Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 471: Malpractice

This time, the battle was entirely performed by Veneto alone, but Yue Zhong, who was in the real world, still had some feelings. After all, some things cannot be felt from the deduction of the battle. Always need to walk to the battlefield and smell the ship. The taste of the gun can be understood.

There are thousands of battles in Yue Zhong’s life, but he has never experienced such a magnificent scene of Star Wars personally. Although the presence of the ship’s mother, the number of participants in the Xinghai encounter is very rare, but it is like an asteroid The huge battleships roaring and breaking each other can still shock people, so even if he can guess the tactics of Veneto, but after seeing it, he is still amazed by her perfect artistic combat talent.

  Veneto didn't let Yue Zhong wait too long, but it was a habit she had cultivated all year long to drink coffee after the war, and soon she relaunched the warship to return Yue Zhong from the tributary of time to reality.

"Admiral, the remaining 67% of the energy reserves, the gathering of the equipment takes up 23% of the energy. Although some of the energy is wasted because of inexperience, the operation of gathering the equipment cannot be a regular operation. Means, especially in long-distance expeditions, need to be more cautious. It is very good for short-range assault operations."

  The first time he saw Yue Zhong, Veneto reported the pros and cons of the new fighting method. Since the energy reserve of the Veneto has expanded the energy tank as much as possible, it is more than half higher than ordinary battleships. Even if the battle of collecting ships is still maintaining a very high consumption, it can be imagined that if it is popularized The test of logistics will be huge.

It is obviously undesirable to rely on this tactic to kill the Quartet. As long as the other’s ship’s mother is not as flexible as the abyssal fleet, so many rounds with Veneto will quickly reserve her energy. Depletion, which is much faster than attacking its shield directly.

Of course, Veneto is not a fool. On the contrary, her strength in the ship's mother is in the top group, and her use of energy is far more control than her peers. Even if the ship's mother knows her weaknesses, she does not have enough strength. Perform that tactic.

In the rapidly changing battlefield, the very sharp Veneto can definitely grasp the best opportunity to gather the ships to fight, so she does not need Yue Zhong to worry at all. What really makes people worry is that the gathering of ships is popular in this force. Whether the other ship mothers can be used well after opening, let alone say, the Andrea Doria alone is a headache. She is a little bit reluctant as a battleship ship mother. In the past, she was scorned as the strongest. Heavy artillery, if she didn't turn her head around and gather the ship at will, then this big weapon might bury her life instead.

Veneto saw the concern in Yue Zhong’s eyes and directly said: “Are you admiring Doria, Admiral? Although she sometimes does have a fever in her head to do something unreasonable, all the ships in the I-star domain From the birth, the orders to the Admiral will be strictly enforced, as long as she is not allowed to fight alone."

Yue focused on nodding and agreed with Veneto's words, but the tactics of gathering the ships had a great operating space. If the single ship scattered the attacks, if you seize the opportunity, it will definitely cause great results: "This is my admiral. Responsibility, understanding the characteristics of each ship's mother can play their biggest role, but there are still some concerns."

   "Is the Admiral saying?" Veneto asked, looking up and understanding.

   "Our current energy support system is too weak, and I am worried that I cannot afford you." Yue Zhong laughed.

After Veneto was stunned, he didn’t notice that this was Yue Zhong joking with her. Instead, he lowered his eyes thoughtfully and said: "This is indeed a problem. Veneto will save every cent of energy as much as possible. Today Please forgive me for some waste."

"Ah, Veneto hasn't been on the battlefield for a while, and it will definitely be more powerful if you are familiar with it." Yue Zhong can only continue with Veneto's words. Her temperament is very real, just like Xiao Meiyan in the past. The same, but now Xiao Meiyan can keep up with Yue Zhong's thinking, so there is no problem in laughing with Xiao Meiyan, but Veneto's words, there is not enough tacit understanding in this regard.

   "What are we going to do next?" Veneto asked.

Now that the battle has been played, it is the next choice to go back and continue to stick to the development of one place. Taking advantage of the huge advantage of the Veneto to fight for more living space and benefits is the top priority. According to the agreed time, Xiaoyan’s It's coming back soon, but Yue Zhong doesn't want to count on how many resources she brought back.

"After the military planet supply is complete, let's take a circle along the thirteenth star. During this time, the integration of the I star field is getting faster and faster. It is difficult to find development opportunities without seizing the time." Yue Zhong This plan was decided at the beginning. After all, Xiao Meiyan confirmed the will of the war in I Star Zone, and a new war will soon come. Yue Zhong and they are in the hinterland of I Star Zone. Easily cast out.

In other words, after knowing I’s willingness to fight, Yue Zhong doesn’t think he can stay here for a long time. The forces exist, then as a price to leave, Yue Zhong wants to fight for a little more.

  Plant enough seeds, then maybe you can still come back in the future, and even control some of the power of the I star field.

On the way back, Veneto insisted on holding the command pod of the core cabin and was reluctant to leave. Since he had a new powerful ship, Veneto could no longer gather and hide the ship's activities in the human world as he used to, not It is impossible, but their energy reserves are too low to allow such waste. So for a long period of time that can be imagined, Veneto had to return to his previous state of life and could not go anywhere in the core cabin alone.

  Before docking at the base, Veneto's extremely high professional qualities required her not to rest at will, even if she was too tired to sleep, she also lay directly on the command chair that could take the entire battleship.

The instrument and screen around    are still flashing. Now Yue Zhong can understand the above values ​​and information content. In a wide but lonely space, Veneto wants Yue Zhong to go to the lounge.

   "I'm not really seventy or eighty, although I'm about the same age... but I was fighting with Veneto just now, so where can I get tired?" Yue Zhong stayed consciously, and he also had some questions to ask Veneto.

   Veneto's big red eyes blinked and said: "What do you want to say, Admiral?"

   "Huh, after Xiaoyan, you can't hide it." Yue Zhong smiled.

   "Because the Admiral you didn't hide, everything was written on the face."

"...Well, Veneto, Homura should tell you that your former admiral is still alive." Many of Yue Zhong's current things are indirectly from Augustus Caesar through Veneto The more he learned, the more he felt the strength of the other party. Now and for a long time, he can’t overcome the legendary admiral of the I-star domain, “Everyone has the meaning of his own life. And appeal, Veneto you want to continue fighting and fight against the Abyssal Fleet to complete revenge. Before you thought he was dead and chose me, what do you think now?"

"I thought Admiral you wouldn't ask me this question." Veneto rarely said with a hint of smile, "Admiral Caesar is perfect, but after all, he is in the I star field, I don't want to go back, this Is it okay to answer?"

Yue Zhong is actually quite aware of Veneto’s current state of mind, but it might be better to let her say it, so he continued: "Just that? If you don’t want to be restrained and controlled to become a fighting machine, then Xiaoyan and I The pursuit of the future will also lead to greater and greater forces. By that time, there may be no difference from the I star domain."

   After a moment of silence, Veneto suddenly laughed a little more cheerfully: "Admiral Caesar is very good, but he has no feelings. Even if they are all killed in battle, is it better for someone to be sad for us?"

"Admiral, although in the eyes of many people, you are a self-centered person who ignores life, but your center is not you alone. Xiaomeng, Fujiwara Meihong, etc., can live in this range, Veneto is very at ease, although last time you and Xiaoyan let me be a light bulb, but Veneto is actually very happy...but don't do this in the future Now."

   The girl in front of her no matter how dazzling she is on the battlefield, and no matter how powerful her ability is, but the tedious personal life makes her quite easy to meet emotional needs. At this moment Yue Zhong is very lucky to meet her at the right time. In fact, as long as there is someone who is willing to respect and value her, it is easy to get Veneto's approval. She can even fight for such a person.

  Although Yue Zhong's idea is somewhat self-defeating, people who do not have the ability to become admirers may not be able to contact Veneto, but these are not important.

  'S character is Ling Xian Ru Feng, but her mind is pure white as snow. She knows that her life is very short, so there is not much time to squander. Using this life to get more experiences and emotions, it is commendable.

   What is special is not Yue Zhong, what is special is only the group of ship mothers. Because of their existence, the lives of countless people are preserved, but the equivalent replacement is the group's destined indifference and desolation.

From Qiubi, Yue Zhong walked on a path that is against the will of most people, so it doesn’t matter if there are more enemies, whether it is a **** or the will of the seven galaxies, since humans want to use war If you get what you want, then fight for it with blood and tears.

   Although a few people are weak, they are still alive, and they will resist when they encounter injustice, even if their strength is weak.

   It is accidental and inevitable to be able to come together, so after a difficult life, I continue to live a difficult life.

   "There are systems that make people feel uncomfortable wherever they go."

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