The streets of Algiers are full of bleak air. The snow filled the residential area and no one cleaned it. The wind rolled down the dead leaves and paved the road. Only the killing patrols of the Ministry of Internal Affairs walked from time to time. On the streets, from time to time they smashed the already fragile dead leaves, the formation remains relatively intact, the streets are not completely empty, but any pedestrian who has to go out will be strictly investigated, and the whole planet is completely under martial law. State.

After the last major cleansing, those who were able to stay in key departments such as the Ministry of the Interior have been national traitors who have completely relied on the famous Zach regime. For their own future and future, but also for the safety of their families, At this time, we must stand firmly with Ming Zaki and crack down on our compatriots who are trying to resist.

In the eyes of those nationalists, they are also national sinners who are unforgivable. There is no possibility of reconciliation between the two parties, and they can only end up with one party falling down completely. No matter what the result will be, Algiers will continue to flow a lot. Blood until the justice or evil in the blood is completely mixed with the earth.

The black robe from the family area of ​​the scientific research institute conveyed the will of Yue Suling to the subordinates. Those who have undergone rigorous training and mastered the ancient martial arts that only the C star field still retains quietly sneaked into the center of Algiers star. All regions of the administrative area, as well as the main roads into the scientific research institute, based on the military quality of the puppet government of the AL Star Territories, it is basically impossible to find these inhumanly trained dead.

Amfu’s position on the bright side is the deputy minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but her minister is an overhead puppet. Everything has no power except to occasionally appear in the media to speak, so Amfu can call all the internal affairs. Force escorted the trip named Zaki.

   "The deployment scale of line A is second-class A, the anti-reconnaissance intensity is fourth-class, and the size of line B is first-class C, and the intensity is second-class..."

   "Twenty-seven percent of the radical national organization has intelligence, draws a road map and prepares a pre-judgment action zone, and the error rate is 49 percent."

   "The base area is predicted to be 14 points. According to further elimination by the scouts, the reduction of the range limit will be completed in ten minutes."

   "Judging the most likely course of action for Zach, the possibility is 91%. The position of the head of the radical national organization has been determined, and personnel have been infiltrated to report."

Hundreds of deceased people have sent important news from all over Algiers. Their abilities are undoubtedly the ace spy level. Everyone can complete important tasks independently, and it is even permeable to start operations together. Fu's Ministry of Internal Affairs had no secrets in their eyes. According to the deployment and actions of the internal army, Yue Suling soon determined the whereabouts of Zach.

"The leak plan was launched, and the manpower was gathered to prepare for the assault." Yue Suling and Ming Zaki formed a tacit understanding between the invisible, their eyes are in a longer-term place, unwilling to be confined in Algiers and even the AL star field. Live, then the AL Star Territories radical organization that will delay their expansion has become a game between each other, and it must be eliminated.

   "Send their armed forces to Ming Zaki, and we will accept the credit for eradicating the stronghold of the radical organization." Yue Suling ordered, and the black robe bowed away.

She knows that this order will continue, and Algiers will bleed a lot again, but this thorough cleaning has also made the planet pure and obedient, making the people of this star field feel fear and become their expansion into the distance. piece.

  Yuesu Ling's white fingers were significantly reddish, as if stained with indifferent blood, and moved his opponent into the abyss one by one, but stood on the side and looked at it as indifferently as now.

  I don't know that besides the name Zaki, there is another more terrible enemy of the national radical organization. After Amfu deliberately revealed the information that the name Zaki will appear, he made a decisive decision to assassinate the attack.

They themselves are a group of nationalists with a passion for blood. It coincided with the opportunity for G Starland to declare war on F Starland and other countries, catching up with the actions of the Allied forces against Yue Zhong, so they received a lot of weapons and funds. Supporting the development and growth, the Algiers star and other planets have formed a situation of resistance to the court of the famous Zaki.

These people don’t have a city, and the politicians who might support them have long fallen under the last night of the long knife, so knowing that Zach will appear, no one can bear the urge to kill him, and what they think is simple. Now, the demon who can't even rise up to resist will not be here. As long as Zaki is killed, they will be able to restore the independent status of AL Star Zone under the power star zone that secretly supports the radical organization.

   just wanted to kill Zaki, but didn't want to attack other middle-level officials before. The whereabouts of Zaki is strange and unpredictable. Until now, the radical organization has not been able to determine which route he will come from.

  In a dignified atmosphere of high-level secret strongholds, the top of the radical organization gathered here can not guarantee the authenticity of Ming Zaki's travel route, and they are nervously waiting for spies spying outside to bring new information.

   At this time, a low voice sounded quietly from the corner: "The Internal Affairs Army mobilizes very frequently. This time it is not a good time for Zaki to travel."

Everyone looked at him together, the person who was speaking lowered his head at the desk, and his gray short hair stood vigorously. The top of the radical organization knew who he was, and their scale could grow to this point, and the star this person represented Domain support is inseparable.

However, he can only represent the attitude of A Starland. Chester William hopes to maintain the status quo with Yue Zhong, so I don’t want to see the resistance army that is finally fostered and desperate to fight with the name Zaki to fight for life and death. Whether the revolt of the rebels or the death of Zaki will cause the balance of the situation to be broken.

   It was only because of the above remarks that he could not forcefully ask these people with national pride to do anything, which would only arouse disgust, so he could only adopt the side proposal, hoping that they would not act lightly.

"I instead think this is the best opportunity. You all know that this person is very cunning. His hiding place has always been a mystery. This is his second appearance in a few months. The last time I saw the demon There is no chance at all, but this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that must not be missed." The next speaker was the representative from E-Star. Alster’s attitude was different from Chester William. As the master of the world order, he The force that can no longer tolerate Yue Zhong will continue to exist.

   "If this is a trap, we can't even determine the whereabouts of Zaki, and it is unclear whether he will be true or false this time."

These two star domains are the most powerful star domains in the world today. There are many conflicts of interest between each other. It is only in the presence of a common enemy that they unite to maintain the order of the world, but when small-scale differences are involved There are often such confrontations.

   When the two devious representatives disputed, a guard came hurriedly from the outside and bowed his head in the ear of the rebel army commander and said two words.

  The young rebel commander raised his eyebrows and patted the table and said, "Please be quiet, I have the latest information. Please listen to it after you listen."

   The representatives of the two star fields stared at each other. After snorting, they all looked at the commander of the rebellious army. They need to respect this commander with iron means, at least on the surface.

The commander of the Resistance Army was very satisfied with the attitude of the two men. He let out a deep breath before he said: "The front-line brothers took a picture of Zach leaving from the hiding place and boarding the suspended locomotive. Now his whereabouts are already in me Under the control of the army, there are now three places for us to ambush. In order to ensure foolproof, you may wish to discuss."

  The nominal vote is under dictatorship, the rebel commander only behaved like this in front of the representatives of other star domains, so no one will express an objection when his will is already clear,

   They only need to decide how to assassinate Ming Zaki, not whether to assassinate Ming Zaki.

   The representative of E Xingyu gave a provocative glance at his opponent. The meaning of the rebel commander was quite clear. He was on his side.

Seeing nothing is possible, the representative of A Star Domain thought of Chester William's recent account. The admiral repeatedly told that he should not act too hastily, after being indoctrinated with Yue Zhong's very powerful He was not optimistic about this action of the rebels, so he made a final struggle: "I wonder if the commander's news is reliable?"

   "Naturally, the front-line brothers are all precious information obtained at the risk of their lives. Those who are not determined will have betrayed the organization in the previous cleansing." The rebel commander said quite firmly.

This young commander is ambitious, full of confidence all over him, Ulster is young, Chester William is younger, most admirals in this world are young, enough to show that this is a young world By the way, he should have done something.

Regardless of whether this person's ability is comparable to these people, at least his personality charm is extremely high, and he can still lead the rebels in the cruel repression to persevere until the assistance of each star field is waiting, which is enough to explain this. a little.

   The information returned was also from his lineage armed forces. They did not betray the young commander, but even they themselves recognized the authenticity of the information in the unsuspecting actions of the Yuesu Ling Guard.

The representative of Star A took a deep breath, and then said slowly: "Then I suggest that the location of the attack should be placed at the AL Star Central Central Research Institute where Ming Zaki will finally arrive. The scientific researchers of which demons are killed together, completely cutting off their scientific research support."

The rebel commander was hesitant. He also wanted the scientific research institute, so he didn’t want to agree with the plan of A star domain representative, but then the representative of E star domain also spoke in support. He didn’t want to offend the two star domains here, so he calmed down. Decide.

  Whether it is Ulster or Chester William, they do not want to see AL Star Zone, a world-class scientific research institute under the leadership of Xiao Meiyan continue to exist.

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