Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 486: Future aircraft carrier theory

  LN's family moved from the grandfather's generation to the R star field and began to live. When her generation came, she rarely had the opportunity to return to the C star field to see. However, the LN growing up in the R star field is the same as many people of the same age. The education he received from childhood is the orthodox C star field culture. Almost all people who migrate from the C star field to other star fields will maintain their own traditions. It is one of the advantages of the self-proclaimed superstar power.

The R star field originally had no indigenous people, and all people traced back to people from other star fields. Among them, the A star field is mostly, but because the distance is too far away, there are few development planets in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. It is difficult for the domain to effectively govern here, so it is only here that the residents of the A star domain form the R star domain government to autonomy. Of course, this government is still a puppet of the A star domain until the outbreak of the Seventh Galaxy War, J Star Domain Once seized control here.

Whether it is A Star Zone or J Star Zone, in order to win the support of people in the same cultural circle, it will inevitably violate the interests of other Star Zone immigrants. C Star Zone immigrants are also here, and C Star Zone does not have a strong enough navy to come To protect the interests of these immigrants, those in power have no fear of their oppression.

If the people in the C Star Zone can still rely on the Great Wall defense chain to survive without paying attention to the Navy, then these immigrants in the C Star Zone, in their hearts, the desire to have a strong navy for their motherland is bound to be their countless times. Most of the people who promote the naval plan in the domain also have the experience of living in extraterrestrial domains, and deeply feel the difficulties of those wanderers.

With such a navy dream in mind, Kartin's recruitment plan achieved unexpected results. The girls who entered this ship's training base were willing to sacrifice their future lives to cast more vivid colors for this dream.

"The existence of the aircraft carrier is definitely not just the pan-attack suppression in the battle of the fleet. The aircraft carrier of the abyssal fleet in the battle of Aura is rigid and rigid, and the performance of the carrier aircraft is extremely backward, so it will achieve the name of the Veneto. This battle example can be used as a reference for the negative teaching materials, and can also be used as a guide for the future development of battleships.

"When the battleship can gather the ship and use the body of the ship as the moving point, the survival and mobility of the ship are enhanced, which guarantees firepower and solid defense. This means that the decisive tactics of naval gun to bombing have passed. In the face of such a small attack target, it is difficult for even small warships to target the target for effective attack. Even if it is a lucky hit, it is impossible to cause a threatening attack on the battleship... Then the effective killing of the battleship lies in the ship that can accurately attack On the carrier aircraft, the aircraft carrier will inevitably pose a strong threat to battleships that can pack the ship in the future. At the same time, if the aircraft carrier can also pack the ship, her weak protection ability will be improved."

"Excellent carrier carriers can control every carrier aircraft. If you want to become a carrier carrier, it is very important for complex data. The uninterrupted strike of carrier aircraft can ensure that the enemy’s energy shield is not missed. Time, you don’t have to be as careful about the timing and angle of attack as the battle line and battle patrol."

The discussion of the aircraft carrier tactics theory showed a trend of blowout after the Battle of Aura in Veneto. Some people pessimistically believe that the aircraft carrier will become a past tense under the technology of gathering ships, but there are also strong supporters of aircraft carriers from various Refute from the aspect, the fierce debate will inevitably have a guiding role from the conjecture of future wars and the development of science and technology, but the real decision whether these doctrines are established is not blown out by the mouth, but needs those who can govern and command the ship’s mother. Our advisors used actual combat to test.

  The innovation of new technologies means a big change in strategy and tactics, but these are the issues that the advisors need to consider. As a ship mother, what you have to do is to maximize the performance of your ship.

After the physical transformation, LN entered the ship’s training base run by Karting. The basic knowledge of Star Wars has completed all the courses before. Today’s first training is conducted by the Star Wars experts in the R star field. In-depth explanation of the aircraft carrier.

These people are undoubtedly strong supporters of the main force of the aircraft carrier, but because of this they have a little emotional tendency to the advantage of the aircraft carrier. LN knows that the future star wars will not be like those people who are affected by the record of the Veneto So pessimistic, but also not as good as these experts imagine.

"Every ship type has a meaning of existence. In a star sea full of possibilities, whether a warship is useful depends on the capabilities of the ship's mother and the level of its own performance, but in the final analysis, it depends on whether it is the tactic of admiral Within the system."

"Throughout the long-lasting Parkfield Star Wars between A Star Zone and J Star Zone, J Star Zone's most powerful battleships Yamato and Musashi did not have any record of success, and eventually even reduced to a super large near-star defense. Ship."

…Every day the training courses are very fulfilling. Although the basic industry of the R star domain is not as good as those of the old big star domains, there are many people who have witnessed the biggest battleship battle here, in the A star domain and the J star domain. Under the reign of the rule, scholars and experts here have more intuitive knowledge and guesses about Star Wars.

After LN's body becomes a ship's mother, the knowledge information that can be received and processed every day is quite large. The training of ship's mother is usually taught by thousands of people at the same time, and the life span of her life is compressed to a short thirty years, which is equivalent to a lifetime. What can be learned is also gathered.

   From the doctrine that is similar to the exact opposite, the shipgirls must find useful information to integrate into reality. This is their first test after becoming a shipgirl, and also determines their future achievements and Karting's choice.

  Everyone knows that there is only one aircraft carrier in the plan, and maybe it will be produced in the future, but this initial aircraft carrier will definitely become a symbol, and its ship mother also means the strongest here.

Few people can completely lose the heart of winning and losing, so competition naturally arises in the preparation of the ship mother. The girls who want to become the carrier mother are very confident in their own abilities and can stand out from it. There is absolutely no surprise. .

  Including Kart, all the people who participated in the training of ship mothers thought that the first test will be a battle of dragons and tigers, but in the final simulation test, only the subject of aircraft carrier has no suspense.

Yixian stood next to Kart with the latest score information and reported the situation of the aircraft carrier assessment: "The battle results are full and the loss ratio is below 5%, which means that a hundred carrier-based aircraft with the same performance are dueling She lost all her opponents with less than five losses."

"Is the training gap of the same schedule so obvious, is the gap so obvious?" Karting asked in some surprises. Even the previous Yixian and ZQ did not have the dazzling results of LN in the light cruise training. You must know that they are fighting. The navy patrol potential.

"The gap is too obvious. In general, she has no losses in the above battles. The reason why there is a loss ratio is just because she tries some different tactics in the battle." For the power of LN, Yixian as the flagship also felt A lot of pressure, LN is now competing with the same ship class ship mother, but will compete with her in the future.

   This is a girl who is absolutely proud and absolutely powerful. Even if the relationship between herself and Karting is not only the relationship between the ship's mother and the admiral, I am afraid that she will not be able to suppress her winning heart.

"It seems that there is no choice, then let her learn from Xianghe and Dafeng." To hide from Xianghe and Dafeng, there must not be too many people asking for advice from them. Kart’s conspiracy was revealed. If only LN was alone, the ship’s mother who pretended to be J Star Territory to seek advice from the two seniors could minimize the chance of exposure.

Yixian also agrees with Karting. Although LN has begun to threaten her status, she does not want to suppress the other party. After thinking of one thing, she hesitantly said: "Admiral, there is something I think I should tell you a bit."

   "What can't we say between us." Karting said curiously.

   "LN she seems to regard the Veneto as the goal to defeat."

After hearing this sentence, Kart felt a little tricky. The enemy or friend between him and Yue Zhong is temporarily uncertain, but if his future main ship mother is hostile to Yue Zhong’s flagship, then to a great extent On the other hand, the possibility of cooperation between them has been cut The kind that must be defeated head-on. "

  Kartin thought for a long time, and finally sighed: "This is the motivation and the pursuit, it is up to her. If she rejects her dream, then such a genius will not belong to us."


   "What is it, Admiral?"

   "In the future our fleet may become very large, you may not always be my flagship, but will always be my favorite person."

  Yixian stared at Karting in surprise, and in her impressions Karting never said such a thing, and the relationship between them was natural, and there was no dazzling spark that naturally recognized the other party.

   After a long time, Yixian smiled and her eyebrows were as beautiful as a meniscus: "Is the Admiral worried about my stress? As long as there is Admiral, you are enough."


After getting the results of his own assessment, maybe I already knew the results in my heart, so LN had no expression on his face, set aside those envious and jealous eyes, LN with black hair and long braids wore the white navy uniform she asked for The level comes to the deepest part of the base. She did not wear her own casual clothes like other warships. Instead, she had a soft spot for navy uniforms. Slim tops and short skirts perfectly presented the slim figure, and there was no lack of heroism.

After the door in front of her opens, she will go to see two powerful aircraft carrier mothers of J Star Domain. From them, they can learn a lot of real war experience that they cannot learn in training courses and simulated actual combat. .

Even if her achievements are incomparable, when she appears as a student, LN will be very humble and respectful. She doesn’t feel that she won some warship mother preparations to be unprecedented. These two predecessors of J Star Realm are also among the people. Come out.

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