Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 825: Entrust the life and death

   The words of the pirate cat silenced Veneto. She leaned her head back, and the short silver hair **** behind her neck swayed slightly.

"He put everything in front of you, it seems that you let yourself choose, but in fact has perfectly grasped your inner thoughts, there is no second possible development at all." The pirate cat seems to feel that When it worked, I further said, "You should hear him talk about Chubby, although those in the energy sector are in my eyes some stupid people who are bound by the mission, but I have to admit that they are indeed commendable. What Yue Zhong is doing now is just to complement the elements of human emotion on their basis, making him more impeccable in your control. Think carefully to understand this, do you still think he is sincere to you? ?"

"The long years of frustration and darkness left him with a place for Xiao Meiyan. Everything else is something that can be discarded, whether it is deep feelings and grace, or his warm past or happiness. In the future, as long as Xiao Meiyan is placed in front of these things, all can be discarded. This is Yue Zhong’s madness. He has long been unable to use normal people’s thinking and measurement and speculation. This calm madness Enough to make anyone outside Xiao Meiyan shudder."

   "No matter how hard and painful it is to give up, but only guilt without regret, do you want to be part of his guilt?"

  The pirate cat grasped the rhythm of Veneto's acceptance of his thoughts, and said many things one after another, and then quieted down to wait for the other party's answer.

It believes that it is the most thorough problem that it views from an absolutely objective point of view. Veneto cannot be without any touch. If Yue Zhong’s will on her is not perfect, these words are enough to make it break the most important thing in this layout. On the other hand, if Veneto no longer trusts Yue Zhong, then everything is meaningless.

  After all, the development and changes of the seven galaxies have been destined to expand on several of them at the beginning, and the establishment and changes of their relationships and even the collapse of them can make the world change dramatically.

  Veneto looked at the pirate cat again, her eyes did not change as expected, or she was as calm as before, even the burning red eyes were so calm: "Are you finished?"

   "Huh?" The pirate cat raised his voice involuntarily. It didn't believe that Veneto was as calm as she showed, unless she had completely shielded herself, but that was impossible.

The smarter people, the more they want to master others and have enough self-confidence, they will never completely close themselves and prohibit any channels of communication with outside information. Since Veneto knows that he is an observer, it is impossible. Don't listen to yourself.

"Actually, what you said, I have been thinking for half a year before the admiral was not there, but it is not as comprehensive as you summarized, but as confusing as a piece of contradictory data." Veneto was pale and pale. Lips opened slowly, and said slowly, "I thought of being different from the people who had been in contact with the Admiral before and left a deep bond, but I couldn't help but try to imitate some people's behavior... Leaving the Admiral, Killing the Admiral, permanently detaining the Admiral, even thought of completely for himself, abandoning this period of cause and effect and in turn calculating Admiral, let him become a stepping stone for me to become a stronger stepping stone.

"This kind of thinking has never stopped. They have been noisy in my mind. If I am not a ship mother, with the ability to forcibly isolate data thoughts and strong brain power, maybe I have long been overwhelmed by these consciousness. I chose one Extreme road."

  The pirate cat was aroused curiosity by Veneto's words. As a qualified listener, it naturally followed the words of Veneto and asked, "What about later?"

"Later? No later, I thought about everything the day the Admiral just left." Veneto raised his eyebrows proudly, and his momentum rose to the top suddenly, as steady and radiant as a star, "I am Veneto, there is absolutely no need to imitate anyone else, even Admiral and Xiao Meiyan are not the objects of my emulation. To do it is to be my most authentic day and become the most desired and unforgettable one of the Admiral. ."

   The eyes of the pirate cat widened a little, and muttered, "You don't seem to listen to what I said."

"I'm a ship mother, not an ordinary human being, nor the guys you've been indulging in as long as you're so cute, just trying to shake my mind in a few words, are you looking down on me?" Veneto's sharp air condensed an invisible knife, and the sharp edge of his head pressed against the pirate cat's eyebrows, making it feel dangerous.

   "But I still want to hear your explanation."

"Explain?" Veneto sneered. "It's very simple. You just judged the Admiral from an objective point of view. He wanted to use me to do what he wanted me to do, but he forgot to entrust the Admiral. It gives me all the future of him and Xiao This is not so much an exploitation, but rather absolute trust, not a person who can live and die together, how can he easily trust life and death?"

   "You can never really have your admiral, even at this point?"

   "I still have a lot of people who can be cherished, don't have to touch the taboos that will ruin a precious relationship."

The pirate cat nodded slowly, squinting at others all the time, showing contemptuous eyes and finally turning right. It was not born to be squinting, but it had always been habitually maintaining contempt, but now it is willing to look at Veneto with its eyes. At a glance: "It seems that Yue Zhong did teach you the most important things, but I wouldn't change my decision without persuading you. It's not so easy to continue this way."

   "Have you been here for so long, and have you calculated my peak fighting strength?" Veneto sneered. "Without the help of the pan-plane organization, is there a way to change the future that has been finalized?"

  The pirate cat shrugged his shoulders and said: "The final transformation that Xiao Meiyan has designed for you is indeed extraordinary. It may be difficult, but it is not absolutely impossible."

"I won't make you successful. Unless I die, the bureau under the admiral must be realized." Veneto said if he pointed out, "We will probably deal with it from now on. We will make an exception today and let you come." Seeing me gives you a face."

   The pirate cat narrowed his eyes and smiled, "Then I am really honored, no matter if you win or I win in the future, at least after Yue Zhong leaves, you won't become so boring again."

   "I need the intelligence of the void, so that you have said so much, and you will not pay this price, right?"

   "Yue Zhong's unwillingness to take advantage of the behavior style you have learned a lot."

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