Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 421: Studyaholic?

There are tens of thousands of students from all over the planet, and this is only one day's recruitment. The navy actually needs huge human resources than the army. Not only does the base's defense and operation need them, but all kinds of auxiliary ships also need the navy. Soldiers come to fill, after all, a qualified ship mother is extremely rare, and it is too wasteful to control ships such as transportation and supplies.

Yue Chong's consideration of his previous thinking does not feel that his inference will be valued by the forces of Planet Aura, but even the 10,000th opportunity must be grasped. Anyway, if you write it alone, you can get a good evaluation score. .

He came to this world in less than a day, far from adapting to the rhythm of the new era and the operation of all aspects of society, and digging out some information from hundreds of thousands of test-taking articles, he has a very high degree of autonomy in planetary computing The system is not difficult.

   "This student is listed as a class A observation object. I am very interested in him. Even if he can't be an officer preparation in the end, he will be divided into the Navy Tactical Staff."

A person who has just walked out of earth-level civilization, even if there is more cover-up, there will always be something that is incompatible with the modern environment, but Yue Zhong deliberately stops at the place where he needs to go deeper, without being found abnormal. Strange.

In the seven galaxies, weird people often appear on various planets, because this is a marginal land in itself, and it will not be hostile to outsiders with special identities, but only if they must not be dangerous individuals. And it must be within the observation range of the planetary forces.

   In the subsequent rounds of evaluation, Yue Zhong had little room to play, but with the words of the senior officer of the Naval Academy, he barely became an ordinary student, but that Aishalin successfully passed the assessment and became an officer preparation.

   Knowing his poor performance in the back, Yue Zhong thought that he would be rejected by the Naval Academy. The unexpected enrollment surprised him a lot. Maybe it was the credit of that article?

"It's almost time to be honest. Is the Navy Staff Department? The daily training content is not as much as other departments. It is occasionally to cooperate with the students prepared by the officers to conduct actual combat simulations and act as a dog-headed military division." This arrangement is for Yue Zhonglai It’s not bad, at least he has enough time to understand basic knowledge.

   "I don't know who was mistaken for someone. Since I have such a layer of protection, I don't have to hide it when I study." Yue Zhong thought, and walked to the dormitory recorded by the core card.

The predecessor of the Naval Academy was a comprehensive college with a large area. The four-person dormitory is actually a spacious suite. Each person has a separate bedroom and bathroom. Many of the furniture and facilities have not been seen by Yue Zhong. , But the operation method is very simple, just feel about it twice.

Although Xiaoyan's prototype for his big brother is still rough, but when placed close to the body, it will become as thin as paper and attached to himself, and the corresponding functions will also be activated. Yue Zhong will not speak the language here, but As long as the meaning you want to express is expressed, some synthetic traces of artificial traces will naturally be converted into languages.

   But as a big brother, its basic function is communication. Before Yue Zhong had time to study, a communication request was passed.

  Without the harsh tone, Yue Zhong was unaccustomed to the communication: "Veneto?"

"It's my admiral. I have now arrived at the planetary capital of Aura. The authority of Admiral I Starfield was still available. By entering the Planetary Military Network Department, I found that there was a ship's core cabin under the design hall of the Naval Academy." Veneto said, "I think the core cabin can be robbed together when I pick up the Admiral a month later."

Yue Zhong didn't expect Veneto to get useful information so quickly, but it was relieved to think about it. Although her special presence of the ship's mothership was powerful and had the rank of major general, it is said that the entire planet Aura may only be The rank of the consul is similar to her, and it is not surprising to know this kind of news: "Do you know who she is?"

   "There is no serial number, so there is no way to know, but since the Naval Academy has saved her, how much information will be known."

   "I have a chance to inquire, but don't have too much hope. Admiral I was almost rejected by the Naval Academy." Yue Zhong smiled bitterly.

  Veneto was silent for a moment before saying: "This is beyond what Xiaoyan and I expected. Our original plan was that once the Admiral failed the assessment, I would use the authority to let the Admiral go in."

   This is naturally for the self-esteem of the admiral. If he comes in through the back door, then Veneto will not say this to himself.

   Thinking of Yue Zhong here, he felt that he could not squat in the dormitory to waste time now, but he was not familiar with the Naval Academy and did not know where to study. It was then asked: "What is the place in the Naval Academy similar to the library?"

   "Admiral, where are you now?" Veneto asked rhetorically.

"dorm room."

"There is an intranet data system in the dormitory. I have sorted out the knowledge that the Admiral needs to supplement and have now been transferred to the communicator. You can study in the dormitory, Admiral." Veneto said, "In addition The information of various forces has already been collected. Will it be passed to the admiral after the collection?

   Yue Zhong thought about it for a moment and then said: "Don't worry first, I should have been noticed by people who are interested. Acting too purposefully will cause a lot of unnecessary trouble."

   "The dormitory is a private space, and the laws of I Star Zone do not allow surveillance there, so neither our current conversation nor any information received by the advisor will be disclosed." Veneto explained from the side.

   "Knowing those things, I will inevitably do something. I will contact you when necessary."

  After the call, Yue Zhong began to look for the data system that Veneto said, and the things in the bedroom were those that Yue Zhong found without much effort.

After reading the list of knowledge that Veneto gave himself, Yue Zhong muttered: "Is it the standard military processing process from the beginning, Veneto really cultivated me as an admiral... The more I touch the world, the more The more I feel that the word Admiral is far from me."

  There are many things to do, so Yue Zhong started his learning process in the relaxed time after others just experienced the assessment. Before, he had read a large amount of materials given by Feng Cong Er Zizi in half a day. This is Yue Zhong’s powerful reading and comprehension ability, which has been tempered by the historical time and space. It is also very efficient in learning. This is where he believes that he can complete the accumulation of common sense within one month.

   "It was detected that the A-level observation object is browsing the military base, and the speed is estimated to be ten times that of ordinary people."

   "I remember his physical data records are not high, the development of the brain is even lower than the average level, so I am afraid that even the impression can not leave an impression?"

"That's just the data on paper. The only thing that can explain the problem is his theoretical life. It can already be determined as an outsider. Find an opportunity to determine his learning progress. If you can match the data, you may wish to give him one. Opportunities for optimizing your own genes... for the analysis of the next observed object report."

When he decided to enter the Naval Academy, Yue Zhong was ready to be monitored. As long as he did not show danger, reasonable actions would provide himself with some opportunities. Yue Zhong, who is reading at high speed, kept his left hand. Marking in the air, this is the method he learned to memorize and organize logic. It is worth mentioning that most of the ancient counselors and literary ministers who were well-known in the knowledge have such a set. Yue Zhong learned from them. After coming here, I researched a set of methods suitable for myself.

Thoughts were interrupted by knocking on the door. After Yue Zhong left the data system and opened the door, he saw three men taller than himself standing at the door. They should be their roommates. The evolving genes have made people increase in height. After much, Yue Zhong didn't think he was short before, but when he arrived here, he suddenly felt that he was short.

"Is there a problem?"

A man with black hair also said immediately: "My name is Cheng Cheng. They are Moras and Gakov. Since today we are roommates and comrades. Today, we have no training tasks, so I want everyone to go together Clubs gather to deepen their feelings."

   "I am Yue Zhong." Yue focused on nodding, "Is there a club in the college?"

"This was formerly the No. 1 comprehensive college on Planet Aura. All kinds of facilities are available. After changing to a naval academy, the entertainment club was changed to a navy club. Know that the navy is usually stationed away from the administrative planet In order to ease the emotions of officers and soldiers, there are special clubs." Zheng Cheng introduced.

   seems to be no problem, but here is not a military base, navy soldiers can go out for shopping and leisure one day during the month, is it necessary to set up a club?

  Yue Zhong didn't know what it meant, but he didn't plan to waste time, although doing so might make other people in the dormitory feel bad.

"Sorry, the evaluation just made me feel that my knowledge reserve is too low, everyone should be a student of the tactical staff department, so I think that enriching my mind is more important than anything else..." Yue Zhong showed a learning madness At the same time, the devil's posture also wanted to affect the other three people. After a few minutes, when they saw that they were all helpless, they knew that their purpose was achieved.

"Okay, since you insisted on it, we wouldn't be reluctant, but we still plan to relax. After all, everyone's pressure to prepare to enter the Naval Academy to the end of the evaluation is great." Zheng Cheng nodded his head to recognize Yue Zhong, but At the same time, he also said he was different from others.

  Yue Zhong made a disappointed look and said: "Well, well, I wish you a good time."

After sending away his roommate, Yue Zhong closed the door again and went back to the data system: "The urgency of ordinary people is not very strong. It seems that the pressure of the abyssal fleet has not been expanded. Otherwise, as a student of the Naval Academy, I am afraid I don't have the leisure to play."

  Cut in the bookmark mark just now, Yue Zhong returned to the study state.

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