Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 806: Peach blossom

While the Allied fleet launched an attack on the Odin, it has been continuously compressing the Hindenburg of the Royal Navy stationed in the star zone of the F star zone. The pace of the attack has also been tightened. The previous series of trial attacks were invulnerable by Hood. Hindenburg wanted to try other tactics to repel his defense. He couldn't calmly face the fierce offensive of the outer layer. He could only fight the huge damage to launch the main attack.

The final decisive battle has no time for the warring parties to carry out other layouts. The test of the complete real sword and real gun is the comparison of the hard power of the two sides. The battlefields where iron and fire are intertwined are like black holes that constantly involve the surrounding troops into them. After the gorgeous flower of life bloomed, it was tragicly withered, and the data of battle damage and killing continued to flow to the headquarters of the warring parties like a long river.

The crazy grin on Hindenburg’s face and the calmness of Hood represented their respective command styles, and they also represented the temperament of the red camp and the allied camp. The violent reaction formed when they collided shakes the entire Xinghai. Both sides understand what they have to do. Even if the battle is tragic and far ahead of any previous war, they still insist on the bottom line.

The damage of the interstellar mech and the space fighter became a star point in front of the martyrdom of the battleship. When the Odin found that it was difficult for him to finally hit the allied warship who launched her siege, she could only consume energy reserves, more The G-Star Army began to invest in the battlefield, and Isabella also led the E-Star Mecha Force into the gap opened by the battleship.

The mecha of the new design concept and tactical template harvested the life of the enemy under the command of Isabella. According to the data collected before, the battle mode of the red camp mecha has been perfectly deciphered by the Greenwich Computing Center. Coupled with the formation of the E-Star Army of the elite force policy, the first battle formed a clear advantage with fewer enemies and more.

A glorious blue-like sea of ​​light poured into the black star sea is unstoppable, and the gray shadow in it is like entering a no-man's land, with the most concise and effective means and more advanced weapons and equipment constantly harvesting the enemy's mecha .

The Marshal Reinhardt of G Starland couldn't come up with effective means to deal with this brand-new unit. The stalemate and fierceness of the battle situation made it difficult for all conspiracies and tricks to be fully brewed and launched, although his Continental Army was extremely large. But it can't stand the consumption of the other party's high battle loss ratio, not to mention that the Allies have the upper hand in the fleet.

"In the last war, G-Star was also defeated by the offensive of the Allies. No matter what advantage we have, but it still fell in the research and industrial strength." Reinhardt did not have some disadvantages because of the disadvantage of the battle situation. Anxiety, the last light of the admiral era, he felt that he should be respected, after all, the future is very long.

  He would start this war and fought the Allied forces in the early stage. It was a conspiracy in itself. If he could succeed with small strokes, it would be very good, but even failure was not unacceptable.

After all, the weakness of the G-Zone is obvious. Rather than expecting such a war to win, Reinhardt wants to wait until the admirals finally counterattack, or gain a higher level after the formation of a new world pattern. No matter how he develops in the future, he will have no loss.

Ulster has not been involved in the command of the war for a long time. The most effective way to crack down on Yue Zhong’s plot against him is to dilute his influence, so it is best to give all the command to the ship’s mothers. s Choice.

   When the front line was fiercely fighting, he was still happily in his virtual house in the virtual game. The characters in the virtual body shone with golden light, and also reflected the time Alster spent on this from the side.

   Next to Ulster, there is a new body of whiteboard equipment, with long hair falling like snow, like a fairy in the picture, but it is the admiral of the former joint fleet.

   These two admirals who were supposed to be enemies would inevitably make people feel a little weird, but they have a common feature. They were all early admirers who began to devolve the command of the fleet into the hands of the ship's mother.

"Asian galaxy has become a pot of porridge, and you still have thoughts to play games with me?" Ulster looked at Weirdly Takeuchi, who invited him to discuss here. If he didn't know that he was really a cute boy, this Such a beautiful appearance and dusty temperament, even the navy of the Royal Navy, few people can compare with it.

   They stood at the entrance of the double copy, surrounded by a forest of peach blossoms under the white snow, a little pink fluttering beautifully like a dream.

   "The same is true of the Europa Galaxy, aren't you also playing games?" Takenaka's voice has always been icy and cold, and the occasional emotions will not show up to Ulster as a competitor.

Ulster smiled heartlessly and said: "The ship navy of the Royal Navy has taken over the command task very early. What can I worry about, even if the star of the F star domain is captured at most, it will be dead. Anyway, there will be such a day sooner or later, but if you can die unexpectedly, you will not let Yue Zhong do what she wants."

Shirako Takeuaka's eyes shimmer like snow fields: "It's worthy of being President, I have realized the arrival of this day earlier than With the awakening of the ship's consciousness of freedom, this day will be sooner or later It will appear that the arrival of Yue Zhong and Xiao Meiyan only accelerated this progress. Yue Zhong constantly wanted to blind me with other crises and conflicts, so that I could not see him spreading a new era everywhere. Seed," Ulster said with some pride. "Unfortunately, I have the same plan, so I haven't stopped his actions. Instead, you can easily let go of your position and power. I am a little bit impressed."

"The joint fleet implements the national will of J Starland, for which I can sacrifice anyone, of course, including myself, as long as it can thrive in the gap between A Starland and S Starfield and stand up, nothing. "You can't give up." Zhu Zhongxue raised an eyebrow. "But Yue Zhong doesn't think so. He not only wants us to die, but also forcibly integrates the entire world with the help of external forces. Presumably you haven't guessed this. "

Ulster condensed the smile on his face and frowned. "I didn't realize this before. It was too late in time when I discovered it. I have to say that he played with the seven galaxies alone. , Being able to be terminated by such an opponent is not an injustice."

   "You are different from me, you don't want to die." Takenaka Xuedao.

"The times have begun to move forward. It is not up to us to decide whether we want to die or not. This question will be discussed after the victory, if I can live at that time." Ulster said frankly, "Chester? William Still commanding the battle himself, did he not understand this, or was he not reconciled?"

  Takayuki Takeu stretched out his hand and twisted a piece of peach blossom in his hand. "He has always been your goal. If you don't reach your height, you will naturally not be reconciled. I will watch him not let him hinder the development of the overall situation."

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