Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 534: Temporary end

   "The Admiral got up quickly, and Rodney sent a message that she had met the disappearing Utopia. She was heading to the I Star Fleet, where the battle was almost coming to an end."

Ulster, who was sleeping soundly, heard a voice and reluctantly opened his eyes to see the Prince of Wales standing next to his bed. His brown eyes were as passionate as the burning battlefield: "The Fleet After the distribution, all the Sicilian rebels have been suppressed, and the surrender application sent by the army assembly place is time to eliminate the last enemy in this place."

   Ulster rubbed his eyes and said: "Although we did come to grab the site, when did I say that they are enemies?"

   "All non-Allied warships that have entered my country's star zone without approval are all enemies." The Prince of Wales said indifferently, "It should be all cut, even if Hood is still waiting for us to accept them."

   "It's not good, we are just partners, how can we cut people casually." Ulster was hesitant, maybe he hadn't made up his mind to completely turn his face with I Xingyu and resolve Yue Zhong.

   "Less nonsense, listen to me, yes, Earl Glamorgan hasn't sealed it. Do you want to take office immediately?" The Prince of Wales raised a threatening expression from the corner of his mouth.

   Ulster jumped out of bed and said, "Then listen to Brother, all cut."

  Just like a joke, Alster and the Prince of Wales decided the orders of I Star Fleet and Yue Zhong, who didn't care what impact it would cause.

"The rebels surrendered, and Augustus Caesar disappeared, so everything can be understood. Since it is a self-directed self-direction, it will have to bear the corresponding consequences. It is directly determined that the I-Star Fleet wants to reignite the world war, let Baturu brought his fleet to meet, and there was one more witness." After determining a target, Ulster would not be stupid enough to rush to kill all I star fleet and Yue Zhong. After reading the latest After the intelligence, he quickly found a reason, so that their plan to occupy the channel to Afrika was even more flawless.

Ulster hurriedly drawn a few arrows on the wide-scale star map, and the Prince of Wales sent an order to start the assembly of the seven fleets in one direction. With the huge combat advantage, Augustus Caesar may Dead again, there is no suspense in such a battle.

   "New plan, Hood Hood Ho!"

The flagships distributed throughout the rebel control area quickly accepted Ulster's order, and after carrying out without hesitation, the prestige holding the plan in his hand stood on the side of a bucket with a mop and a mop. Tao: "The Admiral's plan naming is still so stupid, but this time there will be no problems. Before that, I was worried that Brother and the counterattack together would repeat the mistake of Parker Xinghai."

  The carrier of the I Star Fleet is still intact, but the actual combat ability will be greatly reduced without the admiral, but for some special reason, the prestige ordered its sub-fleet to start an urgent march. It must be the first to arrive on the battlefield before the admiral.

  Veneto, who is worth fighting with himself, has lost his combat ability, so everyone there is garbage.

  In order to avoid some strange accidents, let me go and clear the field first. Next time, I have to be careful not to let the Admiral take the elder brother and the counterattack together.

The commanding E-Star Royal Navy, galloping and fighting like the Horn of the Seven-pointed Star, all of them, except for their prestige, sank in the last battle of the Seven Galaxies, and today this battle is the biggest since the reorganization of the fleet A large-scale war, the sword refers to the I-star navy that intends to rekindle the fire of the Seven Galaxys and regain the glory of the Royal Navy...

Opening the Afrikaans and completely controlling this channel, E Star will have the opportunity to get a large colony of stars to recover after the chaos of the abyssal fleet: "The upstarts in A star, even if your fleet exceeds us, But who is the real overlord is still unknown!"

In the starry sky of the Europa Galaxy, no one can stop the E-Star Fleet, which is almost fully edited, and the rebel zone, which has been secretly settled, is even less qualified. Since Augustus Caesar fell behind, he arranged Everything has disappeared, and the high-level control of the rebel army has surrendered to E Star after losing its backbone. The only thing that needs to be done now is to completely destroy the mischievous I star. ...Who cares?

Yue Zhong also directed Andrea Doria and other struggles on the front line. He understood that his battle with Augustus Caesar, after attracting Ulster, was most likely just to make a wedding dress for others, but He had no choice, but Ulster wanted to take this opportunity to eradicate them in one fell swoop, so neither he nor Augustus Caesar, who died again, would allow it.

  The remote African development base, where the famous Zaki intercepted the marching route of the E-Star navy, reopened the previous communication link: "I think it is time for both of us to stop, isn't it?"

   "I don't care about old-style warships and ship mothers." President I Starfield appeared on the other end. He didn't seem to have any impatience, and he looked very spirited.

Ming Zaki knocked down the cigarette ash in his hand, and he said: "But you need to settle the rebellion of Planet Aura, reveal your cards? Don’t forget that Augustus Caesar is no longer here, he The responsibility of you is taken by you, and Alster is also faced by you. Maybe you don’t need him, and the new rebel forces will let you step down."

After a moment of contemplation, the President has a bewitching taste: "Young man, I can see your ambitions. Why would you want to surrender? If he dies, you can inherit this legacy, and that can change. The technology of the world pattern, cooperation with me may not be able to truly grasp the order of the world."

   heard the famous name Zaki sneered and smothered the cigarette **** directly at hand: "Because he can't die."

  All he has is not confidence in Yue Zhong. The meaning revealed in his words also seems to indicate that the unnamed Admiral who chose to turn to Yue Zhong has other plans. He does not believe that Yue Zhong will die there. Maybe he knows more.

"It seems that I can't convince you for the time being, then I agree to reconcile, and cooperate with me if I have a chance in the future." The president also tried to persuade Ming Zaki while being convinced by him. The civil strife of Planet Aura is somewhat more than Sicily’s rebellion is more serious, and the scale is lacking but uncontrollable. Once the fire of the prairie in the hinterland of the I-star territory, he is really likely to step down.

  After the conversation with the president of I Starfield, Ming Zaki ignited another cigarette. The entire communication room was airtight. As early as before, the smoke had already circulated and even affected the sight. There is such a channel that can lead to the Roman planet without delay, but he has not told Xiao Meiyan and Yue Zhong. This is just a part of the divisiveness of Augustus Caesar's Bureau. Saying nothing or not means nothing.

"The big president is no more than that. He is just as cheating as a child. I really think that everyone in the world is as dirty as you. Do you use any means for power?" Ming Zaki's eyes narrowed, the more funny he thought, "Unfortunately I am not People here, outsiders are not Yue Zhong and..."

   Thinking of the man's name, Zachy's eyes revealed a hint of enthusiasm, and Augustus Caesar was not inferior to God's piety.

  God-believers and demon-followers have traveled so many worlds in endless time and space, not only the shackles of the court, but also the admirers.

   "Being a man doesn't have to be ambitious, can you repay your gratitude too?"

Fearful of the arrival of Ulster, the order of the big president to withdraw the troops was quickly conveyed to the current flagship of the I Star Fleet, the Roman. At this moment, she is stalemate with the fleet commanded by Yue Zhong and has not yet seen the hope of winning it, although The enemy had only a few warships, but under the command of the Admiral, the I Star Fleet caught fire everywhere, and most of Rome’s energy was used to deal with the loopholes caused by the unreasonable lucky shelling of Andrea Doria She also had a headache because of the fantasy control. In comparison, she even felt that Veneto, who had previously packed the ship, was easier to deal with.

   But from the moment of receiving the order, it means that the battle is over and the mission of being a ship mother is completed, even if it is so unsatisfactory, UU reads the book www.uukanshu. Com Roma can only command the fleet to rush back.

  Veneto quietly watched his former partner evacuate from the enemies just now, and silently sent the other party away, hoping that they could find a new direction, and they could shoulder greater responsibilities in the future.

"VV, are you thinking about their future?" Yue Zhong stood holding Xiao Meiyan and lowered his head to look at Veneto, who thought deeply, "Although they don't want to say that, they have no future, maybe one day They will fight with you again."

  Veneto looked up in surprise. She didn't understand the meaning in Yue Zhong's words. Could it be that the I-Star Fleet would be destroyed in the future?

"Alster should be here. Doria quickly evacuated here and entered the spare hideout." Yue Zhong turned back and said to Andrea Doria, "His decision cut off the possibility of my entry into the I Star Fleet, But I think the big president didn’t want me to go, go to Afrika."

"Hey? I still have to run." Andrea Doria complained. She thought that the enemy would be finished after retreating. Xiao Meiyan had Yue Zhong to take care, then she could not just clean the wound of the big sister's head. However, the Admiral's words prevented her attempt.

   Yue Zhong smiled while walking: "Go away, you can't wait any longer, I don't quite understand what your ship mother wants to do, but there are opportunities."

   "Admiral!" Veneto chased after Yue Zhong and said very seriously: "Can you tell me what I just said?"

"VV, what you need now is to take a break as soon as possible, and I will talk to you after you get back in shape." After saying this, Yue Zhong walked out of the bridge holding Xiao Meiyan, leaving Veneto one People stood there dull.

  Since this is said, it means that there is no way to rescue?

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