Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 768: Fight for land

Isabella didn’t even care about who won or lost the battle in the C Star Wars. The former Royal Navy girl officer who prioritized chivalry defended only the basic rights of survival and freedom of the weak, even if it could not give her What tangible benefits it brings, but it is something she wants to do in her heart. Since Isabella, who thinks she is a small person, has completed her existence mission for E Star, she will no longer think about those complicated battles. By the way, she only knows how to do it and will be happy.

However, as a former officer, C Starland’s reaction surprised her, and she was also disappointed in her heart. It seems that the little emperor is not the one who can rule for the most oppressed people in C Starland. Would it be better to kill him?

The purpose of the little emperor announced to the entire C Star Zone through the ubiquitous information platform that C Star Zone would recognize the independent status of M Star Zone and ceded the Coastal Star Zone to S Star Zone in exchange for the reinforcement of S Star Zone. Suppression of chaotic parties in the country, repeated decree announcements have calmed down the turmoil in the universe, people’s eyes are filled with the indifference and perseverance, because the Binhai Star District has nothing to do with them, even if they are related, they live in C What's the difference between star domain and life under S star domain, can there be a more tragic life?

Looking at the indifferent people, Isabella seriously thought about it in the space airport. The disturbances around her had nothing to do with her: "A country has fallen to such a point that there is no national cohesion, and the people are not only numb. The rulers have also lost their confidence. How can such a country end without being destroyed?"

"If you kill the little emperor yourself, the result is the same, even if it is..." Isabella saw the person who was robbing others' money bags in the chaos, and the body jumped out involuntarily. "Even the person, I'm afraid I can’t get rid of this ten-death situation, let alone a cowardly emperor?"

The robber was kicked, his leg bones were lying on the ground, and howling, Isabella didn’t make her face clear, and she was hidden in the crowd again. This kind of thing she has done countless times. However, it was an oppressed poor who was forced to make a living and robbed a wealthy businessman's wallet temporarily. It is worthy of forgiveness and he will not die.

The weak are in a relative sense, just like the wealthy businessmen today, and the unjust acts of robbery must be sanctioned, and it is not possible to open the net because of the low status of the robber. Isabella’s view of justice is so simple, but one problem It was before her eyes: the poor people who had been kicked off their bones might die because they had no money to heal, or they would be retaliated to death by the rich and desperate merchants at that time. It is inhuman.

   "Look at it." Isabella hid in the crowd, her sharp eyes passed through the fence to see the lively figure, the silent stone.

The military disaster is rumored in Liao () Ning Xing District. Although Liao () Ning with his own name has been around for a long time, the invasion progress is slower than Karting, but her offensive is more fierce and heavy. Jiang (Harmony) West, who returned to the fleet, formulated a multi-point strategic plan that blossomed to suppress people, and attacked with the aircraft carrier Hu (South) to attack the capital of Liao () Ningxing District, Xingshen () Yang and Chongzhen Da (), The large family of the Ningxing District in Liao (Harmony) that has been properly contacted has cooperated from within, and hastily organized the defensive C Starfield Forces to be unable to resist. With the defeat of the border defense near-star fleet, a large number of planets will soon be in Encourage the wind and fall.

The Liao () Ning aircraft carrier formation should have also invested in this attack, but the cowardice of the C star domain royal family and the compromise with the S star domain once again opened her eyes to avoid the coastal star area being really S Star field took over, Liao () Ning Yi changed his course without turning back, preparing to seize the Binhai Star District first.

Jiang () Xi is opposed to her decision. Now S Starland is investing a lot of troops in the vicinity of J Starland to fight A Starfield Parker Starfish, but the thin dead camel is bigger than the horse. It is the reserve fleet of S Star Domain that entered the Binhai Star District at this time, and it also far outperformed the Liaoning Fleet in terms of combat power.

"Sister Liao (Ning), it is really unwise to engage in a full-scale war with S Star Zone at this time. It is the best policy to occupy the Liaoning Star Zone to establish a defense line, and threaten the Emperor C Star Zone to surrender. If you have any failure, we will do everything. In vain." Jiang () Xi also persuaded Liao () Ning, and she knew that the current Liao () Ning fleet was all maintained by her personal charm and means. If she died in battle, the other warships would either It was annihilated one by one by S Star Domain, or there was no other possibility to accept the collection of Karting.

However, Liao () Ning was unimpressed, and even severely criticized Jiang () Xi's thought of war avoidance: "Jiang () Xi, I am not as good as you in terms of strategic layout capabilities. Perhaps you are indeed saying that it is currently the best. Choice, but never forget our original intention of becoming a ship mother, independent and self-reliant, free from bullying!"

Speaking of which, Liao () Ning took a deep breath: "We were once ruled by J Star Zone and also crushed by A Star Zone. No one would care about our ideas, not even our lives. People care that being a locust in P Starland generally squeezes their living space and robs them of their wealth and is hostile to it. It is discriminated by the colonists as cattle and sheep that will be raised under guns and guns. When we develop to a certain degree There will always be ruthless suppression and plunder, and we have no means of resistance to this. We can only be bullied, watching our compatriots, friends, and even loved ones tragicly die at the malignant muzzle of the indigenous armed with colonizers Next, we dare not even speak out against it!"

Liao () Ning's words are very inflammatory, which is also a necessary trait for every self-made leader. Only by fully mobilizing the enthusiasm of the people around them and finding their common ground can they accept their own ideas and all the power Only then can they condense together and form a powerful fighting force under the guidance of a unified mind.

"So we want to be the ship's mother, and no one can despise us, let alone bully our existence. At that time, we didn't have the technology to gather the ship's equipment. We also became the ship's mother without knowing the existence of this kind of thing. No one's coercion completely depends on our own wishes." Liao () Ning stood up and touched Jiang () West's head, showing a firm smile, "There has never been a strong starry field rising There is no need to bleed and no hardships, C Starland needs this spirit of iron blood to be completely reborn. And we should never give up the heart of winning and winning, that is the root of our survival. What can be scared, if you bow your head in front of S Star Domain, how is it different from us before?"

Jiang () West understood Liao () Ning's intentions. During her time at the Naval Base of the Joint Fleet, she also seemed to feel the fearlessness described by Liao () Ning in the navy base of the Joint Fleet. spirit.

  Feeling the warmth in the other party's palm, the previous anxiety and worries also disappeared unconsciously. She looked up at Liao () Ning's delicate face, where the stars were shining brightly.

  If the eldest sister they followed did not have such an ambitious attitude and the proud and firm faith, why would they give up the more mature advisor to choose her: "Does this battle have to be fought?"

"Every inch of the territory of the C Star Zone is ours. No one can take it away. Not only the Binhai Star Zone has to be guarded, the M Star Zone and the territory that was earlier occupied by the S Star Zone will eventually return to one day. In our hands. This battle is a battle to establish the confidence of the people who have been numb and cowardly under the royal rule of C Star Realm, and it is also a battle to declare our existence to the world and send our voice, so not only to fight, It is necessary to Liao Ning nodded heavily, "Only countless victories can give deep fear to the enemies who want to bully us, and only victories have a strong future. "

  Jiang (West) stooped, rubbed in the palm of Liaoning like a kitten, and then squinted and smiled, "I will make a new plan, but Liao () Ning, you have to obey my orders."

   "Of course, my Miss Prime Minister." Liao () Ning smiled and waved his hand, "Then I will start!"

"Wait first." Jiang () West hurriedly prevented Liao () Ning from leaving, anxiously saying, "Although we must fight with S Xingyu, the later the time of the war will be, the more beneficial it will be to us. Therefore, sister Liao () Ning should not take the initiative to attack as soon as she contacts the S-Star Fleet. Try to contact them first and try to get in touch with the snake. Liao () Ning’s thought is somewhat close to that of the red camp. Let’s talk to them in this regard. Things, you must make S Star Realm feel that you can establish a red regime in C Star Realm that obey the leadership of S Star Realm, so that they will take the initiative to fight for you, and then win more for our attack. time."

  Liao () Ning silently calculated for a while, and found that Jiang () West was indeed a good way, so he smiled and said: "Little fox, I know what to do."

   "Hey?" Jiang (Qiao), who was described as a little fox, had a blushing face. When she responded and wanted to refute a few words, Liao () Ning had already led her carrier formation to the sea of ​​stars.

"Really, don't you think about this for everyone's sake?" Jiang () Xi lowered her head and rubbed the clear water-colored clothes corner, and looked at Liao () Ning just after she calmed down. The direction and his eyes regained his firmness, "If necessary, just be a little fox."

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