Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 518: Relentless

The energy naval gun that condenses full power is adjusted to the maximum range of shock mode, bursting out from the limit distance, easily piercing the atmosphere protection of the tranquil universe and the surface of the Sicilian star, which is unprecedented by everyone. The moment came to the government area of ​​the star.

The huge energy of destruction did not penetrate into the thick surface, and blasted violently directly on the surface. It was used to suppress the attack of large warships and fell on the buildings of humans. The destructiveness was far beyond what people expected. The uprooted building debris formed a punishment-like lotus flower, and everything in the area was shaken at a very fast speed.

After the instant destruction and destruction, a large number of ruins formed a standard circle around the former government area, and countless wreckage piled up a wall of waste soil up to more than ten meters, forming a completely different world in the circle. , The outer area was stained with gray by the decaying earth waves, and the ring was not covered with linings. Every square meter of land was flattened by a precise scalpel, whether it was a stone or The sand is flat like a mirror.

  I don’t know how many people were killed in it, but it is certain that most of them were ordinary people working for the rebel army government, and together with the careerists they worked for, there was no trace of painful death without any preparation.

   Did they kill them for peace? In this way, Yue Zhong said his first unbelief, and Veneto would not believe that no matter how just or awe-inspiring, he could not conceal his selfishness, and the humans who died in this bombardment certainly existed with him. Irrelevant ordinary people.

  The flames of war are ruthless, so what are the qualifications of human beings who create and use it to achieve their own goals? The sacrifice of innocent people has long shaken Yue Zhong's mind, but the consequences of doing so made Veneto a little uncomfortable.

   She is not a righteous knight like Richelieu, but she is also unwilling to let the war spread to ordinary people, especially the human on this planet that she was born and has always guarded. Even if the memories it left to you are not good, it does not prevent you from guarding it.

   But everything is different now. I can no longer be called the glory of I Star Territory, and I am no longer the guardian of I Star Territory, no matter whether it will be known or not, at least I know it.

   She was the first ship mother who dared to rebel against her motherland alone, and the first ship mother who fired artillery at her motherland.

"Admiral, is it enough?" A very calm inquiry, but it was so painful, so fierce and urgent that Yue Zhong couldn't speak to answer this question of Veneto, he understood the behavior of himself and Xiaoyan, What impact will Veneto bring to his heart.

   But she still carried out her orders, so determined that there was no hesitation.

Give her care, let her see more things that can be pursued, and finally choose to live for herself. What Yue Zhong has always done is to teach a warship who once became a tool of war. , And today is her graduation ceremony.

The thing that    taught her is called selfishness, maybe one day in the future this seed will bloom into flowers and turn itself into nourishment. When I hope that day will never come, I am also pleased to see the real transformation of a ship lady, full of blood like red, burning like fire.

Yue Zhong, who is good at using and confusing people's hearts, has been doing all the people around him to build a strong and independent heart. While pursuing the truth and self, he has been hurt more than once, but he still dies No repentance, I never thought of tying them together with myself, clearly what I could do on my own, but I wanted them to be able to live on their own and be smart after they left.

   As for those who sacrificed, I'm sorry, after all, I haven't even seen him before, and I can't sympathize. The bombardment of Sicily was for oneself and Homura, which is one of the purposes that cannot be quibbled, but it is also to allow Veneto to really be able to make an end with the past, perhaps self-righteous?

"I can only count on the life of another person. How can I be beautiful? There is never a lack of beautiful people in this world. This is even more true in a world where you can change your appearance. Only a unique temperament cannot be copied. A strong heart is the best palette under the gray surface."

This is a hobby that comes from birth or the day after tomorrow. Only Yue Zhong knows it, but no one knows and understands it. Whether it is the big devil he has cultivated by himself, or the somewhat immature Veneto, or Xiao Meiyan is not very clear.

"Enough." After a long delay, Yue Zhong finally answered Veneto, and further issued a new order. "Quickly left here to go to the military planet leading to the Afrikaans to uncover Augustus Caesar. 'S next hole card."

   It is not yet known that Veneto has done this, and if it is possible, it is best to always know only by themselves.

"OK, OK, there is no problem now. The entire fleet is forced to press the rebels into the control area. Most of the high-level rebels have been unable to effectively use the threat of black hole bombs. Let us go back to the glory partners. ."

   At a certain bridge at the same time, there was no majesty or even a lazy sound. He seemed to be able to know any major events in the seven galaxies as soon as possible. Of course, it is not necessarily true information, which requires him to judge for himself.

Unidentified warships bombarded Sicily and destroyed the headquarters of the rebel army, and escaped. Ulster did not doubt Yue Zhong and Veneto, but with what he knows, there is no possibility of survival after being attacked by black hole bombs at close range. No matter how fast it is, it is impossible to flee for the first time.

But this is not an important thing. Ulster is the culmination of the legendary Admiral, and also the president of the Seventh Galaxy Naval Admiral Association. His attitude towards his peers is not to suppress and strangle, and sometimes he will let it grow up. Otherwise, those people are always coming and going, which is quite boring.

   Therefore, Ulster did not regard Yue Zhong as a nail in his eyes like Augustus Caesar, and there was no need to destroy him.

E Star Zone is very strong, but its limited population is not enough for it to completely rule the seven galaxies, and the fusion federation is not that those politicians are willing to see. A Star Zone has not completely relieved from the collapse of the federal system. In the face of devastating disasters, it is the most difficult to reunify the dispersed rights after being broken up.

Therefore, their foreign policy has been to stir the world order while maintaining their own strength. For thousands of years, their royal glory has reached its peak, and the Navy Admiral Association has also strongly advocated it, bewitched by the name of the legendary Admiral The world.

   encountered an abyssal fleet and thought that the E galaxy dominated by the seven galaxies could not be without vigilance. Although they are almost disappeared now, the threat is still there. The world of war full of flowers is a source of stronger power, but it can’t let the order break down to a point that is difficult to clean up. I feel the taste behind the rebellion in the I-Star field. Ulster naturally wants to come forward to clean up and also let myself The fleet will not stay away from the baptism of war.

"Prince of Wales, as a flagship, go with me to the 37th, 28th, and 49th areas of the A ring; Nelson is the flagship, and the 17th, 24th, and 13th points of the B ring of the second fleet; Rodney is the flagship and the 75th point of the C ring of the third fleet. , Area 38, 22..."

   The huge E-Star fleet still does not mean to consolidate and act at the same time, even though there are still many warships scattered in E-Star and colonial areas, but the strength that Alster can call is still very powerful.

The huge fleet is divided into several arrows pointing directly at the rebel control area. The distance of each sub fleet is very far, beyond the chain of command and also completely covering the periphery of the rebel control area, just like waiting for the prey to run from inside. Come out the same.

   Ulster never cared about whether the squadron would lack the advisor and the combat effectiveness declined. Yue Zhong envisaged that Veneto could truly lead the fleet to fight, but before that Ulster had developed this tactic to perfection.

The princes of Prince of Wales, Nelson, Rodney, Hood, avant-garde... and so on have common characteristics. If they are careful, they are easy to find. Starship’s ship lady wears as much as she it is a military uniform with different styles and different colors, they are all decorated with medals and ribbons (vertical painting), and each one is not an ordinary admiral. The warship mother is also a real navy general.

   The general who was truly granted by the E-Star Navy and served as a practical general has the ability to specify a complete tactical plan and implement it, which is almost no different from the admiral. The ship mother is more like a general existence. This is almost a taboo field in other star regions, but it was incredibly successfully implemented by Ulster. It is also the biggest secret that he can guarantee the combat effectiveness of all fleets and maintain the huge colonial star zone.

   has never been made public, and it is difficult for others to imitate the implementation, because E Star Domain regards the name of the Royal Navy above all else, which keeps the ship's loyalty to the greatest extent. But even such a warship is almost impossible to become an admiral. These are two completely different training systems. Even the most powerful genius ship warrior, Inetto, Veneto is still trying this path. in the process of.

   But Ulster did not realize it for any tall purpose. He just didn’t want to manage a huge fleet alone, so he cultivated the potential ship mother like this.

   is not so much an admiral, it is better to say that he is the best and the most genius instructor in the seven galaxies. As long as there is such a possibility, he can achieve it.

   Otherwise, how can those ship pride and pride of glory endure such a lazy admirer indefinitely?

   "Hood is..., oh, I forgot, then you are presumed to replace Hood's position as the flagship of the Seventh Fleet."

   "Admiral, are you sure?" The prestigious heterochromatic pupil looked at Ulster with a smile, seemingly questioning his decision.

   "No road race, counterattack may take good care of me!"

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