Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 568: expansion

In a short period of time, the Veneto only repaired the ship's equipment. The replacement of the overall armament will take a longer time to carry out, but she has now installed the experimental main gun, waiting for this expedition. Check the actual combat effect.

   The star zone from Africa to Europa is collectively referred to as the N-plane, and it is also one of the important battlefields of the previous seven galaxy wars. With the recovery of the star regions, it should continue to fall under the control of major powers. However, due to the rise of the rebellious momentum, the chaos that originated in the core areas of Africa has gradually affected these areas. In addition, the various star regions have also been busy gathering power to stabilize the internal situation. Such chaos has completely exploded in the N-facing star sea.

It was not possible to determine the strength of other star regions’ control over here before, but due to what Yue Zhong did on the London Star, Xiao Meiyan can foresee that the remaining foreign control power of each star region will be further weakened or even disappeared. She began her expedition and tried to control the biggest cause of the Afrikaans.

In the usual days, Veneto conducted a preliminary investigation on the patrol mission as to the area around the sand star. This is the strategic basis for conquering these areas. The first goal of the heavy flame fleet is very clear. The colonial sphere of influence of the former F star area The AL Star Zone is a force that relies on the administrative planetary violent resistance to force F Star Zone to recognize its independent status. At present, a fleet of a certain size has been formed, most of which can only provide peripheral protection for military planets, but there are still a small number of warships.

The area near the Europa galaxy is not a good place to conquer completely, and the people here have a strong sense of independence, and it is not so easy to suppress. Xiaomeiyan’s men do not have enough army to drive. If they really want to occupy, they are still located in Afrikaans. The inner area is better.

The reason for attacking this area is nothing more than the intention to achieve mandatory strategic cooperation. The stability system of the Afrikaans has never been completely formed. It is not uncommon for each other to fight or a guerrilla fleet suddenly subvert the existing government. As long as it is not involved in Daxingyu, under the premise of guaranteeing the existence of the existing regime, there is an additional strategic barrier and resource supply point of top priority.

  AL Star Zone is an important producer of Xinghai Oil. Being able to control the Veneto will not face the dilemma of having no power source. Compared with blind expansion and occupation, Xiao Meiyan clearly sees its value.

Veneto and some of her little friends, plus a fantasy created under the former F star domain, is the entire composition of the fleet. For the former colonial star zone of this F star domain, the utopia feels like a leading party. Enjoying the newly remodeled power system, it is responsible for **** and reconnaissance work, and has actively provided a military planetary defense map of the AL star zone.

"The fleets of the AL Star Zone are backward in technology and lack of training. Their greatest weakness is that they have not participated in a real war. At the same time, because there are not enough interstellar warships, there is no planetary fortress, so their border defense is flawed and defended. The system is also backward point-and-point support. With military planetary defensive boats and planetary firepower, it is impossible to resist our attack. Opening the gap is easy to do." Veneto, holding a silver spoon to stir coffee, should be very leisurely The movement was a bit weird with her ever-present enemy. Regardless of whether Yue Zhong or Xiao Meiyan are sitting on the bridge, she performs her obligations as a flagship and analyzes the comparison between the enemy and the enemy.

  Xiao Meiyan's right hand half touched the hair on the side of his right ear, and he would always do this kind of movement tirelessly for a day. Speaking of it, it is still simple to tie the hair into a braid, but then it is too rustic. Xiao Meiyan listened very seriously to Veneto’s words. She is not inexperienced in interstellar warfare, but it is not wrong to listen to the opinions of professionals: “In the face of the already loose defense line, it does not make much sense to open the defense gap, AL The fleet in the Star Zone will not run directly to die, they may choose to abandon some areas to bring down our supplies."

  Veneto nodded, and he didn't even want to drink coffee when he was talking: "So do you want to drive straight into the capital's defense line?"

"As much as possible to consume the living power, this war needs to be modest, and occupation here is not the ultimate goal." Xiao Meiyan does not have Yue Zhong’s habit of playing dumb puzzles, so naturally he will not let Veneto guess and directly explain her ideas. , "The sabotage attacks will always occur along the line of defense. With your firepower range and fantasy mobility, as long as you can seize an opportunity to cause heavy damage, I think they will try to seek reconciliation."

"Understood." After getting the accurate command, how to realize it is the flagship command mission. This size of battle Veneto is fully competent, which is what Yue Zhong hopes, Xiao Meiyan has no reason to interfere. .

   The navigation between Xinghai is a bit boring. In addition to the active expansion of the **** route that the fantasy of the new power system has been full of vitality, the other ship mothers are conserving their energy.

The size of the fleet of two battleships plus three destroyers is a decisive force in Afrika. Although they try their best to hide the course of action, they will still be discovered. When the AL Star Zone determines that this fleet is coming towards itself, Border military planets immediately entered wartime alert and quickly ushered in their enemies.

   Located in front of the fleet is a medium-sized military planet. The near-star defense boat unit plus the space fighter took the initiative to attack after the Utopia entered the range of the planetary gun. With the heavy and thick planetary gun, the battle was completely started.

"The Utopian takes over the enemy and asks for combat!" The communication from Utopia is still full of vitality. The boredom of the journey did not kill her sharpness, but intensified Utopia's desire to fight. What she enjoyed most was the thrill of overriding the enemy with speed. Traveling through multiple times of enemies, they are helplessly the biggest pursuit of fantasy.

The fantasy that belongs to the F star domain has already made enough contributions. She escaped from death to see a lot of things, then she wants to live and fight for what she is after, Xiaomei Yan who can meet her requirements Naturally, it is the only choice. If you return to F Star Zone to become a weapon of internal struggle, it is no longer what she wants.

As frank and direct as the dreamy disposition, there is no regret at all because of his choice. The faster comet traverses irregularly in the fighters and ships that are coming to meet the enemy. The huge planetary artillery track cannot even chase her afterimage. In the above, the light generally draws a smart line to suppress the approach of the fighter through the attached air defense firepower. At the same time, Utopia always likes to boldly approach the enemy ship to drop the physical torpedo. She has already appeared on another battlefield.

"You are too deep in utopia, pay attention to maintaining formation." Once you enter combat, utopia is difficult to strictly follow the command plan. This has been reflected in the F star navy. Her previous advisor has already given up treatment options. Put her in a more suitable position to fight. However, Veneto was not used to this, so he immediately issued a warning when she found out of her formation.

"Don't care about her, the remaining fleet will cooperate with the attack, don't waste too much energy, and the military planets will not leave us with too many supplies." Xiao Meiyan and Utopia spent a period of time alone, knowing her What is going on, let Veneto let it play at the same time, "VV, you too, the intensity of the first battle is not high, mainly to adapt to the newly replaced ship."

Since the Admiral had an order, Veneto no longer insisted, but she did not fully recognize the indulgence of utopian dreams, and Homura did not know what she thought. After she used her words, she might bring any danger, fleet. There will always be strong enemies.

"Sister, let's go on. These enemies are as slow as the tortoise. Our armor is much stronger than fantasy. Even if it is not mobile, it can be resisted by a small amount of attacks." Camicia Nella eagerly mentioned to Veneto that her assigned task was to cooperate with Andrea Doria to promote the suppression of planetary firepower, but she couldn't help but want to try it after seeing that the fantasy could ridicule the enemy wantonly.

The internal management of the fleet is like this. If there is the first uncontrolled existence, it will always bring some bad influences. Camicia Nella is not very young, and it is the existence that is easily affected. Tolori certainly wants to stop the spread of this momentum: "To do your job honestly, fighting is not a stage for heroes."

   "Oh." Camicia Nella sullenly accepted Veneto's The majesty of the eldest sister's head was not something she could challenge, at least on the battlefield.

  Everyone has their own place to play, and the same is true for the ship's mother. It is inappropriate for a uniform military order to require each ship dam with different attributes, but the freedom of imagination also needs to be dealt with. If she can maximize her mobility and even exceed her own hardware limitations, it is not impossible to give her a special status , But that needs to be clearly distinguished.

The fleet needs to be run in. The war in the AL Star Zone is an attempt. If feasible, the fantasy will always exist as an intrusive force. If she is so strong that even the Royal Navy’s formation can be disrupted, it is a pity to let her be constrained by the formation. .

  Veneto waited for a moment, when the defensive fleet and fighter planes were attracted by utopia, and then decisively ordered Andrea Doria to advance again. She also used new naval guns to suppress the shelling at the extreme distance.

The experimental main gun of Morong Technology is obviously different from the conventional naval gun. It seems to be more suitable for the form of gathering the ship. Although the power and fire rate range have been improved to a certain extent in the hull state, it has not reached Leapfrogging height.

The bright light of the naval gun directly hit the planetary artillery defense without any cover and movement to evade. The range of the Veneto's naval gun is as terrible as the drug. It really exceeds the level of the ground planetary gun and makes the enemy sink. In the dead end that can only be beaten and unable to fight back.

Just like Utopia adapts to its own speed, Veneto’s adaptability to extreme firepower is also a limit symbol of the ship’s mother. When she has fully adapted to the various capabilities of the new naval gun, Utopia has already transformed military planets into a warship. 'S defensive fleet was wiped out in sevens, sevens, and eights, and then only need to completely suppress the ground, this battle will end.

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