Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 770: Glory of the royal navy

Nonna is an excellent leader with long-term strategic vision and meticulous layout ability. She is so good that she can see through the Alster's terrifying conspiracy and can cope with it, but she doesn't like the feeling of standing on the table. , Everything from the manipulators behind the scenes is her favorite thing to do.

With her ability, she could directly replace Katyusha's father, but she didn't do it. After Katyusha's father died, she also helped Katyusha to the highest power position, and she still patiently passed by Assist.

When the situation changes again and S Starland cannot be alone, Katyusha cannot cope with such a complicated scene, so Nonna needs to come to the stage and personally lead the army to fight against A Starland and plan the next step Development direction.

   The war situation of the Asiatic Galaxy has also become a mess. As for the battlefield of the Europa Galaxy that started earlier, after many large-scale duels and small-scale battles, it is about to reach the end of the first phase.

Hood's retreat plan is perfect, and he has won Ulster's heartfelt praise for the future direction of the Royal Navy. However, this kind of flattery will obviously not make the elegant and heavy Hood floating, in the perfect aristocratic girl Under strict supervision, Ulster still revised and analyzed the pros and cons of each of the proposals she proposed.

   After several days of intensive discussions, the final plan was successfully completed, and the Royal Navy was also prepared to evacuate the F Star Zone.

  After Hood was sunk by Bismarck, this was the first time he reappeared in front of the other navy of the Royal Navy.

The space above the starship of the capital of the F-Star field is empty, because after the ship mother gathers the ship equipment, the complex take-off and landing operations are no longer needed. The body of each ship mother fully carries all the ship equipment, from the core cabin. After being liberated from the prison and gaining true freedom, not many ship mothers will remain in the form of warships unless necessary.

For the return of Hood, the former comrades gave a warm welcome with a bright smile. Although the time rush did not have too much time to arrange, but still pulled up the banner on the ship deck and floated colorful balloons, each of them had In the hands of the warship who fought side by side with Hood, they all held a bunch of bright flowers, with the cautious eyes of those curious and long-awaited juniors, in several rows waiting for Hood to appear.

When Hood came out of the combat research room in Ulster and looked at this tender scene, his blue eyes could not help becoming moist. Sensual Hood could not restrain his emotions, with full of joy and joy I was so moved that I couldn't help sobbing.

  The Royal Navy will not abandon the inheritance of any ship's mother. Not only has it not been cut off, but it has also continued to carry forward. This is that they will always be full of fighting spirit, not afraid to sacrifice the brave forward spiritual support, but also let the Royal Navy from an unknown fleet into the eyes of people around the world, once became the unshakable world's first navy.

"Hood sauce, welcome back." The first voice was Nelson who came from Hood from the same period. A one-eyed girl in a red and black military uniform walked in front of Hood and reached out to remove Hood's eyes and wiped her. Tears, "I still cry like before, I can't help you."

   Hood also wiped his eyes while breaking his nose and laughing: "Sorry, I'm so happy, everyone remembers me."

"How can you forget, you are the pride of our Royal Navy." Rodney in the red and blue uniform followed behind his sister, bowing her arms forward and smiling at Hood Road with a smile, "I still gave it to me Your revenge has sunk the Bismarck guy. Will Hood Sauce not hug me?"

  Hood showed a sincere smile and hugged Rodney at once: "I already know, thank you Rodney."

"Hey, we besieged Bismarck together. How can Rodney dominate Hood sauce alone." Prestige shouted unhappy at the back, because she saw Alster sneakyly wanting What he said tricked Hood into embracing him, so he glared at Ulster and scared him so much that he didn't dare to move and said directly.

   Today is the day when these ship ladies who have been fighting for E Star Territory for most of their lives meet again.

Hood is like a busy little bee, with long blond hair floating with her running figure, starting from prestige and counterattack to the five ship queens of the Elizabeth class, the five ship queens of the monarchy class, and finally to the fifth of George The world's five ship mothers, each of them was embraced by Hood enthusiastically, and finally she took the Prince of Wales's hand and looked embarrassedly at the other ship mothers of the lion class and the N3 class. Tao: "Sorry, I don't recognize the other ship mothers."

   Although the Prince of Wales is already the new flagship of the Royal Navy, he still has the attitude of the younger generation in front of Hood and said seriously: "Let everyone introduce yourself."

The shipgirls who have been eager to try out are orderly self-reported and born, and they also look at Hood with respect. Although she has had the stain of being sunk by Bismarck, the most serious heritage of the Royal Navy questioned that the predecessors are indeed the most The idea of ​​not being allowed, if there is no Hood's generation of warships at that time propped up the sky of the E-star field and the glory of the Royal Navy, then where can they enjoy their success now.

Today’s meeting was strongly requested by Nelson. They not only wanted to give Hood a warm embrace, but also wanted to take this opportunity to rejuvenate the morale of the Royal Navy. They had faced more difficulties than they have now. Several times the challenge, but the glory of the Royal Navy never fell. I hope that those who have lost faith in the victory in their hearts can take this opportunity to rejuvenate.

"Hood, take us all back to the motherland, and give the enemies a painful blow." The Prince of Wales said softly in Hood's ear, making it clear that he would not grab the flagship with her this time. Position, she also knows that the remaining time of an old ship mother like Hood is running out.

  After saying this, the Prince of Wales and Hood held their hands tightly, staring at each other's eyes and said, "Queen God, God Royal Navy!"

   "Queen Blessing, Blessing Royal Navy!" Hood's eyes were full of firmness, and after responding with a loud voice, he waved all the Royal Navy's ship mothers to the top of the sky with a cry.

The sky is clear and the clouds are clear, the sky is blue, the immortal faith is passed from here to every corner of the world, the whole world will still tremble for their will, and the sense of mission experienced by Hood and the legendary ship goddesses makes the royal The navy’s new warship gave birth to endless courage, and the once-broken fighting spirit reunited at this moment: "Royal Navy, start!"

In the face of the Royal Navy suddenly bursting out of endless power, the other warships in the Allies looked at each other in the distance, and there were also many main ship warships such as F-Stars, which are power-class stars, and they were not able to understand the face. Why can the Royal Navy explode here in the face of adversity, but this does not hinder their envy and expectations.

That is the most beautiful glory a navy can have, even if they are not invincible forever, but the royal navy that emerged from the microcosm was created because of the perseverance in the moment of frustration until the moment of winning the victory. Their great legends of hundreds of years and the spirit of inheritance in the years that have risen and fallen all the time have kept the Saint George flag flying in every corner of the seven galaxies.

  Every real soldier will yearn for this, as if this is the only way to make their lives shine with the most dazzling light.

   "We can't be too far behind." The ship ladies outside the Royal Navy were infected by this spirit, and they couldn't help clenching their fists, swearing secretly in their hearts.

  Because there is no real soldier who can only look up to the glory and glory of other countries, they will always want to make their own country the same great, even greater.

   Thousands of ship mothers continue to rush out of the atmosphere of the F-star capital star. The iron-red light generated by the friction of the atmosphere is like a falling meteor shower. It is clearly visible even on a clear day.

According to the strategy formulated by Hood, Xinghai went to the vast sea again. Except for a few people who are familiar with Hood, such as the Prince of Wales, not many warships knew what the ultimate purpose of this battle was. Not to reverse the unfavorable battle situation suffered in the F Star Zone, but to open up the retreat route and design a strategic retreat to eliminate the G Star Zone army on a large scale.

Ulster was left as a bait in the capital star zone of the F star zone. His presence will surely encourage the G star zone army to squeeze the defensive circle of the F star zone capital star zone more. We strive for more time to deploy.

When the technology of gathering ships is The Admiral is no longer suitable for taking the flagship personally. At least in the current battle, Ulster must stay here because of strategic needs, without having to take care of His royal navy shipgirls can also exert their full strength to win an opportunity for this war.

With the action of the Allied Fleet, Reinhardt made timely deployments. He regarded the collective attack of the Allied Fleet this time after gathering the troops as a large-scale operation to seize control of the Brittany region, and ordered some troops to continue the attack. At the same time as the F-Star Capital Defense Line, he led the army from the Normandy Star Zone, trying to seize the channel occupying the Brittany Star Zone between the Allied fleets, and completely trapped them in the F Star Zone Capital Star Zone. On an isolated island.

In the vast star sea that separates the Europa and Afrikaans, a fleet without a clear flag is sailing here. They are all ship mothers who have completed the transformation of the ship. If you don’t take the initiative to attack, other forces are also difficult. Found their whereabouts.

It was Zaki who had hidden the eyes and ears of Yue Suling and Sailon Schep, secretly persuaded a group of ship mothers abandoned by their motherland, and completed their work on a secret military planet in the AL star field. After collecting the ship's outfit and transforming the work, now Zaki is awake, they have also received the latest instructions and are ready to go to the vast battlefield of the Europa Galaxy.

"My motherland is facing the erosion of war, just like the last war, it was regarded as a battlefield where two major forces directly confronted each other. The compatriots were enslaved by invaders, and the glory of the country was trampled on and off." The flagship ship mother, like a knight girl shrouded in divine light, kissed the Lorraine Cross in her hand. "But I will never stand by and watch because of being abandoned. Riches Liu will not forget your kindness."

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