Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 746: Fancy girl

   "After the break, I want to start again!"

  After Veneto’s order was conveyed to the Utopia, the Utopia completed the supply and once again flew to the sky in the form of a ship mother, leaving a person on the ground of the military planet... an especially attractive back?

She also wore the same as before when she was in the core cabin. The blue, white, red and white tights and white silk stockings symbolizing the F star domain revealed the absolute white field of the girl, without the cover of the skirt. The mellow Shuangqiu clearly showed up in front of others, and Utopia didn't seem to care about this, and it was indeed worthy of the name of Gongkou primary school students.

However, the speed of utopia is very fast, and in a blink of an eye it is out of the vision of military planetary officers. These guys who have been stationed at the border for a long time and do not have a good way to solve physiological problems have sighed unexpectedly, perhaps for the welfare of utopia. The tendency to be loyal to the Veneto fleet is also stronger.

Of course, this is definitely not the intention of fantasy. The girl with a temperament rarely thinks about issues that are not important to her. Naturally, she will not find that her own image will be clearly displayed in the shape of the ship’s mother after the ship is packed. In front of others, Veneto, who prefers to wear a short skirt, paid special attention to this point from the beginning. Even if she flew like a fantasy, others could only see the magic that Dark Shepherd cast under her skirt.

Gossip less, from the military planets in the AL border to Algiers, the closer the utopian is to its destination, the stronger the control ability of Yuesu Ling is. When the exploration satellite first found the Utopia crossed by a comet , Algiers star immediately entered a state of full martial law.

Yue Suling, who controlled the top of the AL Starland through the black robe dead, took over the Amf's internal army. This was the only centralized violent institution that replaced the police and the army during the Mingzaki period. There is not much loyalty at all. The soldiers who are used to drifting with the waves only know who gives them a bite to eat and listen to whoever’s order, so after the order of Yue Suling, all the members of the internal army left the warmth in the early morning. The duvet walked onto the cold street, and through various means wanted to see the location where the meteor named Utopia fell.

The arrival of the utopian is the most important challenge facing Yue Suling after taking power. Yue Suling, who has always been accustomed to going to bed early to take care of her beauty and appearance, rarely stayed up late. Asked: "Amufu hasn't spoken yet?"

   "Sensory potentiation potions and brain stimulation stimulants are used. She still passed out three times. We have not let her rest..." The hoarse voice of the black robe leader sounded like a night owl.

   "I don't need to know the process, aren't you very good at dealing with women." Yue Suling froze, she was the first time she was disappointed with the absolute loyalty and her black robe dead.

   The black robe leader shook his hands and lowered his head, said: "There is no problem with the process, but the prisoners who are imprisoned by Amfu seem to be tired."

   "Why don't they retaliate?" Yue Suling raised her finger and asked the teacup in front of her.

"Those people... used to be in power in the AL star domain. There was no shortage of women around them, and Amfu didn't look good. After the madness in the early days, they were in love and wanted to talk to the lady. Conditions." The chief of the black robe said, "Miss' faithful servants have lost this ability when they were young. I have already asked people to catch homeless men and men who hate the internal affairs army, and they will continue to develop soon. "

Yue Suling smiled dumbfounded, but did not expect that the black and thin little girl had such a protective color, and she also did not expect that those very effective means for the aristocratic women in the C star domain had been experienced since childhood. For the little girl who is feared and tortured, it seems that it is not so effective. Is her will very firm, or is she a narrow-minded person?

"If physical insults and injuries are nothing, then look for her weaknesses. I don't believe that a person has no weaknesses. Even if it is a fabricated reason, just let her believe it." Yue Suling Open your mouth slightly, blowing the ripples on the surface of the tea, "Do I need to teach you anything else?"

   Black robe leader bowed immediately: "I know what to do."

"Hurry up, I always feel that Seren Snowp can't stop the vigorous Veneto, even if I can stop the fantasy now, when she comes, AL Stars will not be able to keep it anyway." Afterwards, Yue Suling was finally satisfied with the temperature of the tea. After a light sip, he closed his eyes and no longer spoke.

During the time when Utopia arrived from the Shaxing Development Base, Li Peiyun, who never disappointed Yue Suling, once again showed his strength as the most outstanding genius scientist in the seven galaxies, leaving Xiao Meiyan Based on the technical information of Morong, we have successfully developed effective countermeasures against the form of ship mother.

It is impossible for the Internal Forces to stop utopian operations alone, as long as they can find whereabouts of utopian dreams. The iron prison holding Amfu has deployed temporary ship-mounted function suppressors. Because the structure is not stable, so only Can be used once, its biggest function is to embrittle the virtual armor in the form of warship, and interfere with the efficiency of shipboard sensing. Although Li Peiyun has not seen how powerful the girl in the warship form after the ship is gathered, the reason is Similarly, if a person’s physical response lags behind that of nerve consciousness, his combat effectiveness must be greatly reduced.

The speed of fantasy is the best in the seven galaxies, but the effect of light and shadow when she is sailing is also very obvious. The sign of the ship’s mother form breaking through the atmosphere and landing the Algiers star is too obvious. You can see the glory like a meteor with the naked eye. The track hit the ground.

The speed of the fall was too amazing. The anti-ship anti-aircraft firepower deployed by Algiers had to be fired in the future. The fantasy had already landed. The officer responsible for high-altitude monitoring immediately announced to the entire channel: "The target fell to the ranch on the outskirts of the city. Our ministry failed to effectively prevent it."

   "The enemy forces on the ground keep up to ensure that the target is where they are."

   "Received." The officer of the enemy forces just replied, and a silver brilliance flashed in front of him. The white-haired girl who had originally stood in the sinkhole completely disappeared from his eyes, really like a ray of light.

   The speed of the ship's mother is absolutely cosmic, not to mention the outstanding utopian dreams. Her flight around Algiers took less than half a week. With the ability of the ground troops, it is impossible to lock down the whereabouts of utopian dreams.

"Hah, it feels so good to tell the flight in the near space, everything is moving backwards like an illusion..." The Utopia flew, and didn't know how many circles around Algiers, it seemed to completely forget The purpose of coming here is so ordinary that Yue Suling who was waiting for Yan Zhen felt a little strange.

  Yuesu Ling was confused when he suddenly received a message that the highest cliff of Algiers was collapsed by a huge impact, and the altitude fell by 20 meters in an instant.

   "What is she doing?"

It was the fantasy that enjoyed the fun of flying in the form of the ship’s mother, but she ignored one thing, that is, there may be obstacles in the near sky, and it is impossible for her to improve as unscrupulously as in the universe. speed.

   After emerging from the collapsed mountain, Utopia was suspended in midair and rubbed his head, and he sticked his tongue out embarrassedly and said, "Ah, I hit it. Fortunately, the new hull is relatively strong."

Yue Suling, who didn’t know enough about fantasy, didn’t think that the biggest challenge since she came to power came from a fool. Even if she wanted to break her head, she wouldn’t think that the fantasy was accidentally hit the mountain. She was still thinking hard about the fantasy. What is the purpose of doing so.

  After being suspended in the sky for a while, the dream suddenly said: "Ah, it's time to save Amfu, only she knows where the name Zaki is."

"I have never understood the environment of Algiers before. Where is that iron prison?" Utopia skewed his head for a long time. His golden eyes suddenly flashed. "Yes, I have a stereo projection map. Ah, just look for it with an information device."

During these hours of utopian delay, Yuesu Ling also waited a little anxiously. She worried whether Xiao Meiyan had left behind. If you let utopian take advantage of the vulnerabilities that she did not find, maybe this action would really let Is she successful?

With this disturbed Yue Suling actually began to look forward to the moment when the utopian appeared on the surface of the iron prison. After waiting for about half an hour in anxiety, the dead in black robe finally came She was relieved by the news.

   "The target appears, ready to fight the enemy!"

   There is no building around the subway prison, which guarantees the maximum safety, and the prisoners inside have no place to escape even if they escape. The figure of Utopia fell leisurely from the sky. In a dark environment, surrounded by empty countryside, only the golden light in Utopia's eyes flickered.

You can’t see the ambush by the naked eye, but Utopia can clearly see the position of each person from the perspective of the magnified star map, marking that the green spot where he is is surrounded by a lot of small red light After landing, it is only a moment of time, and countless lasers will be tilted from all directions.

In the dark night lit by the incandescent laser clusters, the figure of utopia became clear again. Many people in the internal army had seen Veneto, so I was not surprised by the appearance of utopia.

  Under everyone's intense attention, the laser hit the fantasy and broke into countless stars. Even the level of protection of the destroyer is not something that the army's conventional laser gun can threaten.

When Utopia shook his head, a mischievous smile appeared on his face, and his whole body turned into a stream of light rushing into the red dots on the star map. The battleship firepower of the heavy-energy cannon easily tore the body of the soldiers of the internal affairs torn apart, and the sky was full of incomplete and even unrecognizable flesh, and most of them were completely ashed by the naval gun.

  Use a third-rate army to contend with the battleship, and the result is so simple and pure.

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