Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 812: Parker with Fire and Tears

  Although Sukhbaatar is stronger in momentum, the damage caused to her by the attack of the water jet fish and the blue mackerel is still extremely serious.

The forcibly closed energy cabin occupies one-third of the energy supply source, which has a huge impact on the energy filling of the shield. The energy shield that was able to face the A-star battleship cluster before changed in a new round of crossfire To be unstable, Sukhbaatar's seemingly aggressive attack was actually a battle line that forced the opponent to attack and defend and could not form an effective all-ship volley.

As the mainstay of the S star field, as long as Suherbato can persevere, he can take advantage of the opportunity of the death of the New Orleans to attack its aircraft carrier defense line once the armor army is successful, S star field can be from the A star field The trap ends in a trap to survive, so she can't show a little fatigue. Although the S star field is large, the Sukhbaatar and even the entire S star field fleet have retreated.

The battle between Chester William and Nunna at the level of strategic commanding continues. Although the hand is holding an advantageous force, Chester William has never been able to form an overwhelming advantage. Nunna’s defensive counterattacks are not dripping, only Being able to continue to saw and consume a bite in the periphery and not be able to bite hard, if you force it to do so, it may allow the other party to find a new breakthrough.

This situation made Chester William feel annoyed and could not help but pay tribute to the commander of S star field Nongna. Although there are many female advisors in the seven galaxies, the advisors of the powerful fleets of the power stars are basically male. Nongna has made history by resisting her offensive on the battlefield with inferior forces. Although she does not claim to be an admiral herself, Nonna, who holds all the military and political powers of the S Star domain, is stronger than the admiral.

   New Orleans’ unexpected death was a variable that neither party had estimated in advance. From the overall situation to the local real-time contest was a test of the two’s resilience, and Nonna took the lead by virtue of defensive in the process.

The Essex-class aircraft carrier is a sign that A Star Zone has laid the foundation for carrier warfare and the maturity of the fleet. It is also a representative work of A Star Zone to crush the strong industrial capacity of the world’s star zones. However, mass production of aircraft carrier carriers is in the strategy. At the same time, the tactics are mature and they have lost some dangerous grinds and unique personalities. Although the cluster offensives have been furiously counterattacked by the joint fleet, a large number of them because of their integrated combat ideas, even though they have taken advantage of their strength to kill Ruihe , Musashi and Yamato are powerful ship mothers, but their personal records after separation are not as dazzling as their predecessors, nor do they have the courage and courage to create epics.

In response to the desperate offensive of the S star field, the Essex carrier mothers are still quite satisfactory. Chester William wants to annihilate the S star field army as soon as possible and must fight the arrogance of the other party as soon as possible, so that the strong-willed enemy army It is only possible to fall into despair and collapse.

  The warships on the battle line could not escape from the confrontation with Sukhbaatar. At this moment, the warships who could provoke the girders of A Star Territory had no other choice: "Enterprise, cut off those mechs."

"Admiral, there may be more sacrifices in doing so, are you sure?" The company looked at Chester William with a serious face. The enterprise that has experienced countless wars and sees through the world actually understands why its advisor is for what reason. While insisting on proving his excellence, he didn't want to be the afterglow of the times, maybe it would only be possible to become the use value of the former Zhu Zhongxue who squeezed the ship's mother.

Chester William's eyes were embarrassed by the company's eyes. He turned his head to the original golden dazzling hair and fell down decadently. His handsome face became slightly distorted from the calmness of the commander: "We need a Victory."

   "Admiral as you wish." With a meaningful smile, the company began to command the frigate mother around to cut off the battle.

Chester William made this decision very difficult, but if you don’t do it, I’m afraid you can’t touch the edge of the original dream in your life. The original heart may not be so pure and innocent when the time begins to change. It is likely to become the dirtiest sin.

If his own glory will step on the blood of the people he has protected, everyone has different choices, and his heart is that Selene Shepp, who wants to protect her own mothership, can fight for everything and give up everything for them. Ding also took another path under the desire to control and the desire for power. The young and well-known Chester William could have waited for a better time to challenge Ulster's status, but time It is not allowed.

After being separated from the big mackerel, the water-jet fish successfully escaped Kirov’s pursuit. Before, she was able to enter the enemy’s hinterland in the form of a ship, and she was able to withstand the transformation of the ship’s equipment and cooperate with the space concealment technology. It's not surprising, but the fish shooter didn't intend to really evacuate the battlefield. She quietly returned to the vicinity of the Sukhbaatar, just like a dexterous fish swimming in the muddy water.

   "This big gap has already been made. If another round of lightning strikes, this big guy will definitely be killed."

A squirting water fish wants to complete the unprecedented feat of the unprecedented, and the Enterprise, which has been maneuvering to support battlefields everywhere, has also brought its own million carrier aircraft and more than ten convoy ship ladies to enter from the oblique In the frontline of the S-Star Mech Unit, the cut-off operation began.

   An opportunity to break through the blockade and protect the main force broke the war of attrition between the mecha armies and the carrier-based aircraft clusters. In order to complete the tasks delivered by the Admiral, the real core force of A Star Zone had to enter the chaotic and dangerous war junction.

Sukhbaatar suddenly found that he had many more important targets to attack, and the carrier company, which was known as the princess Parkfield, shined so directly in front of herself, and if she could be sunk, she would definitely be rewarded. .

   burst into a dragon-like torrent of steel and broke through the defense line in front of the aircraft carrier array. There were endless carrier aircraft rushing to siege, but they still had to fight to disperse the aircraft carrier formation.

The death of the ship's mother is easy to cause the sorrow of the fleet, but these soldiers who control the mech also have a fresh life. The **** between each other is not less than that of the ship's mother. If hatred and tears can attack, it is monstrous. The resentment is enough to completely submerge the sea of ​​carrier aircraft in A Star Zone.

   Above the sea of ​​flames of war, there are screams of heroic battles among the warship ladies.

  The heavy cruisers on the front line of the conflict appeared one after another heroically, generously and bravely resisting the most violent offensive of the S star field.

   "The firepower is all on, let's all die under my gunfire." Wichita lifted up the whole-ship gun loaded with murderous air and bombarded one armor after another.

   "Protection position adjustment, please go to my small warships behind me, I will block all the attacks for you." Northampton held his beloved antique rifle in front.

   "High-speed shooting, don't let anyone pass here!" Houston's gaze firmly used the naval gun to form a deadlock block, trying his best to prevent the other's intrusion.

   Light cruisers and destroyers are slightly weaker in firepower and protection, and they strictly guard the second line of defense.

"Juno, I won't call you arrogant anymore; San Diego, I won't scratch your tail anymore; San Juan, I don't say you are a fox anymore, please fight with me to the moment of death!" Atlanta Holding red and white self-defense pistols in both hands, he shouted: "Just like dealing with the carrier aircraft of the United Fleet, whoever retreats is a puppy, don't tell me anything else, now I don't want to make sense!"

"Cassin Young, Anthony, Bryan, Thatcher, Sullivan, Siegsby, Obannon..." Fletcher called the names of their sisters one by one, and they were the least noticeable in the fleet Destroyer, but also contributing to his beloved motherland and beloved admiral, "Don’t be afraid, our army can be far more than the enemy, as long as you keep this wave, remember When we dealt with the United Fleet at the time, I told you that the carrier-based aircraft were all turkeys that were casually shot and played, and it is the same today."

  The splendid barrage like fireworks spread out the audience. The explosion of a mech is even more beautiful. It is the most beautiful posture as a ship mother to kill the enemy. It is also a gorgeous performance of the dream in your heart.

This is the most magnificent battle ushering in the arrival of the ship's age. More of them are no longer fighting for the command of the Supporting their fear of the enemy with various beliefs, they will It is the most solid step towards freedom.

   The place where there is war is not only glory, but also the tears that cannot be concealed gather into the ocean, flowing in everyone's heart.

  The enterprise carrier formation that cut off operations must not only face multi-faceted attacks, but also protect the safety of the enterprise under the artillery fire of Sukhbaatar. Their sacrifices are unavoidable from the order of Chester William.

The first to die was Potter, then Mahan, and then Kiat, and there were fewer and fewer partners around Killing. The company’s carrier fleet was built on their remains every time they moved forward. of.

Killing crying and courageously moving forward, one by one shouted the names of the dead companions, and it was impossible to tell how many times she bit her tongue, but she didn't feel a tongue headache at all, but she felt like she was pierced by countless needles. general.

   "Keeling!" This time it was someone else's turn to call her name, and Keeling's face was still sad, but she still stood up to the fire that was about to hit the enterprise.

   "Raffi, continue fighting!" After finishing the last sentence, Killing annihilated under the shelling of Sukhbaatar.

   An orange-haired cat-eared girl wiped the sweat on her forehead. Her ship's outfit was equally damaged, but also because of the war damage and the grief in her heart, she turned into a powerful force to continue to guard the company.

   They are the elite of the A-star navy, but for Chester William's words, they fell on the battlefield of the nine-death life. I don't know whether to resent the Admiral or the enemy. Only the tears in my eyes are the most real.

   It turns out that the cost of gathering shipboards for freedom is so great.

  Here is the Puffy Star Sea, Puffy with Fire and Tears.

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