Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 838: Nostalgia for trust

Yue Zhong has an absolute advantage in the battle of Afrika. Although he is not very proficient in interstellar naval warfare, he is still quite confident in land warfare. Yue Zhong’s time to come to this world has been calculated in universal universal time. This is equivalent to more than four years of Earth time. In the Naval Academy, he studied sleep and sleep. There was nothing to do during house arrest, and he thoroughly studied the army tactics.

Compared to the rich and varied Star Wars, the seven galaxies do not pay much attention to land operations. After all, with the suppression of the landing of a fleet, a planet cannot be defended by the Army alone, in one sentence. A can win in the past.

Yue Zhong, who likes to run away with swordsmanship, started from this aspect. Now he has a very rich tactical system. This time, the battle of the attack on the administrative area is under his personal command. If Yue Suling does not have too good means, it is impossible to resist. Bearable.

Less than an hour after Yue Suling rejected the conditions for mandatory peaceful intervention, the army commanded by Yue Zhong had been fully deployed and started to attack. The foreseeable future of the seven galaxies will probably become the last human race. Large-scale civil war, but the scale of its war is limited to Algiers and the gravitational circle area, compared to the strict formation of the human front, it is a rare thing.

The Europa galaxy uses the S-star capital and the star zone as a base to resist the front of the abyss, with Ulster as the chief commander of the fleet, Rheinhardt as the deputy commander, the Royal Navy, the I-star replica fleet G-Star Wars Navy and S The Starfield Navy and the rebirth fleet that was born in the F Starfield have deployed a tight line of defense here, with the continuous deployment of a large number of army mechas to completely block off dozens of star zones. Such a huge fleet size and the number of armies are in seven. There is no force in the galaxy to defeat it, but all the ship commanders who are deployed here are like enemies. Among them, the ship commanders who have participated in the battle against the void against the endless warships The sea still has a deep impression, and from the mouth of human beings who had luckily escaped from the front line, today’s abyssal fleet is also advancing with the times, and each of their individuals has been embarrassed, and the human side does not occupy any Advantage.

It is Chester William’s A-Star Fleet, C-Star Fleet’s newly established People’s Navy, and Takeuchi Snow Joint Fleet that are relatively weak in the Asian galaxies. However, their defense areas are not as good as the S-Star Capital. The key point is that its commander is naturally Chester William with a powerful force, but Zhu Zhongxue refused to take up the post of deputy commander, but gave it to Liao () Ning, so Liao () Ning Yi ship mother The identity of the first man on the highest stage in history has appeared, which also seems to mark the official arrival of the age of the ship.

S Starland did not obtain any positions in the two major theaters of war. Katyusha was very angry and even planned to refuse to allow the human coalition to enter the country. However, Nonna, who returned to her urgently, prevented Katyusha’s willful move. The current human united front is working hard to defend the war in the S Star field, and if they are rejected, the S star field is simply unable to resist the abyss.

Since the fleets of S-Starry were all required to defend the capital’s Star District, all the fleets stationed in Vladivostok were withdrawn, and they and the shipgirls of the G-Star Wars Navy still lag behind the times in terms of ship equipment. It is necessary to go through a large-scale gathering of ships to transform and formally enter the battle sequence, and the location of the transformation is set in E-Zone. Only the very complete industrial system there can complete the transformation as quickly as possible.

S Starland’s super battleship Sukhbaatar has been destroyed, but her core cabin has been retained and was successfully recovered. As one of her frigates, Trust also came to E Starland Capital Star District with it to accept Remodel.

The silver-gray short hair, thin and thin trust was the first time she came to the capital star zone of the world’s first naval power, and her life was considered to be swayed. She once fought for the J star domain under the bamboo suzuki. After falling into the S star field, she re-dressed in the uniform for a reason against the abyssal fleet. During that war, she met her best friend in life, the firefly from the Royal Navy.

It was a lively and active person who was passionate about supernatural abilities and always thought of herself as a magician. It was completely different from the quiet and introverted self, but I don’t know why they had a good impression on each other since the day they met. In the ensuing battle, there was an unparalleled tacit understanding.

As long as the two of them appear together on the battlefield, even the heavy cruiser of the abyss will be easily killed by them, even if they are not afraid of the main ship of the abyss, they can even find opportunities to inflict heavy damage on the enemy and win valuable for the fleet. Respite time.

  Unfortunately, the enemy is too strong. The seven galaxies hurried to fight have already lost too many good ship mothers in the war. The final result is clear to everyone...

This time the Abyssal Fleet has made a comeback, with the intention of aggression more than one hundred times stronger than before, it is ready to completely assimilate the seven Since the day of knowing this news, the trust has failed to protect the Suhrbato mission. Out of guilt, she knew that she must be strong at this time. If the war was unsuccessful, the result would never be irreversible, and the sisters who remained in the joint fleet might never forgive themselves.

She was afraid of Takeuaka, because she was able to survive in every battle, even in the battle of death. The title of the undead bird was a compliment but also a curse. I saw too many warships because of the absence of Takeuchi. The command that can be changed becomes the merit of the A Star Fleet. The inherently inward trust is very afraid to see this happen again.

   So she stayed in S Starland and was regarded as a traitor by the people of J Starland. I heard that the sisters in the United Fleet had a new sound, and since then it has been completely renamed Trust.

Supporting the perseverance of trust is the firefly’s innocent and sunny smile that seemed to be able to melt all the coldness and loneliness in his heart. When he knew that he could fight with her again, the joy of trust would dilute the emotion of defeat. .

But she didn’t know until she came to the Europa galaxy, only to know that she came to the E-star capital star, her best friend was already sleeping on the battlefield in the Brittany Star Zone, and she could no longer use the magic wand to impose on her. The magic of love and courage.

Holding the favorite magic book in front of the fireflies, the cover is printed with obscure words and patterns, and trusting a person to sit in the garden of the ship’s ecosphere, wanting to cry with tears in his eyes, but forced to bear it Let yourself cry.

   She was afraid that the tears would wet the firefly's only relic, and that she would live up to the expectations of others.

   "Why do humans have to hurt each other, we obviously have a common enemy... Isn't it good for everyone to fight together?"

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