Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 816: Worry

There are many important administrative star zones on both sides of the C Star Zone on the Xinghe River in the Yangtze River. Although the Liao () Ning Fleet engaged in invading operations in the Liao () Ning Xing District suffered from the obstruction of the small emperor, the empress dowager who can control all situations After the death of Isabella, the little emperor could not gather all the forces to initiate effective resistance to Liao () Ning. Finally, he was defeated by the passenger spaceship and fleeed to the J star territory to seek political asylum.

Liao () Ning, with the power to defeat the imperial power, quickly controlled the Forbidden Star District, and the governors with their own weight in the surrounding star districts all fell down under the joint policy formulated by Jiang () West, plus the ancient family of C Star Territory The support of Liao () Ning has mastered more star power than Karting, and now has assembled a huge fleet approaching the Yangtze River Galaxy, completely breaking apart from his former Admiral Kardin and starting a decisive battle.

   As for the civil war in C Starland, Takeuchi finally did not choose to support Kart's troop support. In addition, the two camps that can interfere in the civil war in C Starfield have already played hard to break up and it is impossible to provide any support for him.

In desperation, Kart can only lead the existing army to deploy defense across the Yangtze River, and after the final settlement of the river and the unsuccessful reconciliation, the war that decides the final ownership of the C Star Zone completely broke out.

Although the defensive Kart fleet is at a disadvantage in terms of battleship size, they have controlled the Yangtze River for a longer period of time. In order to prepare for today’s situation, many fortifications have been built here, with interstellar defense platforms, planetary fortress guns, and land-based With the support of space fighters and a large number of near-star defensive boats, it is not easy for the Liao () Ning fleet, which lacks battle-level attacking firepower, to break through the defense line.

  After contacting and fighting with the battlecruiser Chongqing, Liao () Ning and they encountered the biggest obstacle since attacking the C star field.

Zhong () celebrated systematic training and actual combat training before joining the Karting Fleet, and finally joined the Royal Navy's battle sequence. Her name at that time was called the goddess of dawn, and she was responsible for the C star domain. The anticipation of the development of the navy not only participated in the siege of Bismarck, but also shined in the battle with the I star field. In a month, 11 sun star warships were sunk continuously and 9 warships were hit hard. The Star Field Navy became a silver monster, which caused great troubles to Augustus Caesar and Veneto at the time, and it was also the light cruiser that Veneto had been eager to sink at that time.

After returning to the C Star Zone with legend and glory, Chong () hopes that his war experience can help the motherland complete the rise of the navy, but unfortunately the naval construction plan was once again rejected by the diehards led by the empress, and even forced. The weak C-Star fleet left the Great Wall defensive circle to fight the powerful joint fleet. After that, Kart defected with the fleet, and Chong () Qingya never had the opportunity to create a new legend.

After occupying the P star field, new ship mothers were added to the fleet. The addition of a talented aircraft carrier ship mother like Liao () Ning made Chong () Qing see the hope. She believes that the Admiral can definitely lead them back to glory Created glory on the battlefield, but in the end she got just disappointed.

Even though the Admiral who came out of the C Star Zone knew the importance of a strong navy, he had the decaying and lonely atmosphere on the official field of the C Star Zone. Liao () Ning had great ambitions but was still loyal at the time Yes, such people are not uncommon in the Royal Navy, but the Admiral can’t tolerate that the ship’s mother has other ideas outside of his will, and is even more worried that Liao () Ning has the support of various families to form a trend that will not be lost. The result was that the "thorn" of Liao () Ning could not be dealt with successfully, leading to today's break.

Chong Qing, who has foreign combat experience and has a sense of identity with the Royal Navy, has been unable to approve of the Admiral’s actions since then, but she has hidden her thoughts deeply, not as sharp as Liao () Ning. Bilu showed it.

The fleet from C Starfield is different from the Royal Navy, which is at the forefront of the world. Even if there is the navy dream that Pinghai said is supporting it from falling down, if this spiritual change is not thorough enough, it will always be It's just a dream. She failed to change Admiral’s mind. The only Yixian who could affect Karting was a person who would unconditionally support whatever Admiral’s decision. The occurrence of the Liao () Ning incident was accidental and inevitable. Maybe you should really think about it There is no other way.

Karting's request for help from Zhu Zhongxue and other people made Chong Qing lose her final patience. Since then, she has not expressed any opinions, nor to say a word, and earnestly fulfilled the mission entrusted to her by the admiral. The front line against the Liao () Ning fleet.

Chong () Qing no longer has any hope for the admiral who is a politician of Karting. Since he cannot act with the mind of a soldier, that is not something that a ship mother can change, she will continue to stay in the fleet It’s just that I’m reluctant to get along with the troubles between Yixian and them all day long. The way of fighting also showed her extraordinary talents. Even with the air defense fleet alone to block the joint attack of the three aircraft carrier mothers including Liao (Ning), it still did not fall within a short period of time.

  Liao (Ning) has always known that Chongqing is very strong, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is the most powerful ship lady in the fleet except her, but only when she is truly an enemy against her can she feel the huge sense of oppression.

In the middle of the river and the middle of the Yangtze River, the stellar long river is the origin of its name. Under the colorful halo back light, Liao () Ning led the main fleet to launch a fierce battle with Chong () Qing. The target is too small, and the Chongqing cruiser, who was very good at air combat, wandered leisurely among the three of them, and from time to time threatened them with her mighty main ship gun. Safety.

  With her own efforts, she blocked the Liaoning Ning fleet from the line of defense, which is a real mainstay.

"Sister Liao () Ning, I have lost 60 carrier-based aircraft. I am afraid that if I fight with Chong () again, I am afraid there is no result. It is even more impossible to push through the Xinghe defense line of the Yangtze River." Hu () South The ability to control carrier-based aircraft battles is even higher than that of Jiangxi. Even if she lost a large number of carrier-based aircraft in several rounds of confrontation, it is enough to illustrate the power of Chongqing.

"We can't get too close. The enemy's naval guns threaten us too much. Her artillery ability is not weaker than that of Nagato, and her air defense ability is almost the same as that of the new King Kong." Jiang () Xi grabbed the clothing corner rationally Analysis.

  Liao (Ning) flicked the single horsetail, and the more and more domineering spirit circulated throughout the body: "Continue to fight."

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