Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 552: Fine points on site

   The characteristic black tea just now, Yue Zhong is not actually used to that taste, but just forced to drink it in order to force it. It's not that it's intentionally bad. It's just that the difference in food culture makes Yue Zhong unable to adapt to the things here. I want to come to Hu De Nengtian TJ to taste black tea. It is definitely not because it is so simple to promote traditional drinks. It should really be like it.

  Has previous experience, Yue Zhong did not have much expectations for the food of this John Bull fast food restaurant. After taking the packaging bag from the salesperson and opening it, it seemed to be good.

  After paying the money, Yue Zhong returned to the bench on the seaside road and took out the things in it with the undead mindset anyway.

   "Although the taste is a bit strange, it is not difficult to swallow." Yue Zhong recalled what Veneto said before leaving.

"Admiral, don't try their food when you are in the E-star capital, because it's really bad." Veneto said with a serious expression on his small face. "Find more restaurants that definitely have I-star food. "

  Although she chose to leave the I star field, she is the person who grew up there. After all, the food in the I star field is considered to be of good quality in the Europa Galaxy. He had experienced it before on the planet Aura.

   She does have the capital to despise E-star food. Veneto is a person who pays a lot of attention to quality of life, especially when it comes to drinks and food. He is definitely not a synthetic food before the last resort. Although her own culinary talent is not very high, the things she makes are more delicious, at least much better than Yue Zhong and Xiao Meiyan.

   Yue Zhong couldn't make a detailed evaluation of food. In his eyes, there are only three varieties of delicious, food and dark cuisine. The food sold by this fast food restaurant is not considered dark cuisine, but he is not used to it.

  Well, with the character of Veneto, saying this would only prove that she has some grudges?

Yue Zhong always eats slowly without eating slowly. After filling his stomach hurriedly, he begins to stroll on the pedestrian street. While eating, he is also looking for a place to stay. The London Star has less than 30 hours a day. Each administrative planet has an independent timekeeping method. When you see the clock everywhere, it is almost time to enter the dusk.

   Shortly after leaving the bench, a light-grey girl with short hair in military uniform appeared there, looking at the remaining food in the trash bin, frowning, and quickly chased Yue Zhong away.

   There are few buildings along the seaside roads, and most of the transportation nodes are only facilities in the service industry. If you want to find accommodation, you have to go inland.

I am a trade businessman, but I hurriedly sold my share to the London Star when I arrived. Seeing his appearance, it seemed that there was nothing urgent. I sat in the black tea shop for a while and bought something to eat at a fast food restaurant. , And finally wasted food...

Yue Zhong underestimated the ubiquitous monitoring system of the E-star capital star. As the most important planet in a super-star field, it must be closely protected. Even if Xiao Meiyan’s fake identity is not flawed, as long as he has escaped The behavior of one's identity is inevitably noticed by the institutions that protect the local security.

It’s just that he has no definite hostile behavior, and his identity is no problem. Such a guy will have some London Stars every day. If everyone uses extreme means, then London Stars cannot become the center of the world. Too.

If you can’t directly control or even arrest, then you can only use surveillance. The girl with light gray short hair and military uniform is the person responsible for tracking Yue Zhong. He will not give up surveillance of Yue Zhong until he is sure that he is not in danger. Excessive behavior, girls in military uniform will immediately quietly deal with it.

   "People in front, wait!"

There was a shout behind him, and Yue Zhong looked back when there was no one around him. I saw that the girl in the military uniform of a naval academy in E Xingyu quickly ran towards herself, so she stopped and asked uncertainly. : "Are you calling me?"

"Yes, it's you." The girl ran to Yue Zhong, with a hint of angry blush on her heroic and sturdy pretty face, and her silver eyes stared at Yue Zhong directly and scolded, "Why waste food?" "

"Waste food...Is it illegal? I'm sorry I didn't know the first time I came." Yue Zhong's innocent face turned a little teasing in his pupils, what kind of person would have a general impression at first sight, young girl in military uniform He also had a guess about his identity, his own behavior was strange, and it was understandable to be noticed.

   But the girl's acting was pretty good. She caught the flaws of her leftover food and found it directly. Now that she knows what she knows, let's see how she edits it.

  The girl became even more angry when she heard Yue Zhong’s words, and filled her with indignation: “It’s a shame not to break the law, but to waste food. Where did you come from, why is it so unethical?”

   "I am a merchant from the Asia Galaxy, named Macuya, with legal immigration procedures." Yue Zhong carefully lowered his head slightly not to look directly at the girl's eyes, "Are you a girl?"

   "I am a student of the Royal Naval Academy, Sergeant Isabella." Isabella pointed to the coat of arms on her chest and said with pride.

   Yue Zhong quickly nodded in tribute, and then asked quietly, "Is the Royal Naval Academy an institution specializing in the unethical conduct of others?"

  Here, Isabella also found that Yue Zhong was deliberate, and stretched out his pale fingers without getting angry: "You, you, how awful!"

   Yue Zhong grinned, then waved his hand and turned around to continue to take the footsteps: "Nice to eat is naturally lost, I still have to find a place to stay, if there is nothing wrong, I will go first."

   "Stop me!" Isabella didn't get more information, so naturally it was impossible to let Yue Zhong go. She had to continue to seize the opportunity to enter, as a rather naughty naval academy.

   "Why, are you willing to take me in?" Yue Zhong turned back and continued to tease.

Knowing that the other party was intentional, Isabella had to continue to play her role. Today, it is bad luck for him. Those sneaky guys in the past were somewhat afraid of seeing themselves in military uniforms, but this guy repeatedly Three teasing himself, if not courageous and wicked, there must be a problem.

Yue Zhong didn't want to go this way either. He had the ability to bluff Isabella, and the identity of the other party should also be a member of an agency such as a security department. He knew that there would be more than ordinary people. If he could effectively guide, how much Can understand the situation of some E-star regions and even the Admiral Association.

The two ghosts continue to perform their current role. Isabella turned his face flushed and said with hate: "Since it is why the businessman is hanging out on the capital star, I think you are probably a spy from other stars. !"

"Don't give people hats, who spies don't perform missions on the street after entering the country?" Yue Zhong retorted, "Don't think that an officer can bully you, Sergeant Cricket, or Sergeant Student ."

"Who asked you to defame our food here." Isabella admitted very simply and said that she was in trouble for him. "Aren't merchants all rich, why eat fast food on the street and go upscale?" The restaurant, the food in our E-Starland is not that bad!"

  Yue Zhong looked at Isabella in a playful way, and only said when the other party was about to fry the hair again: "The ghost knows where your high-end restaurant is, and I am not full anyway, would you like to go with me?"

"What do you want to do!" Isabella watched Yue Zhong cautiously. The pretty girl was always a little wary of strange men. Maybe this guy was deliberately trying to attract his attention, but should he let him do what he wanted? Eat yourself?

"What are you thinking about? I have a girlfriend." Yue Zhong looked up and said righteously, "My girlfriend is much prettier and feminine than a man with short hair like you. Mother."

Isabella looked confused, but she was quite clear in her heart, and she understood what she was doing. Even if Yue Zhong mocked her that she was not feminine, she was not really angry because she was too shameful. Thick investigation is really tricky.

"You have such a cheap mouth, how could anyone be blind as your girlfriend." Isabella began to play the talent skills of most women, and yin and yang looked back at Yue Zhong, "It is a single dog, and it is necessary to pretend to charge. "

   Where is this adjective, is the network culture of the seven galaxies in line with me?

   "Humph, hum hum." Yue Zhong sneered with an unpleasant tone that was very annoying.

   Both played a role in schizophrenia to a certain extent, but the seemingly ordinary language could not affect the other, and it would not help to continue the meaningless quarrel.

"Hum, come with me, take you to see the food of E-star!" Isabella stomped her feet, like to put aside his worries and give this big-mouthed guy who slander E-star food a little color. , "But I won't eat with you, and I'll go in by myself after taking you to the place."

   Yue Zhong is more patient than her, and retreats into the way: "No, I am not hungry now, you take me to find a place to live, digest it a little, and then go."

   "Ah, why are you so annoying!" Isabella rubbed her hair frantically, and then said in a rather unwilling tone, "Hurry up and go."


The two walked towards the inland building complex ~ ~ along the way, Yue Zhong continued to pretend to be a countryman who first went to the London Star, pointing to the buildings and asking some insensitive questions, but Isabella I want to know more about his purpose here through his questioning. Although impatient, I continue to maintain the image of E Star Zone and proudly introduce the facilities and culture of E Star Zone.

Any seemingly irrelevant information can reflect the existence of E-Zone, and then understand its political system, culture and history. These are not secrets, but they are not intuitively understood through the information network. They must be used on the ground. Observe the eyes and listen with the ears to get the most complete answer.

  Yue Zhong, who found a free guide, was very happy to stay in a hotel. At last, Isabella, who watched him enter, reviewed the things just now, and found that he didn't find any useful information.

   But after discovering this information, it was not totally unsuccessful. At least Yue Zhong's suspicion of problems was deeper. The average businessman absolutely did not have such a deep mind. Isabella quietly included him as a key observation object and decided to continue to follow. After reflecting the situation here to her superiors, she got the next instruction and calmly waited for Yue Zhong to come out of the hotel door.

   For Yue Zhong, the increase in suspicion is not a bad thing, as long as he can grasp the other party's bottom line, even if Isabella keeps track of herself, the more he can know. Isabella’s job is to prevent spies and sabotage-prone hostiles. In any case, she will not think that the person she is monitoring this time is a person who wants to fully understand the culture of the E-star region, and then derives the Royal Navy and Als The composition of this naval structure and the fundamental support of the Admiral Association.

   "Sooner or later, we will meet with Ulster, and identity will not matter."

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