Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 396: Enemy on the Moon

Persecution is also good for lure. Yue Zhong reluctantly stopped the forces of the various parties in Fantasy Township from fighting in their own world before the strong enemy attacked. They mixed them together before the details of the parties had been exhausted, although they could be foreseen. The future has played a powerful fighting force, but the hidden dangers are also obvious. Not everyone is willing to go for him. The bond exists, but there is a danger of breaking at any time.

The collusion between Okazaki Mengmei and the moon surface is nothing new, but it is possible to forcibly open a second new channel in the Great Enchantment when the inherent channel is blocked, and the applicability of the probability laboratory is not weak. However, it is conceivable that this kind of power is limited. Otherwise, Okazaki Mengmi has long used the army of the moon to completely control the US emperor and challenge the world, instead of hiding and hiding in the present.

Rikako Asakura, who is in the Probability Lab, is the only witness who has witnessed the appearance of the Moon Army. She has the most intuitive understanding of the strength of the Moon Army, but I don’t know why she didn’t even meet Yue after the showdown with Bayi Yonglin. The intention to get back in touch.

This time the lunar army is no longer so simple to send some moon rabbit soldiers to charge up. Mianyue Yiji personally led the expedition, and countless lunar combat aircrafts continue to appear through the large enchantment cracks made by the probability laboratory. The glorious glory of the crescent moon is the flickering colors of the flying machine called Shuo Yue. The moon array in the sky is as beautiful as the fluorescent butterflies. The Western Hemisphere was at dawn at that time, and the breath of the moon was even dark. Dispersed together, the shuttle moon battlefield flew towards the horizon under the light of dawn, ignoring the possibility of the existence of the spaceship, and Asakura Rikako had no ability to stop them.

"Isn't it time enough? It's five hours before the prefabricated system controls the Great Enchantment. The Emperor's Sword of Wrath has tried its best to slow down its operation. This is the maximum time limit I have calculated." With the energy output of the prince of the dwelling, it was impossible to draw a gap to match the attack. The colored and intangible temperament was inseparable from the enemy, so the remaining fighters on the suspended mothership did not play any role, so Okazaki dream The United States can only count on the arrival of the army on the moon to give the Shenhuo a fatal blow.

As for why the army of the moon surface only appears now, it is the reason why Okazaki Mengmei has been delaying time before. The blockade of the Great Enchantment is not so good to break through. Xiao Meiyan used to take it without a very good way. To be able to come in as a medium, the probability to solve the crack channel requires not only the shaking of the great enchantment change, but also a lot of time.

"Enough is enough. Shuoyue is the latest achievement of the monthly capital. We arrive in ten minutes." Mianyue Yiji sits on the flagship and has a full sense of superiority to the backward and dirty earthly people. Although Shuoyue has not reached the universe The degree of free shuttle, but it is possible to move in the solar system, even if it is affected by atmospheric resistance on the earth, but its speed is still amazingly fast: "Since you can drag for five hours, then I will go first Let’s solve Huiye. The rebellious rebellion who is willing to join in with the people on the ground dares to challenge the moon capital."

  Okazaki Mengmei frowned. She didn't agree with Mianyue Yiji's doing this, but she couldn't find any reason to stop it: "That's just the limit. What if you are held back by Hui Ye?"

"Because of this, she had to catch her unexpectedly, and there were masters and craftsmen helping her. Hui Ye would be hard to find if she hid." Mianyue Yiji said, "Relax, the new moon she made is far away You are not far away, I will be here soon."

The communication network was cut off by Mianyue Yiji, and Okazaki Mengmei could not control the other party’s actions. She could only say to Yijiang, who was idle on the side: "Yijiu, you go to the new moon and find a chance to save the lotus, In case Mianyue Yiji's battle is not smooth, she must let her give up Penglai Shanhui Ye first and come over to solve Shenhuo."

  Yongjiang Yijiu nodded and rushed into the cloud. The terror cloud layer with the power of the Dragon Palace and the enchantment still couldn't stop her. On the contrary, she was more like a fish in the thunder cloud, and the shadow of the feather clothing disappeared after several shuttles.

Shenhuo is trapped in a heavy temperament, but it is impossible to defend itself enough to make any counterattack. For the departure of Yongjiang Yijiu, there is no way to use Shenhuo’s firepower to stop unless someone in the ship resists. The attack of the house's emperor rushed out.

Now Yue Zhong thinks that adventure is enough. The prefabricated system will have some effect on the control of the big enchantment. At least it can be proved that the other party still needs to stop himself instead of fearing. Since the enemy has come out of the dark, let’s see how they are. do.

The Shuttle Moon flight group from the lunar surface drove all the way. The distance from the US imperial to Germany was almost ten thousand minutes. The flight speed of nearly ten thousand meters per second far exceeded the limit of visual capture and exceeded all the flights of the earth. The speed of the vehicle, when they appeared on the Iberian Peninsula without any hidden meaning, was finally discovered by the radar of the coalition government army. However, the speed of the lightning speed made any defensive missiles useless. The coalition government can only watch. Watch them rush to the crescent of Germany.

After learning of the appearance of the lunar forces, Hui Ye initially thought that the other party would go to Sicily to find the trouble of Shenhuo, but did not expect Mianyue Yiji to have such a deep obsession with her. Come over first to clean up herself. When she intends to react, she is left with less than a minute.

"The latest type of combat aircraft, the men of the moon finally know that they have made progress." Mianyue Yiji is coming, but Huiye did not plan to escape. Both are princesses of the moon, even if Huiye was relegated, that one Gaoao’s heart has not changed, she can bow her head to Yue Zhong, because she admits that her experience is not as good as the other, but in the face of Mianyue Yiji, she has not even thought of escaping, "Since you are coming, then I will wait for you."

The waiting time is obviously not too long. The fluorescent moon watch has formed a slick light band under high-speed maneuver. When thousands of beautiful colors like aurora just crossed the German border, the first time There was a threatening attack.

After the unfolding of the seven-pointed star on the top of the Crescent City, the sky-falling cannon changed to the energy storage mode. The palace refraction screen at the escape layer also canceled the separation boundary and gathered the main screen together. The moment when the glory of the main energy storage sky rises, the whole The world seems to be stuck in stagnation, everything can be eternal for a moment, and the non-proliferation sky-falling cannon slammed into the top of a shuttle flying vehicle only in the moment.

Although the technology of the lunar surface has improved, there are still many things that need to be changed. At least their combat formation is still a traditional routine. Huiye does not need to guess to know the location of the flagship and maximizes his ability. This cannon is the dismounting power for Mian Yue Yi Ji.

   In this battle, Penglai Shanhui Ye never thought of letting Bayi Yonglin intervene. Mianyue Yiji was her student, making Yonglin sandwiched between the two ends embarrassing, Huiye felt that she could not do it.

It seems that because of Yue Zhong and Zhou Jin's things, Hui Ye's mentality has changed a lot. Before she was loved by thousands in the moon, she violated the taboo and was punished. If it were not for Hui Ye's ability, she would never die. She is now history. Later, on the ground, by virtue of his unparalleled appearance, no matter whether the minister of the prince or the **** of the trafficker has never violated her wishes, even if she was unwilling to be punished by the moon, but Huiye at that time never thought of herself. What responsibility should be taken. After coming to this world with this mentality, Hui Ye finally suffered a big loss because of this mentality, and when she decided to shoulder her mission of Princess Forever Pavilion, she also learned to consider more for those around her.

Hui Ye’s attack is quick and there is no time excess. If it is to fight another shuttle moon ship, it must be a dozen accurate, but the flagship is indeed Mianyue Yiji, Hui Ye is well aware of everything on the moon, this princess is against Hui Night is also very familiar.

Although Huiyue's counterattack made Mianyue Yiji somewhat unexpected, Mianyue Yiji's fighting talent made Mianyue Yiji instantly react. The sword in her hand was an honor and a sword, and Tian Congyun silently picked it up, Ling Xian. Jianmang cut the skylight cannon that had contacted the Shuoyue battleship into two segments across the top plate of the Shuoyue battleship, and the sharp light and shadow squeezed the two cannons apart, which should have been destroyed by the top. The moon battleship was miraculously unscathed.

The next second, Mianyue Yiji didn’t know what method was used to jump out of the The residual heat of the sky falling gun still affected Tian Congyun, she was waving the long sword Yaoqing Pointing out that in the crescent moon city at the end of the sky, the single ponytail with purple hair flying in the violent wind, but no matter how fierce the wind could not close her eyes, staring at the crescent moon ordered: "Full fire attack!"

   As the chief instructor of all the troops on the moon, Yiji's strength is undoubtedly, no other princess can outshine him, and Huiye naturally has no ability to confront it head-on.

   "It's still the same pride as before, is it fun to beat opponents with crushing strength?" Even though the heavens and cannons returned without success, Hui Ye was still extremely calm.

  Thinking of counterattack on the lunar surface before, Mianyue Yiji, as the commander of the whole army, is naturally one of Huiye's imaginary enemies. The other party has not been tested too much. If you can create adversity for her, maybe you can easily defeat her.

   It is harder to make Mianyue Yiji's disadvantage, but it might work on the earth.

Shuoyue uses thermal weapons, and attacking the new moon is just a matter of moments. Even if the new moon is still strong, it will not be able to withstand this large-scale volley. Fortunately, the moment is slower than the must. Too much, if you use the magnification calculation, it is countless times.

   "Every night, no moon and no star."

This is Hui Ye’s long-prepared move to deal with the Shuttle Moon Battleship, because the natural light of Yongye is only moonlight and starlight. All other lights are not allowed to exist here. This is defense, the same It is also an offensive, and Huiye is looking forward to the next move of Mianyue Yiji.

   If you can't lose money, you will immediately counter it?

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