Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 754: Goal, the Great Wall

Knowing the meaning of Yue Zhong, Xiao Meiyan did not postpone the time for large-scale transformation. After receiving notification, A Star Warships entered their respective new shiploads, and the transformation of the packed ships was organized under the auspices of Xiaomeiyan. Carry out.

There are many forces concerned about this large-scale gathering of ship upgrades in A Star Zone. Alster once promised to the Allied Star Zones that the technology will be fully popularized. As for A Star Zone’s unique folding space technology module He didn't mention the powerful computing technology module group of E Star Domain. I think these technologies are all their own cards, and naturally they will not be open without reservation.

The transformation of the ship's outfit means that the ship's mother will not have to be confined in a specific space, and will get the right to live freely like ordinary people. This is impossible for all ship mothers to refuse, and its combat effectiveness for the ship mother has been greatly improved. It is an epoch-making technology that can be switched independently between the ship body mode and the ship mother mode in order to cope with the complex situation of war.

Those who own it will surely occupy an active position on the battlefield. The unmodified old warships will soon be replaced by these unusual technologies. When the transformation under the leadership of Xiao Meiyan is successful, it means its large-scale Allied forces are eagerly looking forward to the possibility of the deployment, and look forward to using this technology to completely reverse the disadvantageous situation with the Red camp in the war, and the high ranks of the Red camp, which are threatened by this technology, naturally have their own solutions. .

Many people in this world have mastered this technology. In addition to Xiao Meiyan and his research team, another talented scientist of the seven major galaxies, Li Peiyun, also has a large-scale transformation ship after four months of systematic study. The ability of Niang is the place where Yue Suling dares to challenge Xiao Meiyan. Her outstanding husband can win the attention and support of the red camp in the current situation with her own value.

This is where her previous conspiracy with G Star Field Marshal Reinhardt began. If Sailon Scheep can’t stop Veneto’s soldiers, then the G Star Field Army will immediately launch a large-scale battle to penetrate the I star field line of defense. , Completely control and protect the AL star field where Li Peiyun is located.

The value of a technology may only be an option under the premise that the enemy has not grasped it, but when the enemy can already rely on this technology to threaten its own security, then its meaning has become inevitable from accident, and Li Peiyun has become The goals that the red camp cannot abandon, but also can use this to better protect their families.

As the eldest lady of the top family of the C Star domain, Yue Suling, who is well versed in the art of magic, grasped this point well, and when the Allies took the opportunity to vigorously promote the theory of the upcoming victory, she issued a The information that makes the seven galaxies all aim.

  The coup in the AL Star Zone is the Li family, the Li family of Li Peiyun.

Before Xiaomeiyan appeared, the three words Li Peiyun had always been the representatives of the top scientists of the seven galaxies. With the masterpiece of the Great Wall alone, all the star domains with intent to the C star domain were sighed, even if he was silent for a long time. But when he uttered his voice to the world again, he was still so deaf.

   The decision-making layer of the war between S and G Stars made the decision almost at the first time, and at any cost pierced through the channel with AL Stars, holding their victory firmly in their hands.

  Xiao Meiyan and Li Peiyun finally became enemies of all people under the impetus of the trend. This is also Yue Suling's plan for her husband to prove to the world that he is the top genius.

   "Is this war really simple on the surface?"

The dark-haired beauty was dressed in a white military uniform, and the contrasting contrast gave her a lot of exquisite looks. During the quiet time that was not well known, Liao (Harmony) forcibly carried out the ship despite the possible risks. Install and transform, and begin to prepare for other ship mothers' transformation with their own successful experience. In the progress of the battle of the ship mother form, the P star field is even faster than the A star field.

She is sitting in the tea garden run by C Starland. The surrounding environment is antique wood color. The incense smoke line is wrapped around her fingers. On the front is her former admiral and today's competitors. , Abu Niel. Dubrsk. Cardin.

Nowadays, the Liao (Harmony) Ning and Kartin's chamber resistance has become a reality. More than half of the families have turned to support the Liao (Harmony) Ship Mother Group that can better protect their interests. The mother's system stands on the side of Karting.

Liao (Harmony) Ning took advantage of Karting's absence to build two aircraft carrier ships, Jiangxi (Harmony) West and Lake (Harmony) South, with the technical requirements for gathering the ships as a template, which can be used at any time. The latest aircraft carrier mother.

   In terms of combat power, she has a tendency to overcome Karting, but under the common goal, the two can still sit together peacefully, the atmosphere has not been overwhelming, but a peaceful discussion of the common future.

   "Do you think so?" Karting smiled, but when he was completely different from his previous smile, his smile was full of falseness, and he no longer saw the sincerity of Liao (Harmony) Ning Shi.

   At that time he was still the admiral, she was still the ship's mother, who should have been a tacit understanding of the combination, but parted ways because of people's hearts and powers.

"It seems that I have never misunderstood you." Karting's skillful tea making is still an ancient tradition formed by C Star Zone from the time of the earth. Although he came from a foreign family, there is no standard C star domain name, but Growing up in the C star field from an early age, he is no stranger to all this, but Liao (Harmony) Ning, who is wandering outside, has been influenced by many cultures, without his orthodox craftsmanship.

  Liao (Harmony) could not help but sneer: "Just because of this, so you want me to die?"

"No, I can see the thirst for power in your eyes." Karting poured Liao (Harmony) Ning tea and said calmly, "So I know that you and I are actually a class of people, and one day I can’t give you the power you want, and you will eventually choose to replace it. If you don’t have such a heart, how can you perceive my intention to target you? But I really didn’t expect that Veneto could be in Yue Zhong If you are under house arrest, you can still take action to rescue you. If she does not defeat Akagi Kaga, the Manila star will fall, and you will not escape."

   "Okay, let's not talk about this today, I didn't want to quarrel with you." Liao (Harmony) Ning frowned and waved his hand, "Do you see me today?"

"Drink tea first." Karting spread his palms to the tea cup in front of Liao (Harmony) Ning. "I used to tell Bai Shi that the boy had patience, so he successfully fulfilled his wish, and now it is impossible to think about it. "

  Liao (Harmony) Ning's slender eyebrows were twisted deeper, and he took a tea cup and drank: "Speak."

Seeing the other party's unrefined Niu Yin, they knew that Liao (Harmony) Ning had no patience with himself. It was impossible to repair the relationship between them. Karting had to smile bitterly, "Since I have returned, it is also time We launched an offensive against Star C, and hope that we can unite and cooperate during this period."

"Are you sure? That's the Great Wall." Liao (Harmony) Ning asked in disbelief. "Don't think of taking the opportunity to eradicate me, otherwise I won't let you have the chance to feel at ease even if I try to break the net. Drink tea."

Cardin ignored Liao (Harmony) Ning's irony and only answered her previous question: "The Great Wall was once a problem that was unsolvable, but after all, the era is constantly evolving, and the battleship system has ushered in a new era. The technological products of the last era will naturally become obsolete."

"and so?"

"Whether it is Xiao Meiyan or Li Peiyun who created it personally, there will be a way to crack it, and now it is a critical period for the opposition between the Allies and the Red camp. The C star field is close to the S star field, and its strategic position is crucial. The Allied side Will spare no effort to support us to take the C star field and pose a huge threat to the deep zone of the S star field." Cardin said, "Since Veneto chose you, it is to give up me and Salen Scheep, just Salem ·Shape can contact Li Peiyun. With his support, it is not impossible to break the Great Wall."

Liao (Harmony) Ning stubbornly shook his head and said: "No, Xiao Meiyan has provided a solution to how to crack the Great Wall. I prefer to attack C Starfield according to her so this Is it our new disagreement?"


Cardin believes in Theron Schepper, Liao (Harmony) Ning believes in Xiao Meiyan, and they don’t trust each other. If they can only carry out one plan, it is inevitable that the other party will take advantage of the loophole and do harm to themselves. For a long time, Kardin finally put forward a compromise plan: "The opening of the gap in the Great Wall will be handed over to the United Fleet to do it. In exchange for the technology of gathering the ships, I believe he will be happy to help. You should have It’s been through a similar agreement."

"Are you sure that Zhu Zhongxue did not attempt to invade the C star field?" Liao (Harmony) Ning sneered. "Although he said that as long as the P star field and the Ocinha galaxy are around, how can those places compare? Going to the C Star Zone, and blaming foreign enemies for invasion, you plan to let me do it alone?"

"All you need is to break the gap of the Great Wall. You and I will monitor the fleet by your side. If he tries to enter the territory of the C Star Zone, he will attack him together. When the Great Wall is closed again, the joint fleet without suppressors will not have the opportunity to reopen. Breaking through the Great Wall." The small abacus in Kart's heart was exposed by Liao (Harmony) Ning, and he still proposed a new plan without expression. "After entering the C Star Realm, those decaying feudal rulers have no power to stop us. , How many star zones can you occupy and how many people can get revolutionary support from each direction, then how do you rely on your own ability?"

  Liao (Harmony) Ning seriously thought about Kartin’s proposal and found no problems. The proposals were fair to each other, so he nodded: “Yes.”

  Kartin stood up and extended his hand, but Liao (Harmony) Ning did not shake hands with him but turned his head and turned away.

   "It seems she really hates me."

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