Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 756: Our times

"I'm so angry, why don't you kill the Persian cat in front of you, my elder sister, I'm so angry when I think of her smug look." Jumping up and down, the sly girl Ande in the Veneto fleet Leah Doria, it is not difficult to see a message from her words, Veneto seems to have put water in the confrontation with the Sailon Fleet before.

  Veneto watched Andrea Doria tirelessly before she stepped in front of her communication screen. She could see that she had not done her best. It was also a kind of progress, but did she really understand the deeper reason?

   "Hey, why don't you scold me, elder sister?" Andrea Doria asked gaspingly after she was tired.

  Veneto was holding coffee, with a cold, expressionless expression on his pale face: "I'll wait for you to say something useful."

"It was found." Andrea Doria smiled, staring at Veneto's shoulder and asked: "Do you have any plans for the elder sister, Xiaoyan dare to popularize the collection of ships? You have prepared to kill them, you must have intentionally let Bismarck take it?

  Veneto tightened his right shoulder uncomfortably, glared at Andrea Doria and said, "What's so beautiful, isn't it just a one-shoulder outfit, what else can you think of?"

"I can't think of it," Andrea Doria said with embarrassment. "Now the star fields are beginning to carry out large-scale transformation of the ship's mother. Will Litorio be trapped in the sand star? Progress has been made."

"What we want is this effect. Our fleet is not large. If something goes wrong, we won't be at the forefront." Veneto's eyes flashed with light, clearly analyzing Andrea Doria. Dao: "Ming Zaki was rescued by the fantasy, and he was able to gather the stars that were still loyal to him and formed a siege to the Algiers star. The Li family wanted to break the game or wait for the S and G stars to jointly attack the I star. Come to rescue, or expand outwards. Since Yue Suling's character does not intend to send others to rely on the Admiral, it will also not allow S Star Domain to control them, so external expansion is the best means, the iron left by Zaki The curtain plan will also be launched in another format."

  Andrea Doria still didn't understand, and continued to ask: "Wouldn't it be more difficult for us to get them to regain the AL star field if we let them sit?"

Veneto shook his head and said: "I thought so when I was in the Asiatic galaxy, but the situation of the seven major galaxies has changed a lot recently, and I only realized it when I really got here. The Li family can sneak attack on the name Zaki to master Algiers Xing relied on Isabella’s force and Yue Suling’s hundreds of dead men. Now that Isabella is gone, her three hundred dead men will not play any role once they are spread out. The Li family is more unstable than our foundation. Deep-rooted feudal ideas also restrict the development of Yue Suling. When she wins the Afrikaans for us, all the contradictions and dissatisfaction with her kind of ruling thought will burst out. And this day will not be long."

"Don’t forget that our original plan for the Iron Curtain was really determined after a battle with the Royal Navy. Everything that the Admiral has had was difficult and finally squeezed into the stage of the highest power of the seven galaxies and got other Admirals. The approval of her, Yue Shuling wanted to rely on the gourd to draw a scoop, and why did it forcefully to do so depends on Ulster and Chester William agreed. "Veneto snorted, she said this It coincides with Ulster's evaluation of Yue Suling.

From the Asian galaxies all the way to the Afrikaans, Veneto spent the first anxiety and seriously thought about these issues. Out of absolute trust in Yue Zhong and Xiao Meiyan and Yue Zhong had contacted her before being placed under house arrest. Therefore, she did not believe that they would have no precautions against the Li family. The reason for this indulgence will inevitably have its roots. After thinking about the problem from another angle, many mists will be as clear as the sky.

Yue Zhong and Xiao Meiyan have had enough hatred in the seven galaxies. The Allied forces joined forces to impose sanctions on Yue Zhong. This is proof that in order to eliminate a sense of existence, the Li family rebelled at this time, saying that they should not be justified with Yue Zhong. Mindfulness, there has never been a single star domain that completely controls the Afrikaans. Those who do this will inevitably be hostile. This is especially true if Yue Zhong or Ming Zaki do it, so this hatred makes the Li family better.

With Yue Zhong silent for several months, Xiao Meiyan and Veneto have already replaced his place in people's hearts. Except for few people like Ulster who still remember Yue Zhong, other people see more of them. People's flashes, and Yue Zhong's threat is greatly reduced. Xiao Meiyan's brilliance is also what people need. She did not show any other ambitions independent of Yue Zhong, but as a foreign scientist, she is trying to push Veneto forward, and Veneto is seven. The ship's mother in the big galaxy, and all the existence between the seven galaxy have no identity barriers, and she can be allowed to shine no matter how she shines.

  Andrea Doria gleamed with stars, and looked at Veneto with admiration: "The elder sister's head is so powerful, it feels like Augustus Caesar used to formulate tactics."

"In fact, it's all a matter of thinking. Standing in different places to look at the problem will find that it is not as complicated as imagined, but most people will not be able to change their thinking because of their status." Veneto encouraged. "Doria, the popularization of the technology of collecting ships has become the general trend. We have exchanged our core cabin protection for freedom, and we have the power to speak to the world again. People can no longer use narrow spaces and fixed models. Coming to restrain the ship's mother, under the impetus of war, the ship's mother will have more say, until the day when her fate is ended by herself."

   "Our time has come, if you can't keep up, it will be eliminated, you have to follow me."

  Andrea Doria nodded heavily: "I know the head of the big sister, what shall we do next?"

"Taking advantage of the opportunity of Seren Schoop's guarding our army's roundabout offensive and changing course to penetrate the darkness of the African galaxy, the Admiral's last communication was also uncovered." Veneto ordered quietly, "The Darkness The heart is the key to the Iron Curtain plan. The Li family’s Tianli ring defense has more than enough offense. First, our army will completely eliminate the dark heart and then contact with the new allies. The fleet will continue to attack other African areas in the name of expansion. Leaving the Allied forces dormant in the Dark Heart Star Zone, let the defense of the Tenri Circle extend over, and finally the Nazaki and the Allies fired to capture the established Iron Curtain Corridor, and the fleet returned to the Shaxing Development Base to attack Theron. The Fleet of Scheep."

   "Observe...but the Allies?" Andrea Doria asked curiously.

Veneto reached out to move the strategic star map. From the perspective of the highest magnification, the seven galaxies are completely displayed in her fiery eyes: "You will naturally know by then, there is always a place for the war called the seven galaxies. Forgotten, the people there may not be a strong force to separate, but if they are brought together, they have the ability to stir the world."

The previous Veneto carried out the planning of local battles, but this time has already taken the first step of the strategic level. Although there are still traces left by Yue Zhong, she only knows to obey The flagship ship's mother came to the present, and when she had enough expectations, she was expected to be able to make plans without relying on anyone.

   "Admiral, you must wait until that day."

  The sand star development base guards the border. With the gradual completion of the complete transformation of the fleet of Theron Schump, more and more ship mothers have entered the starry sky and defended the sand star. Both Seren Shp and Bismarck believe that all the foundations of the Veneto Fleet are on the original I starship ship ladies hidden deep in the sand star, so they will definitely attack at all costs, and they have to wait for more Less wars will inevitably allow Veneto, who has won many battles, to greet his first defeat after breaking away from the I domain.

"Sister, three days have passed since the last repel of Veneto. They haven't appeared yet. Are they afraid to run away? I'm bored outside. I want to go back to bed." After remodeling, I also like to maintain the shape of the warship. One person hides in the core cabin and does not play with other house ladies.

This aristocratic admiral who once hit the junction of the void and played the abyss had to give up the whale to swallow the seven galaxy plans to dormant cultivation, but she didn’t like to go out to fight at all. Pulling out of the bed at six in the morning was just as uncomfortable. If it weren’t for fear that her sister would drop her again, Tirbitz might not be so obedient here at Sylon Scheep.

"Don't let your guard down, Veneto is tricky and finds that she can't defeat our warship fleet. She will think of other ways. I worry that she will ask Ulster for reinforcements to cooperate with her fleet to attack our army from the direction of the I star field." Bismarck The judgment of the situation cannot be wrong. This seems to be the best choice for Veneto. Although the rise of Yue Zhong’s forces has caused headaches for the Allies, they have never had any problems with the Red camp. What the Allies need to do now It is to unite all forces to defeat the G and S star domains, and may agree to Veneto's help, and draw the powerful combat force of the Veneto fleet to the Allied camp.

  Tilbits said with a lip: "She has such a great hatred with the Royal Navy and will not come."

   "Perform tasks." Bismarck said solemnly.

  I was afraid that my sister's Tilbitz had turned off the communication screen arrogantly, and lay on his back on the mechanical commanding chair, looking at the top plate with dignity: "It's so sleepy... ah."

The ceiling of the control room seemed to have a white mass. Tilbitz rubbed his glasses and finally saw the other party clearly. It was a piracy headscarf with a short fat upper limb holding a cup of tea on the fire control instruction screen. , Squinting at his pirate cat: "Hey, Xiaobai, you're back."

   "Yeah, the Admiral threw me out, please don't tell him the news of my return." The pirate cat jumped into the mysterious secret of Tilbitz's arms.

  Tilbitz blinked, grabbed the pirate cat and pulled out a pink apron customized for the pirate cat from behind: "Well, I won't say that."

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