Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 527: Pirate style

   is very strong in gathering ships. Not only does it have an infinite stack of main ship guns, its own defense has not been reduced, and the small attacked surface can be calmly faced when facing a large-scale fire, but even so it is not perfect.

Litorio, who accompanied him in battle on countless star battlefields, began to understand the weakness of himself from the glare of the prism, and the role of the corresponding newcomer aircraft carrier gradually came into play, and he maneuvered himself. The route is no longer as wide as it was just now.

In the form of the ship's mother, the point of emphasis is the point-to-point lethality, so the power of the main gun has not been reduced, but because the body can carry a very limited range, the secondary gun suitable for group combat has also condensed to a very small range, although The concentration of firepower has increased, but without the support of a large ship hull, it is almost equivalent to the output port of a point. If the same effect is to be produced, then the ship mother itself has to perform a high-intensity deep roundabout, even if it is so covered with firepower After all, its strength cannot be compared with the shape of the ship.

This is Veneto’s only flaw at the moment, which cannot instantly cause large-scale group killing. When the fleet of I Starland was gradually improved under the adjustment of Julio Caesar, her single-point breakthrough ability was also limited. .

Julio Caesar's tactics are quite rogue. Although she can't effectively hurt Veneto, she uses the formation and its energy reserve to consume the energy. In the past, there was no way to limit the maintenance of Victoria because of the command ability of a ship mother. Neto, but when Litorio and Rome and the Empire started to deal with her, the effect of this tactic gradually became effective.

The carrier-based aircraft clusters do not blindly search for their own attempts to attack, but regularly intersect the formation to form a body barrier to oppress Veneto’s direction of action. The Veneto-class battleship led by Litorio relies on Veneto The close proximity of the fire control technology and the intuition of the battlefield, the cross-attack of naval guns excluding casualties of the carrier aircraft obviously played a role in the pull.

At this point, the battlefield is no longer a stage where Veneto can alone turn the tide. Although only looking at her, she has not yet been at a disadvantage. However, if this continues, she can still achieve several times the results, and she still cannot save Selron. The fate of the destruction of the Fleet Fleet cannot win this war.

   failed, no one here wanted to accept it, so they had to fight to the end.

The tactical adjustment of the I Star Fleet is based on the premise that it has already reinvented the Sailon Schepper Fleet. The deployment of the power of three main battleships and all aircraft carriers will inevitably lead to insufficient restrictions on the Sailon Schepper Fleet, but look at By the time they are struggling, they can almost know that they have no resistance.

The life path opened by Veneto was gradually blocked, because the movement of the entire fleet did not break the troops, and the change of the overall battle array is still moving forward with the Sailon Schipper fleet in the middle. Being able to sacrifice some of the battleships decisively may have the possibility of escape, but now they still have little hope.

"If you can be decisive... if my fleet can also gather the ship like Veneto... no, if it is, it does not exist." The care and cherish for the mother of the ship is by Sellen Scheep The characteristics can not be said to be superior or inferior, so he let his fleet lose the hope that had just been obtained, but because of this, he felt guilty for seeing Veneto never give up in the battle of enemies. , And dare not give up.

   Too much of what may be piled up is just a beautiful fantasy, mostly dissipated with a dream, but there is no time for people to sleep in the fantasy, and some responsibilities must be taken up immediately.

   Otherwise, how to face the ship mother who has sacrificed for this still believes in her ship mother.

   For people with more sensibility than reason, outburst and extraordinary play are usually very likely to exist, as long as he has the motivation to do so.

   "I don't want to lose."

   "Admiral, I don't want it either. This is not only lost to the I Star Fleet, but also I lost to Veneto. Before that, in the entire world, my name was louder than her."

   The pirate cat jumped out of the way next to Sailon Scheep, watching humans struggling in the midst of danger, and curiously said, "What should I do?"

"I don't know, I should fight as much as I can. Since I can't escape, I can only fight." Sylon Schepper was not a resourceful person, nor did he have the wit to break out in the Jedi, so he didn't have any Steps to break through the plan, but as an advisor, he still has the ability to direct operations.

Escape from the cracks, or staying in one place is not the style of command that Sailon is good at. Because of the warship's wear and tear, he has been trying to avoid this situation, but he can't even hide it now. Too.

  Since you can’t escape, let’s fight in the way that we are most good at. This idea is more suitable for this fleet than the sword-striking plot.

Guerrilla strategy in the endless Xinghai, no one can capture its traces, if the combat environment is infinitely broad, then the full power of Sylon Scheep can be exerted, the current situation does not seem to be suitable for such combat, but He still had to do it forcibly, after all, it was better than waiting for death and struggling for a while.

   "Bismarck attacked the enemy flagship Julio Caesar with all his strength. It didn't matter if he was too far away, and he had to fight if he couldn't make it, so that they knew what to do as a deterrent for pirates."

   "Z1, Z2... is a destroyer, and has a full power to break away from the formation and burst into three Veneto-class formations to throw physical bombs close to us. Before we owed Veneto, at least we have to go back."

   "The submarine force D-direction movement, how much can be smuggled to me as much as possible, around the Julio Caesar."

   "The remaining warships continue to maintain their formation and follow the Bismarck, and finally... Eugen, you stay."

I don’t know when I started to fear fighting. In the face of the pressure from many stars, the first thing I thought of was to give up the base here and escape from the Europa Galaxy. Then I became more and more afraid and worried about the damage of each battleship. I don't want to see anyone in danger.

   seems to have forgotten the feeling of being a pirate admirer when he was agitated by several destroyers a few years ago.

  Because of the foundation and the huge family business, I lost the courage to move forward. Every additional member of the fleet is like thinking about it for her. But is this kind of escape really what they want?

   So I still don't run away, not facing this desperate situation, but also want to face all the hostility of the star field. I am a pirate, and I am naturally not allowed to be orthodox, trying to win their approval or pity. Isn't that funny?

   Fight with all your strength. Everyone who sinks, the Admiral will definitely get back one by one, and make the whole Europa galaxy tremble because of us!

In the release of the battle order, the appearance of Syllen Scheep brightened, and it was in stark contrast to the almost gray person just now. The reason for fear of sacrifice is nothing more than fear of being separated forever. If you don’t go, It is nothing more than sinking again. Even if it was Ulster, he didn't have the confidence to seize himself, no need to defend anywhere, and lost a base to build a base again, in the battle of the interstellar battlefield, he never feared anyone.

   "Not a legendary admiral, but a pirate legend, so it has the name of admiral."

   "Who am I? Lao Tzu, but Salen Scheep!"

The spirit of Sailon Scheep quickly implemented into every ship's mother. The unpredictable execution of his important commands were all belonged to the former G star domain, not only because of their absolute trust in Sailon Scheep, but also because of their It has the most complete preparation and the greatest tactical effect. And the battleships of the other star domains were moving closely around the Bismarck, carrying out his command that the deterrence must be sufficient regardless of whether he could hit it, and tilted the firepower crazy towards Julio Caesar, once removing it from the front. Back to the But I Star Zone’s previous saturation strike on the Sailon Schepper Fleet soon showed its impact. When the slammed Sailon Fleet just tried to guerrilla advance, a One battleship after another was hit by exhaustion of energy protection. The gradual explosion of fire and the flying core cabin formed the main scene. The main fleet with inconsistent kinetic energy began to be disconnected. All those who could not keep up with Bismarck’s speed Damaged battleships were hit one after another until the end of battle sinking.

In order to ensure that the invasion of the main fleet can expand the space surrounding the battlefield, the prince Eugen stayed in the rear to form the formation, and the guards are not allowed to stay on the defense line. After the energy shield is exhausted, all the hulls are used equally. Is responsible for the necessary damage, and with its extraordinary understanding and execution ability of the guards, until it can no longer block the attack of the rear fleet and burst, the outer suspension armor of the hull has been completely broken, and the extension on the hull Things were also cleaned up.

  Almost all the damage that a frigate can bear, has always followed the pace of Bismarck. After knowing that she was loyal to the new admiral, she escaped from the control of A star domain and tried to escape.

At the last moment, the blue-haired girl quietly looked at the figure of Bismarck, who was going away, and watched her until the road to victory murmured: "I can finally sacrifice for you, but I can’t see you. The heroic posture of this victory, if you meet again in the future, you must tell me."

   never doubted, even under such an absolute disadvantage, never doubted whether she would win.

   Such sacrifices are staged in the surrounding battlefield, but Syllan Scheep no longer has heartache, and perhaps the heartache has been numb already for a long time. If you can't win, what qualifications are there to recover them?

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