Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 761: Rebel movement

  Only what you really want to do will not be easily shaken because of one or two sentences of others, who are determined to be invincible, and those who perceive others are omnipotent.

Veneto deliberately requested as the ship's mother. The Admiral of Antalco, who did not foresee the arrival of the new era, thought that the ship's mother was as simple and innocent as before, but was behind Yue Zhong's desire to give this world. The trend of thought brought by it, there is bound to be a confrontation between the Admiral and the Ship Mother. The Admiral of Veneto taught Isabella the pursuit of martial arts, and the law and control of the world The technique of dragon slaughter.

Looking at the authenticity in the eyes of Admiral Antaky, the flame in Veneto's eyes jumped a little unconsciously, and it was always the Admiral who came to control the ship's mother, but she now began to use the Admiral to act, this feeling of control It made her feel a little happy, and then there was a little restlessness.

It is difficult for humans to control their desire for power and control. She saw that Kartin and Liao (Harmony) Ning had a precedent of turning back against each other. It was the conflict caused by the overlapping of power. Although Yue Zhong had already determined Entrusting the entire world to her, but Yue Zhong’s existence will always be a hidden danger. If he is still alive, will he one day worry about whether he changes his mind, or if he has a reason to die, will he contain it? Can't help but want to get rid of him?

   "Admiral, will you die for me once?"

   What a domineering word, what kind of revenge, how do you think when the world was shrouded in darkness and you said this to Yue Zhong?


All the dreams are true and can't be separated from falseness. Only the softest warmth in my heart pulls Veneto back from the abyss of nightmares. At this moment, she has been cold and sweating, the bed is soaked with sweat and becomes wet, monotonous The white lights in the room were so cold.

"Is it a dream?" When Veneto came back to God, she suddenly realized that all the cruelty of the dream had become a phantom. After setting up a strategy to subvert the Li family's rule with the Antatico fleet, she was already at the moment On the way to Shaxing Development Base.

Once she knew that Liao (Harmony) Ning and Karting were breaking apart, she laughed at Liao (Harmony) Ning and Karting lost their ego by power, but when she suddenly had such a terrible idea, she felt that before Everything I hate is so close to myself.

The Admiral has long known that he will think about it one day, so he will tell himself more than once that he and Xiao Meiyan will leave here one day, even if they make themselves sad at the time, and feel the fear of being abandoned one day. And the sorrow that has once again disappeared, I have to tell myself in advance. He just didn't want to ruin the relationship between them because of his cranky thinking and the growing desire to control...

In the Ola planetary period, the small furnace was waiting for fire to preach and teach, to listen to the rain through the window to watch the snow, Sicilian star took himself back to the clumsyness of ordinary people’s life, the protection of himself when the undersea giant appeared, and To solve the cunning of the separation between myself and my family and friends, the admirals are so gentle people. Those are also the most real and sweet warmth and memories. Will they also disappear because of the change of people's hearts?

  Maybe when I started to count people's hearts, I couldn't control my own mind?

  Veneto was sitting on the white bed with his arms around his feet. He tried to be mature in all aspects. Veneto was wearing a **** gauze sleep, and his white skin was half-covered under the hazy pajamas.

In her mind, she constantly remembered and pondered, unable to extricate herself from fear of her sudden thoughts and contradictions that could not stop under Yue Zhong’s expectation. All the ugliness in the human world originated from selfishness and took everything from the past All abandoned and exchanged for the unilateral craving in my heart and wondering whether it would be a happy future, but forgot that I couldn't look back.

"VV doesn't want to be like this, and it doesn't want to create a gap between Miyagi and Admiral that cannot be resolved. Wanting to become stronger is just to protect the precious people in your heart. If you lose all of this, what's the point of becoming stronger? "Veneto buried his head between his thighs and whispered in a voice that only he could hear, "but sometimes the mind is not under your control, and the moment of bad thoughts still makes people shudder in retrospect, Admiral, you Coming back soon, be sure to tell VV what to do, just as the last lesson you took before leaving."

  No matter which step Veneto takes, there is the last layer of reliance in her heart, that is, in her eyes, a technology that should be controlled but stirred up the changes of the seven galaxies, as if he could omnipotently supervise Yue Zhong.

   Beware of confusion and fear, he was the first to think of Veneto, and he was very sure that he would definitely get the correct answer.

   However, Veneto forgets that what Yue Zhong can teach him is limited in the end. What happens when he can't meet Veneto's needs?

   As parents teach all things to their children, watching them grow up a little bit, and gradually away from their own side, but they are getting older until they become a burden. So the best result, or choose to leave at the best moment you stay in the other party?

   After all, you are leaving...

It is less than half a month from the half-year period agreed between Xiao Meiyan and Chester William, and soon Yue Zhong will come out of the cage, or Chester William will no longer have a new reliance Commitment?

In order to ensure that the day came as scheduled, Xiao Meiyan began to utter her own voice to the world. When she really planned to do this, Chester William couldn’t stop it, the only Augustus Caesar that could hinder her. Is not here.

"Once the war begins, there will be no reason." Ogihara who traveled to the S star domain felt the fear of the abyss, but the excellent steward who had a stronger sense of mission than fear still understood the other party as much as possible, knowing that he had now Think so.

   If human beings are not rational, the original nature will explode. This battlefield is never false, and the opportunity it awaits needs to come as soon as possible.

   Yue Zhong told Saratoga's story has been made very clear, no longer have to wait for the Allies and the Red camp to be ready, Xiao Meiyan now wants to see the new earth-shaking, beating everyone for a time difference.

When she ordered it, the rebels of Planet Aura began to expand further under Leo’s order, and a large number of newly-arranged warships began to re-attack the connection controlled by the engraved fleet, trying to rebel with the outer layer. The military forces are in a line.

As the military operations of Planet Aura unfolded, rebels in other star regions of the Europa Galaxy also began to abandon the defensive external attack, forcing the Allied fleet to change the deployment pattern on a large scale, and the resulting defense loopholes were frontlined by the red camp. Marshal Reinhardt, commander-in-chief, accurately understood that the G-Star Army, which was good at grasping the defense penetration and lightning penetration, immediately entered the Allied defense zone. With the intentional and unintentional cooperation of the rebels, it quickly occupied a large number of star zones. The control of the Allies was further reduced.

   F Star Zone retreated under the double offensive of the rebels and the red camp forces. With the fall of the Normandy Star Zone, Picardy Star Zone and Burgundy Star Zone, the capital Star Zone has been in danger of being surrounded.

"Admiral, Hood asked to play, the Royal Navy can't once again be defeated in the F star field!" The news of the successive defeats of various fronts constantly passed back to the F star field capital star in Alster, although he can still stabilize Position, but Hood, who has been staying by his side to accompany himself, can't help it. "Even if I play, I can't change the battle, but please let me do my best."

Ulster recently lacked sleep, and his eyes were also darkened. He shook his head and rejected Hood’s request again: “No, although Hood’s transformation has been completed, you should understand that it’s not for you now. Sooner or later, F Starfield will give up when it is put into the battlefield. Prepare to retreat."

"Admiral, you can't wait until you can get a victory in the battle to let Hood attack. It's what I think about suffering with the Royal Navy. It has been too long to leave the battlefield. Hood needs more battles to grind." She still insisted, even if it was the order of the Admiral, but she was not an ordinary ship mother.

   "You are the pride of the Royal Navy, and all the responsibility for the defeat should not be borne by you." Ulster shook his head, "This is still true even now."

Hood bit his lip and raised his head, with a decisive look on his face: "So what should I Empire Parade or a mascot in front of the public? Admiral, Hood I don’t need your special care and protection. I also have my desire to fight. Otherwise, if I lose my fighting instinct, I will let Bismarck’s incident repeat itself. How can it be the pride of the Royal Navy?"

Hood was so stubborn for the first time. Her burning eyes showed that Ulster had a sense of anxiety in her heart. Ulster has been reluctant to let Hood enter the dangerous battle area even if she intercepted Bismarck last time. He also attacked with the Prince of Wales, occupying a certain advantage in the fleet, but he underestimated Bismarck's ability.

  After being with Hood again, Ulster became more cautious and kept Hood in the F-Star Capital Star District, even the garrison mission was not assigned to her. Hood also thought it was part of Ulster's plan, so she waited patiently for the time to play, but now she noticed that it was wrong, and the collapse of the Allied forces was the moment when new forces were needed to enter the battlefield, but Ulster Never thought about letting her play.

   Ulster can hide his heart, but he cannot refuse any request made by Hood: "Since you want to play, how about you taking the evacuation mission as the flagship?"

   "Retreat?" Hood was a little surprised, she did not expect the situation has deteriorated to this extent.

"Although it does not match my plan, some people can’t wait to do it. If Reinhardt doesn’t launch an offensive, then all previous efforts will be in vain. I am afraid that the continued battle in the F star field will usher in a large scale. Casualties, the transformation of the ship’s mother has been basically completed, I can’t accept such a loss.” Ulster nodded, “So retreat, Reinhardt will definitely stop our army and bring everyone back to the E Star mission. I'll leave it to you, Hood."

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