Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 803: Battlefield BBQ

  Li Xiaobei studied with Xiao Meiyan and did not know how much time passed until a grunt came from her stomach.

   She looked at Xiao Meiyan with embarrassment: "Sister-in-law, it's not too late. Let's go to eat first."

  Xiao Meiyan realized that not everyone would enter the research state like themselves and could not eat or sleep for a long time: "Forget that you are different from me, humans still have to eat on time."

  Li Xiaobei smiled and took Xiao Meiyan's hand and walked out. At the same time, he asked curiously, "Aren't the ladies and mothers human?"

"It used to be, it should not be counted now." After a day of teaching, Xiao Meiyan also had a certain understanding of this little girl. If it is only based on the qualifications of students, Li Xiaobei is undoubtedly the dream of all mentors. The object of knowledge inheritance, anything Xiao Meiyan teaches to her can be remembered only once, and she can understand its meaning with her own opinions. Her talent is more than that of the first person who first called herself a mentor. Grams are many times higher, even the perfect butler Ogihara is difficult to compare.

I just don’t know why, such a student makes Xiao Meiyan not feel the kind of closeness between the teacher and the apprentice, maybe the time for getting along is too short, maybe the teacher-student relationship between them is based on a profit transaction On the other hand, it may be that he has a natural rejection of strangers himself...

"Sister Niang, what are you doing?" Xiao Meiyan stopped when she walked to the door of the Central Research Institute. Li Xiaobe couldn't help but ask after waiting for a while, "Master, where has he been, why didn't he come back?" what."

Xiao Meiyan touched Li Xiaobei's head and looked at the door of the scientific research institute that was still stretched out by the colorful streamer: "He went to Veneto, and the matter of the Shaxing Development Base still needs him to come forward and deal with it. "

"Veneto, my mother-in-law likes her very much. I can hear my mother mention her name every time I go." Li Xiaobei said a little unhappy, "If I am not her daughter, I'm afraid in my mother's heart. Is it better than Veneto, is Veneto really that good?"

Xiao Meiyan blinked, and after speaking of Veneto’s name, she found the answer to her doubts. The ship maiden who had followed her and Yue Zhong from the beginning won them with her decisive courage, quietness, and tenderness. There is no reserved feeling, even if she never deliberately pleases anyone, and will avoid the sensitive things very well, but has won the unconditional trust of Yue Zhong and herself. If you use her to compare with Li Xiaobei, some details The difference can be seen clearly, and as a result, there is a difference.

   "She is indeed very enjoyable, we may go to Yue Zhong now maybe we can see her." Xiao Meiyan's deep voice was softer, "I have missed her for a long time."

Algiers are still raging in war, and the beam of light and stray bullets running through the yellow sky are full of chaos. Xiao Meiyan dragged Li Xiaobei all the way to ignore the battlefield along the way and stepped on a purple secluded line After crossing the space and time, he quickly reached the space communication station.

The smart flash in Li Xiaobei's eyes has never been interrupted. For her, the mystery and temperament in Xiao Meiyan's body is an endless treasure, just like the line that seems to be independent and material just now, self-respecting the genius himself. I always want to dig out this treasure to become my own thing at the fastest speed, but I don't know that this is the biggest reason why Xiao Meiyan cannot accept her from the heart.

Xiao Meiyan has always cherished all her things, unless she actively wants to give them out, she will not feel disgusted, but Li Xiaobei has some self-sufficiency without her approval. Here.

After closing the communication with Syllen Scheep, Yue Zhong and Veneto had a conversation, and then ran outside the Universe Communication Station to get ingredients and barbecue grills, but they were preparing for the wild on the lawn outside. Barbecue, completely ignoring the fire and missiles occasionally flying in the sky.

After seeing Xiao Meiyan and Li Xiaobei coming, Yue Zhong happily waved the iron sign in his hand and said, "Xiaoyan, you came at the right time. You should be hungry after a busy day. Come and eat. "

  Xiao Meiyan smiled lightly and did not speak, strode over with her hands down, and Li Xiaobei swallowed and ran over.

   took the ingredients delivered by Yue Zhong, Xiao Meiyan took the oil brush on the shelf next to the ingredients, and asked with a little tenderness: "After preparing so many things, how do you know we are back?"

  Yue Zhong said with a smile: "You will definitely not come if you are alone in the research institute, but Xiaobei will be hungry."

   "How is the situation on the VV side?" Xiao Meiyan grabbed cumin and sprinkled it on top, and then asked Yue Zhong softly.

"It's no longer a problem. Sylene Schepe really thought I could use those ships as a bargaining chip to let me let him go, and now it has begun to transfer to the I star field." Yue Zhong took over the handling from Xiao Meiyan The ingredients are placed on the barbecue grills one by one, and the fleshy blue smoke slowly floats towards the sky. "Speaking of speaking, the sand star is our real home in the seven he I don’t want to think that Homura can raise pythons there.

  Xiao Meiyan moved her long hair, and the voice came from the fluttering hair: "You have never liked this person, Syllen Scheep, knowing that he will one day come to the Shaxing Development Base, I will naturally arrange it."

"Who made him appear too annoying in the first place, and he also wanted to bully my family with Xiaoding, so I wouldn't let them go." Yue Zhong said that he wanted to reach out to catch Xiao Meiyan's swaying hair, but was caught The other party flashed away smartly.

   "The greasy hands full of scratching." Xiao Meiyan said slightly angrily.

   "I didn't pay attention, I'm sorry."

Yue Zhong and Xiao Meiyan did not have a gap in their conversation, as if they knew what each other was saying. Li Xiaobei stood beside him for a long time and could not insert a sentence, so he sat on the bench hurriedly and threw his head to the side. Seeing the two men show affection, but the two small ears are raised upright, listening to their conversations in their ears without saying a word, and the two have no meaning of avoidance.

"What do you plan to do later?" As the ingredients on the barbecue grill continued to become golden and delicate, Yue Zhong still caught the fire after he caught it on the plate. Xiao Meiyan took a towel soaked in water and wiped the oil smoke on his forehead. Asked the stain.

"After Sailon Schepper is blocked by the engraved fleet, the VV can take over the Xingxing Development Base. In addition to the destruction of the defense system, other facilities are also well-preserved, in order to avoid involving the upcoming During the big changes, she will make a final transformation there." Yue Zhong looked at Li Xiaobei's head and smiled. "We will stay here to teach the students. The civil unrest in Africa cannot be calmed down, nor can they be in VV. Fighting, then there is no reason to go to war at the beginning."

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