Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 548: Unknown Oath

   This is the I domain of the Europa galaxy...I always feel a little familiar with the opening words?

There was no accident at all, who knew that Augustus Caesar could lose so fast, which made me very embarrassed. Not only did Hood not find it back, but also to deal with the mess of I Xingyu, the presence of outsiders. Just like the irrational countryman, he will always only do bad things. After defeating the I Star Fleet, he does not know where to go. It is really troublesome to find him.

From the E-Zone to the President to the civilians, the brains are full of expansion and colony madmen. Augustus Caesar made such a big news, and now he can only exhale his fleet. Nobody cares anyway. They are, for the day to come, I can even let Hood go out, and why should I care about these outsiders.

Under step-by-step pressure and strategic repression, the I-Star Fleet, which had lost its command, was like a tiger that had lost its teeth and fell off its paws. It seemed to be still cruel but could not hide its fragility. For the first time, the E-Star Royal Navy concentrated its troops, Under the pressure of the best admiral in the world and the best ship mother, I finally pushed the I-Star Fleet to a dead end today.

The Romans of Nishi-Nishiyama still stubbornly blocked the fleet formation. However, under the saturated attack of the Royal Navy Fleet, she had no chance of winning, and I Starfield completely abandoned them, even in the last few days. No supply point can be found, and such a fleet that is exhausted and exhausted cannot find any hope of defeat.

Sitting on the Prince of Wales, Ulster, with his eyebrows impatiently, ordered a volley, and bullying such opponents was totally uninteresting. Although their resistance was also stubborn, they did not fall into the prestige of the I-star navy, but Weakness is weak, the formation is rigid and the strain is sluggish, and strategy and tactics are equivalent to no, and even people who have a high glance are not qualified.

  The seven galaxies are a huge theater, and they can decisively be the first bird to sacrifice. Only the most devoted to the god's service is the I star field, and their sacrifice is also valuable.

Not only is the fleet destroyed, it is difficult to protect the sovereignty of his own country, and it is almost impossible to change to other star domains, but this admirer who dreams of recreating the glory of God is willing to do it, and he is so happy. .

There were no more survivors under the volley of the naval gun, leading the I-Star Fleet to insist that now Rome has to eject the core cabin to escape. Ulster has no interest in finding them. They are just abandoned pieces, they treat them by themselves. There is no emotion at all. At that time, it might be better to check where Yue Zhong ran. He controls Hood. The silly girl is sometimes stubborn and terrible. I only hope that nothing unexpected will happen.

"Admiral, President I Starfield officially announced his surrender." As a matter of course, Ulster did not feel any surprise. These politicians are like this in his eyes. Sometimes the acting is called the movie emperor, and sometimes there are bad images. Clowns.

Fortunately, the news of the complete destruction of the I Starship Fleet was enough for him to declare his surrender: "You are expected to lead the Seventh Fleet into the Roman planet, and the army guards will arrive later, ban their bayonet troops, and don’t do too much afterwards. the behavior of."

   Maid girl with a double pupil of different colors leads the girl with a smile and tells her like a restless parent: "When I am away, admiral, you should be conscious."

   "Know, know." Ulster said somehow, "Big Brother will supervise me."

   The Prince of Wales nodded again and again: "Don't worry about your prestige, sit in Starfield I."

"I'm not so relieved." The prestige raised an eyebrow, teasingly looking at Ulster and the Prince of Wales. They were admired by one of the elder brothers, but they looked a little weak in front of the maid and were looked at by this distrustful eye. I don't dare to say much, I can only make a commitment.

   "Go get Hood back, the Royal Navy without her is imperfect." Prestige left this sentence, and then disappeared on the communication screen.

   As soon as the prestige was gone, Ulster and the Prince of Wales breathed out. After looking at each other, Ulster was a little excited, and there was a wry smile on his face: "Brother, hey!"

   "What did you laugh so stupidly, hurry away from the formation of the Seventh Fleet."

Without prestige, the Prince of Wales is quite strong, three-point anticipation and seven-point arrogant squinting eyes, the rhododendron on the black blindfold in the left eye is lifelike, and the white dress in the red dressing room wraps around the majestic chest. The blonde hair is short and neatly trimmed. If Hood represents the humility and elegance of the middle class nobility, then she is a powerful and domineering in the name of the prince, and is therefore called the eldest brother of the ship maiden of the E-star region.

When it comes to her background, she is more noble than Hood. Hood is a descendant of the military aristocracy, but she is a descendant of the blood of the ancient nobles. The starship of the E-star battleship rarely has an ordinary birth, compared to Hood who loves black tea. However, beside the Prince of Wales, red wine never leaves.

   Ulster often used the Prince of Wales as the flagship after losing Hood. It seems that there is some ambiguity between the two, but the prestige knows what the truth is.

   Bang! Fierce fighting sounds in the core cabin. This is Ulster's only sports hobby as an otaku admirer-boxing. Unfortunately, the ship's mother in the fleet does not like this sport, and it is somewhat inconvenient to fight between men and women. Only the Prince of Wales generously accompanied him to fight, and after being accidentally discovered, he was forbidden to "kill each other", but now it seems that the effect is not good.

A specially designed boxing ring, no audience and no referee, Ulster wearing fat shorts tentatively lapped in front of the Prince of Wales, and then was knocked down by a boxing as soon as he met, but Ulster didn’t lose at all, and relentlessly renewed Get up and continue to be abused.

The Prince of Wales was very decent, so that he would not beat Ulster with a bruised face, until the opponent no longer had the strength to get up and lay on the ground to gasp, she walked away and changed back to the back of the sportswear with red wine. Stewart said: "Admiral, you are in a bad mood."

   was beaten down for an hour and a half before, but today he insisted for an extra ten minutes... I have to say that the reference to the judgment of the Prince of Wales is a bit strange.

   looked up at the ceiling covered with incandescent lamps, and felt a little dazzling. Ulster reached out to block his eyes, accompanied by a thick panting voice: "It's very bad."

   "Because Hood? Obviously let Augustus Caesar send her to a safe place first, why do you want to do this?" The Prince of Wales said very politely.

"Do you think I don't want... I found you all, but I didn't find her, and later I learned that she fell into the hands of Sylon Scheep, and then later, I had to tolerate it to the present for those broken things." Als Te Rong's expression was slightly grim, "but I have to endure, and it is impossible for Augustus Caesar to do that."

   The Prince of Wales tastes the red wine in his hands elegantly, and the bright blood dripping slowly into the red lips along the transparent cup wall, the gesture is free and easy, and is full of the charm of the leader.

   She is a prince, but it is not just as simple as her name. She once did own the territory of the family. She should have inherited the title, but she gave up everything and became the ship's mother.

   "In fact, the Admiral doesn't like boxing, he just wants to be beaten, right?" The Prince of Wales said after drinking his wet lips slowly.

Ulster didn’t speak but lay on the ground and pretended to die, but the Prince of Wales didn’t just let him go, and continued to forcefully ask: “It’s been like this since the loss of Hood. I want to use pain to suppress my emotions and be a responsible Admiral, be the president of the Seventh Galaxy Admiral Association?"

"Don't forget that you can become the Admiral, part of the credit is Hood." The Prince of Wales threw the glass high and fell precisely on Ulster's cheek. The crisp glass shattered and a few pieces penetrated. His face, "The next time I want to be beaten, I will just say that I will not be polite."

  After leaving this sentence, the Prince of Wales strode out of the room.

   "Thank you, elder brother!" Ulster shouted far away, making the Prince of Wales tremble for a while, and then left with a faster curse.

After being empty, Ulster murmured to himself with a bitter smile: "You know, prestige also knows, no matter what kind of response you take, so you don't politely beat Want to persuade me."

   "Except for you, only the fanatic believer is willing to accompany me to carry out the plan, but now he is also dead, I don't know when I will survive. The last time I lost my eyesight, what will I lose again this time?"

   "Our current aspirations are the same, but the enemy is the enemy after all, nor can he allow him to really turn the world into a church."

  Clear rivers, swaggering green trees, and dull bells. On the river walkway full of spring, I met her for the first time. I was a dead man who was autistic and blushed when I talked to a girl, but I was able to speak with her bravely because I would not worry Whether she will be hated, she is more peaceful than Chunguang.

   "You are a reserve student of the Admiralty of the Naval Academy. It's really amazing." Sky blue eyes looked at herself, appreciating and expecting, "I want to be a ship mother, maybe I will be able to fight side by side in the future."

   The meeting was the starting point of the legend. Until glory fell under the cannon fire of the latecomer, I lost her.

  Even if she knows that her life span will be short, but she has been prepared before that. If the church hates it, go to the open space. Don’t let the priest or the idler, just you and me there, and then propose to you.

   Make an oath that no one knows and watch you until the last moment. Obviously everything is planned, I have secretly bought the ring, but now I can't even bring you back.

It’s a ridiculous overall situation, but you made me have to do it. Hood, the glory of the Royal Navy, what a glorious scene, like the virgin bathing in the holy light, no, how could the black virgin have you One splendid.

   I really don’t want to care. The Admiral is still the president. Who wants to be the one, but then I won’t see you?

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