Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 473: Parade

As a legendary battleship of I Star Zone, Veneto enjoys a high reputation on every planet of I Star Zone. Her appearance can not only make the ambitions on the planet that have long been separated from the management of the I Star Zone governor Measure your own strength, and at the same time, it can greatly improve the overall cohesion of the I Star Zone.

The concrete manifestation of this cohesion is in all aspects. When she appeared in the eyes of the people of Planet Aura, although it inevitably caused speculation and suspicion, it was because Veneto broke away from the ship’s **** and caused panic. In addition, everyone on Planet Aura feels safe because of the presence of the Veneto, and instead of being anxious all day, they can devote themselves to work with confidence.

This mode can also be copied to other administrative planets and military planets. Because of the relationship between cruising, the sense of stability may be weakened a lot, but it still has a very high positive significance, whether it is for Yue Zhong or I star field. This time, the parade is a win-win event, especially on the 13th stellar belt that has not started integration.

The current pace of I-star integration is focused on the second, fourth, and seventh stellar belts in the key resource-producing areas. Re-controlling these areas will allow the rebuilding of the navy of the I-star territory to re-enter the fast lane, but the stellar belt on the 13th The human resources possessed are among the best in the entire I-Star field. Whether it is to choose the ship's mother or to change the king's usual army building mode to recruit warship officers on a large scale, having sufficient human resources is essential.

Yue Zhong has no ability to influence the overall situation of I Star Zone, but when he shows a certain value, the I Star Zone Head Office will also pay attention to him, if a certain interest is established on the basis of information exchange Relationship, then I Star Zone is likely to provide Yue Zhong with a certain degree of asylum, or even form a two-way strategic support.

When I Star Zone knows that Yue Zhong will not belong to itself, it will not necessarily be removed soon, because this is completely inconsistent with the overall interests of I Star Zone, and the Veneto is not meant to be destroyed, even Augustus. It is also impossible for Du Caesar to lead the army and destroy the Veneto without harm.

So as long as Yue Zhong does not leave in the sphere of influence of the I constellation, there is no irreconcilable contradiction between the I constellation and him. No matter whether he chooses to go to the African galaxy development later, with the support of the I constellation to other stars Even if the domain is chaotic, Veneto, who was born in the I star domain, does not want to return to the battle sequence, but she will never easily face the I star domain with a sword, and force a ship’s mother with obvious strength to her opposite, as long as her mind is not. The problem will never be done.

All of Yue Zhong’s plans revolve around Veneto. At present, it seems that not only has she lived up to Yue Zhong’s expectations, but she has shown influential and combat power that is overwhelming, then the previous layout is like being catalyzed. Began to continue to produce positive and beneficial effects.

Although I Star Zone has not begun to integrate the 13th stellar belt, it is no longer difficult to communicate with Planet Aura. The image portrayed by Dang Yuezhong has been presented to the I Star Zone Head Office from both public institutions and high-level authorities. With a relatively complete impression, Yue Zhong believed that I Star Zone would make its due judgment.

The operation of the main patrol of the Abyssal Fleet did not conceal anyone, which further demonstrated Veneto’s influence, and showed the parties that they should not be underestimated. If I star domain does not take Yue Zhong Treated as an enemy of life and death, you will soon be able to know what he is doing now, and will cooperate with him intentionally or unintentionally.

Compared with the original Veneto, the Veneto with the new ship has more than doubled in surface volume, almost reaching the size of a small interstellar fortress, its shape design and weaponry are also completely different, through the appearance Naturally it is difficult to judge her predecessor.

However, with the huge size of the battleship, it is too primitive to judge its ownership and model by appearance every time. Under unknown circumstances, it may be necessary to spy on or engage in battle to determine the enemy’s battleship. If it is a friendly battleship, it is in the I star field. It has its own unique identification system. Just as every ship mother has its own unique core cabin, no matter how every battleship changes, the basic and unique identity authentication information will usually accompany a ship mother from the battle sequence to the retirement until.

Veneto naturally has her corresponding identity information, and even she has no way to erase it, but this problem is difficult for Xiao Meiyan, just because this identity information is valuable, Yue Zhong did not let Xiaoyan will It's erased.

In accordance with the principle of separation of military and administrative, Yue Zhong did not touch the bottom line of many people so that the Veneto appeared directly in the surface space of the administrative planet. Most of the cruise routes he chose were to re-control the military planet to develop self-sustaining forces. Regions, most of these military planets are not too far away from administrative planets. Their significance is to provide resources and form a near-star defense system rather than undertake main battle missions. True military bases often choose small and densely spaced Collective planets outside the star field.

With the visit of the Veneto, journalists deployed on military planets will naturally organize the relevant content into news and send it back to the administrative planet. At the beginning, because there was no unified announcement and prompts from the I-Star Office, many planets The arrival of the Netto was somewhat unknown, but soon the name that was inseparable from the Veneto issued a notice, which made the cruise of the Veneto an official event.

In the Church of the Holy Planet of the Holy Romans, under the divine light, the blue-haired Admiral, who prayed here almost all the time, solemnly knelt in front of the immaterial idol, the black girl standing beside him forever to Augustus Caesar The previous command is a bit unintelligible.

Perhaps looking at me from the ship’s thinking, since Veneto knew that the Admiral was still alive, she should come back honestly, but instead of returning, she found a novice and became her new Admiral. Niang's occupation is also a betrayal of I Star Territory. The more unforgivable thing is the new Admiral, why can he suppress Augustus Caesar.

  The girl in black was covered with strict clothes, only showing a pair of angry eyes. Her reaction was not too much, because Augustus Caesar and her were not only the relationship between the ship mother and the admiral.

   Her name is Julio Caesar, and also the sister of the legendary Admiral.

   Being a ship lady, she can appear everywhere in unlimited places, which shows that her identity is not so simple. Veneto still needs to gather the ships to move freely, but for a powerful **** that no one has ever seen, it is naturally possible to give a loyal believer a miracle.

Julio Caesar has the same length of service as Andrea Doria, but she does not have the short life limit of the ship's mother. If possible, she will naturally become the flagship of Augustus Caesar, with his brother becoming The mainstay of the Starfield Navy.

However, Veneto’s power has suppressed this unique advantage, and Julio Caesar had to give her the first flagship position of the forward fleet that symbolized the absolute main force. At that time, she had nothing to be reconciled. After death, this position is still hers.

However, Veneto abandoned this identity, she betrayed the I star domain and the admiral, and also betrayed her generosity and trust, so of course Julio Caesar will be angry, she can not understand why her brother knows why They also condone each other's behavior.

"Admiral, that man is using your prestige and Veneto's influence, why should he preach to him that Veneto's victory over the Abyssal Fleet?" Giulio Caesar would hardly call Augustus Caesar For her brother, she prefers to use the title of Admiral to show each other’s position and self-independence, "Veneto has decided not to return, then the more honor she gets, the more she betrayal will be made public in the future. The resulting blow will be greater."

"I Starfield needs this record. Since separation is inevitable, let her go. As a potential opponent, you must try your best to get as much value as possible." Augustus Caesar did not do anything, he still did She kneeled piously in front of the immaterial idol, her eyes closed, "The horror that the abyss fleet has brought to the seven galaxies is deeply entrenched. If Veneto can prove it with actual combat, she can still represent the I star field. Bringing heavy damage to the abyssal fleet, then our army building plan will benefit from it."

Julio Caesar certainly knows these But she also has a deeper view: "Veneto has a way of exceeding the technological limits of the abyssal fleet. If this method can be popularized, it may not be necessary in the future. It will pose a threat to I Star Zone. The Admiral she found is also a person who is not willing to be lonely. If you allow him to expand his influence, it may even usurp the leadership of I Star Zone navy in the future."

   "Admiral, everyone in the first stellar belt knows that you have been in the Church of the Highest Saint, so we can still replace that person now, but will definitely be exposed in the future."

"I know he is using me, but before he uses me, he should first solve his opponent." Augustus Caesar said, "What he relies on is nothing more than making the ship mother more permanent. The technology to gather ship-mounted combat is certainly novel, but it is not invincible. When all this no longer has an advantage, we still have to speak on our own strength."

Most of what Yue Zhong learned from Veneto’s memory of Augustus Caesar, if on this basis no matter how he grows, it is difficult to exceed the learning object, Veneto cannot give him inspiration, anyone in the seven galaxies He won't be able to give him any inspiration unless he alone surpasses all the admirers of the I-Zone.

   But how is this possible...

"Julio, when God's new intentions arrive, the I-Star Navy will usher in unprecedented changes. Under this background, stable and high-speed accumulation is the most important thing, and everything must be compromised." Stus Caesar raised his head slightly, and the light fell on his perfect and holy face. The calm people would regret it. "I am a little curious, can he guess this?"

   "Even if you can, the innate conditions determine the final achievement. I can't be without confidence, and you can't do it as a small player, otherwise I've lost. Before then, you a few will be better."

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