Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 452: Change

The expedition ship that served as the flagship successfully exploded under various plans. Due to the characteristics of the special energy bomb, the duration of its explosion and annihilation was very short, but the energy released at this moment, even if it was The battleship with the best protection performance is also enough to destroy instantly.

   But this is just the data on paper. If a battleship is destroyed by people and the external defense is directly detonated, then it can already declare war before the explosion.

Although the important people in the interim government cannot be ranked high in terms of ability or status in the I-star field, they are not stupid people. The cause of the explosion is unknown, but as long as the eyes are not blind, the heart is not blind. It can be seen that this is a deliberate murder. The target of the murder is the alien who occupies the lifeline of the planet Aura. As for the former propaganda minister, it is the hero who feeds the tiger.

Ninety-nine percent of Planet Aura remains silent on this event, because the alien who tries to coercively use force to co-operate with Planet Aura has no place for them to sympathize, even to say that she is the enemy of Planet Aura. It is so savage in a brilliant civilized country, and there is no awe to try to conquer, so the civilized wisdom naturally does not allow her to exist.

This result does not need to be confirmed, so Yue Zhong did not intend to let Xiao Meiyan violently conquer the planet at the beginning, even if it was just a trivial administrative planet in the I star field, but after the population reached a certain number , There is trouble, not big, but troublesome trouble.

Since it was a murder, there was naturally no important person on the expedition ship except Leo, and the development materials it carried were just some empty shells filled with stones, and now they all turned into dust in the universe, and never again Remembered by anyone.

Xiaomei Yan and Leo watched them all embark on the expedition ship. From departure to the explosion, they never left again, so they can be sure they are dead unless they can escape immediately before the explosion After everyone's surveillance ran away.

This kind of speculation seems very unreasonable, but this is the fact. As long as there is a moment, the generosity of time to Xiao Meiyan will stretch the moment infinitely, and the extravagant universe space that humans try to conquer, but additionally awe, She couldn't threaten her hair.

In the space transformed by time, Leo looked at the ruins of the explosion with a pale face, and he still jumped in his heart. This explosion was his plan, but he did not expect that Xiao Meiyan would let him walk up to full. The expedition ship with the energy bomb, without any explanation or deployment, was like not knowing that Planet Aura was going to murder them. Leo once thought he was going to die. He was willing to believe in the power of Xiao Meiyan, but that was Her strength, maybe she wants to let herself really die in this way?

  When everything was over, Leo knew that he underestimated Xiao Meiyan's speciality, but he was unavoidable that he was still alive.

   "Sovereign Shenhuo...what power is this?"

Xiao Meiyan did not pull Leo to take the other party out of the expedition ship, because now her time stop is no longer the original level, as long as there is a consciousness, the most intimate time will naturally complete what she wants to do thing. With such a powerful force, she naturally does not want to contact men other than Yue Zhong.

   didn't look at each other, but Leo felt the coldness of Leng Ling running straight from the soles of his feet, and his face inevitably became pale.

In Planet Aura, he is the minister who holds the power, but he has never seen any person in the world, what the battlefield is like, he has not seen it, he has not smelled the smell of iron and fire, even if he has rich politics In the experience of struggle, as long as the stimuli he is exposed to exceed his inner capacity, then his proud wisdom is nothing.

Xiao Meiyan's spirit can easily overwhelm him, and the shock of life and death can also scare him to a trembling head, so he asked such a stupid question, and many times give him time. He will change, but time He fought for himself, and no one would give him kindly.

"Next time, Planet Aura should organize a large expedition fleet to go to the Ⅳ military planet. Are you sure that your men can complete the plan?" Xiao Meiyan didn't warn anything, because it was unnecessary, so stupid, myself There is no value in raising him.

Leo bit his tongue, letting the **** smell suppress fear and trembling: "Please be assured, Master Shenhuo, I am the propaganda minister of Planet Aura. Naturally, the card in hand is not something they can fully understand. Just explore. Once the fleet arrives, it can be easily taken over by the power of the scorching lord, and the upper floors of Planet Aura will also be ousted by monstrous public opinion."

"But if you die, there will naturally be a wall of grass falling towards others, which will cause unnecessary trouble, so you will go back now." The short span of space will not be difficult for Xiao Meiyan to come, but send it separately It is still troublesome for others to make the leap.

She asked Leo to do what Leo could do, without explaining what she was going to do. As a puppet, there was really no need to know too much, so after sending Leo away, Xiao Meiyan flew into the vast sea of ​​stars in.

On the road from Planet Aura to the Ⅳ military planet, the admiral who was busy proving his military force would cause her a lot of trouble. The expedition ship had no defense capabilities, so his battleship had made Planet Aura difficult in recent years. The savings of her family were lost, which was a major blow for her and Yue Zhong.

  Now they haven't had the guts to confront the pirate admirer, especially in the real stage of the battleship, Xinghai. Fortunately, the pirate admiral is not here for a while, even if there is a squadron in ambush, it is also an ambush without admiral.

Cardin, who can play against Sairon Scheep, or is fighting Sairon Scheep, has been tracking the opponent for five days in the Mariana Starfield. The energy consumption of the light patrol formation is still partly sufficient, but the total amount is still very sufficient. .

They ran out and explored for half a month before returning, not because the cruising ability of the light cruise cannot be maintained. The biggest reason is that the kind of search that can’t see the end point is easily tired, and Karting is a very loving The admiral of the ship's mother, so when you go out for a while, you will naturally come back to rest for a while.

But now in the face of Sailon Scheep, the meaning is war. The C Star Wars Navy, which had been fighting pirates before, was the first time since the completion of the battle with the official admiral, even if the other party was still a pirate, but his Each battleship is an official battleship of the major star fields, so the gold content of this war far exceeds the gold content of pirates.

Every warship lady has a strong fighting spirit, and five days have not made them a little slack. As a warship lady, she has to endure endless loneliness and loneliness, so their patience is very good without exception, even if there is An admirer who spoils them will not change this.

   "Admiral, today the deployment of dark matter hidden mines is much looser, and the frequency of material fluctuations of submarine movements has also been reduced. The other party seems to have abandoned the previous set of tactics."

ZQ, who is the pioneer, communicated with Kartin through the internal communication device. As a pioneer, she took on more responsibilities than others. Karting’s marching route and strategic plan must be formulated through her report. And on the ship’s ability, ZQ, also known as the silver monster, is also the best in the C Star Wars navy and the only ship warrior who has ever worked under the E Star Wars. The C Star Wars navy once agreed that she is the flagship. Good candidate, more suitable than Yixian.

   The reason why Yixian can become the flagship, in addition to her origin, Kart and her feelings are also the most important factors. At least in the small naval system of C Star Zone, most people think so.

But ZQ is not jealous of Yixian’s flagship identity at all, because in Star Wars, the flagship is the best protected ship by battle formation, but it is not the most capable ship to win the battle, and ZQ is better than the C star. All warships are belligerent, so she never wants to be the flagship.

"Since changing the then there must be new tactics." Kardin can't categorically determine what Sairn Scheep is going to do, but since he is the admiral, he must have thought of new tactics that make him very uncomfortable. .

  If the submarines left, would they sneak up and attack their bases in the asteroid belt?

   Taking a submarine to attack a naval base sounds like a joke, but what if that naval base does not have a little defense?

   "Admiral, aren't you worried?" Yixian asked in the flagship newsletter.

Karting said after thinking for a while, "He will not fight, he will kill a base, our combat power is still there, and their battery life is not as good as ours, but he will also have to save the energy consumption of salvage and return to sail. Disgusting us has no effect."

   "The man in the J Star field is still in the base..."

   "He is not that important anymore. He can live if he lives, but he can't live if he can't."

Kart's eyebrows are very thick, and it looks like a chubby black caterpillar wriggling, but now no one has the mood to tease him, the ship's mother will not, and there is no owing cat around him: " He was the first person who couldn’t hold back, so we didn’t need to fight ourselves. Changing tactics would not necessarily bring about turning points and victory, but it could also be a prelude to a miserable defeat.”

   "Admiral, what should we do, please give an order." Yixian knew that their advisor had already made a decision, so he asked directly.

This is the Pacific Ocean near Asia Pacific. Even though Sellen Scheep’s overall combat ability is stronger than his own, he wants to achieve too many strategic goals, much more than himself, and he is barely half of the Mariana Star. A host, with so many advantages, it's Salen Scheep who can't help but want to change.

  He wants to win, why?

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