"This is impossible!" Her Majesty the Queen slammed the ground with her scepter in angrily. The hall of interlaced gold and silver shining along with the king star on the scepter. The move will be endlessly pursued by the Royal Navy!"

  Veneto looked blankly at the Queen's anger and caused wrinkles on her face, feeling inexplicably a bit sad.

She grew up listening to the story of this queen, and she brought a small empire to the top of the world with her one hand, and I do not know how many pretentious geniuses have been defeated, which are spread in the Europa Galaxy. Almost all of the legends end in a lonely ending, and there is no shortage of this queen in every legend.

   She established the colonial rules of the seven galaxies, relying on the plunder and invasion of other underdeveloped star fields, making the E star field a symbol of an era.

In one of the most innocent and beautiful times, I once regarded the other party as my idol. I felt that the queen was great, but the goal that all girls yearn for was only a major turning point in their own destiny, because of their positions. Different from the experience, gradually turning her from the most idol idol into the biggest hindrance to the rise of the star field. After the light falls, it is darkness. How tall she was, how terrifying she was.

  Even if such a great existence exists, will it be so angry? She was a little majestic when she was sitting just now, but now she is just a hysterical old woman, guarding her life savings weakly and roaring desperately to the robbers who looted her house.

   Life's glory fell into the mortal dust in an instant, could life's ups and downs be more than this?

   No, it's still far...

   She is too old, just living with the glory of her past. Such a person is no longer worthy of attention, so the Admiral's list of kills does not have her place.

   "Have you finished?" Veneto completely abandoned the final respect and awe of the queen in his heart, and looked up like Xiao Meiyan, "You still have an hour and fifty minutes."

The queen's voice came to an abrupt end as if she was suddenly pinched by her neck. The countless years of wind and rain have made her have a clear understanding of the situation. The interstellar strategic artillery array prepared by Ulster for the Veneto fleet has not yet played a role. It was completely destroyed, and E-Zone now has no conditions to refuse Veneto’s request.

The Queen, who began to think, calmed down a little bit, and her sideways eyes were as strong and domineering as ever, and said to Veneto who was still very young: "Young people, don’t be blinded by the fame, E Star Zone can give You have a lot of things, I can let A Star Zone immediately release your Admiral, in addition to all the star fields of A Star Zone in Afrika, you belong to you. What do you think of this condition?"

  Veneto's eyes twitched. She didn't expect the queen to be so generous. Wasn't her original intention to make the Europa galaxy just to let the Admiral return safely? What's more, she is willing to hand over all of E Star's territory in Africa to herself. If she announces this condition with a formal diplomatic announcement, she doesn't have to worry about her regret.

   As the largest colonial empire, the colony of Astral galaxies in the African galaxies is dozens of times larger than that of the AL galaxies. With such a foundation, he and the Admiral have been able to stand on an equal position with other powers.

Veneto's heart fell into an infinite entanglement. In the Queen's eyes, she couldn't help but feel more confident. She further bewitched: "Not only that, I also agreed to let you join the Allied camp, Give you the entire I Star Zone, and after defeating the evil Red Alliance, share their star zone together."

   This is almost the best condition that the queen can give. In order to protect the last glory of E Star, she has smashed the promised benefits to Veneto, the purpose is to ensure the safety of the capital Star District.

   As long as it is not occupied, as long as no surrender is announced, the purpose of this battle of the Veneto Fleet is nothing more than trespassing on the territory of the E-Zone, and ultimately chose to compromise under the background and power of the E-Zone?

  E Starfield is not the first time to exchange peace and development opportunities in this way. It is not an unacceptable thing to end this conflict in this way. At least the opportunity of shame is reserved.

   On the upper balcony of the two-story chalet on Planet Aura, Yue Zhong lazily leaned on the lounge chair of the balcony reading the chronicles of the Europa Galaxy and the most outstanding leader of the E-star.

The seven galaxies have too many similarities with the history of their own world. It is nothing more than the transformation of everything in that time and space into a vast sea of ​​stars, but those characters are still those characters, except for a small part of the details. Probably similar.


  Veneto was grinding coffee beans quietly beside him, and when he heard Yue Zhong's words, he lifted his arms and responded.

   "E star field is gloriously isolated, but under the pressure of powerful enemies, it is sometimes forced to be involved in large-scale conflicts. It is still too close to the star fields of the Europa galaxy."

   "Well." Veneto showed a serious look, listening to Yue Zhong's words.

"It stands in the perspective of the coordinator and has gained too many benefits. Until now no one can question its strength. If it wants to defeat this country, it is not because of a strong fleet and alliance, but first that it is unreasonable. Means, the glory that covers its weaknesses should be completely stepped on under your feet, otherwise it will eventually rise again and repay the humiliation once received."

   "Understood." Veneto nodded subconsciously, but then realized that this did not seem to have much relationship with himself.

   Yue Zhong smiled happily at her, and then waved her hand, "Just know it."

   The memories of the clip were interrupted by the impatient voice of Queen E Star Territories, and Veneto's eyes became clear and translucent again. She already knew what she was going to do now.

   "How are you thinking?" the Queen asked confidently.

Veneto looked at the coffee cup in her hand and drank it unconsciously just now. She took out the coffee beans from the suspension box of the mechanical control chair and began to grind it finely, without lifting her head. Thirty minutes."

  E Star Queen heard the words, and the confidence on her face instantly became amazed, and then furious and bitter, but couldn't find anything to go on for a while.

   She was finally speechless.

   The entire E-Star field also followed her silently.

With the final insistence, the Queen did not give orders to disarm and surrender on the ground. She wanted to persevere with the final fantasy, hoping that her Royal Navy would arrive at the last minute, and the intruders of all sorts would be in front of them. All the people's faces sank.

  Let the whole world know that E-Starland is still invincible, and she is still that great leader.

But after all, it’s just a fantasy. The time limit given by Veneto. Tierbitz delayed the Prince of Wales. They have already included this surrender period. Veneto is fully capable of starring the E-star capital. Flattened to the ground, then left in front of the belated Prince of Wales.

   Unless the Prince of Wales also has a similar means of seeing their destiny, or they have crossed the technological limit of hyperspace transition and suddenly jumped out in front of themselves.

   But everyone understands that it is impossible, if Ulster has this ability, why not be as embarrassed as it is now.

   There is no savior of E-Starland, nor is it that when the queen uttered the surrender command when the last second came, she lost all her power and collapsed to the ground. In short, there were no dramatic scenes.

After an hour and three minutes later, Alster, who knew that the matter was irreversible, sent his vital advice to Her Majesty the Queen. He agreed to surrender to the Veneto Fleet on behalf of the Royal Navy, and signed a period of one. During the truce agreement of 2010, during this period Veneto Fleet enjoyed military operations within the confines of the Allied forces. Even if she wanted to return to I Star Zone, the Royal Navy must not intervene, and under the control of E Star Zone Afrikaans must not be involved in the attack on AL Stars...

The agreement to surrender is very long, except that she didn’t really cede the large star field to Veneto, she got everything she wanted, and E star field bowed to her at the expense of Ulster’s reputation~www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The glory created by Ulster has all been transformed into the shame of E-Starland, and fell on Ulster's head.

Veneto therefore stepped on the foot of the invincible E Star Zone, and Alster was also destroyed by her reputation. While the people of E Star Zone were still digesting this shameful surrender agreement, Neto's fleet has disappeared from the sky, but the black terror that enveloped them will continue for a long time.

When the Prince of Wales arrived late, they took the unwilling bitter royal navy ship girl into the naval base for small-scale supply and repair. The people who knew the news angrily surrounded the naval base and dropped it. In light of their proud gentleman manners and the etiquette of a civilized world, they tilted all nasty words they could think of to naval bases.

   Their pride was crushed, just like the meaning of life was trampled on. E Starland is almost the country that gives the best treatment to the ship's mother, and they use this surrender agreement to repay their kindness?

Most of the people who have been stunned by anger and humiliation think that they are qualified to insult those incompetent ship mothers and their incompetent admirers, covering up behind tolerance and preferential treatment. There has always been discrimination against ship mothers. And prejudice finally broke out this time. Perhaps in the eyes of these people, even the warships who were born in the royal family, they were still machines of war and weapons to protect their interests. When they did not fulfill their obligations At that time, I no longer knew to respect them hypocritically.

   The Prince of Wales stood at the top of the tower of energy output, and stood alone at the highest point to block the squalid sounds formed by these insults in front of her. Her hands were tightly held, her nails pierced her palms and she was holding blood.

   "This is the heart."

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