Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 833: This world is worth fighting for

Occurred on the banks of the shining galaxy, the battle between the gods and the abyssal admirers was extremely abrupt and vast, and the huge energy collision reached the one-third of the territory of the S star territory. All electronic devices on the planet are paralyzed under the influence of EMP-like shock waves. Humans cannot know what happened there for a while.

But soon, the important information left by Augustus Caesar was received by the nearby star regions one after another. The star regions that realized the seriousness of the situation did not dare to hide the information and used all their own methods at the fastest speed. Publish this information to the world.

The major battlefields and all the star regions participating in the battle were shocked by the sudden major news. The vast majority of people who participated in the war had more or less a fluke. They felt that the abyssal fleet It shouldn't go back so quickly, but the intelligence that Augustus Caesar exchanged for his life also made people have to believe the authenticity of the abyss threat.

Blinded by war and anger, blinded by y hope and hatred, the invincible parties on the battlefield looked back and looked at the Europa and Asiatic galaxies that had been destroyed. The scene is similar to the last void invasion.

The battle between the Allied camp and the G-Star army in the F-Star field and the surrounding star field has already destroyed most of the industrial and military facilities here, and the expeditionary team composed of N3-class battleships from the other direction also hit the G-Star field. It has become a wasteland. The power-grade star fields with strong naval power in the seven galaxies now only have the homeland of E star field and A star field unaffected by the battlefield. The war potential has been consumed in several major battles. Too much.

The people of the seven galaxies will suspect that an admiral of another country will cast a big panic to achieve strategic intent, but no one will doubt the words of Augustus Caesar as the Pope. Many people cannot agree, but his reputation and character are recognized by the world.

The Allied fleet seems to have accurately grasped the timing of the release of this information, and won the decisive battle in the Brittany Star Zone. It is preparing to take advantage of the victory to pursue the remnants of the G Star Zone that hastily merged with the S Star Zone reinforcements. During the annihilation, Ulster urgently issued an armistice order and issued an unconditional peace request to the enemy's top commander, Reinhardt.

Rather than being on the battlefield of J Starland, A Starland Fleet made a huge sacrifice and finally occupied the whole J Starland again. Chen Bing and Vladivostok were outside the army to prepare the army under the command of Nonna In a desperate fight, Zhu Zhongxue led the joint fleet to raid the rear of the A Star Territory Parker Starfield Fleet at this time, and forced the already crazy Mad Chester William to stop the war with a tough attitude.

Responding to Operation Zhu Zhongxue was also the Liao () Ning Fleet of the C Star Zone, whose pro-armies rushed to the border of the C Star Zone to prepare to support the Vladivostok Star Zone at all times, and had been expelled from the card in the C Star Zone. Ding also led the disabled to rush to support.

Under the pressure of many parties, Chester William finally had to give up the idea of ​​completely destroying the S star field and declared an unconditional peace. He was not without the power to defeat the multi-party coalition, but with many enemies and a long front line, Parkfield It is impossible for the Xinghai Fleet to defeat S Xingyu before the abyss invasion.

   The vast majority of admirals will have lost their nature in the war, but they can always find themselves after calming down and reflecting. This is where their best moral character lies. Chester William has always been obsessed with gaining enough victory and glory before the abyss invasion to overwhelm Ulster and become the apex of the Admiral, but when he had no choice but to break his dream at this time, after a long night of conversation with Zhu Zhongxue I finally found my own thoughts ridiculous.

  No matter what kind of hatred and contradiction has existed before, when the moment of life and death comes, everything should be put down, and jointly fight against the shadow of the abyss that is powerful and cannot see the victory over hope.

This is the strategy that Ulster set with Augustus Caesar at the beginning, and finally brought all the admirals to this front, even if some of them thought it was alarmist, even Augustus · Caesar also wanted to take this opportunity to gain hegemony for the I-Stars, but everything happened as expected by Ulster.

Without the support of facts, words alone are not enough to make the war completely disappear in the seven galaxies. Instead of waiting for the hidden contradictions to develop to an unadjustable point and burst out, it is better to advance the enemy of the abyss. Intensify these contradictions, and then limit them within the controllable range, and finally draw the threat of the abyss from the shadows, and completely transfer all the contradictions and conflicts.

It is precisely Alster, who knows the inferiority of mankind and the sense of national glory, that he can make such a plan. In his bureau, he has calculated all the people in the world. The world's Augustus Caesar, or Chester William, who was ambitious to replace it, and Zhu Zhongxue, who tried to revive J Starland, etc., finally failed to achieve results under his genius' ability to control the field. Finally, he had to stand beside him and act around his will.

This included even half of Yue Zhong. Although the appearance of two outsiders caused a series of chain reactions, the Ulster succeeded in allowing them to promote the progress of the world’s armed forces, but they also paid for it. At a considerable cost, the system of admirals and ship mothers dominated by him began to collapse, and new rules began to take shape, so his layout was not perfect at this may even pay his life for this cost.

Yesterday, the enemies facing each other laid down their weapons after the signing of unconditional peace agreements, and with the joint efforts of these advisors, the human united front began to reorganize and integrate continuously, fighting with the last one and being broken down one by one. The situation is very different.

  F star field star, Hood solemnly dressed the white Admiral's uniform for Ulster, standing back and holding his glasses, the blue and sea-colored eyes carefully looked at the rear: "Are you ready, Admiral?"

Ulster nodded, step by step solemnly, stepped onto the temporary lecture platform built on the battlefield. Under the solemn and heavy light, in the air defense zone where the smoke was not exhausted, he opened his eyes to the world with an unprecedented serious tone. : "All fellow human beings, there was a lot of hatred between us, and the war also left a huge trauma in our hearts, but at this moment I hope everyone will put this down and face the terrible enemy together. The Abyss Fleet of the Void will no longer only plunder our wealth and dignity this time. It will try to turn all the seven galaxies into a part of the Void, turning our life, freedom and homeland into an absolute Void that cannot survive. It will be the moment that determines the destiny of all of us.

"We have different beliefs and cultures, and the wars created to compete for the living space have caused conflicts between each other, but as the common happiness of mankind is unchanged, we will watch our children grow up happily. Lovers fall in love, happy to stay together with their families to spend the holiday of reunion, but this will be based on the premise that the soil of survival can still survive, in order to protect the common goodness and happiness in our hearts, show our deep courage Fight against the decisive heroes to protect this world, this world is worth fighting for!"

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