Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 416: new start

   This is the Europa galaxy I domain 13th stellar belt IV military planet. I am the former flagship commander of the advancing fleet Shenhuo. The name in this world is Vittorio Veneto, o.

   There are seven galaxies in the space of all human activities in this world, which is an incomplete plane on the edge of the void. There is no information on where the humans come from, but we have established a new home here.

  The human group with its own interstellar navigation ability quickly occupied all the living space. After tens of millions of years of reproduction and the extension of human life, many habitable planets have become active, and the differentiation of forces has begun.

  The naming of the seven galaxies is very similar to that of the Admiral's hometown, and it can even be said to be exactly the same. I don't know whether it is a coincidence or something. However, there are many planets suitable for human habitation. Although it is generally cold, it is not completely a land of nowhere.

When civilization develops to a point, obtaining more unexplored colonial planets has become a matter of top priority for all forces. Frictions and disputes continue to emerge. Pieces of peace treaties are torn up, because of the struggle for the discourse of the seven galaxies. The forces of all parties have launched a crazy round of arms and talent competition. The big navy that controls the universe is the top priority. I was also selected at the training base at that time, and finally defeated all competitors to become a powerful ship. Commander of an interplanetary battleship.

Inevitably, the war happened after all. For the will of some people, our commanded warship commanders commanded our warships to launch countless battles in the vast sea of ​​stars. In the process, many colleagues were killed forever. 'S sleep is in the starry sky, and the forces I'm in are beginning to retreat, the enemy keeps occupying our planets one by one, until the highest level of the force is about to declare defeat, and a huge disaster occurs.

Numerous unknown warships have emerged from the void. Their strength and number are far beyond the sum of the seven galaxies. In less than a month, more than 80% of the warships were destroyed. I also I lost the warship I once depended on in one battle. Even if I destroyed more than a dozen warships of the same level, I still couldn't change the fate of the defeat.

I was supposed to die here. I met Homura. She survived with her near-unsolvable time ability. But I lost the battleship. I was nothing, used to the constant temperature in the battleship. Everything outside was to me. It is a strong stimulus. This is the horror that has been ingrained in every ship mother since the fleet command selection training, because the ship mother who does not have her own battleship is already dead.

The presence of ships is a great and glorious naval tradition. No matter whether it is a battleship with humans or a battleship with unknown creatures, there is no record of any warship being captured. In all combat reports, only the destruction and battle damage are reported, but I It was a stealer. Those competitors that I defeated were unable to adapt to the simulated warships that left the training base. They all died in the end, and I lost my warship and continued to live.

In an era of pride in battle and death, the living people are often the most painful. If there is any reason to support me to survive, it is to find the mysterious fleet to revenge and continue to fight, it is me. The only destiny of man is that if peace comes one day, I am afraid no one will need us.

But vengeance needs strength. I can’t do anything with my bare hands. Even if I have a battleship facing an endless unknown battleship, the battleship command and fleet advisor are two sets of training systems that complement each other. I can only achieve victory when I meet each other. My ability can only be commanded by one battleship, but even the flagship, I can’t accurately command more than a plurality of battleships, let alone multiple fleets, so I need an admiral, The Admiral is much rarer than the battleship command, and their competition is more fierce. The number of people in the Europa Galaxy does not exceed fifty.

Xiaoyan told me that she could build an epoch-making warship for me, and found me an excellent admiral who could command battleships in battle. So I went to an extremely backward world and waited for him at an underground factory I naturally believe in Homura’s ability, but I don’t believe there will be anyone in that backward place who is eligible to serve as my advisor.

   But it turned out that she was right. Although the new Admiral has not received any training at all, his strategic layout capabilities are indeed not available to many Admirals. As long as he is given enough time, I believe he can be competent.

The final battle in that world was beyond my imagination. Although I don’t know what the concept of panplane organization and the court of justice is, the power displayed by that tour completely subverted my previous understanding of individual strength. If he Come to our world that believes in steel and iron, maybe it will set off an uproar.

At that time, I already had the heroic ship equipment promised by Homura. Even though there are still many capabilities that have not been fully developed and utilized, the material of the attached ship is too backward and narrow, and the armament system only reaches the defense satellite. The level, even if there is no strong potential, the combat power that she can exert can only be comparable to a near-star patrol boat, so it is difficult for her to get involved in that battle.

This stifling was unbearable for the once powerful battleship commander. After fleeing from there in danger, Veneto did not follow Yue Zhong and Xiao Meiyan to the magical girl world as a light bulb but returned directly to this Prepare on the military planet.

  The so-called military planet is a planet that is unsuitable for human existence due to climate, gravity and other factors. It is extremely difficult to transform, but the relatively rich geological environment is relatively stable. It is usually used to deploy military forces and mine minerals to supply military supplies. Military planets have a much lower status than administrative planets, but they are also an indispensable part of a complete government power. Human warfare usually revolves around military planets and will not attack administrative planets rashly, which suppresses military planets. It is equivalent to suppressing all the army of this government, and the administrative planet can't do anything to resist.

   But the unknown fleet from the void has not so much scruples. Their purpose is not to occupy these planets, and to plunder the resources of the seven galaxies for countless years, so as long as there are humans, they are patronized.

All forces were uprooted, the government and consortium that had lost their army in the course of resistance fell apart, and the administrative planets that had been looted were plunged into huge turmoil. Humans could not even find a generator, and they had to re-start artificial Excavation of new minerals to carry out reconstruction works, in the process of forming countless small interest groups, the behemoths that originally spanned the galaxy were broken into pieces.

Today, the mysterious fleets that have swept the seven galaxies have not completely disappeared, and their main force may have returned to the void, but there are still many small fleets wandering around the seven galaxies. Once the remaining human fleet is found It will pursue endlessly, and for some planets that produce rare minerals in the universe, it has adopted a direct stationing method to control the core of human industry while threatening the safety of surviving human beings.

The military planet number Ⅳ has also been hit hard by the mysterious fleet, and now there are only some large immovable infrastructure left. The fleet from the void takes everything that can be taken away, from the wreckage of the battleship to the circuit line. The cable didn't let anything go.

   Xiaoyan told her why, because she once entered the fringe of the void to obtain the universal mesogen, and there is a lack of a lot of minerals that are extremely common in the universe, but she has a unique specialty such as mesogen.

  Veneto was able to do quite limited things when she came back. After all, she is not a professional technical talent, and she does not have enough resources. It is impossible to redevelop this base.

In the case of unacceptable circumstances, Veneto had to expand the hull of the Shenhuo to connect the energy supply system of a base of a military planet to it, and used the backward reactor to barely supply energy.

"The underground mining robots and transportation lines are gone. The entire base has only such an empty shell. Even if the Shenhuo is demolished, it can’t make much things... Do you want to go to the administrative planet? Now somehow With some resources, although Shenhuo’s armament is backward, it is still sufficient to plunder humans on the administrative planet."

No one else in Veneto can So only one person left the shelter of the ship and walked to the base, watching the energy supply link silently, those robbers didn't even put the energy line However, this is also the reason why she began to think of administrative planets.

The only thing to be thankful is that there are no warships in the military’s constant temperature ecosystem that can be towed away. The mysterious fleet came in a hurry and did not have time to disassemble and take away large objects. Fortunately, these things were left behind, otherwise Veneto could not leave the warship. Activities on military planets, the Admiral is also very distressed when he comes.

   This kind of ecosystem will not lose its function even if the energy supply is cut off, so it is imperative to make up the materials to restore the basic operation of the base.

"Are you really going to be a robber?" As a former soldier of the I-Star field, Veneto served as the commander of the main battleship and led the rank of major general. It was difficult for her to make up her mind to loot the people she had protected if it was on other stars. It’s not so embarrassing even if it’s outside the Europa Galaxy.

   At this time, the familiar energy fluctuations appeared nearby. Veneto did not expect Xiao Meiyan to return so quickly. She was not ready yet, but she could just greet her.

Suddenly landing on the ground, Yue Zhong almost fell to the ground just because he was not adapted to the gravity of the military planet. Fortunately, he stabilized his body with the sense of balance obtained by Xi Wu, so that he would not stage a flat fall in front of Veneto. .

   "Captain Shenhuo, Vittorio Veneto welcomes the admiral. Now the base is not functioning properly. Please advisor to wait on the battleship." Veneto's small face tightened, and the competent Chao Yue respected a military salute.

  PS: The basic settings are not complete yet, and then slowly add it.

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