Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 340: The ending of the plan

The appearance and death of Kyousuke Uejo caused a sudden intensification of the contradiction between the magical girl, and Shimizu Renmi and Miki Sayaka, who fell into anger, attacked Xiaomeiyan with all their strength and even ignored the dense satellite artillery array that staggered and dropped. The two finally approached Xiao Meiyan's side.

   The green leaves of the tree of wishes turned into a green gleam around the ankles of the two, and with their supreme wish, they gave the two the strength to resist the ripples of resistance.

The arrow of the pure world with a certain determination came first, and the cherry light dust scattered across the world was constantly painting a simple but sacred rule circle. The power of wish has a terrifying role in further strengthening the wishes of others. When Lumu Yuanxiang forgot the identity of her opponent in an instant, the absolute will to kill the witch was unprecedentedly powerful. Even after Xiaomeiyan stripped the reason of the fallen ring, her soul gem did not appear again. In a certain sense, this also means that her identity is already a witch, but it is only after her strength and will defeat despair that she has fought in this position until now.

The arrow of the pure world under the two-phase increase came to Xiao Meiyan's eyes in an instant, and the glory of this arrow was so beautiful, but its goal was to kill itself with three points of helplessness and seven points. Consolation, Xiao Meiyan can only watch when Lumu Yuanxiang's attack is pressing, step by step, when she stops with all her strength: "Xiaoyuan, you have grown to protect this world."

   It is not Xiaomeiyan's style to go to death calmly. Even if it is Lumu Yuanxiang who wants to kill her, if she needs to answer it or the previous sentence, her wish is not dead.

  The violent brilliance of purple and pink broke out on the lunar wheel. The miracle that also appeared brilliant was the golden shape of the dragon-shaped positive momentum sword. The giant moon and Zhoutian stars were cut under the sword. Because it took all the strength to resist the arrow of Lumu Yuanxiang, Xiao Meiyan could only watch the justice that broke through the sky and all the satellite groups on the earth's orbit were knocked down. Blood rushed to her side, and the dark red air flowed on her like a hot lava, burning pain.

The crow and the demon were killed in several battles, the stars fell and the moon shattered, and the time and energy of the whole body was exhausted because they resisted the full blow of Lumu Yuanxiang. Xiao Meiyan had no power to stop the murderous dragon in front of her. The sword girl did nothing.

   The sharp edge against all evil is so fierce, it lifts up and locks Xiao Meiyan's neck, even if the supernatural science he masters is extremely powerful, if the head is cut off, there is no way to reconnect it.

   "Lost, that means dying?"

At the moment, Sayaka has lost most of her reason because of the death of Kyousuke. Although the girl in front of her once let her find herself in the lost way, compared with the sins she committed, the gratitude has long been It's gone.

"Don't hesitate, Sayaka, kill her quickly!" Whether it is Lumu Yuanxiang or Miki Sayaka's attack actually has a great harm to the witch, and Zhizhu Renmei, who is advancing with satellite fire, is approaching Xiaomei. At the same time, Yan will also be eroded by the aftermath of energy. When all the witches are wiped out, she can come to Xiao Meiyan's side completely with a will to support, and after supporting it now, Zhizhu Renmei lies In the pool of blood shouted with the last energy.

   A sentence is especially important when it matters. Because of his oath and feelings, Sayaka, who is finally struggling in his heart, slammed the dragon-shaped positive momentum sword: "You are not a magical girl."

The green light tugging on Sayaka's ankle suddenly pulled back, causing the blade of the dragon-shaped positive-sword to pass through the white neck, and the blue vines swirled like snakes and hovered for Xiao Meiyan. The deadly swordman, who brought the wish of victory to the magical girls, did not know when to stand in front of Xiao Meiyan. With his back turned to face, Sayaka looked down at Xiao Meiyan who was kneeling weakly on the ground and said: "It's enough. You have worked hard enough, Homura. If you give up your life, you can't do anything you want to do."

"Shen Qu, are you crazy, actually want to save this demon!" Sayaka asked with wide-eyed eyes and angrily, between the great help he had for himself and the friendship or friendship that was established in the process. Shayega was not crazy enough to wield a sword at Shen Qu.

"Sayaga, can you really kill her ruthlessly? I know that the death of Kyousuke Uejo hit you hard, but I asked you before, you said you don't care anymore, even if you watch him with Renmei, You still laugh happily, don’t you? Shen Qu refuted the concept of rebuttal. For him, Kyousuke was so dead that it was the right time. Although there was such a bit of intolerance, if he didn’t die, he said to Sayaka After all, there is a hindrance. And if the last article is Kyousuke, I am afraid that these magical girls will not reach the point where life and death are opposite...

When Shen Qu spoke of Zhizhu Renmei's previous thoughts, Sayaka felt a little panic: "Don't open the subject, answer me why you are saving this guy, you should have nothing to do with her, and She always wanted to kill you."

Shen Qu took a deep breath and said to Xiao Meiyan, who has a complicated look: "We can actually be friends, just like Yue Zhong at the beginning, but it was not when I came, and the things I did made you feel angry, here I apologize to you."

"Sayega, I really want to save her. As long as the person who is still alive, no matter how irritating she has been, there is a chance of atonement. If she dies, there will be no chance. She will Always bear the infamy of the world, the accusations of loved ones and friends, such an ending... I cannot accept such an ending!" Shen Qu's tone gradually became heated, "I am afraid that her past is better than any of you. It’s not entirely her own fault to go to this step. If you commit all these sins to her, the world will be too cruel. The world I’ve dreamed of in my heart must not be like this!"

"Enough is enough, I don't want to listen to this. If Xiao Meiyan doesn't die, then what is she hurting so many people? Will your sympathy and compassion wipe out all traces of their existence?" Sayaka lifted up again Dragon-shaped positive momentum sword, Jian Feng pointed directly at Shen Channel, "How can you withstand tens of thousands of innocent lives by your own salvation!"

"Xiaoyan can do it. The technologies she has mastered are so powerful. As long as she can re-understand the reality and cheer up, it is not a problem to resurrect the dead. There was not a magic called Chisao Yukiyo before. Has the girl ever done such a thing?” Speaking here, Shen Qu showed a trace of disdain. “You know the process of those people we are going to save. However, most of them are a little abominable, and even hurt them. The sins of others, the vast majority of Homura's killings are this kind of people, which is enough to make me believe that she is not so evil."

   Hearing this, Sayaka silenced for a moment and said in a cold voice: "That is to say, you have decided to help her at the last minute very early? We have been disguising and covering up when we were together?"

   "I don't have it. It has always been very happy to be with you, but you are too excited now. It is still possible to resurrect Kyousuke."

Sayaka obviously couldn't listen to what Shen Qu said. Anyway, Shen Qu's current behavior made her feel chilled. The reason for his rescue of Xiao Meiyan seemed lofty but totally untenable: "If you think so If so, try to protect her. I will not be merciful under my sword."

   Sayaka's powerful Shen Qu is very well understood, and she does not have a high chance of winning the match with her own wish force that she has not mastered now. The golden Jianhui never utterly tirelessly swallows. He was originally showing kindness to the dragon head, who is fairly kind. If it is possible, it will definitely bite itself into a piece of meat and swallow it?

"Xiaoyan, you don't want to die, no matter for yourself or Yue Zhong, please stay strong." Shen Qu solemnly extended his hand to Xiao Meiyan, who was still in a daze on the ground. The two amazing encounters were him In any case, the main reason to protect this young girl, if it is a girl of average appearance, he will also be quite struggling in making this decision, right?

   "Do you want to save me? Is a person like me also worth saving?" Xiao Meiyan's face had no tears, and the tone of the question was weak and weak.

  The power of Shayega's sword is still rising. She also knows the resilience of Shen Qu's wish. If she is not prepared enough, whether she can win is still unknown.

"No matter what you have done in the past, as long as you still have kindness in your heart, it is worth saving." Shen Qu said very solemnly, "The dark road is not for you after all, if you have any wishes, please tell me, I will use you Of this wish to win!"

The branches of the wishing tree stretched toward Xiao Meiyan, losing the time when the decisive battle could only wait for death. The girl's eyes burst out with a desire to survive. She did not refuse the goodwill sent by Shen Qu, but let the wish link To reach your own heart.

"I feel your wish, let's fight together, Xiaoyan." Shen Qu faced Sayaka calmly after completing his final goal. The wish from Xiao Meiyan was nothing more than Lumu Yuanxiang. Weak, he now has enough strength and courage to face the dragon sword girl who is almost invincible.

The tree supports the sky and the glory, the best wishes and the most just will collide head-on. The splendid dragon sword cuts all the veins and branches directly into the front of the sink, but the closer it gets, the greater the resistance. , The shackles from all directions are like obstacles in the cage. Sayaka had to explode all the power to pierce the sword forward towards the heart of Shenqu. If she was merciless, she might lose. In the other hand.

"Sayaga, you have no chance of winning." Shen Qu can feel how huge the wish is when she comes to herself. Presumably, Meiyan has also analyzed her ability before. She must know how to do it to get herself. Maximum improvement.

   Seeing this scene, Ba Mami suddenly sneered. Kyoko next to her felt strange that she hadn't had time to ask questions, and an unexpectedly huge reversal had taken place on the battlefield.

The dragon-shaped positive momentum sword pierced the heart of Shen Qu without hindrance. The wishing power that should have been continuously supplied not only receded like a tide, but the pulling force of receding even wrapped his most wishful tree species. A little bit away from his body.

"There is something wrong with what you said just now, this world has always been so cruel, why have you lived until now, why haven't you thought about it? I once betrayed Yue Zhong to let him suffer great pain alone, so betray you too There is no problem." Xiao Meiyan, who was still extremely weak before, actually stood up like nothing else, reaching out and savagely holding the wish tree into the hand from the body pierced by the dragon-shaped positive potential sword. "I don’t need any People are saved because this is the way I decided. Whether it is correct or not is in accordance with the good and evil of mankind. I don’t need a savior, especially a savior like you."

   "This ending has been planned for some time, are you still satisfied? This gift will be handed over to Yue Zhong for you, and I have been studying how to take it. I tried it after I got the result today, it went smoothly."

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