Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 545: Unfallen glory

   The elegant and elegant lounge has a warm and pleasant halo, which seems to open the window eaves to fill the quiet beauty of the sea breeze, without the enclosed space, there should be depression, which shows that its owner should also like bright and tranquil in life.

Hood never has to fight for anything, she is born with too many people's love, even if she becomes the ship's mother, it has attracted the attention of the world. The noble lineage and inheritance make her do not need to do anything to make other star-based ships. The mother looked up, as long as it existed there, it was an insurmountable barrier and a beautiful scenery.

   Even Bismarck, who has condensed the hard work of G Starland, has been deterred by Hood's name from the moment of her birth, so when she completes the task of sinking Hood, she will be treated as incredible by so many people.

When other people are still trying to prove themselves, she has already stood at the peak. As the ship's mother in the E-star field, there is no weakness in either controlling the hull or commanding alone, so perfect that there are no bright spots, but also because So I can't see how to go higher.

If it was before, she would definitely not use her in return for profit, but now Hood has been broken by Bismarck's myth, not humbled by independence and coquettishness, and the gloom after the glory also clearly sees what way ahead Can go.

Yue Zhong waited patiently for Hu De’s answer. Her two-leaf golden eyebrows were slightly curved close in contemplation, and her blue-eyed pupils were still clear. It was only when the tea was cool that she sighed slightly: "Very Unfortunately, I cannot accept your proposal."

  Hu De's answer was beyond Yue Zhong's expectations, but he couldn't help but glance at the other party. He was able to see the situation in front of the huge interests and kept his self-knowledge. The clear water-like heart was never muddled.

   "Don't you want to believe me?" Yue Zhong asked calmly.

  Hood showed a courteous smile, but he smiled naturally: "You are the admiral, I am the ship's mother, either relying on or enemies, do not need the third mode of getting along, I think I am not as good as you."

  Yue Zhong thought for a while, determined to nod in general, then stood up and applauded, and sincerely praised: "Navy glory, well-deserved reputation."

   is not praised for its brilliant record and outstanding ability, but it can take great courage to give up hope within reach. She is destined to be the legendary ship mother of E Star Domain. Even if she can no longer fight, she is still guarding it, and there is no reason for it to change.

  Although he wanted to return to the battlefield to prove himself again, this was not the only way. Instead of becoming a chess piece of the Royal Navy of the Cholera E Star Domain, Hood chose to face the consequences of Yue Zhong's disappointment.

   It seems that there is no need for the self that has no use value.

   After Yue Zhong got up, there was no need to sit down again, leading Veneto out of the core cabin of Hood without knowing anything.

   And Hood did not drop off, hugged the tiger cat on his lap and waited for his end.

  After returning to the Shiping Passage, Yue Zhong slowly stopped and said, "VV, I can't convince her, I can't lie to her, so I have to kill her."

After Veneto's heart throbbed, she saw that Yue Zhong and Hu De got along well, but Yue Zhong moved her murderous intention in the blink of an eye: "Admiral, I don't understand why, even if she disagrees with Admiral's proposal, But it can still be done in exchange for some benefits...Is the Admiral worried that she will become an enemy that we cannot overcome in the future?"

Speaking of which, Veneto was a little dissatisfied in his heart, and it is undeniable that Hood has a very strong ability, but he will never let Admiral pay such attention. If he meets her on the battlefield, he will never be inferior, in a stronger ship. With pretend support, the odds will be 10%, and there is no possibility of losing.

"Volunteering to become a ship's mother must be supported by enough faith to never forget why you fight. For me, being as strong as Fan Hanshi may not be impossible to overcome, but my heart is strong enough not to be shaken by anything, then I There is no way to do it." Yue Zhong looked at the dancing Huang Sha's fascinating way: "Her presence is not conducive to my control of the world. If my identity is only an admiral, I don't necessarily need to do this, but I need a stronger force. To cope with the future, the entire seven galaxies must operate with my will. With her presence, E Star will not compromise."

   In Yue Zhong's words, Veneto heard a trace of fear and anxiety. Does even a person like Admiral have this kind of emotion?

   Thinking of Fan Hanshi's power, Admiral and Homura can only flee in vain, but there are still many such characters in the general plane. Even if the Admiral has full self-confidence, will he still feel pressure?

   This is the reason for his murder. The forced reunification must be based on blood. There are not many warships like Hood, but there are still some. For example, the Richelieu of the F star domain...

   "Cut off the energy supply to Hood's core cabin and let her sleep here."

  After leaving this sentence, Yue Dacheng took a heavy step into the distance.

  Veneto did not keep up, she was sensitively aware that the Admiral did not want to follow him now. The Admiral was also a little unbearable, killing such a wonderful life.

  The day of the sand star is very long, but it is not a soft time. When the two scorching suns slowly sink into the horizon, the starry sky emerges through the night, the wind rises more, and the dust is like a storm.

   The core cabin of the Hood, which has maintained its minimum operation, has been completely dimmed. Although it can still be awakened if necessary, but there is not enough reason to do it, then she will also sleep to the limit.

After the gentle light inside the core cabin disappeared, it was replaced by endless darkness and cold. The naturally activated hibernation device completely condensed the girl sitting on the sofa, including the kitten in her arms and the red tea cup in front of her. , They all slept peacefully.

To be fair, Yue Zhong actually likes girls like Hood. There are no unpleasant shortcomings. The accident is generous and gentle, and no one would hate it. But for the so-called power, she can't help but end her everything.

   was originally to break the shackles and walked to the present. You can see what you have become. The huge pressure is heavier than the mountain, but is this really the reason?

Yue Zhong has done this kind of thing more than once. The power struggle in the history of time and space has made him accustomed to dealing with people who block roads in various ways, but he always feels that these are all fake. When the history starts to adjust, everything will return. origin.

But this time it was different. He dealt with Hood. He should have reproduced the glory to prove himself, and pursued the dream. The most beautiful girl, if it was her at first sight, he would have guarded himself desperately, but now he is strangling This story.

After the confusion, the mind was a little confused. Such a chaotic mind constantly expelled drowsiness, sporadic fatigue rose and dissipated, standing alone in the connecting channel under the night, the white energy-saving lamp slightly rising in the thick night It is extremely cold and small from the scorching sun to the bright starlight. The construction of the workshop is still being built day and night. The noisy sound has been transmitted to this side is very light. With this kind of sound without any beauty, the cigarette butts under Yue Zhong's feet Fell to the ground.

   Veneto had no way to enlighten Yue Zhong. After waiting for a long time, Yue Zhong did not see Yue Zhong leaving. She could only find Xiao Meiyan and bring the most important person in the Admiral's heart to him.

   "Yue Zhong." The ethereal low voice evoked behind him, and such a special voice was familiar to Yue Zhong.

Yue Zhong turned around, Xiao Meiyan's thin but slim figure stood steadily on the opposite side, and the round face was filled with concerns, and in a calm temperament, Yue Zhong smiled bitterly: "How do you coming?"

"VV said you were in a bad mood to cut off the energy supply of Hood. Let me come and see." Xiao Meiyan took a firm step, so that the thin body appeared very strong, and came directly to Yue Zhong The soft little hand held up the big hand with cocoons all over, "I heard her explain why, how much understand how you feel."

   "I just think too much, and I can see some familiar shadows from Hood." The strong and brave girls have similarities. They will be courageous and fearless for the persistence of their hearts, and they are therefore full of charm.

Looking side by side at the black dust in the night, Xiao Meiyan, who had been busy in the laboratory for a long time, was still full of energy, as if no matter how many things could not crush her, the bright eyes were even brighter than the star girl's purple eyes. Zhong's depression at this time she fully understood: "There are not many people who can make you care, let alone get along briefly, do you really want to leave your original intention?"

"I don't want to have any accidents this time. I have failed too many times. If we can be cruel in the past, why should we come to this step." Yue Zhong's memories are full of many things, but there is no doubt that only the most memorable one, Whether it is Veneto or Hood here will not reproduce the original scene, but who knows that there is a factor that has long been known to be unstable, what will happen in the future?

When the world contributes power to realize his attempt under his mobilization, no one will necessarily be stabbed in the back. A long-standing heritage like the Royal Navy of E Star Territory is undoubtedly a huge threat to the integration and unity, and Hood is theirs. One of spirit.

   "It may not happen every time with such a small probability." Xiao Meiyan was not sure, "If you have not experienced those things, I may not be able to accept you so naturally."

Although Yue Zhong was in a low mood, he never gave in to this question: "One time is enough. No matter how small the probability is, will Okazaki Mengmei be able to realize it? There are many dangers in this world, such as that A pirate cat, maybe there is no threat to us now, but it will be different in the future. When I want to touch the taboo, they will come out and try their best to stop it. So not only Hood, but many people will be ruled out in the future."

"Just because of a small possibility?" Xiao Meiyan looked up at Yue Zhong's tender but urgent eyes, and he already knew the answer. He was no longer the one who was willing to protect the dreams of others. Now he only protects himself: " Enemy against the world is not so difficult, and you will get used to it slowly."

   bears the sin of betraying his original heart and challenges all terror, but he doesn't want to be separated.

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