Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 541: Saxophone

Under the gap between the void and the dimensional wall, the seven galaxies form a sphere. The borders of the world are icy dangerous star regions. There are a few stars there, and the dim and deep penetrates into the bone marrow. The energy storm is more frequent and difficult to capture. In the bright star zone, many of the detected waves will be swallowed quietly, making it difficult for the fleet that strayed into it to discern its direction, either lost in the middle until it died, or broke into the plane border and disappeared in this world.

  The seven galaxies have not yet been able to know exactly what exists behind the void and the dimensional wall. Any tentative investigations are as fruitless as mud bulls entering the sea, and the area at the edge of the world over time has become the taboo of the world.

Lurking on the edge of the dark world, the sleeping black warships are arranged in the universe. At first glance, it makes people feel that the scalp is numb, and the dark purple light shimmers faintly, if not for a long time. If you look at it, it is easy to ignore it.

This is the direction of the Europa galaxy towards Al's nemesis sea, which leads directly to the endless void. There are no star fields in the seven galaxies that have energy to control this area. The countless dangers will bring any human beings trying to conquer to hell, but they are Yue Zhong is called the unit of the Abyssal Fleet, but he sleeps peacefully here.

More than a hundred times the sum of all battleships in the world, the desperate number is the key to the abyssal fleet. However, the fleet parked at this place is only the tip of the iceberg of the abyssal fleet. Most of them used to station or patrol the seven galaxies until It was only recently recovered here to slowly return the world to humanity.

  The fleet from the void cannot communicate with humans, and it has no ability to develop the energy of the material world. It is completely useless to occupy the material world, so they are willing to return the world to humans, and then quietly wait for the next moment of harvest.

In the very different void, the word development does not exist, and the warship does not need to be built. As long as enough resources are obtained, it can be automatically generated. Most of the species there are energy bodies, and they can only transport the plundered energy back. As for the actual materials, all of them are left in this area where humans can't get involved. At the right time, they will be turned into a core and armor that wraps the core of the abyssal fleet so that it will not be excluded by this world.

The core of the abyssal fleet is the mother of the human warship. Humans obtained a sample by chance, and then opened the chapter of the warship. However, unlike the warship, the core of the abyssal fleet is quantified nature. The shaped products are common in the void like real life creatures. Most of them do not have self-awareness, and are highly concentrated on the top-level void energy body. After obtaining the actual physical shape, they can also exert their performance, but they still cannot reach the ship’s mothership. the height of.

But this does not mean that the level of the ship's mother is higher. The abyss warship composed of this form is like pulling an ordinary person from the human world into a ship's mother. It does not require training and selection, and its ability level is naturally. A big difference.

   Ordinary people can not become qualified ship mothers, but the species of the void can, because the combat power of this mode is the most suitable for the void rather than human civilization.

In the dim light in the center of the abyss fleet, a human figure hidden under the gray cloak stood only motionless, with a red light on his face, he could not leave the purple nihility around him, and could exist in this world. Thanks to the energy bodies from the void, once they come into contact with reality, they will soon be noticed by the higher civilizations of mankind.

Most people think that the abyssal fleet has no admiral because their number is too large. During the battle, they almost started fighting in the seven major galaxies, but they did not know that all the abyssal warships that appeared on the battlefield were controlled by hiding and Alchemy. In the hands of the admiral.

   originated from the battlefield of the Sicilian rebellion. The confrontation between **** and devil made the abyssal admirer who slept here slightly opened his eyes and looked at the world, as if he had not slept enough. The only red light exposed under the gray cloak slowly dimmed.

The world has not yet been fully mobilized, and the resource reserves and energy needed by the void are far from being saturated, so it is not time for the abyss fleet to reappear, but after a glance, the current level of human power is also clear, the abyss The warship will therefore make appropriate adjustments.

  The seven galaxies cannot reach the edge of the world, and before that they could not enter the center of the seven galaxies, which is the core area of ​​the Afrikaans.

This is different from the coldness of the world's borders, and energy storms will basically not appear here. However, the central black hole in the Afrikaans is extremely large. Due to such a huge interstellar pull, the stellar clusters gathered in the center of the Afrikaans are also several times larger than others. The existence of galaxies, a large number of stars and stellar expansion states makes large-scale development here, and few planets suitable for human survival are also extremely dispersed. Even such planets, the living environment above is also very bad. Humans must pay to fight against nature. Great price.

In the early days when the seven galaxies entered the interstellar age, the African galaxies were a disorderly paradise. A large number of forces that failed in the internal struggle of mankind will choose to escape here to seek a first-line life. Under the development of the losers, the internal chaos of African galaxies also has With its own science and technology system, a large amount of unexplored resources are hidden in the scorching galaxy. If unified, it will become a huge force comparable to the A star field, but the competitors here and the mutual dumping are also far more prosperous than other galaxies. The fierce battle between different cultures and beliefs has exacerbated this point. In such a chaotic environment, there is no power to connect these scattered planets together.

The powerful forces such as E-star and F-star occupied more or less the periphery of Afrika, and established an orderly administrative area. They even extended the scope of forces to the depth of Afrika and achieved certain results. However, the outbreak of the seven galaxy wars The invasion of the Abyssal Fleet led to the failure of the division of Africa.

Yue Zhong and his fleet, after a tragic and dangerous journey, finally successfully set foot in this land of Africa, just like the losers of countless struggles, speculative ambitions and notorious criminals throughout the ages, Try to occupy a place in Afrika.

   They established an outpost into Afrika at an earlier time, an abandoned military planet. With the efforts of Xiao Meiyan, this development base has gradually renewed vitality, but the military number of the star has not been used before, and Xiao Meiyan probably does not have the kung fu to think of a good name. See this military planet Eighty percent of the surface layer is covered with sand, which is directly called the sand star.

   After Xiao Meiyan met a young man named Zaki who was also an outsider and had intersects with her on the plane travel, but Xiao Meiyan had seen too many people who could not remember who it was. The other party had already appeared in Africa and had two warships before they came to this world. After seeing Xiao Meiyan again, he directly proposed to serve him. At that time, Xiao Meiyan, who was in desperate need of manpower, agreed without too much research into his origins. .

   Then slowly began to trust from the defense, plus Yue Zhong needs Xiao Meiyan to go back to help, let him take charge of the Shaxing development base. As for whether he has other ideas, Yue Zhong and Xiao Meiyan have their own plans. They cannot rely on the two of them and the ship's mother forever in order to develop in this world. They always need some outstanding people to help, even if the other party is distracted. , The threat that can be brought is also very limited.

  The two warships under the name of Zaki have the characteristics of African aborigines, both of which have a dark-skinned appearance, but they were once affiliated with A star domain and E star domain.

Among them, the heavy cruiser is Indianapolis from Star A. The face has red thorns, often wearing a white coat and gray shawl, long tube red cotton socks, unique skin color and sweet appearance. Idol traits.

The other destroyer is the black-backed jackal of E Starland. The black-skinned alien is not a pure human but a ship-eared ship mother. She usually has long silver-grey hair, but is irritated. But the color will turn black, and behave and dress like a Standing in the vast golden desert is a huge development base, many facilities have been gradually improved under the development of Ming Zaki, A lot of skilled workers who have become slaves have also been purchased through the population trade from within the African galaxies. This type of population sale has long been eliminated in other galaxies, but it still exists in Afrikaans.

In the light of the blazing sun, Ming Zaki, under the scorching heat, was directing the workers to manipulate the various machinery to build the construction plant that Xiao Meiyan needed. From Indianapolis, he learned that Yue Zhong and others were coming. : "Is Lord Xiaomei almost coming?"

In the eyes of Ming Zaki, Yue Zhong obviously has no higher status than Xiao Meiyan. As a person who was once unintentionally rescued by Xiao Meiyan, he has always looked up at the figure of Xiao Yan, even almost fanatical worship, even in his heart I never thought of anything, but I always have some dislike for Yue Zhong, a man who can live in Xiao Meiyan's life with dignity.

   "Local time will arrive at around 18:00, do you need to be prepared to meet, Admiral?" Indianapolis asked.

   named Zaki shook his head and took out a paper towel to wipe the sweat on the head. Although it was under the ecological protection cover, the external heat could still affect the facade. It is not that the technical level is not enough to completely improve the internal environment, but the current environmental adjustment of power is more energy-saving, and energy is also a very valuable resource to survive in the place of the Afrikaans.

   "No, we just need to do our own work. Master Xiaomei is not the kind of person who cares about the form, Yue Zhong... It is also the same. It is more useful to complete the construction of the factory one day earlier."

  Finally, Nazaki looked up and looked at the two large and small suns in the sky into a short contemplation.

  Yue Zhong also came, this time it was a formal meeting.

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