Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 827: mobilization order

Katyusha's voice spread across every planet in the S star field instantly through the S star field's well-developed communication network, from the observation station of the bright star river to the military planets on the border of the Europa galaxy, from every planet to every family Equipment to the public facilities of factories, manors and mines, her still very young but full of majestic voice and face with the will of S Sing Yu conveyed to the hearts of every S Sing Yu, after a short silence Countless behemoths of this vast planet gave a roaring roar.

Under the operation of the horrible propaganda machine of the Red camp, the will of the high-level is everything, everyone will obey the command of the supreme leader, and the people with fighting blood in their bodies will show their strong fighting spirit under the call of Katyusha, Whether it is the Great Patriotic War or the sacred revolutionary war, as long as the country needs them, there will be a response from the respondent like a dragon. This country is destined to be a sacred country from the day of its establishment. Even if it collapses, it should be vigorous Is.

Everyone was so loud, countless men took off their military uniforms collected at home after the last war, and after excitement to say goodbye to their families, they left their homes and their jobs, and a series of army green dragons meandered On each planet, rush towards the nearest recruiting point.

I have not participated in the last Patriotic War, and I can only listen to the young people who brag about their predecessors joined the conscription team with fear and expectation. Next, sacrifice has become a negligible price. The most feared thing is not to quit with the world, but to be pointed at yourself and your children and say a cowardly word.

   "Baplov, you bear bear who only drinks and beats his wife, has joined the army?"

   "Vladimir, I have become a powerful mech soldier. You, a waste that can only manage logistics, only need to hear the news of my victory."

   "Daddy Andre, if you come to join the army, your grandson will be left unattended."

   "Haha, I will be the most proud and admired person in his life. With such an example, let him grow up!"

   "Yuri, why don’t you teach here to join us?"

Similar greetings and greetings are staged on every planet. No matter whether it is a severe winter in ice and snow, or a night with wind and rain, it can't hide the desire of S Starland people to put into battle. The general mobilization of S Starfield never needs Any coercive measures, as long as a word comes from the Supreme Kremlin, there is the best encouragement.

Under the operation of efficient war mobilization and organization, it only took less than a day from the newspapers to join the army to formally join the battle sequence. A large number of mechas produced and reserved in the automated factory continued to train the troops and drive the transport ship. After a simple training, the personnel carried the soldiers into the front line battlefield, leaving only a small number of officers to conduct basic training for the recruits, and the veterans who were retired after the last war ended without even delaying to the battlefield. .

In just three days, the powerful S Star Zone completed the transition from the wartime state to the general mobilization decisive state. The nearest I Star Zone battlefield began accepting the first wave of reinforcements, preparing to organize a new round of attack again, blocking In front of them, the Sailon Fleet was completely defeated; the G-Squadrons fighting in the F-Stars broke out again after the news of the upcoming reinforcements, and in every degree of starry sky, the tenacious and stubborn The troops fought.

And more mobilizing soldiers and warships are gathering toward the frontier town of Vladivostok, which is adjacent to the J star field. Putting into the J star field to fight is undoubtedly a fueling tactic, so the top commander of the front line, Nonna Decisively gave up J Star Zone, preparing to meet the aviation storm of A Star Zone at the door of his home.

   The news of S Star Domain's mobilization cannot be concealed. Under the operation of the intelligence organizations of all parties, it quickly spread to every corner of the seven galaxies.

Under the sky of Aura’s planetary war, Yue Zhong took Li Xiaobei as a shuttle on various battlefields. What the brightest little girl lacked was knowledge and experience, so the flesh and blood flew all over the battlefield of death and fear. It is her best place to study.

With a sniper rifle in one hand, Yue Zhong watched with interest the Li Xiaobei's ruined walls and corpses fleeing from the embarrassed battlefield. This is a well-established war zone. Only sporadic battles are still happening, so he let Li With a weapon, Xiaobei tried to go in and kill a highly nervous soldier, no matter what the enemy or me, no matter what method she used.

Beside him was the pretty pretty female communication soldier. After reporting the situation of S Star Zone to Yue Zhong, Yue Zhong said without surprise: "In this way, the interior of S Star Zone has begun to gradually become empty and resist The strongest line of defense of the Abyssal Fleet is already strong and strong."

  Yue Zhong's training method without humanity and compassion made the female communication soldier feel chills from the heart. He seems not to teach but to cultivate a killer without emotion.

"It is indeed true, Yue Daren, if I have nothing to do, I will go first." Whether it is the brutal temperament of Yue Zhong or the horror about Xiao Meiyan circulated by Algiers, the female communication soldier who already knows the identity of the other party no longer I have the idea of ​​climbing high branches, but just want to stay away from this person as soon as possible. No matter how glorious and wealthy you have to have a life to enjoy.

Yue Zhong carelessly waved his hand to let the other party leave. He saw all the psychology of the female communication soldier in his eyes, but there was no need to explain anything. After the other party left, he said to himself: "Do not go Faced with the sins of human nature, how can we overcome it? Instead of letting Xiaobei experience this until later, it would be better to give her the fastest teaching while I was still there. The rest of the time is running out. The observer made contact, and now everything seems to be okay, and I hope there are no surprises."

Speaking of this, Yue Zhong had a trace of self-deprecation on his face: "It seems unlikely, no matter whether it is me or Xiaoyan, accidents are always always accompanied, and I can only do everything I can to do my best, wait for one more The result."

Li Xiaobei, who was shuttled to the end of the battlefield, finally quietly walked around a soldier who was singled because of injury during Yue Zhong’s daze, took out his weapon and took a deep breath, then fired a shot at the other person’s head. Seeing the blood hole appear on the other person's head, Li Xiaobei couldn't suppress the joy and tension in his heart, and straightened his body and let out a long breath.

At this moment, Yue Zhong suddenly took action. He lifted his sniper rifle in the direction of Li Xiaobei and even pulled the trigger without even aiming. The light of the bullet grazed Li Xiaobei's hair. There was a heavy voice behind her.

   "The assessment failed, continue tomorrow."

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