Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 821: Dead

The area controlled by the rebel leader who owns the USS Cavour has been under the threat of the S-Star Warrior, and attempted to engage in contact negotiations with the S-Star field but was rejected by the impatient Katyusha and asked him to be unconditional After surrendering, there was no way he could only come to Planet Aura in an attempt to help the rebels unite to resist the S star field.

Now everyone has reached an agreement as he expected, but his precious main battleship has been unable to keep it in the eyes of everyone. If he does not agree to hand over the USS Garfur, it will inevitably cause hostility. It is possible that before S Star Zone conquered his controlled star zone, these people would join forces to destroy him.

   has such reliance, and Leo did not worry about his opposition at all, but in the end, in order to gain some time, the rebel leaders also agreed to make certain compensation, and the aircraft carrier Carver fell into the hands of Bai Shi firmly believed.

Leo, who was controlled by Xiao Meiyan for life and death, and was filled with awe in his heart and gradually became worshipped in awe, is now very loyal to serve Xiao Meiyan, even if Xiao Meiyan is trapped in the A star domain. Nor did he show any rebellious behavior, unless Xiao Meiyan really encountered a mortal situation or completely disappeared from the seven galaxies, his loyalty and humility will not change.

As long as Xiao Meiyan still maintains an attitude of believing in Shiraishi, his support for Shiraishi will not change. Not only did he win a battleship and several frigates for him, but in private, he will control the Aura planet. Half of the inner fleet was handed over to him for command, so he must be able to complete the task of framing Sailon?

After getting a fairly good fleet, Shiraishi firmly believes that he is preparing for a secret expedition. The first thing he does is to report the situation here to Veneto at the Sand Star Development Base. After all, there are no special channels for external galaxies. It is difficult to directly contact Africa surrounded by the circle of Tenri.

  Veneto with short silver hair stuck behind her head is still the same calm and indifferent. Bai Shi firmly believes that she is still a very strange person. She naturally can't do how close they are: "Is everything done?"

Bai Shi firmly believed in the straightness at the other end of the communication screen, and nodded heavily to Veneto: "A fleet has been obtained from the rebels, and they can start after the ship mothers are in place, which is related to their lives. , These people must not dare to neglect."

Veneto is now undergoing the final stage of body remodeling work. His whole body is immersed in silver-colored magic culture medium, and there are countless data pipelines, derivative magic circles, and transit devices connected around it. Zhang Xiaoface.

   In this state, she also had to assume more responsibilities, including the control of Shiraishi firmly believes in the layout of Selen? Although Admiral and Xiaoyan didn't make it clear, Veneto can feel that if this person named Bai Shi firmly believes that he can really complete this series of nine-death missions and survive, he should be able to become his own right-hand man like Zaki, So Veneto also spent some thoughts on him.

"Although specific actions have been planned, you have been studying fleet command all the time, but this is after all your first command of a formal battle. I don’t expect you to be like a real admiral, but if it is because of some low-level The mistake delayed the fighter plane but it was not allowed.” Veneto said with a stern eye. “First of all, Sailon Schepper’s fleet has entered the Sicilian Star Channel and is expected to be the first place after you complete the assembly and departure. You will arrive near Planet Aura in two days, and you can only deploy for up to one day, so there can be no problems during the voyage."

Bai Shi firmly believes that knowing his ability is far from being competent for the role of admiral, but this extremely dangerous operation no one is willing to do anything other than himself, and directly dispatched the ship mother to form a fleet and no one can restrain their existence. It is also difficult to guarantee that they will work hard to complete the mission. After all, these ship mothers are mostly new recruits, and have not experienced the brutal training and education of Veneto.

   "The commander of the voyage I had contacted with Kart before. During this time, I also conducted a systematic study and there should be no problems."

This time the fleet of the secret expedition is not huge, so maintaining full formation at full speed is not too much a challenge. Veneto reluctantly agreed with Shiraishi’s firm belief: "I am more worried about whether you can perform once the battle is launched. With a qualified commanding ability, if it is too unbearable, it is easy to see the flaws in S Starland and Sailon? Sharp."

It is a series of plans to provoke the dispute between the two sides, and then to weaken or even eliminate the S Star fleet. The fleet from Xiao Meiyan left A star and predicted that A star can obtain Parker. After Xinghai's victory, he began to formulate. At this stage, there are many follow-up backup plans. The last thing that may happen is that Shiraishi firmly believes that the fleet will be provoked from it. If it behaves contrary to the fighting style of both sides, it is self-defeating.

  African galaxies need a relatively stable and unaffected environment to ensure their final integration and unification, even if Veneto has no time to leave the Saxing development base, he must ensure this.

  Bai Shi firmly believes that there is no full confidence in this: "If it is a fight, I am afraid I will not be competent."

"There are not many people who know the existence of the aircraft carrier Cavour Starfield and Selene? Sharp must be unaware of this, so it is very important to make good use of carrier-based aircraft harassment and cover up their position as much as possible. The two sides have different applications of small warships on the battlefield. In the S star field, those warships usually do not take the initiative to attack but protect the safety of the battleship, and the wolf pack attack that Salen Schepper is good at has very high requirements for submarines and destroyers. Gao..." Veneto knew very well that it was difficult for Bai Shi to show two different command styles, but even if he held the Buddha's feet temporarily, at least he should be somewhat similar.

"The ship's mother in S Starland didn't gather the ship to transform, and Sailon? Shep didn't have an aircraft carrier, so all the carrier aircraft attacked the Sailon? Fleet, and the small warships dealt with S. Star's battle. Do not be too war-fighting to expose your own problems." Veneto taught very seriously. Even with her childish face, there is not much violation, but it has a few different charms.

"In this case, you don't need to perform too well. The mentality of both sides is in a state of high tension. If any unknown fleet appears to attack them, they will counterattack without hesitation, so the first battle is not difficult. The difficulty lies in how to bring the two sides together. Even if this is successful, the two sides will still encircle you as enemies, and you still cannot show any anomalies. The warships that attacked the two sides continued to attack even if they were in danger. I will not hesitate."

"I know it is very dangerous to do this. Only you can take on this task now. Your enemies are not only S Starland and Selron? Sharp, but even your own ship's warship may be due to this almost mortal task. In the event of a rebellion, I hope that you will finally come back alive and withstand the cruelest baptism of war, and you will be a qualified soldier."

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