On the red bed, Kart woke up, and Yixian told him that he had reached the outskirts of the Jingyu district in the J star area, and he asked a little soberly: "How long has it been since the war?"

  Yixian's eyes stood beside Karting with eternal tenderness. After hearing his question, he whispered: "42 days and 2 hours."

   "Liao (Harmony) Ning is still alive?"

   "Yeah." Yixian slightly lowered his eyebrows, "She is very good, she can drag J Starland's fleet for so long, but if there is no accident, I am afraid that she will be in a catastrophe."

  Kating sighed: "If I have a C star field, then Liao (Harmony) Ning will surely become the sharpest sword, not much worse than Veneto."

   "Sister Chong (harmony) Qing has some special ideas, but I will persuade her." Yi Xian understood the meaning of Karting's words and knew what he was troubled by now.

At the beginning, Cardinken took them to escape C Starland. On the one hand, they did have feelings for the six ship mothers. On the other hand, did they know that fighting J Starland was an act of striking the stone, and he wanted to protect himself in the future. Bigger plot.

It is not correct for others to compare him with Theron Scheppe. The Admiral from the bottom of the navy is essentially different from the Admiral from a politician. He does have an irreplaceable dependence on Yixian, but there is no Celon Scheep Such general sympathy and pity.

Switching to Seren Schepper here, of course, will not go to this step, but he is Cardin, Abu Niel. Dubrsk. Cardin, one before the establishment of the Great Wall defensive circle The descendants of the ancient family who moved to the C Star Territory, the glorious history and the family education background formed in the past, prompted him to continue to desire power deep in his heart, and after realizing the great ambitions of Liao (Harmony) Ning, their differences No adjustment.

"It's finally here that I have traveled so far, Admiral, when will we launch the attack?" Yixian felt that there was a trace of reluctance and struggle in Kart's heart, and he had always been wary of Liao (harmony) Ning. Her words changed the subject.

Karting shook his head slightly: "Although the Joint Fleet is attacking in a comprehensive manner, their supply lines are well-prepared, and the seemingly empty homeland is bound to be loose and tight. It is not a wise move to attack hurriedly. Wait three days, J Xingyu It's about to usher in a drastic change, and that's the best way to resolve the constellation of RE stars."

"Understood, Sister Chong (harmony) Qing is fighting hard. I still have to talk to her. Admiral, please wash it first." Yi Xian smiled quietly at Karting, "I will take breakfast later Brought to you."

   "You have worked hard, Yixian."

   After waking up and briefly communicating, Yi Xian walked away with his feet, and the white thighs looming beneath the tight short cheongsam loomed, easily taking away Kardin's attention until his figure disappeared completely.

The beauty of Yixian is calm and moving, unlike Yue Suling, it is always glorious, but in a comfortable environment, it has a more intoxicating taste. Standing by her side will only add luster to her partner, but she will not **** it away. All the limelight, on the contrary, sets off the partner more brightly.

If she hadn’t become a ship’s mother, perhaps there would be one more beauty among the nobles of C Starland who competed with Yue Suling, but it was precisely because she became a ship’s mother that Kart could have today’s achievements. After all, he came from a foreign 'S family, without the support of the local giants of C Starland, Karting could not occupy a high position.

"I will take you back, and the style that should belong to you will bring you back." Karting nodded to himself. Perhaps in this matter, he and Yue Zhong will have a common topic, but whether it is In order to pursue what the heart desires, it is necessary to realize or even cover up the dirty self-deception, then it is unknown.

This time he needs to work with a person. The guy who was brought by himself for a while and wanted to be used as a **** but finally gave up due to various accidents. According to the original plan, the Karting fleet should be harassing J at this time. The supply line of the Xingyu Joint Fleet forced them to slow down their attack on RE Xingyu in order to change the attitude of A Xingyu, but with the news from Yue Zhong, Karting gave up his previous plan.

He tried to launch operations inside J Starland, hoping that Karting’s fleet could sneak into the territory of J Starland to cooperate. At the same time, Karting also received the border defense map of J Starland from Xiao Meiyan, and clearly told him this Important military intelligence comes from the young man named Shiraishi who firmly believes in it.

"In the beginning, he just stole the pan-use crystal mediocre hiding in the Capital Research Institute of J Xingyu and wanted to escape. It was found that J Xingyu suddenly entered a wartime alert state, and the ordinary departure procedures were not approved at all. Bai Shi firmly believed that Trapped in the capital of J Starland. In order to find a way to escape, he constantly sneaked into various confidential departments to create a fake identity that could be allowed to leave the country. In order to find more chips, he also temporarily acted as a temporary After the spy, the border defense map of J Xingyu was accidentally found."

At that time, Yue Zhong's tone was a bit surprised and anticipating. Maybe he and Xiao Meiyan didn't think that Bai Shi firmly believed that he could achieve such a big victory with a fairly good exoskeleton mecha, so Kart was also aroused. A trace of interest.

"Afterwards, Amufu firmly contacted Shiraishi again, oh, Afu was under the name of Zaki, and was in charge of contacting Shiraishi firmly... In short, Amufu knew that he was still trapped in J Star Zone and turned. No longer asking him to find an opportunity to leave, but to look for more confidential information on J Star. Although Shiraishi firmly believes that he is very annoyed at the trading conditions before Amfu changed Homura, he did so without choice. ."

Cardin is not surprising that Yue Zhong acquiesced to Amfu to do this. He knew that Yue Zhong was not a credible guy. He changed his attitude temporarily and asked others to do more things according to the situation. The performance was the most vivid, and in order not to affect Xiao Meiyan's image in Bai Shijian's confidence, there is no problem in the mouth of Amfu.

"You and Bai Shi firmly believe that you have been with each other for some time, and you know that he was originally an honest man, but the potential of the honest man being rushed out is also inestimable. Bai Shi firmly believes that he has made a lot of things, but Amfu has never been relaxed , Until later he came into contact with the red changer organization of J Star Realm in one action, and everything was different again."

"The best way to end a war is not confrontation. If there is a chance to make a far-reaching change in its unstable rear, then the conditions of the armistice will be easily accepted by the new power holders, especially in Zhu Zhongxue. Now that the United Fleet and the Army are in control, the new leader will never allow him to continue to control the forces that can subvert his rule at any time. This is not the case in the G star field during the first war of the Seventh Galaxy. Dealing with S Starfield, but also created an unbeatable opponent for himself."

After hearing Yue Zhong say so much, Karting finally responded: "Do you want me to create such an opportunity for him? Bai Shi firmly believes that no matter how black, he is always just an ignorant young man, he can change in red Are you or Xiaomei Yan secretly helping you in the organization? Even so, in the face of those old and sly politicians, he is only being played with. Moreover, now J Star Zone is an alliance of S Star Zone, S Star Zone Will changemakers organize change at such a critical time?"

"He only needs to do his part. What he asks for is not how much power he gets in J Star Zone. This is different from yours." Yue Zhongdao said, "He will get what he wants, And you can also use this change to solve the crisis of RE Star Zone, is it the best of both worlds? As for whether S Star Zone will prevent the Red Change organization from acting in J Star Zone, there is no need to worry at all. I have other arrangements."

At this time, Yue Zhong’s layout could not be rejected by Karting. At this time, Karting seemed to understand that Yue Zhong had been preparing the lever to pry the seven galaxies from the day he appeared. When he is strong, he has to cooperate.

After all, how can A Star War declare war against J Star Wars, there are some small chances of change after all ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ If someone like him can control his own destiny, he will never put his hopes on it. For others, even dealing with demons.

  Kartin changed his battle plan against J Star Zone immediately, and did not appear on the supply line of J Star Zone to harass him, allowing Takeuaka to establish a naval base in RE Star Zone at the fastest speed.

He didn’t say a word to LN about this matter. When the latter found that he didn’t have any action at all, besides his determination to fight against Karting, there was no other impact. Now it has been predicted by Yue Zhong, J On the eve of the red changers in Xingyu, no matter whether they succeed or not, Zhu Zhongxue may no longer be confident to attack RE Xingyu.

   As for what benefits the event here would bring to Yue Zhong, it was no longer within the scope of Kart's consideration. From the beginning, he did not have as much layout as Yue Zhong, and now it is powerless to want to do more.

The reason why Yue Zhong will contact Kardin is that he does not want him to fall so fast, but the more important purpose is still for Veneto, which is the same as the previous layout in the Europa Galaxy, making Veneto famous. A legendary story is also needed in the Asiatic Galaxy. When the two battlefields of the World War appeared with Veneto and created a miracle that could not be copied, her reputation could not be questioned by anyone.

   "Admiral, I'm back."

  Yixian's figure appeared in front of Kart again. She saw Kart still lying in bed and asked worriedly, "Are you thinking of something?"

"Yixian, I am a little worried." Karting said bitterly, "Maybe we still have more terrible opponents, so after the war, we need to plan more carefully to deal with it... If I fail, you Don’t think about avenging me."

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