more than a month, Yue Zhong had some changes, and he was even more ruthless to outsiders.

"Let's go back to the palace and discuss again." Yue Zhong looked at Di Xin with a playful look, he really wanted to protect the Yin Shangjiangshan, otherwise he would not conceal Wen Zhong's third head from his heart. In the absence of JIAO's ability, this king, who was famous for his brutality in history, said that he must not fall into his own hands.

The huge crack in front of the King’s Palace became a spectacle of Chaoge City. According to witnesses, a golden sword directly penetrated the palace gate structure and the massive collapse caused by Dixin’s carriage. Afterwards, people took it for granted that it was heaven and could not see the brutality of King Yu and lowered the punishment.

However, this joy has not lasted long, and the bad news that Wen Taishi re-appeared in the palace with Di Xin then came out. It is said that they were also followed by a man and a woman, and the man shrouded in the golden glory of the holy sword. Seeing what it looks like, it must have been the person who exhibited the punishment. Isn't he even conquered by Master Wen Tai?

For a time Wen Taishi was not dead. The speeches of the Yin and Shang Dynasties were as steady as Mount Tai. The reputation of Wen Zhong was once again pushed to a peak. The people loved him to wipe out the four sides so that they did not have to suffer the scourge of war, but hated him for being a loyal tyrant. No penalty is allowed.

At the small pavilion in the imperial garden of the King's Palace, the Minister of Civil Affairs and Warriors summoned by the order of the emperor was on the way to rush, and Yue Zhong and others temporarily rested here without doing anything.

"You heard the rumors in Chaoge City, not that I was talking nonsense, your Emperor Xin has lost the hearts of the people, everyone is expecting you to die." Yue Zhong said in a dangerous tone, "Do I consider listening? The opinions of the people."

Emperor Xin Xin shrank his body subconsciously. From the fact that he did not hesitate to let Wen Zhong kill Su Daji, this Xuanyuan sword was indeed a kind of indifferent person, or he was not a person himself Then, I am afraid that his behavior is based on one idea. I am afraid that he will not take too much into account if he really wants to kill himself.

   It can be seen that Yue Zhong has successfully established a special image in Di Xin's mind, just like every young girl who competes with Miyako Saki, panic and unreasonable performance.

   This misunderstanding came from Yue Zhongle's opinion, so he didn't need to change anything at all. No matter how brutal the tyrant, he always sacrificed his life. As long as he always felt that his life was in danger, then he would not dare not listen.

   Emperor Xin stubbornly replied: "The common people's views are not enough."

"It is the common people who hold the soldiers for you, and the common people who build the palace for you. Even if your food, clothing, and housing are not the same, you can leave these common people. If the way of the king departs from the common people, the doctor of the princes will have No doubt, the princes of the world have the foundation to be unwilling to be a minister. At that time, it was not your origin that could be overwhelming, nor was it too shocked by Wen Taishi or my Xuanyuan Xia Yujian." Yue Zhong was not polite. Pointed to Emperor Xin and said sharply, "From today on, I want you to be diligent and loving the people. I will ask the people to be sick in the twenty miles of the day and the morning. If one day is tired, I will break your finger, and ten fingers will break you. One arm, when all limbs are abolished, it is the day when I take the top rank of your item."

   "How is this possible, I will be lazy and you cut your finger one day, and the next day is painful. How can I go out to inspect the palace." Di Xin looked at Wen Zhong and found that he did not respond at all, and quickly retorted.

   "Then don't let me find an opportunity." Yue Zhong said back to Meihong: "Sister Red, you come to supervise whether Di Xin's daily behavior violates my rules."

   Seeing Di Xin’s painful expression after eating Xiang, Wen Zhong said a little unbearably: "Xuanyuanjian, is this kind of request too much? After all, the king is still the emperor of the emperor, and doing so is detrimental to majesty."

"His notoriety has spread all over the world, and he will no longer make obvious repentance. He will die in the future, but he will not be able to bear the responsibility of Yin Shangjiangshan, and the replacement will persecute himself in order to adapt himself to the will of God. To retaliate, future generations will only set him up as a negative example to promote their claims. By then, they will be destroyed by the mountains, even if he does not do any evil deeds, all his merits will be erased by history. For a long time, the entire Shang Dynasty will have a huge stain because of him." Yue Zhong gave full play to the advantages of the crossover and said the problem was very serious. Then there was no reason for Wen Zhong to plead for Emperor Xin.

In a young age, the group of ministers who reappeared after hearing that Di Xin was punished by heaven rushed to the Chaotang. After receiving the news, Wen Zhong and Yue Zhong left and right as they escorted Di Xin and followed him to go to the North Korea for emergency proceedings. .

  Because they had to do superficial work, the two didn't walk over Di Xin's position in one step. When entering the hall, Wen Taishi's face was serious and he didn't squint, but Yue Zhong deliberately released the glory of Xuanyuanjian while glancing at the people present.

In this court, there are not many capable generals and generals who are dreamed of by any monarch. However, there are also many small villains, but they have lost Su Daji, the demon who blows the pillow, and Yue Zhong and Mei Hong With their guardianship, they can no longer turn over the waves. It can be said that the foundation of Yin Shang ZTE still exists. As long as their king Shangxian Ming hires people, the princes will not have much chance to subvert the rule of the Shang Dynasty.

Chaotang was the place where the king and his fellow ministers communicated. The high position allowed only Tianzi to sit down alone. Wen Zhong had already entered the chief position of the military official group halfway, but Yue Zhongmu showed up wildly and followed him up to wait for him. After sitting down, Yue Zhong stood aside and closed his eyes with his hands and sword.

The ability to walk into the chapel with a soldier's blade is enough to show that this person's status is extraordinary. From the golden light of the sword body, the group officials guessed the identity of Yue Zhong, so no one spoke out, and after a moment of silence, Di Xin said slowly. : "People love Qing, the widows have been enthralled by demons and dysfunctional government recently, so that the people do not talk about the country's instability. Fortunately, there was a prince who had heard from the imperial prince in the dynasty that he would be sober for the widows to get rid of the demon."

Hearing Di Xin say such words, Fei Zhongmai, one of the favored officials, pointed out Yue Zhong who was in B: "Where did the king say this, has Da Niji already been killed? The car of the person who committed this disorder is broken in the city!"

The situation is already obvious, but Fei Zhong has to take a huge risk to try to save the situation. Once Di Xin is really trying to abolish and alienate them, because the pleasing gang of favored officials that Di Xin has already made enemies among the group of ministers will sooner or later die word.

"Shut up, Su Daji has been determined by the priest teacher that it is a nine-tailed demon fox. With the help of Xuanyuan sword, you will eventually be beheaded. You are waiting for the death of the evil spirit to confuse the king again. What is the heart of Yue Zhong now?" In addition to the scary identity, there is no prestige in Chaotang, so Wen Zhong's timely voice clarified the truth of the matter, completely blocking the retreat of Fei Zhong and others.

Yue Zhong also opened his eyes when he heard the sound. After looking at Fei Zhong, who jumped up and down, he sneered and looked sideways to see Emperor The latter saw the threat of the other party, even if he couldn't bear it anymore. He must also make a decision.

"Fei Zhong, You Hun and others cholera Chaogang, corrupted the reputation of the widowed people abroad, the crime is not forgivable, and now a glass of poisoned wine is given to death, and the family is not to be investigated." Di Xin's words directly determined their life and death .

A crowd of armoured soldiers poured into the hall and dragged Fei Zhong and others who knelt down and begged out. The presence of the business was more than anyone else, and their king finally changed, and he did not hesitate to eradicate the traitor. It does not involve the family, and it is the same as changing a person compared with the tyrant of the Nine Clan who is always moving.

  Don’t Heaven pity me Yin Shang, did the King finally wake up?

   "Report, there is a person outside the palace asking for advice. He claimed to be Shen Gongbao, from the Kunlun Mountain."

Hearing the report from the guards, Yue Zhong knew that the key figures of the Yin Shang in the battle of the gods were finally gathered, and then they would look at Xiqi to see if Jiang Ziya would dare to turn back: "In order to hold me back, they will definitely On the contrary, is it the battle of the gods..."

PS: Yue Zhong has come to an end here, the specific details of the Battle of the Gods will not be described in detail in the text, after all, the theme of this volume in the fantasy town era, the Battle of the Gods and the National Contest will be returned to the outside, wait to write Make up after finishing the text. In addition, I have asked for votes. Recently, there have been a lot of recommendations. Please work hard to get some votes by logging in to your account. I hope these things will come alive. (A good event to drop a pie in the sky, a cool mobile phone is waiting for you! Pay attention to ~dot/Chinese network public number (WeChat add friends-add public number-enter qdread)), participate immediately! Everyone has a prize, now immediately Follow qdread WeChat public account!)

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