Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 469: Battleless

The battleship array is the battlefield. This vocabulary that was born from the civilization of the earth has been used until now. It can’t be said that the humans of the seven galaxies are also inextricably linked to the earth. After all, from the origin of the pan-plane organization, the source The integration of the planes of the earth itself proves the origin of humans in many planes.

The battleship once represented the pinnacle of the earth’s navy. Until the aircraft carrier appeared, he still occupied an unshakable position. Even after a period of downfall, when the universe age brought it, the battleship with its exclusive strategic significance returned to the world. On the stage of war.

In the Xinghai war, battleships usually play a central role in attacking and defending the enemy. With their own powerful firepower and protection, they have an irreplaceable role in frontal confrontation. Even if they exist alone, they can have a fighting force, not as excessive as aircraft carriers. Rely on the **** of small warships.

But it also has certain flaws, or any battleship must have a trade-off in design. The battleship's one-way destruction ability is extremely strong, but in the large-scale fleet duel, the damage it caused is not as good as that of the aircraft carrier. Firepower and protection are not as good as the battle patrol with little sacrifice in endurance and mobility. If any battleship truly has the capability of single-ship combat, the first is the battlecruiser. Although it will definitely lose one-on-one with the battleship, it will definitely lose the battleship. This is the universe battlefield environment and The performance and configuration of the battleship are determined, unless the strength difference between the two warships is too obvious.

When the Veneto hit the formation of the abyssal fleet at full speed, the two aircraft carriers that had already delivered the fighter group began to the rear side, and the heavy patrol specially guarding them came up, and they took over the main battle position. The three-spiral maneuvering method tried to trap the Veneto into formation.

The Abyssal Fleet’s response was quite satisfactory. Judging from the history of the war, they did not have such an admiral. It is enough to completely suppress the seven galaxies, and their tactical arrangements have no problems. If the Veneto is still a former battleship, no matter how powerful she is, she can't get out after falling into the encirclement, and can only be sunk by a little polishing energy.

But as Yue Zhong guessed, the abyssal fleet needs to keep abreast of the development of human civilization to maintain its own advantages. The design and combat methods of the Veneto are very different from the traditional ones. It is not too much to say that it has epoch-making significance. .

   He and Veneto hone their tactics with the abyssal fleet. The other party also received information on the development of human tactics. It is no big deal to sacrifice an eliminated fleet.

   So this abyssal fleet, let's honestly go to the fate of destruction.

After the formation of the heavy patrol **** equipped by the abyss fleet aircraft carrier, the blockade and energy barrier formed by multiple positions as fulcrums have a level of defense comparable to that of battleships. Its system effect is somewhat similar to the fleet co-defense circle formed by Okazaki Mengmei. However, they don’t have the quantum microprobabilities that Okazaki Mengmei’s research focused on, but the abyss fleet has reached an extreme in the application of energy barriers. They do not need to maintain a fixed formation or stay in place as long as the maximum range limit is not exceeded. , Then the heavy patrol defensive array will be able to appear in various forms as the formation changes, providing impeccable defense for the same moving aircraft carrier.

  Only the defense can't stop the battleship's full-speed assault, but with the internal attack of the outer round spiral battle patrol, then unless the battleship is desperate to maintain a high-strength attack, otherwise it is not enough to break the protection of the aircraft carrier.

There are also twelve light cruisers operating in the formation system. Their main role when facing the battleship is not to attack, but to use arms containment, such as gravity towing bombs to slow down the other party’s speed, and at the same time will put inevitable Energy consumption attacks consume the energy of battleships.

Whether the battleship has any flaws before it consumes energy and thus damages itself depends entirely on whether the ship’s ability can maintain both attack and defense. Veneto will not have such flaws, so the tactics of the abyssal fleet are placed It used to work.

The readjusted fighter group once again hit the outer curvature refraction filter like an energy storm in the universe. The following battle patrol main gun is also not to be underestimated. It seems that the Veneto, which has completely fallen into the surrounding network, except Gathering the ship's outfit is not enough to regain its advantage, but Veneto dared to do so, not relying solely on gathering the ship's outfit.

Like her hair color, the huge silver-gray hull completed the conventional evasion of the destroyer under the siege attack. The light column of the battle patrol main gun rubbed the curvature filter layer like the light refracted by the water. The auxiliary weapons were simultaneously dislocated. While the orderly release completely counteracted the light patrol attack of the guards, the multi-layer embedded double main gun of the bow of the Veneto blasted at the energy protection net of the heavy patrol.

The heavy patrol's defensive array has a self-disciplined energy contraction, and usually no loopholes will appear. The hard anti-battleship main gun can also be achieved, although the new main gun of the Veneto has a stronger firepower in the original power , But still can't do a single shot to break the defensive array of heavy patrol.

  The Abyss Fleet thought this way, but when the main bomber of the Veneto arrived, the unfavorable energy protection was pierced in an instant, and the starboard island knot that sheltered behind it was directly destroyed.

"Revisiting can certainly keep the protection stable under the condition of high-speed movement, but the energy itself has a tidal flow. Although the traction source changes, this tide also changes accordingly. As long as the tidal time is budgeted, then rely on The main gun of the battleship can completely break through the defense."

  Veneto had countless encounters with the Abyssal Fleet. If she couldn't even break the heavy patrol defense, how could she get that brilliant record.

Perhaps the flaws of the attack can also be mastered by other warships, but don’t forget that Veneto also takes care of the evasion and defense of the hull. Just let the huge battleship complete the destroyer’s proprietary rate change to avoid evasion and filter wave Grain traction is something that many ship mothers cannot do.

   Taking into account both the defense like Taishan and the offensive like aggression, Veneto perfectly interprets the strongest posture a battleship can achieve.

Unscathed from the fierce attack, when the main gun cools down, the loaded anti-ship gun and the conventional locking missile pour out, instantly destroying the two light cruisers in close proximity with unsuccessful fire control, and at the same time will The hull advanced to a tricky angle, making it impossible for the defensive array after the heavy cruiser reorganization to adjust enough attack surface in an instant, and the battle patrols that circled out also overlapped on a plane.

   At this time, the best angle of attack is also the best angle of defense. Veneto has no hesitation, or this is itself a fighter plane made by her deliberate thoughts.

The significance of the multi-level main gun is that it can switch the energy storage surface to complete the continuous main gun suppression when necessary, but at the same time it will also extend the cooling time of its main gun a lot, but this is the best time to cut in, so Veneto does not Hesitant to launch a continuous attack.

The gray gun light carried the power of ruining the world, and the first hit was on one of the heavy cruisers. Because the attack surface was not enough to carry all the energy of the main gun, the success of the invading battleship main gun Strike on the body of the heavy cruiser that fully maintained the energy barrier, and then the violent explosion and annihilation completely destroyed the heavy cruiser. The complete heavy cruiser defense suddenly appeared a fatal flaw.

Already prepared follow-up main guns instantly cut through each disintegrating barrier, almost simultaneously at the same time another five heavy cruisers were directly destroyed into the ruins of the universe, and two unprotected aircraft carriers appeared helplessly on the Veneto In front of the muzzle.

The aircraft carrier groups from the beginning to the end did not find any flaws in the Veneto, and the offensive they formed was not enough to make Veneto feel a little pressure, so instead of completing the main attack mission, the two aircraft carriers became Due to the drag of the entire fleet, if it is not to protect them, the defense formed by the six heavy cruisers can be more solidified, and it will not be destroyed by the Veneto so quickly.

   "Admiral, an aircraft carrier that can put pressure on Veneto, there is no Europa Abyssal fleet, it is even more embarrassing."

  Recalling the previous scenario where he discussed with Veneto the carrier's method of combat, Yue Zhong could not help but glance at Veneto with his eyes blank. At that time, she was really different.

   But she does have a self-sufficient capital. From beginning to end, she did not allow the two aircraft carriers to find a chance. Maybe her understanding of the aircraft carrier exceeds the carrier mother of many aircraft carriers.

  Xiao Meiyan also asked whether she added a carrier aircraft, but Veneto refused decisively. For her, the configuration of the battleship was completely sufficient. Instead of wasting space to load the carrier aircraft, it is better to design a few more energy tanks.

   This is the pride and arrogance of the first battleship of I-Star. Not only does it have a glorious record to confirm this, but after re-owning the new outboard ship, Veneto continued to write about his own strength.

The Abyssal Fleet seems to have finally figured out where this silver-grey battleship is, which is sacred. The Veneto, who once impressed them, disappeared after being sunk, and now reappears here, so at any cost, She must be wiped out again.

   After all, her threat is too large, no more than those ordinary ship mothers can stay to provide humans with the convenience of civil war. In such an existence, her threat far exceeds her own use value, so it is better to destroy it directly.

  The Europa system has not many ship mothers who are afraid of the abyssal fleet, and there are not many ship mothers to be completely eliminated, but Veneto is undoubtedly one of them.

The two aircraft carriers soon changed from the key protection objects to the bait to lure the Veneto. The fighter group began to no longer try and attacked the Veneto like moths. At the same time, the remaining warships also Begin to close, trying to complete the beheading of the Veneto in the compressed universe.

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