Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 461: Church of the Most High

The priest of the church has white hair, which is not the bright white of Veneto, but because of the old and naturally whitened hair, the corresponding itself is also an old body, in the highly developed I star field of biotechnology , Few people choose to abandon one

  The appearance of youth, but most of the priests who serve God will naturally age to a certain extent before choosing to increase their lifespan. Perhaps the older appearance makes people feel more solemn.

It was found that Xiao Meiyan’s abnormal priest did not clearly indicate her identity, but as the only pedestrian who was not blessed, it was obviously impossible for Xiao Meiyan to hide her identity again, but the surrounding pedestrians changed from surprise to anger. When she has already

   completely disappeared in front of everyone.

A common priest can find himself, so on the Roman planets all over the church, if you want to completely hide your identity, you can only go to the deserted place, but Xiaomei is not here to take refuge this time, she needs to find I Mariana Starfield Stored by Starfield Military

   information, and use the advanced equipment here to complete the agreement with Karting.

   This time is too long, it will inevitably make the Admiral of the C Starland defection underestimated. As the two sides who are equal and mutually exploiting, once the disadvantages are exposed, it is easy for people to get involved. Xiao Meiyan obviously does not want to go that far.

The defense force of the Roman planet is obviously not comparable to that of the third-rate planet such as the Aura planet. Whether it is the level of equipment or the elite level of armed personnel, it has reached the level that a large star capital should have, according to Yue Zhong’s estimate If it is normal

It is inevitable that the full recovery of the development of the I Star Zone will now be at its heyday, so as long as Xiao Meiyan feels the ubiquitous control, then you can further confirm their future without really invading the highest intellectual brain. planning.

   Once this long-term strategy is developed, it cannot be easily adjusted. If it needs to be hidden, it must not be discovered. Otherwise, there is no difference between being controlled by the public and making it public, and they have lost the opportunity to **** the best interests.

So in the face of the black shadow that broke into the Roman planet, the person who set this strategic goal will definitely try to clear her, even if there are basically no weapons on the ground that can threaten the life of Xiao Meiyan, but I star field obviously does not know this

  , so they will definitely try to clean her up.

   The layout made by the highest intellectual brain is perfect, but considering that the opponent can break through the outer blockade and enter the Roman planet, then it can be regarded as having a plan that can completely avoid the intellectual brain calculation.

  If you rely on manpower, then there is absolutely no way to deal with Xiao Meiyan who can hardly resist the attack of the main gun of the battle cruiser. Xiao Meiyan, who knew this, did not mean to be happy, nor did she smile on her face, not because she was always cold, but

   She really can't laugh.

   Going to the present with his own prudence, Xiao Meiyan will not despise any opponent, not to mention that there may still be a **** of faith in the age of the universe on this Roman planet. In the eyes of irrelevant onlookers, she Xiao Meiyan has done almost nothing good,

   is despair and the disseminator of darkness. Such an existence naturally confronts the **** of love.

Even if the **** was just fabricated by religion, Xiao Meiyan could not be sure whether there will be some means specifically for supernatural abilities in Starfield. If they can also interfere with time to a certain extent, then their greatest reliance will be Great discount, no

   Someone can say that she has mastered all the technology and its development route, Xiao Meiyan can't, and she will not act rashly.

The continuous white wall surrounds the Supreme Saint Church, which is as high as to carry the sky. The crystal clear and white walls are carved with vast and sacred reliefs. A short picture is a miracle. It is passed on in the mouth of the priest and written by people. , Carved under the carving.

As one of the most important buildings on the Roman planet, there is no mech and guards guarding the Supreme Holy Church. Perhaps these mechanized arms will affect the sacredness of the church, or it may be because the Supreme Holy Church has enough power to defend itself. , So not at all

   needs other protection.

The artificially excavated long river surrounds the white wall, and beside the river embankment is filled with cherry-colored translucent flowers used by the priests for blessing, but the flowers are beautiful but fragrant. As long as the wind blows, you can see a large number of petals fluttering and falling. On the paved avenue of Baishi, it fell into the Shenhe River


Standing on the observation deck in the distance of the Supreme Holy Church, Xiao Meiyan looked at this tall church complex. She never thought of going there hard, even though the bad feeling from her heart made her want to turn this place into a ruin .

As a bad guy in a strict sense, Xiao Meiyan doesn't actually have much desire to destroy herself, but the soul traits and despair that have never dispersed naturally make her resentful of everything that seems solemn and sacred, because even if she doesn't provoke This kind of existence, they

   will not let go of himself.

In many worlds of travel, she often has many messengers of sacred and justice coming to her to try to destroy her without deliberately doing anything, including the small circle that she was willing to give everything for, but that is In order to find a way to save Yue Zhong

  , so she will not hate, but it will inevitably be a bit lost. So she killed people and killed more, and naturally attracted the attention of the legal court, so Fan Hanshi also came.

   It seems that its own existence is not allowed. It will be embarrassed wherever you go. Even if you don’t do anything, you will have trouble to come to the door. Perhaps this is the curse brought by the power that does not belong to you.

Now, in the face of these ubiquitous sacredness and justice, Xiao Meiyan will certainly feel abhorred, but she cannot take the initiative to destroy it. More than ten experiences tell her that once the justice order of a world is too large Destruction, then that invincible fan

   Han Shi will know her position.

The sacred breath from the Church of the Most High is not fake, even if there is no powerful god, the church must have its own supernatural ability system, but from the information currently known, no clergy have fought Record, so it should be

   was concealed. People with supernatural abilities from different plane worlds are constantly assimilated by this world, maybe there is a shadow of the church in it.

After confirming this point, Xiao Meiyan never looked at the Supreme Holy Church again. Her purpose of venturing to this place had been achieved. Then she should be far away from here. There was a deep vision in the distant white wall to see where she was. While Xiao Meiyan was afraid of this, she was right

   Fang is also afraid of Xiao Meiyan.

  This is the planet of Rome. Although it is a blessing place of gods, fighting in this place is bound to benefit the church, but if you are not sure to subdue Xiao Meiyan instantly, how much damage she can cause will be incalculable.

Passing through the heavy white wall, I came to the square church in the middle. The dazzling light fell from all directions through the high window to the kneeling position of the believer under the divine platform. A short blue hair was wearing a navy admiral uniform. The majestic man is kneeling in front of the Shentai with his eyes closed, Xiao

   The arrival of Meiyan caused his brows to wrinkle slightly, but as soon as the other party left, he immediately spread out.

   "Admiral... If we don't catch the invader, our secret will be exposed." A black girl standing beside him, holding the flower of blessing, couldn't help saying when he saw the man.

"If you want to catch her, the sacrifice is too great." The man kneeling under the god's platform had not opened his eyes, but he raised his head and talked to the girl seriously. Looking like this, he did not intentionally close his eyes. As a mystery, his eyes can’t be opened, "This

   is the Roman planet. We have all the foundations. Even if we want to catch them, let the people of the I-Star Office go, do they believe in the highest intellectual brain? "

   "Admiral, don't you worry?"

"Don't worry, it is impossible for people in other star domains to understate the blockade lightly, and there is no one who dares to use the rebellious **** light, so she can only represent herself." There is no medal on the chest of the admiral's military uniform because he The merits of the war no longer need to use this

   way to show, as long as it is on the planet of I star domain, no one does not know him, and no one does not know the strength of this admiral.

It was with his own strength that he blocked many of the attacks of the joint Star Fleet for two years after the naval defeat of the G Star Territory. In the face of the attack of the Abyss Fleet, although he suffered a failure, but before the failure Take away several times the enemy fleet.

He is different from the advisors who haven’t participated in large-scale battles like Karting and Sailon. He is a hero who has been through a hundred battles. Every battle is to maintain a superior battle loss ratio with weak strikes. The presence.

   "She might threaten us because of this." The girl in black said uncertainly. "And I felt the breath of Veneto from her. Maybe if we catch her, we can find the whereabouts of Veneto."

   Hearing Veneto’s name, Blue Hair Admiral's body suddenly paused, and then said indifferently: "If she wants to come back, she will come back naturally."

   "Co Veneto thinks you are dead."

   "We also think she is dead, don't we?"

   "... Admiral, do you really do nothing?" the girl in black asked unwillingly.

Admiral Blue Hair stood up, respectfully greeted the golden light on the **** stage and said: "She didn't appear here inexplicably, so she has other purposes besides investigating our situation. Everyone has a day to be threatened, only

   The point where we can find her. "

   "So let's see what she wants to do. Although the people in the headquarters are a bit stupid, they should be able to cause some trouble for her by virtue of geographical location, and provide her with opportunities if necessary."

   "Will God allow it?"

   "God has always blessed us, so even if we fail, there is a new opportunity for the abyssal fleet."

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