Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 408: 1 cut you won

   awakened in dreams again and again because of this long-awaited voice, and each time he responded to himself was only a lonely night and a blank room, but over time it became the norm, and he called his name but it felt a bit unreal.

Fear of being coldly met because of the past betrayal, so desperate to recover, even in the process of losing the things that were most important to me, and since then it has been a person again, conspiracy and secret battle, pursuit and escape constitute In the rest of his life, he can support himself, and he only has the feelings that existed in himself but could not be cherished.

Even knowing that you are hated is nothing wrong, but I always don’t want that kind of thing to happen. Maybe this kind of feeling is not fair. I have always been very selfish. After being understood and abandoned by everyone, I still want to find one that will always be forgiven. His own arms are like the innocent and beautiful fantasy of the period when the girl was not magic.

   This shout is full of enthusiasm and sincerity, as if nothing has happened. Like the confession when seeing the rooftop of Takihara Middle School, it is full of joy and extreme tenderness.

   Standing on the big stage of many worlds, the girl who fiddles with the trend is as hard as a rock, but at this time countless people are awkward, but they are a little overwhelmed, and they are screamed in tears.

   He, never blamed me......

Time was sublimated at this moment, and even the inviolable code was imprisoned. Compared with the tearful girl, Yue Zhong’s heart was not a mixed taste. In separate time, he experienced more Sorrow and joy, I thought I would gradually forget, but as time went by, my thoughts became more and more fierce. At first, I just thought about how to save Qi Xiaomeng, but then I couldn't contain it to plan with the other party as the center.

   Xiaomeng and Meihong's touch to themselves is not false. Although Miyazaki killed himself, it is also a kind of deepest emotion. If such a young girl appears continuously in the future, can you still be separated? When the reunion day came, there was only one figure in Yue Zhong's eyes.

  Like is like, there is no reason, there is no room for discussion, if you will change the original intention because of touch, then all emotions can be measured by giving it?

   Emotions that can be quantified, even though 90% of them are real, there are some regrets.

  Reality is not a beautiful fairy tale. The dilemma will not stop because of hesitation. If you are not sure, it will only lead to worse results. Love itself is a manifestation of selfishness. If you can’t tell what is most important, what you say is just an excuse.

Complex emotions have not lasted too long, and this battlefield is not a stage of tenderness. Short pauses are once again broken by stereotyped rules. The rules for measuring good and evil are always indifferent. It will not be because of who will not be reunited or touching for a long time. There is a little pity in the deep, because it is at a higher level, just like Miyako Saki can easily give countless human life and death.

Crossing between Yue Zhong and Xiao Meiyan is the dark iron curtain on one side. Even the rules of history and time cannot be broken. Fan Hanshi, who closed the trap and was blown away, does not give them a chance to come together. Xiao Meiyan's determination to go is more in line with his intentions, maybe he can take this opportunity to seize Xiao Meiyan.

   In front of Yue Zhong.

Fan Hanshi wouldn’t think about Yue Zhong’s thoughts. The grassroots members of the spare tire major league are far more elaborate than the elite of the Judicial Tribunal. Even if he had just killed a Luna, even if he just killed him He will improve in the future, and he will not fall behind by half a point. Even with the resources of the Judicial Tribunal, he may only be unable to see his back. If Yue Zhong wants to take some drastic measures to quickly improve his strength, it will inevitably violate the plane method. You can arrest him for the first time.

   The pan-plane is only one person out of hundreds of years, which is a hundred times better than the luck of the big leagues. No miracles are allowed in his eyes.

The trial method of the town killing Gong Yongsaki was pressed down a little bit. When the ground was touched, it was as if the judge had finalized the sentence and the trial was carried out. The other party could not turn over the wind and waves. Fan Hanshi looked around with a leisurely look, whether it was Xiaomei. Yan is still Yue Zhong, watching her eyes full of hatred.

Which criminal is not the same? I think I am unique, wanton and want to escape the sanctions of the law, even if the world is different, but the restoration of the legal net will not be left behind, and it will harm countless young girls. If it is not the legal court How can the existence of obscurity end, and no matter how much you hate yourself, you cannot change the outcome.

"Hui Ye and Yakuo Zi, all of your cards are played. In any case, I will go to Xiaoyan, at any cost for this!" After seeing Fan Hanshi's power, even Saki did not fight back under his hands. Yu Li, Yue Zhong instantly knew the reason why Xiao Meiyan had not been in contact with herself before, and also understood all the beginning and the end. If you have reservations this time, then I am afraid I will never be able to walk to Xiaoyan's side.

   "But this person's powerful..." Whether it is Penglaishan Huiye or Yakumo Zi, has their own considerations. They obviously don't want to do moths and fire with Yue Zhong.

   Yue Zhong looked back at Meihong, and the daze in the other person's eyes became firm at the moment of receiving his own gaze: "Isn't this the result you always wanted?"

   "Sister Red, sorry."

"I have known for such a day that I want to do whatever I want. Looking forward and looking back is not your character." Meihong gritted her teeth and let go of Yue Zhong's hand, stepping back step by step, "I have been with you For decades, according to the lifespan of ordinary people, I will die when you die, and naturally there will be no more death. I won’t think about anything anymore, and I might even forget you alone like this in the future, so now ...Please die, OK?"

   What I promised can't be done, but I have to be ungrateful here. It's too bad to do this step.

"Hui Ye, Ba Yun Zi, do what he said, otherwise I can't guarantee that he will also join Fantasia Town to be buried together. He can't fit anything else in his eyes now, and he's sad and mad, I can't help it." Sister Red glanced again, and was a little angry by Yue Zhong's guilty gaze, "What are you still doing in a daze, do you want me to cry for you?"

Yue Zhong clenched his fists. If it were not for Fan Hanshi’s power that he exceeded the limit of his control, he would not be so passive now, but there is no truth, if he answers with his own mind, then the way will go to black Well, if you want to get the most beautiful dream without giving up fame and fame, it is the treatment that only the protagonist who is loved by the world can have. I have never been lucky.

The possibility spacecraft broke into the probability laboratory at this moment, and the miracle of micro-probability began to flash, bringing the people who could never be touched at both ends into the room, the special realm of independent space folded the space together, and Yue Zhong’s figure was from now on. Red disappeared in front of him.


There is sight and sound through the iron curtain. This legal wall for holding prisoners should be closed, but maybe Fan Hanshi deliberately did it. He wanted Xiao Meiyan to see Yue Zhong’s performance and then reveal the flaws. The value of Xiao Meiyan is different from that of Gong Yongsaki. She can provide no small contribution to Morong Technology, and the existence of Gong Yongsaki will only be a time bomb, so one is to kill and the other is to catch as much as possible.

There is little probability, and you must always be in a state of affairs. If you want to use this method to escape, there is absolutely no forgiveness. Let you see that there is already extrajudicial mercy. Since you don’t know what to do, go in together, maybe catch you too , Xiao Meiyan will honestly replace the penalty with labor.

Trying to cross the wall of law, the crime is the same as jailbreaking. Fan Hanshi, who has a reason, does not hesitate to shoot. The law in his hand is ever-changing, no matter what ability he faces, he can find a corresponding response, but this is not to deal with the general plane. The enemies, Yue Zhong and Xiao Meiyan, have not yet reached the point where Fan Hanshi will rack his brains to deal with it. In short, one method works, what a miracle does, and the order is not allowed!

   The road leading to Xiao Meiyan was hung with a prohibition card. Yue Zhong, who was stuck at the other end of the passage, could not break the iron rule imposed by Fan Hanshi anyway. He didn't shoot because he still had to wait for Xiao Meiyan's reaction.

  May I leave Yue Zhong and run away for my own sake...

  How is it possible that there is no more important thing, is it?

  Yue Zhong and Mei Hong's farewell just now, Xiao Meiyan witnessed and listened to the whole process. She understood how determined Zhong Yue's intention was, and she couldn't bear to refuse again.

   Wipe away the tears on his and strong back to Xiao Meiyan.

Have the dominance of a world, there are countless girls who are inferior to themselves. Staying here can reach the apex of life without having to bear the infamous infamous infamy, because only need to show a little hesitation, you should be interesting. I left, after all, this is what I owe you and Gong Yongsaki.

   Power, status, women, all these are what countless people want to have. Perhaps you have thought about having this. Why should you be so determined for a dark future, the factor that changes your mind, is it just because of first sight?

   People say that it is better to forget each other than rivers and lakes, because the rivers and lakes are also beautiful enough to make you forget that there is a person who can live together with life and death, but if the rivers and lakes lose you and you look pale, then there is nothing to pursue.

If you don’t see it, the first sight of the reunion let me know what I want. Your long hair is flying, even if you have not forgotten your face for decades, every part of your body is still remembered In my heart, even the purple mark on the **** nail can make my heart rumble.

Compared with all delusions and goodness, even if the next second that comes to you is hell, I want to hold your face by hand and let you overcome all the things, even if you don’t want this face, as long as you don’t dislike it Just fine.

   The connection that once existed was reactivated, and the hand extended from the other end of the taboo touched the fingertips of this segment with difficulty.

   "Homura, you grow taller."

  Xiao Meiyan held the crystal shell of the instrument in one hand and smiled when she felt the temperature of the other party: "I haven't seen you for a long time, you haven't even shaved your beard."

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