Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 737: Diplomacy

After losing the joint fleet, J Starland prepared nearly half of the near-star defense boats and the two planetary fortresses to the meeting place in preparation for this negotiation with the Veneto fleet at the border. It looked like it was prepared. Fight with Veneto.

In fact, it is helpless to do so. In addition to the secret agreement with Cardin, the newly established J Star Regime is the first formal meeting with representatives in the capacity of the country. In the whole process, in order not to make them look too chilly, they had to put on such a pompous appearance with a swollen face and a fat man.

The people of J Xingyu who are going from the crushed extreme to the other extreme are now tenacious but very fragile, even if they know that this is the most vulnerable time of J Xingyu, but they don’t want to see their country being occupied by a semi-wandering fleet The navy suppressed it.

Suned Veneto led by Akagi and Kaga, there is a horrible and disgusting presence in the hearts of J Stars, with a complex and worried mood, live broadcasted through the interplanetary network media, all concerned about this meeting The people saw the image of the Veneto Fleet slowly approaching the Liaojing River.

This team started from betraying I star territory, from Europa to Africa to Asia, and has experienced countless wars, and has reborn in the battle, but it has repeatedly created legendary fleets with weak victories. The calmness and the will to triumph revealed in the body naturally revealed their pride and arrogance under the calm sailing.

The J Starry people clearly remember that the United Fleet had the same temperament in the era when the United Fleet defeated the early Navy of the A Starfield and occupied half of the Parker Star Sea and one-quarter of the Asian Galaxy. The only difference is that at that time. The United Fleet seemed arrogant and domineering, but also had a reputation for defeating a lot, but the Veneto Fleet was still calm and humble.

  The temperament determined by the whole of a star field is not inferior to the temperament brought by a ship mother, but the latter is least affected by external forces, so it is more pure.

The planetary fortress posed by J Starland and the pale star and lonely stared out by the near-star fleet dwarfed in stark contrast. They came from the revival, but they had to accept the general persecution and compromise with the domestic changers. Lost direction, and a firm and unyielding soul.

A huge asteroid-like interstellar fortress was placed at the present, and it was silently interlaced with the Veneto. When the Veneto gradually approached the location of this meeting, it also appeared a little taller. People were surprised to find her The hull of the ship seems to have exceeded the most powerful Yamato-class battleship of J Starland. Yinhui’s hull and unique design seem to be restrained and deep. The naval gun seems to have fallen into the depression of hell.

The Veneto in front of people suddenly disappeared into the line of sight after entering the gravitational capture distance. At the time of consternation, the interplanetary exploration satellite was accurately locked to her position, and the magnification was greatly increased before it was clearly seen. To the trajectory of Veneto's body approaching the border planet quickly.

The information about Veneto's gathering of the ship's appearance has been widely known, but J Xingyu is the first time he has arrived in this state of Veneto. If you don't think of the brilliant record and strong strength, but look at this one. The petite **** the naval gun platform that has been shrunk countless times, the cold face is more like a brave little girl.

  Veneto was deceptive. She was originally hostile to her. After seeing her true appearance, she was embarrassed to be so hostile to a little sister-like girl in her heart.

The daughters of many people are as big as Veneto. They are still under the protection of their parents. Even if the changes that affect the entire J Star universe, the future of these J Star domains will not be affected under organized control. Maybe they just woke up and had a nightmare.

But she has embarked on the battlefield, facing countless strong enemies and creating countless legends. She usually hides in the icy warships and is unknown, and few people have really seen the appearance of the ship mothers. Treating them as a tool of war, and when Veneto really shows up in the eyes of all the people, it brings people amazement and emotion, a little pity and shame in the heart.

  Originally, have we always relied on such girls for war?

   Knowing that the difference is often different from what you see with your own eyes, just like you can only see the data without involving your own war, but when you visit the field, you will have another perception.

Veneto quickly landed on the ground. She did not bring Andrea Doria, but kept her in the form of a ship and stayed in the interstellar space. Only Veneto was alone. Standing in front of a group of anti-ship firepower like a forest of steel, people suddenly found that the little girl was much shorter than expected, and the unclear dress under the light package was now also clearly visible, that Veneto This strong contrast charm quickly attracted people's attention.

"It's a lovely little girl, but she came to meet us alone without the admiral, and she was very brave." The former leader of the red reformer, now the Prime Minister of J Star, looked at Veneto with interest. Step toward the arranged meeting place.

  Bai Shi firmly believed that he was standing on the side, sneeringly watching the new president start to figure out how to count Veneto, but sneered in his heart.

At this time, Veneto was no longer as jerky as the stranger when Aura saw the stranger, but the first face-to-face negotiation with a star field was the first time. Her stay was not for other reasons at the beginning. I was afraid that I was acting a little imperfectly, which would affect the effect of this visit, so I could only make a watchful look.

When Veneto started to move forward, her tense body calmed down spontaneously. Her steps were very open and steady, and her short hair undulated along with her body in a windless environment. Slightly looking up at the front, his aloof and indifferent eyes seemed to be indifferent to everything, and went straight toward the target route on the barren earth.

Veneto, who is good at learning, is imitating Xiao Meiyan's majestic walking posture. Until now, she has not seen a girl who is more handsome than Xiao Meiyan when she walks, so she naturally chose her as the object of learning. The nymphological transformation of the brain cooperates with the data analysis of the packed ship. Every move is deduced into every third of the wood, and her temperament is calm and indifferent, and she has learned very well.

The delegation of J Xingyu has been waiting at the entrance of the mimic ecosystem. After Veneto walked to the transit area, the two closed doors fell together, and the flowing air instantly lifted her silver hair. , The new president of J Star Zone came with a smile and extended his right hand to Veneto: "Major Veneto, welcome to J Star Zone. I am afraid that the meeting between the high-level parties that is carried out in this way may also be in the seven galaxies. For the first time."

Veneto's head looked up to meet the other party. Lisuo took off his right hand glove and touched the other party on the fingertips. He couldn't pick out the problem and didn't appear close: "It's nice to see you, Your Excellency Ming Xiu. "

   She still spoke in that inaccessible tone, ignoring the ridicule and temptation in the other party's words.

   Maybe I should say that I came out because the Admiral could not get out? In that case, the reputation of fighting three stars will be easily weakened. If the legend created by a ship mother is placed on the admiral who is generally recognized by people, it will lose a lot of color.

The feminine young man named Mingxiu saw that Veneto didn't say much nonsense. I wonder if she was cautious or had already sensed her own temptations. She said a little more gloriously in her eyes: "I don't know Major General Veneto's visit this time "Whether we can reach a strategic cooperation with J Xingyu. For your epoch-making technology, J Xingyu is willing to pay a sufficient price in exchange for it."

   "Oh, then you talk about it." Veneto said expressionlessly, "What can we do?"

President Mingxiu's eyes were uncontrolled, and Veneto's simple and direct style of action was very different from their politicians who were accustomed to temptation and bargaining. In the face of so many people, he could never say those possibilities. Conditions that would cause public dissatisfaction, originally wanted to drag Veneto here for a period of time, let her say something that should not be said, and now it seems that it will not work.

"Sorry, after seeing Major General Veneto, I can't help but let General Veneto speak here. Let's talk about the technical cooperation matters in detail." President Mingxiu pretended to be generous and admired. The expression said to relieved the embarrassment and also found an excuse to avoid the public's attention.

Veneto was somewhat disgusted with this feeling. In theory, she could steal Bai Shi firmly and turn her head away. When J Xingyu truly realized her current situation, she would find herself again instead of wasting it in a malicious temptation. In her time, if you accidentally say the wrong thing in this kind of undercurrent language negotiation, it will become the handle for the other party to threaten yourself.

I thought that she would not always have the advantage. These scenes are what she has to get used to. I believe that the Admiral is also looking forward to it. She has been carrying Yue Zhong’s hope, and does not want him to have any disappointment. Disgusted, after nodding to President Mingxiu, under his guidance, he moved towards the headquarters that was temporarily transformed into a meeting place.

Halfway along, Veneto saw Shiraishi firmly believe that even if he didn't communicate through remote communication, he recognized it well. The exoskeleton mecha that never stood was quite prominent among the crowd. Veneto nodded to him, Shiraishi firmly believed that he should respond quickly. Nodded.

"I don't want to wear your mech here." Veneto bypassed the monitoring equipment and sent this piece of information to Shiraishi firmly believed, "When I came, I considered that I can't let J Star Realm stand up. Spilling all the dirty water on you, I am afraid that Xianghe will have a bad influence after knowing it, and in the future, you are likely to come back here. It is difficult to be accepted by J Xingyu with such a stain."

   "Find a place to replace the mech."

  Understanding that Veneto has a new arrangement, Bai Shi, who is very grateful to her, firmly believes that she has quietly started the stealth mode and left the crowd without any hesitation.

   At this time, the Veneto and J Starfield delegations also entered the headquarters and temporarily disappeared from the public media.

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