Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 493: Scarlet

Fengxiang and Gecheng both came from the Battle of the PACFI Xinghai, and the only two remaining aircraft carriers of J Star Territory, compared with the dragon and phoenix and the falcon eagle, are naturally more powerful as the carrier mother, facing the menacing LN, Without hesitation, the two aircraft carriers withdrew all the carrier aircraft that cooperated with the suppression of military planetary ground fire, and gathered all their forces to deal with new enemies.

In the experience of fleet coordination, the Fengxiang and Gecheng will surpass the LN of the virgin battle. However, the reconstruction of the two aircraft carriers by J Xingyu is also greater than the two light ships of Longfeng and Falcon. Their carrier-based aircraft performance is undoubtedly Even more outstanding, the various indicators of the hull also far exceeded that of light flight. If two aircraft carriers in the heyday deal with LN together, even if her ability as a ship's mother is no matter how powerful, but the strength of an aircraft carrier is ultimately limited. .

The opponents here are no longer the weak warship preparations for training, but a thousand choices, the strong who have come out of countless warship preparations. They once fought side by side with Xianghe and Dafeng, who imparted their own experience. 'S comrades-in-arms, wanting to defeat their joint, is equivalent to defeating Xianghe and Dafeng.

  The Admiral has done his best to weaken the strength of the two opponents, and if he defeats them, he will be as famous as the Veneto!

LN has always been a girl full of ambition and aggression. Her pursuit of honor and record far exceeds her attention to her own life. Beating these two opponents is the best merit of her first battle, and will also be The Admiral won the first victory.

  Navy dream, without the cheers of victory, it will always be just a dream.

The long twist braid twitched, and the dome military hat on top of the head was crooked a little. LN, whose heart was filled with fighting intention and excitement, suddenly raised his head, and dazzling light flashed in the chaotic eyes. The three-dimensional network of fighter planes started to operate at high speed, and each carrier-based aircraft flew flexibly like its own fingers, colliding with Fengxiang and Gecheng's carrier-based aircraft clusters in an instant.

Traveling between the star seas composed of dark matter, the exchange of fighter jets turned like a cracked cloud, countless energy beams and physical bombs or blooming bright flowers of war, or flying far away from the theater, like The running streamer generally escapes into the distance. The light blue engine fire constitutes a dense cluster of stars over the military planet. The bursting shell and the dust are mixed with the destruction of the erupting energy and the sky is quietly but grandly staged under the silent sky.

The same fierce battlefield is concentrated on the landing channel that symbolizes life and death. Kart, who has taken over all the command authority from the Yixian, once again launched a new confrontation with Zhu Zhongxue. Every inch of the breakthrough is like biting each other. The wild beasts will surely leave **** scars. The broken armor accompanied by the scream of artillery silenced the sound of all things. Karting was indeed not as old as Zhu Zhongxue, but the defense troops he commanded broke out far beyond his opponents. Courage, compared with those of the star army recruits who are afraid of death, the navy soldiers who defend their homes can no longer see the emotions in their eyes, and the fiery eyes are staring at their targets. This star is not there. Mountains and rivers are broken, and an inch of river is an inch of blood and tears.

The morale gap inevitably affected the command of the two admirals. For the first time, Kartin, who had been suppressed by himself outside of the R star field, had the upper hand in the battle with himself. The last step of the landing channel has long disappeared. Threatening, but the base navy stationed with steel and flesh and blood blocked it from going further.

Once the offensive and defensive warfare of the military planets broke out, it was the worst meat ground in the war of the seven galaxies. It was no longer just the admiral and the ship's mother who decided to win in the Xinghai, but a large number of army soldiers participated in it, although each other They couldn't see each other, but they were extremely fiercely fighting and attacking.

For Zhu Zhongxue, cooperating with the Army's offensive has always been offensive to him, because this will greatly affect his command rhythm and strategic deployment, so he basically wiped out the enemy's fleet and resistance in the previous war. The completely suppressed military planets are handed over to the navy base soldiers for occupation, while the Army basically can only go to the administrative planet to suppress the resistance organizations. In the late stage of the war with A Star Zone, after a large loss of naval base soldiers, the Army had to put the army on the front line to defend the military planets, but its backward armament and morale made A Star Zone never organize decent resistance when attacking military planets. This is also one of the reasons for Zhu Zhongxue's final defeat.

   After losing the cover of the carrier aircraft, there were many loopholes in the landing channel. The army landing boat began to be continuously attacked or even exploded. The army inside could not escape completely. Many people directly burned to the ash when the landing boat exploded.

   Army recruits who were scared by huge casualties have long lost their will, but now they are retreating irrevocably, without the cover of the bamboo suzuki fleet, they can only be the targets of various ground weapons on the military planets of R stars.

This time Zhu Zhongxue brought a large number of troops, he gave up the idea of ​​fighting with Kart in the Xinghai and the already mature tactical system to launch a tough battle, nominally to carry out a tough battle tactical combat, in fact, the real purpose is to make these weak The army grew up after the baptism of war, and he did not want to experience it again in the failed past.

"Admiral! Gecheng has been hit hard by enemy aircraft carriers and has lost its combat capabilities." Nagato suddenly reported the latest situation of the aircraft carrier battle. There has been a slight fluctuation in the calm and calm voice. Maybe she can't imagine Fengxiang and Gecheng joining forces. It also allows the opponent's aircraft carrier to achieve such a result.

Zhu Zhongxue's delicate eyebrows were deeper, and he had a hunch when Karting appeared with the LN. He could accept the ship so quickly and have the ability to play. The strength of the ship's mother is definitely not simple. It may have been a card before. Ding was anxious to rescue here and forced to fight, but now it seems that this possibility has been ruled out.

   "What about their opponents."

"The number of enemy aircraft carrier aircraft has been lost by 70% compared with the beginning of the battle. The hull was damaged in many places but there was no fatal damage. The carrier aircraft of Gecheng has been lost after two wars. Fengxiang is attacking each other with all his strength. , Trying to sink it completely." Nagato hesitated and said: "I'll help her."

Gecheng lost its combat power, and Fengxiang may be almost the same. Without the firepower support of the aircraft carrier, it lost the possibility of contributing to this military planet. The defensive force commanded by Karting is more efficient and perfect than Yixian. If it is here In the battle, the army was killed in battle. The pressure inside J Xingyu did not say, which also violated Zhu Zhongxue's strategic plan.

   Therefore, it is no longer necessary for the Nagato to contain the planetary fortress cannon, and do everything in its power to strangle the Kart carrier in the cradle, so this battle will be a loss of both sides.

   "Nagato, attack the enemy aircraft carrier."

Compared with the violent aesthetics of battleships and battlecruiser heavy artillery bombardment, the battles of aircraft carriers are undoubtedly both ornamental and strategic. Each carrier aircraft is an independent individual under the control of the mothership, and they constitute a huge The clusters can be transformed into countless forms to attack. When a plurality of battles are set, the amount of command processing and changes in the battlefield will be enough to burn the brains of most ship mothers. It’s a lot more. The main energy of other ship mothers is to control their own hulls, but the aircraft carriers hand over the hulls to protect them, and they fully control the carrier aircraft to expand the results. These are two very different modes, and few ships Niang can do both.

There is a special type of ship in the J Starfield, which is a battleship aircraft carrier, but their ship mothership is not enough, so they have not exerted a theoretical effect on the battlefield. The harsh requirements have caused the major starfields to abandon the development of such battleships. Idea. The predecessor of the Veneto, Shenhuo, had a large number of carrier aircraft and dense main guns during the period of Fantasy Township. As a space fortress, it accumulated a lot of experience in the use of carrier aircraft, so Veneto is a small Some can become the existence of super-naval combat, but she insists on the idea of ​​battleships, so this is just an imagination.

In the fierce aviation battle, LN is no longer as infamous as before when facing the two predecessor aircraft carriers. Their rich combat experience and the cooperation of mutual oversight greatly fill the gap between their own capabilities and LN dragged into the quagmire of attrition warfare. After hitting LN now, although it successfully hit the Gecheng, its own hull was also damaged in many places, and it was easy for the remaining Fengxiang to break through the energy and armor defense.

Taking into account the control of the carrier-based aircraft and also controlling the movement of the hull as much as possible, LN thinks that this level of battle has not reached its own limit, but the attacks of Fengxiang and Gecheng have no way to avoid them all. The use of energy fields There are also great flaws.

When the Veneto annihilated the patrol fleet of the Abyssal Fleet, the attitude of facing the carrier’s attack came to LN’s mind, although the strength of those carriers was far inferior to that of Fengxiang Gecheng, although the carrier’s defensive ability was also inferior Yu battleships, but these are not excuses for excuses, LN with great ambitions do not allow themselves to admit defeat.

   But she carried a whole fleet and completed the feat of complete destruction...

The scanning detection of the carrier aircraft returned the movement of the Nagato, Zhu Zhongxue changed the tactical goal and tried to destroy himself, and the command of Karting also came: "LN leaves the current theater and merges with the U-type submarine formation, the trapped beast The battle is not worth resisting."

   "Admiral, please believe me..." LN's exquisite and classical face was a bit emaciated, and he gritted his teeth and asked.

"I know what you are thinking, as the ship's mother, you have to obey orders." Karting's voice became very serious, and there was no room for negotiation. "The fleet is not a stage of personal heroism. As an aircraft carrier, you cannot take everything on your own. , Trust your companion."

   After LN was silent for a moment, he untied the scarf on his chest and held the star amulet in his right hand. The sharp angle pierced the palm of his hand and the blood spread out: "LN understand!"

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