Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 797: Teaching by Xiao Meiyan

  Xiao Meiyan beckoned to Li Xiaobei and beckoned her to pass. After Li Xiaobei rubbed her fingers, she walked slowly.

  After Li Xiaobei, who was only as tall as his waist, stood in front of him, Xiao Meiyan reached out and rubbed her little head. This move scared Li Xiaobei and shrank, raising her eyes nervously and looking at Xiao Meiyan.

"You haven't seen Yue Zhong before, so the goal has always been on me, even if you don't have today's things, you will still find an opportunity to study with me." Xiao Meiyan keeps stripping Li Xiaobei's psychological defense line, hiding her The thoughts deep in my heart said mercilessly, "After Yue Zhong appeared, you found the best opportunity, not only exchanged the safety of the Li family with yourself, but also able to further realize your own thoughts. You have no harm, are you?"

  Under the blue light of the ice crystal flower, Xiao Meiyan's hand and Li Xiaobei's face were crystal clear, and there was also a drop of blood: "Sister, what do you want to do?"

"You don't need to be nervous, I didn't want to do anything to you." Xiao Meiyan showed a trace of nostalgia. "It's just a little emotion, and I have come to this step unconsciously. The past seems to be less real, me and Yue You don’t understand anything when you’re as big as you are.”

  Xiao Meiyan's ease of attitude made Li Xiaobei relax a little, she opened her eyes and said truly: "Sister-in-law is still so young and beautiful, why is there always a trace of sorrow in her speech."

Xiao Meiyan did not answer, but gave out the biological heart of the ice crystal flower: "This is what your father created, it can be called a miracle of biology and technology in this world, but its brilliance is only limited to this world, beyond this world. There are also many unimaginable natural and supernatural phenomena. When you have a little self-preservation ability, you need to see it in person. Then you will face many dangers and opportunities. No one can imagine what you will achieve in the future. Because of this possibility, Yue Zhong may need to use you one day, do you think we are just using you?"

"The use is mutual. I am just getting benefits in advance just to protect my loved ones." Li Xiaobei constantly adjusts his mentality and wants to adapt to the rhythm of Xiao Meiyan's speech as much as possible, "Master said I have said this, but it is not as straightforward as what you said."

Xiao Meiyan shook his head slightly: "At that time, we may not have the ability to restrain you, everything depends on your own decision. I made things clear that I hope you can not be vigilant and resist the mentality that we teach you everything What's the purpose, you can stay with us for a short time, you can't let you think about it, everything will wait for you to find a chance to understand after you leave."

  Li Xiaobei took a hint of surprise. She didn't expect Xiao Meiyan to accept her long ago: "Sister, don't you object to teach me?"

"It was opposed at the beginning. Your ambition is great and nothing can make you converge temporarily. Although the Li family is important to you, it is not indispensable and abandonment. If you do not stick to your beliefs, we It’s just training a lunatic, maybe it will bring us back, or it will destroy itself directly.” Xiao Meiyan said, “Yue Zhong has experienced many betrayals, and even I am deeply in his heart. After a knife, he was actually very sensitive and fragile. I don’t want to hurt him any more."

   "Sister-in-law, is this also my learning content?" Li Xiaobei thoughtfully smiled sweetly after being recognized.

"I didn't speak well. Let Yue Zhong teach you." Xiao Meiyan took Li Xiaobei to the heart of the Bingjinghua biological creature. "Now I will start to transform the magic circle of Tianli circle. What do you have? Just ask if you understand, I know what your current foundation is."

  Li Xiaobei nodded excitedly. She knew that her level had finally passed, but she didn't know that the reason for Xiao Meiyan's acceptance was not her bravery, but the helplessness and fear she showed just now.

  Xiao Meiyan's teaching has always been not interesting, and only students with great perseverance can persevere, but this is not difficult for Li Xiaobei, because her father is also such a boring person.

   But Li Xiaobei also has his own child's heart, and while studying, he can't help but sneak a peek at Xiao Meiyan, who is all concerned. Her face is slightly round, and she is not the kind of beauty that can amaze the world at a glance from her appearance alone, nor is she as charming as her mother. In the state of serious work, only the purple eyes are flashing, as if the sculpture made of white jade is calm but immobile.

In the darkness and despair, the light of hope is simple but bright. The precipitation of time and experience has created an indescribable demeanor and gentleness, but most people have no chance to see this, just like their own just now. .

Li Xiaobei’s small face is reflected in the petals of the huge ice crystal flower like a half lens. She saw her tenderness and appearance, and she seems to have another pursuit in her heart. If you have a better foundation, you can have a similar temperament. Would it be more beautiful than the mother and the maid?

   "Don't be distracted, do you remember the formula for turning the magic straight straight line?" Xiao Meiyan could find her momentary trance without looking at Li Xiaobei, and immediately reminded with a voice.

   "Remember, remember!" Li Xiaobei quickly returned to God and nodded and promised.

Serious teachers and naughty students can always provoke many Xiao Meiyan occasionally wants to criticize Li Xiaobei for not paying attention, but she can always answer the questions she asks accurately, even if it is Some of the more esoteric questions, even if Li Xiaobei did not know, could always give an ingenious answer from another level. The child’s lack of formal thinking gave Xiao Meiyan some inspiration, and even began to feel a sense of dignity for the mentor. Setting a trap induces Li Xiaobei to walk into the misunderstanding, and then give the correct answer.

  However, genius students always make people love and hate. Many of Xiao Meiyan's guides were noticed by Li Xiaobei and cleverly avoided. In the end, Xiao Meiyan had to admit that her talent was powerful. The only thing that satisfies Xiao Meiyan is that Li Xiaobei does not always deal with herself with obvious hypocrisy and respect as Ogihara, at least she now respects Xiao Meiyan from the heart, polite words and gradually appear on the face The sunshine smile makes people feel warm.

Li Xiaobei also did not forget the thing that he promised to Yue Zhong. Taking advantage of the gap at the end of his classwork, Li Xiaobei stood behind Xiao Meiyan sitting in a chair and asked her to squeeze her shoulder and said, "Since You all agree to accept me as a student, so don’t be angry with Master, OK. He didn’t ask your opinion in advance and only brought me to destroy Master’s initial plan. Master’s plan was wrong, but who let Xiao Bei It’s so good that Master can’t help it.”

   "Okay, I forgive him." Xiao Meiyan turned her head to watch Li Xiaobei casually agreed.

After receiving the reply, Li Xiaobei smiled, and casually found a topic complimenting: "Wow, the maid's skin is so good. Like a child like me, if I grow up, will I be able to maintain it?" "


   During this period of time, besides Yue Zhong, there will be another little guy who is not worrying, and I don't know whether it is good or bad.

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