Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 586: Act as Admiral

   When the Prince of Wales guessed Yue Zhong's secret and completely completed the deployment to defeat Yue Zhong from the spiritual level, he immediately informed Ulster that it was safe. According to the calculation given by the Academy of Sciences, it is not necessary to increase or decrease anything, just by the arrangement just made, it is possible to accurately exhaust the last trace of Yue Zhong's physical strength.

   This is a heart-wrenching and demonstration, which puts E Star Realm's mighty power in front of Yue Zhong, and then asks for more things. Apart from this most basic factor, the gambling agreement with Yue Zhong is nothing more than an incidental pastime. If you do not rely on the Prince of Wales and don’t think that Yue Zhong will admit it, it is only possible for him to feel invincible because of his upright strength. The speculative guy gets what he wants.

   But the Prince of Wales did not calculate the great pressure on Ulster. Yue Zhong and the Prince of Wales had been deadlocked for too long. He used all means to keep all the admirals in the ship-based conference hall. As time progresses, any perfect excuses and reasons will become pale and weak. Ulster needs to immediately give a safe signal to stabilize the credibility of E Star. The news from the Prince of Wales is his tight nerve. There was a trace of slack, and after being let down, I couldn't hold on anymore.

At that time, the meeting of the Admiral Association ended, and Chester William, who might have brought a group of Admirals to the contrary, tried his best to promote the introduction of a new convention agreement. The efficiency of the Admiral Association in drafting the charter was unprecedentedly improved, he thought Depends on his own jokes to suppress the glory that E Star Zone once created, and is forced by the pressure brought by Yue Zhong and fights for the divine imprisonment of the deployment of Augustus Caesar. The extra time is watching the world With his difficult performance.

All the cause and effect finally led Chester William to grab the only gap and take away Yue Zhong before the Prince of Wales. The young admiral from the strongest star field in North America Liga showed at this moment With Superman's keenness, he took away the fruits of E Star's final victory.

  When Yue Zhong reopened his eyes, the time of the London Star passed for another two days. During this time, the Prince of Wales launched all the forces to quietly flip the London Star and did not catch Chester William’s tail. When all the Admirals were trapped in the conference hall, she had already launched a search of the Admiral Association. If in a short period of time the defense forces of E-Zone again broke into the Admiral Association, and in the eyes of all Admirals, then the Admiral Association called The neutrality and freedom are really a joke.

Finally put on the trial bench is a stubborn association employee. He is also a chess piece inserted in the Admiral Association by E-Star. When necessary, he was thrown out to reasonably draw away all the hatred. It can be guessed that Yue Zhong There are not many people, and with the lead of Chester Williams, they also silently kept silent.

   From the public trial to the execution of interstellar exile punishment, everything went very smoothly. Others had no reason to doubt anything, and the people of E Star Zone basically believed that their government would not make mistakes in this regard.

The light in front of Yue Zhong was very dark. The owner here considered that his eyes had not been exposed to light for a long time, so he prepared carefully. He placed a glass of milk and a few pieces of bread at his reach, and his throat was extremely dry. No matter who prepared it, he lifted the warm milk and drank it, then took the bread and swallowed it.

   "You woke up, the doctor said that your constitution should only wake up tomorrow, it seems that it is not accurate to guess based on experience."

  I think that this voice is Croite, both of them have the same voice, the age and appearance are also similar, and they also hold the power when they are young. It is very difficult for such people to appear under the established system, but they all encountered a rare opportunity, one is the revolution of the whole world, and the other is the fierce battle of the seven galaxies.

   Yue Zhong's speed of eating bread paused for a moment, and then he resumed eating slowly.

The light gradually became cooler as his eyes adapted. In front of Yue Zhong was a young man who could recognize the other party as the legendary Admiral Chester William of A Starland with only one glance, because the other party’s photos and Als Specially, it can be seen almost everywhere. Yue Zhong has paid attention to the overall movement of the seven galaxies, and it is impossible to remember such an important person.

   Chester William stood up to be at the same level as the seated Yue Zhong. The height difference between the two was obvious, even if Yue Zhong’s height level in the world of the seven galaxies was just ordinary.

   He leaned casually against the window sill, glanced at Yue Zhong, whose grain of breadcrumbs hadn't fallen, and then turned his eyes to the window again. The gusty showers under the dark night had passed long ago, and the London Star was back in the gentle breeze. The refreshing morning breeze came from the window, brushing Chester William's shiny blond hair and the navy suit. Swallowtail, although he was born very handsome, was not as extreme as Zhu Zhongxue, his face had quite firm lines, and his body was not thin, but he hadn't fully opened it yet.

   He waited very calmly, letting Yue Zhong finish eating the bread a little bit before saying: "Many admirals have returned, and I am also going to leave. I am afraid that you can only stay with me if you want to leave London Star safely."

   From the looks of it, this is a picturesque teenager, one point of gentleness and one point of calmness, and the fact that there are no soldiers between hands and feet, but it shows the freedom and unrestrainedness of A Starland.

"I thought I would see the proud face of the Prince of Wales when I woke up, but I never expected to see you." Yue Zhong rubbed his sore thigh and forced a smile, "To be honest It was quite unexpected."

"I just tried my luck. I happened to see you coming out of the naval base, so I took it away." Chester William responded with a sincere smile. "Don't you want to see the Prince of Wales? Although she He has a bad temper, but he is also a hot woman."

   talks about women with others at a young age, this guy is not a serious admirer at first glance. With such a mentality, Yue Zhong lowered his face and complained: "I would rather look at Veneto without a chest and no bottom every day."

   Chester William shook his head in disagreement: "Your aesthetic concept is very problematic, and it seems to be a little abnormal."

"What's wrong with flat chest, you guy is so young, do you really understand what a woman feels like?" Yue Zhong was not convinced, and even said angrily, in his opinion, he is still very old Dominant.

   Chester William looked at Yue Zhong playfully, and then said something that made him instantly pale: "I am already married."

  Yue Zhong, who was not lightly beaten, bowed his head in grievance, he was not willing to believe this fact, but Chester William didn't seem to need to deceive him.

   "Why is this expression, don't you also have a lover?" Chester William kindly comforted.

Suddenly, Yue Zhong raised his head and thought that he seemed to be no longer a single dog. He was also qualified to blind the eyes of others, but he was still a little unwilling. He was as big as Chester William. At that time, I didn't know what it was like to fall in love.

"Don't be surprised. I am a genetically modified person. The growth cycle itself is longer than normal humans. It is already legally married. The object is also a ship's mother. At first, it caused a great sensation in the star field. Chester William recalled with a smile, "She is taller than me, and my wedding photos are taken on my feet."

  Introduced Yue Zhong's gossip, "Why haven't I seen the news in this regard, who is she?"

"My wife's name is Lexington, and the news of the marriage had a great negative impact at the beginning, and it was shielded outside the A star domain. After all, not everyone can accept this combination." Chester William explained Said, "But you will be there soon. It will be easy to know what to do."

Yue Zhong asked suspiciously: "Are you so sure that I am willing to go with you to Star A? You need to know that you don’t have the means of the Prince of Wales to stay me, and London Star is not your home~www.wuxiaspot .com~ You have been entangled with them for so long without leaving, not just to give your fleet time to expand, right?" Chester William said heartily, "E Starfield can give you what I can also give, if If necessary, I will fully support the war of your fleet in Afrika. Although it is not possible to send a fleet, it can still be done to deter other star regions from interfering."

  Yue Zhong said unkindly, "I already know enough about E Star Zone, and there is no reason to change the cooperation partner. Do you think there is any reason to convince me?"

  'S attitude towards him, Chester William is also not angry, he is releasing goodwill from beginning to end, compared with the somewhat stubborn E star field, the A star field he represents seems more sincere.

"I noticed you when you showed up in I Star Zone. Veneto's repeated battles undoubtedly made people shine. A Star Zone wanted to have a suitable war mode in the new era, but it was already behind. With the pace of I-Star, I hope that you can get the technical support you have. The scientific research institutions of A-Star will also cooperate with you in your research and development without reservation. We have no other requirements other than sharing results. Instead, we will try our best. Meet your needs."

"I have analyzed your method of doing things, quite extreme individualism, and advocating greater freedom, and A Star Zone will not give you any restrictions, we can even stand on the equal standpoint of the division of interests." Che Steve William looked up with confidence and full of confidence, quietly getting a reply from Yue Zhong.

"I didn't refuse the need to contact with more forces, so I wouldn't fix the choice space." Yue Zhong extended his hand after a short thought, "The most important thing is to feel comfortable with you, when to go to A star area?"

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