Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 764: Break the Great Wall

  When human beings live or die, they will naturally unite all the forces that can be united, even if the crisis comes artificially.

Since the rebellion and repression of the self-directed battle between Ulster and Augustus Caesar, the whole world has been operating to expose the true face of the abyssal fleet, and has never encountered such a powerless defeat. Chester William and Augustus Caesar, who tried to use the opportunity to sneak into the Allies with a view to making the I star field more developed, were the initial dominance of this conspiracy, but this plan messed up with Yue Zhong, a spoiler. Not only did Veneto lead the betrayal of the I-Star Fleet in the I-Star field to crush the plot of Augustus Caesar, but also brought unpredictable variables to the entire layout.

   The fate of the seven galaxies to bet on a situation that completely eliminated the opportunity of the abyssal fleet was deflected by Yue Zhong's appearance.

For Augustus Caesar, he and Xiao Meiyan brought the technology of gathering ships to make the advantage of the engraved fleet disappeared, eager to destroy both of them in the budding Augustus Caesar. Ushered in a fiasco, even he temporarily died for a while and completely lost his flesh to a sense of consciousness. In the blank time when Augustus Caesar disappeared, he tried to seize the world **** and discourse power. The engraved fleet had to swallow the command of Ulster and waited until after his resurrection, the situation was determined, and he had to start planning the battle against the abyssal fleet.

From that day, Ulster began to notice the existence of Yue Zhong. In order to determine whether this person was a spoiler or the help of the seven galaxies, and knew that he would definitely come to the Admiral Association, he prepared a series of temptations and co-ops s method. But what surprised Ulster was that Yue Zhong would actually kill Baturu in a large crowd, making all his plans null and void and must sanction Yue Zhong. At that time, Ulster didn't quite understand Yue Zhong doing this What is the purpose of making the whole world understand that he is not easy to provoke?

   If this is the case, it is too unreasonable. Judging from the contact between the Prince of Wales and Yue Zhong afterwards, he is not such a reckless husband.

So Ulster thought for a long time, and he didn’t understand until Veneto showed his edge. In addition to wanting to warn everyone, Yue Zhong also declared to the world the power of supernatural abilities, and then Veneto as an example to show The concept of new technology has continuously improved Veneto's influence through planning, and has been gradually accepted by the world in conjunction with this increasingly fierce battle.

Otherwise, a dangerous technology that can free the ship’s mother from all constraints is directly displayed in the eyes of the world. In addition to causing panic, it is difficult to be accepted by the mainstream navy, and it is more likely to cause a whole rebound, trying to eliminate the instability of Veneto. Factors, and in this critical period, he successfully attracted the hatred of everyone, let everyone involuntarily dilute the threat of Veneto, until her name began to penetrate the hearts of the people. Finally, taking the opportunity of war and relying on Veneto's influence to start selling such technology, until now every force with a navy had to accept it, otherwise it would be behind the times.

When the general trend is established, people have no reason and ability to refuse again. War is pushing the world and human civilization forward. This is an unstoppable trend. If you look at it from this aspect, Yue Zhong may be the first to understand Ulster and so on. The person who planned the original intention was also the one who developed the most successfully by taking advantage of the situation, so Ulster would give him such a high evaluation when talking about Yue Suling.

   As for Chester William and his grievances, they will not go into details, no matter how Yue Zhong has entered Ulster's circle, and his participation in the face of the abyss is indispensable.

  At least he understands the importance of fighting against the abyssal fleet, no matter what purpose he comes to with the seven galaxies, when he is assimilated by the void, he will eventually have nothing. Ulster probably guessed what Yue Zhong wanted to do, and could not change the established facts except feeling incredible.

  Collecting warships is the general trend. With the gradual completion of the transformation of the forces of all parties, a war with a new battle method was announced. It was not the F star field surrounding the battlefield of the Europa galaxy that fired the first shot, but the Great Wall of Asia Galaxy.

In the galaxy surface of Yinguang, the ever-changing energy increase wall floating in it is the most basic composition of the Great Wall of China, which protects the C star field from the outside world, through its borders or those who want to pass the C star field. Customs inspected the spacecraft that entered the territory of the C Star Zone and always saw a bright light in the vicinity. It is like a city wall that blocks all the endless barriers of matter and energy. That is the origin of the name of the Great Wall.

The Great Wall, which can adjust the defense mode in real time according to the attack, and launched a powerful and powerful counterattack, blocked the infinite and invincible abyssal fleet, and made all the power star fields prohibitive, but today it ushered in from The most serious challenge since its establishment, the person who created it by one hand wants to subvert it personally, and the opponent that the person also wants to look up also has a plan for breaking the Great Wall.

"Sister Liao (Harmony) Ning, the carrier formation of Lake (Harmony) South has been in place. From the perspective of the carrier aircraft, you can see all the positions of the ship's mothers attacked by the joint fleet, that is, the target is too small to be locked." Jiang (Harmony) West was taken by Zhu Zhongxue in the naval base of P Star Territory as a hostage, as Liao (Harmony) Ning forces another only main battleship, Lake (Harmony) South must bear the heavy responsibility of the flagship of the squadron.

After the transformation of the full-loaded ship, the ship ladies are still in the curiosity of free action. The fleets in the Xinghai are no longer full of the oppression of giant ships as before, and the warship girls who are wrapped in the ship but can see the full picture We walked in the starry sky in a pretty shape, although it was beautiful but it was not very conspicuous. Even if it was tracked by the carrier aircraft, it was difficult to determine its accurate coordinates.

Liao (Harmony) Ning’s aircraft carrier formation is now at the other end far away from the Lake (Harmony) South Fleet and slightly away from the Great Wall. The black single ponytail is thrown in the galaxy as the dark matter merges into one, Liao (Harmony) Ning's white navy suit and slim and slim figure are very conspicuous, so that the ship mother next to her can always accurately determine the location of the flagship.

   also sent two large formations of carrier aircraft clusters, but the object she monitored was not the joint fleet but the Kart fleet on the other side.

The two people who were supposed to be fighting side by side in the same fleet no longer had the basis of trust. Even in the case of joint operations, they guarded each other. This situation of fighting each other will definitely lead to a significant reduction in combat capabilities. Fortunately, the target of their attack this time was no more powerful than the tough bone of the Great Wall defensive circle, and it would not pose too much threat to them.

"This plan is the first to adopt the cracking scheme provided by Xiao Meiyan. I personally have reservations about this. After all, no matter how genius she is, she will not know the Great Wall defensive circle better than Li Peiyun. Why did the advisor agree with Liao (Harmony)? Ning’s request?” Since the day when Liao (Harmony) Ning joined the fleet, Yixian has always been on guard against her, perhaps because she is also of outstanding appearance and stronger ability, she has separated Kart’s favorite, maybe It was a dislike of her ambition and arrogant attitude that she never concealed.

If Liao (Harmony) Ning would go on a break with Kart, then Yixian is the only one not to be surprised, but she might not have imagined that the other party could use the power of Veneto to seduce her from Kart. Surviving in the mortal situation has caused such great trouble to the Admiral.

   "Why don't you just die?" Yixian's eyes flashed a dangerous light.

The young ladies who came out of the large family of C Starland had little contact with the outside world, and their ideology stayed in the internal battles. Their horizons were difficult to widen due to the limitations of educational background. Yue Suling insisted on letting His husband proved that the Li family returned to the high stage to initiate the rebellion, and Yixian was obsessed with managing the unstable factors in the fleet. This idea also exists in Kart.

The Great Wall was an absolute defensive circle, and it was also a self-styled cage. When it was completely broken, the C star field was returned to the composition of the seven galaxies. With the passage of time, the people of the C star field will gradually change the original I am used to the concept of infighting, but that is not something that can appear in Yixian and others now.

"Because Xiao Meiyan can do what I can Her duel with Li Peiyun is undoubtedly a grand event on another level." Karting smiled. "The fleet has been in place and told Zhu Zhongxue and Liao (Harmony) Ning can attack."

  Yixian blinked and nodded with a smile.

   It seems that the Admiral is not too optimistic that Yue Suling can achieve the final success. Yue Zhong and Xiao Meiyan are about to leave the A-star territory. What methods do they use to recapture their belongings?

   "No.1 is ready to suppress lattice-controlled penetration."

   "No. 2 is ready to suppress lattice-controlled penetration."


The system of Tianli Circle is based on the development of the Great Wall system. Xiao Meiyan obtained all the technical information of the Great Wall from Li Peiyun, plus the experience of cracking the Tianli Circle, specially created a batch of suppression with its time magic The infiltration equipment remained in the AL Star Zone, and Veneto took it to Liao (Harmony) Ning when he set off, and finally used it today.

For Li Peiyun and Yue Suling, it is their common ambition to prove that they are stronger than Xiao Meiyan, but Xiao Meiyan, who is challenged, does not have that mentality to compete with Li Peiyun, and she does not need to crack it from the perspective of technology. The Great Wall defense circle has better and more convenient means, why not use it?

The preparation for full-point suppression was completed, and the originally distorted wall of the Great Wall appeared stiff in front of the tripartite fleet. Liao (Harmony) Ning received a ready communication from all the ships equipped with suppression equipment and nodded heavily at Zhu Zhongxue. .

"Full fleet, shelling the defensive circle of the Great Wall of China." Taken by Zhu Zhongxue to carry out the bevel battle, the ship's mother led by battleships such as Yamato and Musashi launched a volley at the same time, and thousands of bright artillery lights crossed the Xinghai Hit the depression of the defensive circle of the Great Wall.

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