Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 759: The crush of the times

  Bai Shijun, I'm not worth letting you do this for me, but I can't refuse your proposal, is it shameless to do so?

   Xianghe's eyes are as if he can speak. Even if he doesn't say a word, he just looks at Bai Shi firmly. The complex and evasive eyes and guilt convey all this in silence.

I just wanted to see your tender eyes again. It wasn’t until now that I realized that my Xianghe was never a trembling girl hiding behind others. She had a dream that was greater and respectful than me, even if that It was the killing and pillage that were built on the pure white and flawless girl. The **** bleakness, and the deepest torture of the soul in human nature and war, so that the gentleness of Xianghe is no longer the uncorrupted kindness, but that It has always been her dream, not imposed by anyone, but in the most bleak and lonely years, the collective dream of the collective she belongs to.

  J star field in my eyes is wrong, it was wrong all the time, but if Xianghe wants to stand there, it is me wrong.

"Xianghe, I think I haven't waited until the time I am looking forward to, so I will continue to wait. If I can keep you chasing your dreams and I can devote my strength to it, this is what I want to do most. Thing." Shiraishi firmly believes in looking at Xiang Hedao with tender feelings. "If I hurt J Starland, please give me a chance to make up. When all the dust falls and you and I are still there, please don't do it again." Avoid me."

   "Bai Shijun, that day may never come." Xiang He nodded tearfully, "I want to ask you something."

  Bai Shijian believed in the head and said: "You can say it."

   "Don't let me hear the news of your death.

  Bai Shi firmly believes that he wants to reach out and touch each other's snowy white hair, but the cold door isolates the distance between each other: "Okay, from now on I will try my best to survive and wait for you to come back."

  He did not want to hear the news that Xianghe died one day, but he knew in his heart that it was a very likely future, so if he really had this pain, he would have to bear it himself.

If it’s me, I can’t face this dialogue of courage and waiting, so thank you Karting, you taught me what is true patience, and thank you for the snow, you let me understand the matter and your mind How to be strong when contradicting. Thank you, people who gave me pain and despair, otherwise how should I stand here and decide to support the dream of Xianghe, instead of crying and falling down, that is what I hate the most and incompetent myself.

"Xiang He, now you have to wait for me first, but I have one point to declare in advance." Bai Shi firmly turned around and remembered Xiang He's face at this moment in his heart, before he had the courage to avoid her eyes. "I won't do anything like watching you become a ship maiden before. If Zhu Zhongxue can't fulfill your common wish, don't step into the ruins of destruction with him. There will be many outstanding people after him. , And you are still there, maybe you can be like Veneto."

  After saying this, Shiraishi firmly believed that he would leave step by step. He walked very hurriedly as if he was running away, and many of them stayed for a second and could not help turning back.

   There is another person in this restricted area besides Xianghe and Shiraishi firmly believed, but she watched everything happening quietly all the way, and finally asked curiously: "Sister Xianghe, is he your sweetheart?"


   "Really a reliable man."

   Actually, that's just the best I have shown as much as possible. Having said so much talk, I can't find how to do it. Isn't it easy to grow?

  Bai Shi firmly believed that he was leaning against the wall of the exit, trying to close the noise made by his nose and mouth, and then crying in a mess, not as strong as he stood in front of Xianghe.

  The era has been pushing everyone forward. Yue Zhong and Xiao Meiyan have no place to rest under the pressure of this great fate. Baishi firmly believes that it is not the same as Xianghe.

   It brings a brand-new tomorrow, smashing all the past into fragments of memory and hiding in everyone's heart. Only the eternal time can bring people to the past, but are those past really the past?

  As long as the memory still exists, what has happened is destined to happen.

With the wave of the new era, the Veneto Fleet passing through the black light zone has launched a powerful conquest of the heart of darkness, trying to open up this place as their new base to fight against the dove in the magpie nest The Lun Schepper Fleet and the AL Star Zone where the rebellion occurred.

As in the past when facing the invasion of strong enemies, the forces of the dark heart organized a large fleet to try to meet Veneto, and they are facing Veneto and Andrea Doria. The ship's mother who can gather the ships to fight.

In the star-shaped sea of ​​S-shaped red star clusters spreading like red flames, the influence of strong metal wires and hydrogen emission lines even interfered with the normal operation of the Dark Heart Alliance fleet, with short silver hair and long gold hair The two petite girls walked from the translucent brilliance, the backward alliance fleet interstellar radar was difficult to lock their whereabouts, only to see hundreds of ruined artillery lights coming from the Xinghai, and they looked at them instantly Ruobao's warships shattered into pieces of ruins.

Countless times smaller naval guns were hung all over the ship’s body. Veneto even sat directly on the turret of the main naval gun, carefully controlling the ship’s equipment to launch attacks. The cannon turret also produced a slight retreat vibration after it was slightly retracted, making the coffee in Veneto's coffee cup rippled.

Their figure is insignificant but also crucial in the countless brilliance that arises. Among the light and shadow is the silver brilliance and the golden sparkle. The continuous attack of the world is released between the hands and feet, and it looks like Pinghu. The indifference and calmness, like the shore and mountains, immovable, one move is full of majesty.

The backward Dark Heart Fleet has already shown its fatigue when facing the power star field. The Royal Navy, Parker Fleet, United Fleet and all other first-class naval forces have already formed a huge advantage for them, and the era is here. When they left the boundary, they were far behind and they had reached the moment of being swept into the dust of history. The attack of Veneto and Andrea Doria was unstoppable.

Massive fireworks bloomed, and a battleship was killed under the attack of two people. The Dark Heart Fleet simply could not form any effective threat to them, just like the cavalry of the leaping horse and the sword encountered a fully armed mechanized torrent. No matter how brave and unyielding the fighting spirit is, the battle situation cannot be changed.

Each battleship is extremely important to the forces of the Dark Heart. This unilateral slaughter that only loses and cannot win the results is even more unlikely to win. The alliance of the Dark Heart will soon fall apart. The fleet experienced a large-scale flight, even if they knew that the consequence of not being able to stop the Veneto fleet would be to lose the planet under their control, but they also delusionally rely on the complex interstellar terrain of the dark heart and the innumerable hidden points. They entered small-scale attacks and harassed operations, just as they did before when facing the Royal Navy.

   "Big sister, they ran away!" Andrea Doria has never enjoyed the crushing pleasure of this huge advantage, pulling Veneto to try to chase after not reluctantly.

"No, no." Veneto divided into four inherited different characters of the body, and Veneto 3 is undoubtedly the most gentle and shy side of the strong and proud big sister. She kept her head down and continued to use it. The majestic voice tried to stop Andrea Doria, "We can't kill them all, we still need them to exist."

Andrea Doria stopped the pursuit very obediently, but she didn't intend to let Veneto so easily, and her restless hands pinched Veneto's cheek: "Then don't chase, listen. The elder sister's head, who made the elder sister's head so cute."

  Veneto, whose face was widened, was in a hurry to get rid of Andrea? Doria's However, he finally returned without success.

   "Doria, don't make trouble."

"The others attacked each other at the scheduled time." The same voice came from the mouth of Veneto II with different expressions, which was particularly strong, and the Aviere partner with her did not dare to say a word, honestly. Followed Veneto II and launched an offensive towards a space station. After contributing insignificant damage, he witnessed that Veneto easily blasted the space station into a burning ball of fire. "Next!"

The Veneto fleet offensives that constantly appeared in the heart of darkness made all forces really panic. As the stars surrendered in her gunfire, the star zone they could control was shrinking sharply. The Neto fleet seems to be a ubiquitous shadow, and it has made many planets without battleships under pressure and surveillance ready to surrender early.

For the prestige of Veneto and its endless battle means, the Dark Heart Force has never heard of such a multi-line attack beyond common sense. The successful use of the tactics of the Veneto Fleet makes them pressure With a geometric growth, as a few wandering pirate forces trying to come out of the muddy waters were annihilated under the gunfire of the Veneto fleet, everyone in the Dark Heart suddenly realized that the overall strategy that had been extremely effective against foreign enemies had completely failed.

   is destined to be eliminated, and the self-proclaimed will also be the original advanced thought into shackles, the forces of the dark heart can not help but have an illusion, they can not win this war, the entire dark heart zone will be changed.

   This feeling of panic and terror, as a large fleet from another direction was thrown into the battlefield of the Dark Heart, finally reached the ultimate.

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