Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 465: Instigate

A person's appearance and conversation can be seen in some basic qualities. Karting has been active in the military and political circles of C Starfield before becoming an admiral. Compared with other admirals, When he meets a person, he is more able to judge each other’s

   How about his personality? With this foundation, he often has the upper hand in communication.

In the previous exchanges, Xiao Meiyan is a very intelligent and strong indifferent scholar character. She particularly dislikes the time-wasting behavior, so if the negotiation takes longer, her cold heart will be somewhat impatient.

   "Abu Niel. Dubrsk. Cardin, nice to meet you, my ally."

   "...Xiao Meiyan."

Looking at Xiao Meiyan, who was indifferent, Kart noticed in his heart, and Chen Chen boasted calmly: "I didn't expect you to be able to get the coordinates of the star gate of the Pacific Ocean star so quickly, please forgive me. Your suspicion, after all, there is no change in the seven galaxies

   Means to change the fate of the ship's mother, but now I think you can definitely do this. "

  Xiao Meiyan's slender eyebrows raised, but did not interrupt the other party's speech. Although she wanted to go straight to the subject, she reminded herself to calm down and also to see this Karting Admiral.

Kart did not mean what Xiao Meiyan wished, and then led the topic to other directions: "Although I am curious about the world from which you came to the Seven Galaxys, I think you will not tell me. I thought it was from a different world with low biological genetic engineering

   I am afraid I can’t see where I am, I didn’t expect to meet a natural beauty girl. "

   The other party's words became more and more outrageous, and Xiao Meiyan didn't want to interrupt him so loudly: "These are not important, we should say things right."

"As an ally, I don't think it would hurt to know more about each other. Now Cylon? Under the control of Schell, I can't run it. The longer this time is maintained, is it not good for your development?" Kart relaxed easily. The topic went back, "If not

Importantly, what I see now should be a research maniac with no trims. You just couldn’t be so clean and tidy just from the Roman planet of I star field, so even if you are busy, you have not forgotten to maintain the image, So it’s not important to be deceiving. "

Kart’s kung fu reminded Xiao Meiyan of Yue Zhong, but she didn’t like it at all, because she was tolerant of Yue Zhong, and wasting her time by others would inevitably arouse her resentment, if she could turn away, She will definitely not take care of this again

   The chattering guy, but now she just can't attack.

   Maybe this is the purpose of the other party?

  Use this method to disturb your thinking, is it really useful...

For Karting, whether it is useful or useless, there is no harm in trying it. Even if it fails, he will not lose anything: "Girls love beauty is instinct, even if the ship ladies do not encounter many strangers in their lifetime, Will dress up carefully."

  Xiao Meiyan is silent. She is not very good at talking with strangers. If you rush to borrow Karting, it will only let the other party find more topics to continue this boring conversation.

"But it's pretty, and it always needs people to appreciate it. I think Xiao Meiyan must have someone who wants him to see his most beautiful side." Karting saw a flash of danger in Xiao Meiyan's eyes. Knowing that I guessed that person's existence caused

In response to her alert, she continued with a smile, "Otherwise, with your character, it is impossible to take the initiative to establish a huge force to fight for hegemony in the seven galaxies. In this way, your feelings should be very good, but I don't know why he wants Let you come out alone?"

Karting guessed that Yue Zhong’s existence was not difficult, but it would inevitably have some provoke or threatening taste, so Xiao Meiyan, who wanted to remain silent, finally spoke: "This has nothing to do with you, nor do I need to Show it to someone by appearance."

   "If it's not pretty, it's hard to like it at first."

How Xiaoyue fell in love with herself, Xiao Meiyan had known for a long time, she did not believe this, although it was because of her perseverance and strength that moved his heart, but if she was not beautiful, she would only appreciate it after all And won't make him happy before he doesn't meet

   Huan Shang.

  Before meeting him, he may not be so dedicated as now...

   This kind of thing is unspoken. As long as it is a human being, it will be affected by its appearance to some extent. Karting said so outspokenly, which made Xiao Meiyan think more.

"If all you want to say is these boring nonsense, then let's see you at another time." Words are the most murderous and bloodless weapons, even though Xiao Meiyan cannot be provoked by Kart, but he has always listened to him like this Say these things, you can't be indifferent

  Go on, so she strongly wants to stop this meaningless conversation.

  Let him go on, some people who should have slowly disappeared with time will eventually affect Xiao Meiyan's heart. I have my own ties, and there are many Yue Zhong. If I am really indifferent to this, then this feeling must be false, but because of the truth, she

   can't stop feeling calm, because he cares, so he can't be indifferent.

Karting did not specify exactly what he did. He just used the most ambiguous words to expose the weakness of this girl who doesn’t like gossip. The smarter the person, the easier it is to think. If he is faced with Fujiwara Sister, It has no effect.

   Not that she is stupid, but she is simple and straightforward.

When Xiao Meiyan threatened by terminating the conversation, she actually fell out of the meeting. After all, what she really wanted was her. If Karting did something, she would have to face more Many threats.

Both of them know this development, but Xiao Meiyan still said this decisively. If you don’t like it, it doesn’t matter if you become an enemy, let alone Karting is just a weak admiral, even if he holds a million warships, Xiao As long as Meiyan doesn't like it, it doesn't matter

   Any threat from him.

"Okay, let's talk about the business." Karting's purpose of disturbing Xiao Meiyan's thinking has been achieved. If you talk about it at another time, the other party will be prepared, so hitting the iron while it is hot is the best choice, and he did so. "I need your skills to make my ship

  Girls get rid of short-lived doom. "

Of course, Xiao Meiyan couldn’t clearly say that she hadn’t really mastered the technology yet. She calmed down the fluctuations in her heart and said in a deep voice: “This is said right from the beginning, I won’t be disappointed, but this transformation requires top-notch laboratories, At the same time, it will also consume a lot of general-purpose crystal media

  , neither you nor I have this foundation now. "

   "You only need to transfer all the corresponding technology, I will create the conditions in this regard." Karting didn't care.

"You know it's impossible, I just promised to help you solve your ship's problem." Xiao Meiyan's tone improved slightly, her voice is not good, a little low and melancholy, but because of being so loud And it doesn’t look sharp,

   reached an agreement, I will fulfill my promise as soon as possible, if you can't accept it, then don't blame me. "

  Kartin put away the smile on his face and said, "Could it be that you plan to control me in this way?"

   "It's only temporary, and it's impossible to talk about control." Xiao Meiyan needs to buy time for the development of forces and time for researching related technologies, so even if Karting suspects herself, she can't give in.

The negotiation was temporarily in a deadlock, but both of them had expected it, so they also prepared a solution in advance, but first of all, one side will definitely be questioned, even if you take the initiative for a while, you will reveal some of your bottom line. , Kart deliberately

   The means to disturb Xiao Meiyan's thinking began to play a role.

   She will not be afraid of anything, but Karting already knows the existence of Yue Zhong, so Xiao Meiyan will take the initiative on the issue of striving for negotiation and agreement.

Xiao Meiyan, who was supposed to be the most suffocating, looked at the old God's free card, and Liu Mei frowned and said: "You suppress Selron? Shepp for some time for me, and force him to hand over some generic crystal, I will create the conditions to fulfill the promise as soon as possible."

   "How long do you need again?" Karting asked back.

   "Three years."

"Impossible, waiting for you to develop for three years, even if you can fulfill the I will be suppressed by your forces at that time." Ka Dingang said first, "When we defected from the C star domain Since then, I don’t want to be an affiliate anymore."

Of course, Xiaomei Yan knew that Kartin couldn’t agree to such a long time limit, but he didn’t want to give up so easily: “You can also develop, and I’ll give you the coordinates of the headspace star gate of the Pakfi Star Sea and provide energy for you to leave there. But you must maintain a certain level of strength

   The amount of control of Sailon? Scheep in the Mariana Starfield. "

"Maintaining the advantage over Sailon Scheep requires at least four light cruisers, and one light cruiser is responsible for transportation and supply. I only have one battleship that can leave the Pacific Ocean. How do you think a light cruiser can play a role? "Kartin sneered."

  Single ship battle, you should know it? "

   "What is your opinion?" Xiao Meiyan asked.

"The time limit is not the key. The key to the problem is how I can maintain my present advantage, so that you will not be forced to compromise when you grow up, and you will be able to fully fulfill your commitment." Karting said, "The best way is to give I am a hostage."

   "Impossible!" Xiao Meiyan didn't want to refuse directly. For her, the only person that could be taken as a hostage was Yue Zhong. How could she hand over Yue Zhong.

   "Maybe you should ask his opinion instead of making your own claims." Carding said, "It's too strong to be offensive."

  Xiao Meiyan stared at Karting coldly, "No need to ask."

"It seems that he is really important to you..." Kardin nodded definitely, and then said: "Perhaps we should ask Sylon? Sharp's opinion, although he is temporarily controlled, but if He doesn’t give us the generic crystal, he says it’s all in vain

  Ran. "

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