Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 481: Disappearing snow

On a new day, Veneto did not bid farewell to his parents and friends and Yue Zhong and they left the Sicilian star and returned directly to the Aura planetary Ⅳ military star through the headspace star gate, and Xiaomei will soon be ushered in here The materials obtained by Homura in Afrikaans have been aided to a certain extent by Star Zone.

  'S path of development seems to be on the right track. The enemies who once posed a great threat to them are no longer so terrible after having limited support from I Star Zone.

Of course, this is only limited to the development of the other party. It is also within the forecast range. Yue Zhong felt that his imagination was not enough to define the limit of its growth. If his own growth led to the formation of a short offensive and defensive alliance between Celon Schap and Cardin, Then you can definitely overwhelm yourself.

Although they are not dead enemies, the Pope’s admiral’s stuff is not so easy to take. He is currently the best target to attract the attention of all forces, whether it is Veneto’s new means of combat and Xiao Meiyan’s possible The means to solve the physical limit of the ship's mother will always make interested people interested and put into action, which can be described as a common target.

Parkfield Star Mariana Star Zone, the relics of the battle between J Star Zone and A Star Zone have been discovered four months ago, Karting took the core module of Xianghe to the newly developed headquarters planet for reconstruction, while letting Shiraishi firmly believes that he will continue to excavate the area around the battlefield ruins and bring back the ejected ship's core cabin one by one.

It is worth mentioning that Shiraishi firmly believed that when he was lucky to save his life, the moment the expedition ship was blown up, the escape cabin was first activated and avoided the stellar cluster gravity and hid to a safe zone. Then the escape cabin started artificial physical hibernation until half Ninghai searched for it a month later to discover it.

   seemed to feel that he was courageous. Kartin’s trust in Baishi deepened a little, so he was entrusted with heavy tasks in the event of a lack of manpower in the leaping development, and he promised to hand him over after the reconstruction of the Xianghe.

The order of the seven major galaxies was destroyed once under the attack of the Abyssal Fleet. Now all the powerful star fields are in the recovery period. If they wait until they are fully recovered, they will not be left to nothing like Kartin and Sellen Scheep. There is a chance to belong to the Admiral, so no matter what the purpose is, when they want to really guard what, power and influence are indispensable. At present, in addition to the restrictions on the development of Syllen Scheep, Karting The progress of Yue Zhong is good.

These warships and catastrophes of the ship’s core cabin are the wealth of the various star regions. The major star regions have stepped up their search for the ship’s mother in the star region, but the high mountains and roads of Pakfi Xinghai are far away. The difficulty is too great. Before the addition, all the bases were quickly occupied by Kart, and the collection operation of J Star Domain has not been effective.

Responsible for cooperating with Shiraishi, it is Pinghai who has a good relationship with him to stay in the Mariana star field. After the first discovery of the Xianghe, they found the core cabin of the Dafeng, if two powerful aircraft carriers can join the card. Ding's power will be a huge improvement to his large-scale combat capabilities, so after receiving the Dafeng, Kart urged them to find the Qinghang Flying Eagle as soon as possible.

   "The preset path has been searched for two-thirds, and the launch radius of the core cabin of the flying eagle is smaller than the orbital carrier. It should be possible to find him within three days." Through the holographic screen, Pinghai smiled and communicated with Bai Shi firmly.

   The little girl with white hair on her head loves to laugh. Whether it is happy or depressed, it is difficult to see sadness on her face, and always infects the people around her with a sweet smile.

  With the expectation in his heart, Shiraishi firmly believes that he will work hard for Kart, and the relationship between the two will naturally be harmonious.

   "What is Admiral Cardin busy recently?" Bai Shijian has been waiting with confidence in the day of riding the Xianghe, but now he has learned to turn around.

Kart will not directly communicate with him there. After hearing Shiraishi’s conviction, Pinghai smiled sweetly and said: “The Admiral has initially controlled the small part of the R star field in the Pakfi Xinghai, which is on the border with AU. Star Domain."

   "Aren't these colonial stars? Are they out of control?" Shiraishi firmly believes how much still knows the situation here and asks curiously after knowing Kart's movements.

"R Star Zone changed hands several times during the war, J Star Zone and A Star Zone launched a fierce battle for it, and the order was even more chaotic after the war. The Admiral also saw this point before bringing it into development, whether it was Neither J Star Zone nor A Star Zone is capable of interfering in the situation." As a ship's mother, Pinghai's information reserves are naturally extremely strong. "The AU Star Zone contacted by the Admiral was out of the most powerful E Star Zone before the war. Under control, but when the Royal Navy of E-Star Territory is overthrown, it is no longer able to govern such a far place, and it has now initially established itself."

"In addition to this, most of the colonies of the seven galaxies are now out of control. The Admiral believes that there may be a war conflict between old and new interest groups in the future, but the scale will be limited to the scope of naval combat. The threat of the Abyssal Fleet is real for every star field."

  For Karting's forward-looking ability, Shiraishi firmly believes that nature is trusted, but he also has other ideas in mind.

  'S deep understanding of human relationships does not mean that he can guess the hearts of all people. There is no shortage of lunatics in any world, and war is not artificially controllable.

  If there is a dark line from the Abyssal Fleet to help from it?

   Shiraishi firmly believed that he was taken aback by this terrible thought. He could not be sure whether his thoughts were correct. When he wanted to confirm the soldiers in the peaceful sea, a sudden shock came from the hull of Pinghai.

   "Warning, the warship was unidentified attacked and searched for the target with full power." Pinghai cut off the communication with Shiraishi firmly, he was not his own admiral, and could not help any in Star Wars.

   Everything is up to you. Judging from the strength of the attack, the opponent has only one small warship. As long as she finds her, Pinghai thinks that even if he can't fight, he can stick to the admiral's support.

Put into the combat state, a large amount of information flow began to interact with Pinghai as the center, the direction of the attack was on the port side, and the attack mode was shock type, so that the hull could not be fully accelerated in a short time. Leave yourself here?

   There were no shelters around. Pinghai began to search for the enemy while maintaining its defensive status, but after a long-distance detection scan, it found nothing.

"Even if it is a submarine, as long as it moves, there can be no reaction. There are only two explanations. The performance of the opponent's warship is far beyond her, or she took off the movement immediately after the attack." If it is the former, then yourself Without any resistance, Pinghai absolutely responded to the latter's conjecture without thinking.

Whether he intends to constantly kill his energy or to hold himself back to wait for reinforcements to form a joint assault, Pinghai feels that he must determine the identity of the other party, otherwise when the advisor asks what force attacked himself, but he himself It's too shameful if you can't answer.

"After spending so long with the Admiral in the Pacific Sea of ​​the Pacific, I have not met other regular fleets. So is the Starfield or the Pirates who attacked my battleship here? Anyway, the main force of the Admiral is now fighting in the R Starfield. I want to ensure the safety of the rear." Even if it is sunk during the battle, the core cabin can be quickly detached without being easily captured, but Shiraishi on the battleship firmly believes that it is not easy to say...

  The ship's mother knew the pros and cons, and between Kart and Shiraishi firmly believed that Pinghai chose the former decisively.

  After the impact of the light particle shock bomb disappeared, the Pinghai tried to attack the three-dimensional fan at full speed in the direction of the attack. If the enemy ship did not hit itself and ran, then there was a good chance that it could find the other party.

   Boom! There was another violent shock, but the direction of the attack appeared in the side and rear. The fully alert Pinghai made a judgment when the missile approached. The floating defense field and the armor offset the penetration of the missile and most of the Explosion shock.

"Impossible, her speed can't escape the capture range. Isn't there more than one warship?" Pinghai frowned, and the aftermath of the shock greatly slowed the speed of the ship. How did the other party get around and attack it behind her? ?

  The ability of the ship's mother in Pinghai is quite she lacks real actual combat experience after all, plus Karting is not around her, so she is inevitably caught in confusion.

  What to do next...

   "Pinghai, I think it should be a battleship of J Starland." Shiraishi firmly believes that after thinking for a long time, he finally sent a message to Pinghai through the bridge command channel.

   "J Xingyu, why are you sure?"

   "Because of this fighting style, our naval admiral was the best at this. As long as people who are concerned about star warfare know his characteristics."

   "You said he is alive?"

  Bai Shi firmly believed that he shook his head and said: "I don't know, but the news of his death has never been made public."

"It should not be possible, but the abyss fleet that encircled and suppressed him later completely wiped out the main carrier formation of A star domain. At that time, the navy of J star domain was already sunset Xishan, how could it survive." Pinghai denied Bai Shi firmly believe Words, but in my heart has been drumming.

   If it’s the admiral, I can’t have a chance, should I risk it?

Bai Shi firmly believes that he has a good understanding of J Xingyu Navy, and he has supplemented some relevant knowledge during this period. Although the efficiency of learning cannot be compared with Yue Zhong, it has improved compared with six months ago, and Pinghai is his only The object that can be discussed is that Pinghai has a deeper understanding of the J Xingyu Navy.

   "There are not many warships that survived the attack of the Abyssal Fleet, and most of the kinetic energy systems were modified and installed when resources were scarce."

  Pinghai was restarted, and she was unexpectedly attacked by a new round, but she took the risk of being penetrated and turned to superpower acceleration. She successfully caught the enemy ship's escape before being hit.

   Tonnage, speed, shape and attack mode...

   "It can be confirmed that it is the snow breeze of J Starland!"

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