Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 730: Red flow

  A series of three who cares, not that no one cares, but Shiraishi firmly believes that the current state of mind is so, and is not interested in his own affairs.

   The Red Change Leader turned around and said aloud to the others: "All comrades should know what they should do, but I have some requests to hope that you can follow."

"First, the armed conflict should be limited to the administrative area as much as possible, so as not to cause too much damage to the houses of the factories. Restoring the economy of J Xingyu also requires the joint efforts of all J Xingyu people. Second, restraining your own people and putting an end to chaos and violations. The phenomenon of discipline appears, and once severe punishment is found..."

  Bai Shi firmly believes that he still has no interest in these topics. He sees the red change leader's speech being active, but his purpose of coming here is also achieved, so he opened the hidden system and quietly left the underground conference room.

When the alliance with S-Star was reached, Takenaka had already led the fleet to conquer the RE-Star. The J-Star power class in town had exhausted various methods to prevent the penetration and development of the red changers. S star domain attitude, they can not use fierce means to deal with these people.

It has been a long time since the people of J Xingyu have tasted the fruits of victory. The anti-war sentiment derived from the long-term squeezing has formed a confrontation with Zhu Zhongxue's poor soldiers and militia. There is no victory to ease the war exhaustion. No matter how extreme encouragement and thought. It will eventually become pale, and perhaps the red change is not the best choice, but it always means a change to the existing system, and there is nothing worse than it is now.

   The transformation of J Star Zone slowly kicked off against such a background.

   "Operation time, Tokyo Star Time at 9:00 on June 11th, please be sure to arrive at the Star District of the capital to cooperate with the action, we will sign a peace agreement with RE Star Zone after success."

  Yixian successfully intercepted this piece of specially encrypted information in a large amount of cosmic information flow. After informing Yu Cardin, the fleet once again bypassed the inspection defense points of the J-star domain defense map and advanced deeper.

The turbulent tide is unstoppable, Shiraishi firmly believes that he is standing in the game, but because of the different mentality, he can watch the sparks scattered on the stars of the J star field from the eye of the spectator. The people who are full of disappointment and anger Almost without any resistance, I accepted the ideas brought by the red reformers. I saw a little light in the darkness. Everyone swarmed and squeezed the gap, letting the bright red light illuminate the whole world.

  He originally thought that the Red Transformer Organization was just a speculative group who wanted to seize the national crisis to seize power, but they did not expect that the people of J Xingyu would show such madness.

It turns out that the path taken by J Xingyu itself is a miracle road with small strivings, but Gang Gang also can't save it. When it took its people to sing forward, it was a city of ambitions, and it also cultivated the extreme thinking of the people. When it encounters twists and turns, it still can only be hardened. If it stays on, it will no longer be engulfed and abandoned by the trend of thought that it has developed by itself. People can’t wait to try a new political system. When they are frustrated and start to reflect again, it has already It has long been swept into the historical garbage dump.

  G star field is like this, J star field is not it?

When Zhu Zhongxue was here, he had realized the signs of this idea. When other senior leaders showed a tendency to form an alliance with S Starland, he already knew that the matter could not be violated. Those who were eager to guarantee their own greater interests tried to With the help of the S star field to turn over, but did not know that the J star field is sandwiched between the S star field and the A star field, once it is completely down to a certain convenience is the beginning of its destruction.

So at the cost of agreeing to the alliance, he forcibly integrated the naval and army forces, and did not fully invade the RE star field on the ground of preparing for the A star field attack. Instead, he tried his best to evacuate the J star field war reserve. A huge naval base has been built on the border of the region, watching this irreversible trend with a cold eye.

  Under Zhu Zhongxue's gaze, all the administrative planets of the J Star Zone at the same time launched into a madness.

The establishment of civilization and order takes a long time, but it does not require any preparation for collapse, even if the people are far more educated than in the age of the earth, but the evil side of human nature has never been eradicated. The incidents of pure violence began to sporadically appear on various administrative planets. If they were not controlled, they would soon evolve into massive riots.

The long-anticipated reformer leaders have suppressed this kind of violent incidents by iron-blooded methods. After every planet and every region is controlled, the picket team composed of the most determined red believers will control the situation. Excessive planetary regime will not cause too much loss.

He is an instigator who relies on change to seize power, but he is also an ideal person who hopes that J Xingyu can move towards independence and self-improvement. Perhaps relying on the spread of violence can help him more easily steal everything from the rulers who have fallen behind, But he didn't want a broken star field.

   However, this leader is destined to get some disappointment. When a few planets were completely controlled, he ordered statistics on material reserves and industrial production capacity, but found that the warehouse was already empty, and large and high-end mechanical equipment also disappeared.

"The discovery made him cry out in his anger. In his opinion, the red changers have done the most of their hidden work, but they are still aware of the clues. The other party did not choose to use the scorpion to stop the change. It produced, but swept away everything in the J Star field, and carried its own weight away from the starry sky that had lost its direction.

The sense of accomplishment brought about by the victory of the red revolution has dissipated. The revolution has been launched and there is no way out. Now only by taking power from the controller of the old order, he can not die and let his heart be magnificent. The blueprint takes the first step.

After the planets with the strongest organizational control announced full control, the red changers also encountered strong counterattacks from the powers of the J star domain. The changers planned a long-term revolution, although there was no moment before the launch. There is a sign that after the start of the revolution, the military of J Xingyu was caught by surprise. After they recovered, with the advantage of the army and the air suppression of the near-star frigate, they gradually moved back to some disadvantages.

After the reforms were frustrated, some speculators began to shake. After receiving the news from the planets, the red change leader started a one-line contact with Shiraishi firmly: "The time has come, let the Karting fleet hit the capital directly. Xing Jinxing Convoy."

"Is it only necessary to suppress the Capital Star Fleet? What should I do elsewhere." Shiraishi firmly believes that although he doesn't care about many things, the transformation of J Star Domain is what he must implement. This is also one of the requirements that Amv puts on him. Reunited with Xianghe, he must do it.

"Don’t worry, only the Capital Star Fleet is directly under the Ministry of Defence. In order to avoid the grass snakes, our comrades have not penetrated. The fleets in other places already have many of our comrades. As long as the Capital Star is under control, they will soon take over all. The administrative planet."

   Shiraishi firmly believed that he was still not assured and asked, "Is afraid that air superiority alone is not enough. Can the armed forces in the organization be able to contend with the ground forces of J Starland?"

"Bai Shi firmly believes that comrades, you still don't understand the power of thought, and even a strong army will start to disintegrate from the inside. Although the people's armed forces lack the fighting quality, they are also the most irresistible torrent. What we mean is a era!"

   "Don't tell me these confusing words, I know what to do."

  Fairly speaking, Shiraishi firmly believed that he had cut off the communication with the leader of the Red Transformer, and raised his head to watch the dense, near-star defensive boats spread out like dark clouds in the sky of the capital star.

A thunder and thunder burst, and the rain clouds that swept over filled the gaps in the sky, as if the planet was feeling the panic and terror, but listening to the thunder and not seeing the rain, it seemed like anger and weakness Like a roar, the last time this scene appeared, it was the day when the abyssal fleet broke into the star of J Star Territory.

In the urban area and the densely populated capital Star Wars, wars are spreading everywhere, and the originally docile people have also taken to the streets, holding their own laser defense pistols, samurai swords and even wooden sticks, looking for J Starland everywhere The attackers of the armed forces seemed to have forgotten the fear of death under the arm of that thought, and went crazy like an injured beast.

"It turns out that the place where I live already has such a torrent of torrents, which can crush the current regime And where will the future of J Star Domain go?" Shiraishi firmly believed and shook his head. ,"Who cares."

  Amidst the hustle and bustle, Shiraishi firmly believed that the message was issued: "Attack."

He didn’t want to meet Kart. Bai Shi, who already knew that Xianghe was in his hands, firmly believed that he would be unable to restrain his anger when he saw him, and Kart might use this opportunity as a bargaining chip to ask himself again. To do something.

   Now that he has agreed to Lord Xiao Meiyan, Bai Shi firmly believes that he doesn't want to be applauded by Kart.

   After sending this message, Shiraishi firmly believed that he was hesitating for a while, and the house behind him collapsed so that he was buried in the ruins without having time to react.

Fortunately, the protection of the exoskeleton armor did not cause any damage to him. Shiraishi firmly believed that when he was about to jump out of the ruins, a white light flashed on the face armor, which was Xiao Meiyan's setting and the armor. Don't refuse to communicate.

   There, a person's face gradually formed, looking at Bai Shi's firmly believed eyes with some surprise and surprise: "The person the admiral asked me to contact is actually you."

   There are still some naive girl voices in the voice of Shen who has short snow-like hair. She opened her eyes normally and her fiery red eyes looked at Shiraishi firmly with a hint of curiosity.

Today Veneto put on a piece of clothing that Rome brought to her from Milan, the star of I. The loose white shirt with half-shouldered shoulders looks very energetic, and the delicate collarbone is like the chalcedony hidden under the white fat gel Generally beautiful, especially the black hot pants and long high-heeled leather boots wrapped under the stockings, placed on the petite body has an extremely strong contrast between mature **** and innocent cute.

  Veneto pushed the red transparent eyes and officially said: "Hello, I am Veneto."

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