Between the I and F stars are a large group of super-large nebulae that are connected together as a whole. This is the largest nebula cluster in the Europa Galaxy. The irregular nebula blocks magnificently show the cold deep behind the interstellar. Extremely beautiful.

   This nebula, called the Alps, has a dark red center, and a large number of off-white whirlpools swirl around like clouds of smoke. It is also dotted with incandescent and bright stars, like a broken diamond embedded next to a red gem.

  It is not only the natural dividing line between the I star field and the F star field, it continuously passes through the border of six star fields, and exists as a buffer zone among the star fields.

   Prestige has been chasing Veneto and others through the Alps Nebula. The movements of the two fleets in front and back are like two weak nebula airflows, causing a little movement but not very conspicuous.

There is no longer any trace of the fleet here. When Veneto finally saw them appearing on the radar chart, the other party was going to the area where the G star field invaded through the Alps Nebula, completely chasing the mission of Veneto and others. Give it to prestige.

In this process, Veneto set up several attempts to lure prestige to pursue, but the latter was still unmoved and still followed behind, but just put on a defensive formation like Veneto’s silent announcement, if he wanted to Hit you first to attack.

  Veneto is willing to attract her, but she doesn't want to fight against each other. She can't accept the consequences of the loss of the ship's mother. After all, each battleship is now fully loaded. Once the war sinks, the lost ship's mother is not as simple as one or two.

"Alps Nebula is still as beautiful as ever, but this time it came, but no fleet of F Star Zone was intercepting us." Litorio remembered the past with G Star Zone attacking F Star Zone. The period when the navy of the I-star region was most prosperous, was also the time when it was rare to march into the power-level star region.

  Veneto did not have that leisurely elegance, she found that things were more complicated than she thought.

   Prestige did not support the frontal battlefield confronting G-Star, except to keep following him and doing nothing, so that her fleet wanted to do something, and everything was under her surveillance.

   Is her task to stare at yourself? But the significance is not very great, can it be said that the Allied forces can still mobilize the main fleet to try to annihilate our army?

  Veneto thought of many possibilities in the process of catching up, how to provide the greatest support to the admiral, and also ensure the safe development of the fleet.

"The message from G Starland Hindenburg, they are looking forward to strategic cooperation with us, and they are willing to support us to build a red country in the I star field, but now they are asking us to attack the F star star capital from another direction. Defensive circle, where you can see the fleet of F star field. "Veneto raised his eyebrows, said with a smile.

Such a condition, such a blank check did not have any temptation to Veneto. She knew what system Yue Zhong wanted to establish, and it was definitely not the set that G Star and S Star now pursue, not to mention that G Star is obvious. She wanted her to exchange verbal support at the expense of the fleet. How could she agree?

  Litorio put out his tongue and said: "I mean, the elder sister head will not really attack the F star domain capital star, the defense there is not our warships can fight down."

"Resolve prestige first, and then she can't do anything like following us." Veneto said, "such a powerful fighting force does not invest in the frontal battlefield but follows us, Ulster they really have the confidence to resist Do you live in a joint attack by G-Star and S-Star?"

So far the front lines of the battlefield are all G-Star troops. With the ultra-advanced mech army, their offensive has made the Allied forces difficult to stop. If a more powerful S-Star army joins the battlefield, then the Allies are in Europa The battle situation of the galaxy is bound to be extremely passive.

   At this time, the prestige did not concentrate on destroying the fleet of G star field first, obviously there is a problem.

"Is it true that this war is a conspiracy in itself?" Veneto thought of a shocking fact that could explain why the army of S Starland is still not fighting, and it can also explain why A Starland Decided to start with Yue Zhong at this time, but it is still incredible.

  The only person who did not participate in the Admiral Association was J Hoshiki's Takenaka. At that time, even G Gyeongyu, who had sealed off the border, sent representatives to participate, and S Singyu naturally did not fall behind.

Even if Ulster did not adjust the conflicts and contradictions between the different camps at that time, it should not allow the war to erupt so quickly. This war may have a battle of interests between the stars, so Ulster, Chester. Admiral William and others will be caught by surprise, but on a higher level of strategic intent, it seems that it is not as simple as the civil war of the seven major galaxies.

"Since prestige does not take the initiative to go to the war zone, then we will take him there." Veneto made the decision that their existence would have the greatest value only in the most intense places on the battlefield. When one can influence When the winning third-party fleet appeared in the F-Star Capital Star Defense Circle, the taboo caused was the best way to protect Yue Zhong.

"Sister Sister, the prestige of doing so is just to let us take the initiative to engage in the Star Zone, where a large number of Allied warships may have been ambushed, waiting to clean up our fleet." Litorio hesitated Asked, "Now Xiao Meiyan has gone to the Admiral. Since the eldest sister trusts the Admiral so much, he will certainly be able to solve the crisis on his own, and he may not want to see us in danger."

Veneto didn’t mean to change her decision. She raised her head after being silent for a moment, and the hair of her temples shimmered slightly in front of her eyes: "It is indeed possible, but I still want to do it. If this is one The scene, that should continue to play is that our existence, even the existence of Admiral and Xiaoyan, are not enough to affect the progress of this overall situation."

"At least we need to have our figure in the war in the F-Star Capital Star Zone, and then we will not give them more time to deploy, and we will go directly to the Asian Galaxy. We must appear in every battle situation that can control the world. Only then will the whole world know our importance." Veneto continued to emphasize this point because she wanted to prove to the world that the soul of the I-star navy still exists and is as bright as a star. Expressing support for Yue Zhong.

  If she has the possibility of destroying all the A-star main fleet, will Chester William dare to act rashly?

   The result is obviously negative, and even because of this kind of thing, it will affect the already weaker covenant between A and E stars.

The Veneto fleet turned again and began to move. They did not move towards the G star field to demand their attack. Instead, they adjusted their course to the most intense battlefield in the Champagne region. With Veneto’s current strength despite the number of Compared with the two warring parties who invested a lot of troops, it is still a force that cannot be ignored.

Prestige ruled out Veneto's intention to lure her to pursue again, and soon judged where she wanted to go. When secretly surprised by Veneto's courage and courage, she couldn't help but also start thinking of the E-star ship mother who was fighting on the front line. Them.

"The Army mecha that G Starfield can fight in the universe for a short distance is really annoying, and I don't know if the sisters can handle it. Since I have the opportunity to go and see it, go over there." The order from Ulster Only the prestigious person knows that the suppression of Veneto is not by her alone. Nelson and Rodney who have already been in the F star domain will join together in the attack on Veneto. Now she has thrown herself into the net, It couldn't be better.

However, the prestige does not think that Veneto is stupid, but instead envy her freedom now. The admiral Yue Zhong seems to have really not intervened in the command of Veneto, otherwise she will not sit back and watch her make This kind of thing.

"But how far can the ship mother without the admiral go? I want to sink you here, but I want to see you represent our ship mother's true independence. It is really a paradox. If this When the day comes, what kind of mentality should we use to face our admiral?" At this time, the prestige did not sit on the mechanical commanding chair as honestly as most ship mothers. She was carrying a semi-automatic cleaning mechanical broom to clean all round. On the ground of the central control room of the core cabin ~ ~ The prestige of wearing a maid costume makes this seem natural, and it is even difficult to think of her as a legendary ship lady. The ship's control of the core cabin is absolute, and her prestige does not need to be cleaned so hard, but she seems to be at a leisure. There is no Aster Alder Abandoned House Admiral to take care of. Comfortable, so I had to clean the room right away as a pastime.

Prestige straightened up and wiped sweat with a broom. At this time, if Veneto suddenly attacked her, she might be able to achieve unexpected results. However, Veneto does not know this hobby of prestige, and prestige himself. I also have absolute confidence in my judgment.

   Coupled with the previous trial and sale flaws of Veneto, the two did not engage in a head-to-head battle, but this silent battle always exists, and it is no longer just a pure power duel on the level of the ship mother.

   But they did not have the will to themselves, and the person who really tried to promote the emergence of this ideology was now trapped in the naval base of the A-star capital star.

After the emergency parliament of A Star Zone lasted for two days, they made the final decision on the war spreading the seven galaxies, but before that they had to solve some internal problems. This problem naturally came from Yue Zhong. .

The wind and rain on the entire planet seemed to be slightly smaller. The light of the sky slightly penetrated the black clouds to bring a faint light to the earth. The naval base was under high martial law. Yue Zhong never returned after returning from the exotic paradise. .

   Chester William brought news to Yue Zhong today that the joint scientific research site has been prepared and will be launched as soon as Xiao Meiyan arrives.

  Yue Zhong also told her very simply that at 13 o'clock today, the passenger spacecraft that Xiao Meiyan will take will arrive at the capital airport.

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